Пример #1
def build_geometry(elements):
    plants = {}
    soil = {}
    indexes = []
    print('number of elements', len(elements))
    for i, (label, triangle) in enumerate(elements):
        pid = plant_id(label)
        if pid not in plants:
            plants[pid] = {"leaves": {}, "stems": pgl.TriangleSet([], [])}

        plant = plants[pid]

        if is_leaf(label):
            lid = leaf_id(label)
            leaves = plant['leaves']
            if lid not in leaves:
                leaves[lid] = pgl.TriangleSet([], [])
            shape = leaves[lid]
        elif is_stem(label):
            shape = plant['stems']
            assert is_soil(label)
            if "soil" not in soil:
                soil["soil"] = pgl.TriangleSet([], [])
            shape = soil["soil"]

        count = len(shape.pointList)
        shape.indexList.append(pgl.Index3(count, count + 1, count + 2))
        indexes.append((label, count))

    return CanestraScene(plants, soil, indexes)
Пример #2
def mesh2shapes(scene):
    """ Convert all the meshes containing colors into independent shapes.

    if isinstance(scene, pgl.Scene):
        scene = scene
        # Case caribu scene
        scene = scene.scene

    new_scene = pgl.Scene()
    for shape in scene:
        g = shape.geometry
        if isinstance(g, pgl.TriangleSet) and len(g.colorList) > 0:
            # convert the mesh into shapes with different colors
            pts = g.pointList
            indx = g.indexList
            colors = g.colorList
            for i, ind in enumerate(indx):
                new_geom = pgl.TriangleSet([], [])
                new_geom.indexList.append(pgl.Index3(0, 1, 2))
                for k in ind:
                _shape = pgl.Shape(new_geom,
    return new_scene,
Пример #3
    def Polygon(self, vertices, **kwds):
        """ TODO: Move code to geometry """
        points = str(vertices)
        points = [float(num) for num in points.split(",")]
        items, chunk = points, 3
        p3list = zip(*[iter(items)] * chunk)
        p2list = project3Dto2D(p3list)
        pd2list = []
        for i in range(len(p2list)):
            pd2list.append({i: p2list[i]})
        indexlist = []
        poly_orientation = orientation(p2list)

        while len(pd2list) >= 3:
            for cur in range(len(pd2list)):
                prev = cur - 1
                nex = (cur + 1) % len(pd2list)  # Wrap around on the ends
                # By definition, at least there are two ears;
                # we will iterate at end only if poly_orientation
                # was incorrect.
                pcur, pprev, pnex = pd2list[cur].values()[0], pd2list[prev].values()[0], pd2list[nex].values()[0]
                det = determinant(pcur, pprev, pnex)
                inside = no_interior(pprev, pcur, pnex, pd2list, poly_orientation)
                if (det == poly_orientation) and inside:
                    # Same orientation as polygon
                    # No points inside
                    # Add index of this triangle to the index list
                    index = pd2list[prev].keys()[0], pd2list[cur].keys()[0], pd2list[nex].keys()[0]
                    # Remove the triangle from the polygon
        return (pgl.TriangleSet(pgl.Point3Array(p3list), indexlist), None)
Пример #4
 def Parallelogram(self, length=1., width=0.5, **kwds):
     length = float(length)
     width = float(width)
     # pts = [Vector3(0,0,0), Vector3(length,0,0),Vector3(length, width,0),Vector3(0,width, 0)]
     pts = [Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(width, 0, 0), Vector3(width, 0, length), Vector3(0, 0, length)]
     index = [(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3)]
     return (pgl.TriangleSet(pts, index), None)
Пример #5
def tgl():
    return pgl.TriangleSet(
            pgl.Vector3(1, 0, 0),
            pgl.Vector3(-0.2, 1, 0),
            pgl.Vector3(-0.2, -1, 0)
        ]), pgl.Index3Array([pgl.Index3(0, 1, 2)]))
Пример #6
def addSets(pglset1, pglset2, translate=(0, 0, 0)):
    """ create a new TriangleSet by addition of two existing ones
    if translate is not None, pglset2 is translated with vector translate
    points = as_tuples(pglset1.pointList) + as_tuples(pglset2.pointList,
    index = as_tuples(pglset1.indexList) + as_tuples(
        pglset2.indexList, offset=len(pglset1.pointList))
    return pgl.TriangleSet(points, index)
Пример #7
def normal(set):
    pts = set.pointList
    indices = set.indexList
    geoms = []
    for index in indices:
        i1, i2, i3 = index
        p1, p2, p3 = pts[i1], pts[i2], pts[i3]
        pt_bary = (p1 + p2 + p3) / 3.
        n = (p2 - p1) ^ (p3 - p1)
        geoms.append(pgl.TriangleSet([p1, p2, p3], [(0, 1, 2)]))
        geoms.append(pgl.Polyline([pt_bary, pt_bary + n]))
    return geoms
Пример #8
def plot_spline_surface(ctrl_net, points):
      - ctrl_net : the net of control points (list of list)
      - points : a set of evaluated points (list of list)
    scene = pgl.Scene()
    n = len(points)
    m = len(points[0])

