def _init_global_localization(self): """ Initialize global localization for amcl """ service_name = '/global_localization' service_class = Empty utils.call_service(service_name, service_class)
def unpause_sim(self): """ Resume the phsics update of gazebo """ service_name = '/gazebo/unpause_physics' service_class = Empty utils.call_service(service_name, service_class)
def pause_sim(self): """ Pause the physics updates of gazebo """ service_name = '/gazebo/pause_physics' service_class = Empty utils.call_service(service_name, service_class)
def reset_sim(self): """ Using _reset_type variable's value the corresponding reset service of gazebo is called """ rospy.logdebug('GazeboConnection.reset_sim() start') if self._reset_type == 'SIMULATION': # reset the entire simulation including the time service_name = '/gazebo/reset_simulation' service_class = Empty elif self._reset_type == 'WORLD': # reset the model's poses service_name = '/gazebo/reset_world' service_class = Empty else: # do nothing return utils.call_service(service_name, service_class)
def _check_map_data_is_ready(self): """ Checks map service is operational """ rospy.logdebug( 'TurtleBot3LocalizeEnv._check_map_data_is_ready() start') service_name = '/static_map' service_class = GetMap msg, _ = utils.call_service(service_name, service_class) if != self._global_frame_id: rospy.logwarn('received map must be in the global frame') self._map_data = self.__process_map_msg( # every time map is received perfrom following self._publish_rnd_init_pose() self._init_amcl(is_global=True)
def set_model_state(self, model_state): """ Sets the model state in gazebo through service call :param gazebo_msgs.msg._ModelState.ModelState model_state: gazebo model pose and twist """ service_name = '/gazebo/set_model_state' service_class = SetModelState service_req = SetModelStateRequest() service_req.model_state = model_state response, is_successful = utils.call_service(service_name, service_class, service_req) if is_successful and response.success: pass # do nothing else: rospy.logwarn(response.status_message)
def spawn_sdf_model(self, model_name: str, initial_pose, robot_namespace: str = '', reference_frame: int = 'world'): """ Spawns a model (*.sdf) to gazebo through service call :param str model_name: name of gazebo model to be spawn geometry_msgs.msg._Pose.Pose initial_pose: initial pose of model str robot_namespace: spawn model under this namespace str reference_frame: initial_pose is defined relative to the frame of this model, default is gazebo world frame """ if model_name in self.__current_models: rospy.logwarn( 'model: %s already exists in gazebo so will be respawned', model_name) self.delete_model(model_name) model_path = rospkg.RosPack().get_path('indoor_layouts') + '/models/' file_xml = open(model_path + model_name + '/model.sdf') # this should be an urdf or gazebo xml model_xml ='\n', '') service_name = '/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model' service_class = SpawnModel service_req = SpawnModelRequest() service_req.model_name = model_name service_req.model_xml = model_xml service_req.initial_pose = initial_pose service_req.robot_namespace = robot_namespace service_req.reference_frame = reference_frame response, is_successful = utils.call_service(service_name, service_class, service_req) if is_successful and response.success: # add model from tracking list self.__current_models.append(model_name) else: rospy.logwarn(response.status_message)
def spawn_urdf_model(self, model_name: str, initial_pose, robot_namespace: str = '', reference_frame: str = 'world'): """ Spawns a model (*.urdf) to gazebo through service call :param str model_name: name of gazebo model to be spawn geometry_msgs.msg._Pose.Pose initial_pose: initial pose of model str robot_namespace: spawn model under this namespace str reference_frame: initial_pose is defined relative to the frame of this model, default is gazebo world frame """ model_path = rospkg.RosPack().get_path( 'turtlebot3_description') + '/urdf/' p = os.popen("rosrun xacro xacro " + model_path + model_name + '_waffle.urdf.xacro') # this should be an urdf or gazebo xml model_xml ='\n', '') p.close() service_name = '/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model' service_class = SpawnModel service_req = SpawnModelRequest() service_req.model_name = model_name service_req.model_xml = model_xml service_req.initial_pose = initial_pose service_req.robot_namespace = robot_namespace service_req.reference_frame = reference_frame response, is_successful = utils.call_service(service_name, service_class, service_req) if is_successful and response.success: # add model from tracking list self.__current_models.append(model_name) else: rospy.logwarn(response.status_message)
def get_model_state(self, model_name: str, relative_entity_name: str = 'world'): """ Gets the model state from gazebo through service call :param str model_name: name of gazebo model str relative_entity_name: return pose and twist relative to this entity, default is gazebo world frame :return response received from service call """ service_name = '/gazebo/get_model_state' service_class = GetModelState service_req = GetModelStateRequest() service_req.model_name = model_name service_req.relative_entity_name = relative_entity_name response, is_successful = utils.call_service(service_name, service_class, service_req) return response
def delete_model(self, model_name: str): """ Delete a model from gazebo through service call :param str model_name: name of gazebo model to be deleted """ service_name = '/gazebo/delete_model' service_class = DeleteModel service_req = DeleteModelRequest() service_req.model_name = model_name response, is_successful = utils.call_service(service_name, service_class, service_req) if is_successful and response.success: # remove model from tracking list if model_name in self.__current_models: self.__current_models.remove(model_name) else: rospy.logwarn(response.status_message) time.sleep(0.2) # wait for some time