    # Compute a mesh (i.e. TriangleSet) for the set of points
    pointList = [pt for rank in points for pt in rank]
    indexList = []

    for i in range(n - 1):
        for j in range(m - 1):
            ii = i * m + j
            i1 = (ii, ii + 1, ii + m)
            i2 = (ii + 1, ii + m + 1, ii + m)

    surf = pgl.Shape(pgl.TriangleSet(pointList, indexList),
                     appearance=pgl.Material((12, 125, 12)))

    # plot the control net
    n = len(ctrl_net)
    m = len(ctrl_net[0])
    for pts in ctrl_net:
        crv = pgl.Shape(geometry=pgl.Polyline(pts),
                        appearance=pgl.Material((125, 12, 12)))
        for pt in pts:
                    pgl.Translated(pgl.Vector3(pt), pgl.Sphere(radius=0.1))))

    for i in range(m):
        pts = [ctrl_net[j][i] for j in range(n)]
        crv = pgl.Shape(geometry=pgl.Polyline(pts),
                        appearance=pgl.Material((12, 12, 125)))

Пример #9
    def __init__( self,  **keys ):
        """ Default constructor.
            pos : Vector3 convertable
                the shared translation T of each point creating a surface,
            axis : Vector3 convertable
                the shared rotation axis A of each point around. Zero element for the rotation axis is OZ.
            roll : Vector3 convertable
                the shared "roll angle" R of each point creating a surface around axis,
            points : Vector3 convertable tuple
                the list of *ordered* points positions,

        self._common_init( **keys )
        AShape3D.__init__( self,  
                         geometry=pgl.TriangleSet( self._points, self._indexes ), axis=axis, **keys )
Пример #10
def slim_cylinder(length, radius_base, radius_top):
    " Try to construct a cylinder with a low number of triangles. "

    rb, rt = radius_base, radius_top
    a1, a2, a3 = 0, 2 * pi / 3., 4 * pi / 3.
    r = rb
    p1 = (r * cos(a1), r * sin(a1), 0)
    p2 = (r * cos(a2), r * sin(a2), 0)
    p3 = (r * cos(a3), r * sin(a3), 0)
    r = rt
    q1 = (r * cos(a1 + pi), r * sin(a1 + pi), length)
    q2 = (r * cos(a2 + pi), r * sin(a2 + pi), length)
    q3 = (r * cos(a3 + pi), r * sin(a3 + pi), length)
    set = pgl.TriangleSet([p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3], [(2, 1, 0), (3, 4, 5),
                                                     (0, 5, 4), (0, 4, 2),
                                                     (2, 4, 3), (3, 1, 2),
                                                     (1, 3, 5), (5, 0, 1)])
    return set
Пример #11
def from_scene_mesh(scene_mesh, colors=None):
    plant_color = (0, 180, 0)

    if colors is None:
        colors = {k: plant_color for k in scene_mesh}

    scene = pgl.Scene()
    for sh_id, mesh in scene_mesh.iteritems():
        vertices, faces = mesh
        if isinstance(colors[sh_id], tuple):
            r, g, b = colors[sh_id]
            color_list = [pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0)] * len(faces)
            color_list = [pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0) for r, g, b in colors[sh_id]]
        shape = pgl.TriangleSet(vertices, faces)
        shape.colorList = color_list
        shape.colorPerVertex = False
        shape.id = sh_id
        scene += shape

    return scene
Пример #12
def generate_scene(triangle_scene, colors=None, soil=None, soil_colors=None):
    """ Build a colored PlantGL scene

        triangle_scene: (dict of list of list of tuples) a {primitive_id: [triangles, ]} dict,
                each triangle being defined by an ordered triplet of 3-tuple points coordinates.
        colors: (dict of list of tuples) : a {primitive_id: [colors,]} dict
                defining colors of primitives in the scene. A color is a (r, g, b) tuple.
        soil: (list of triangles) : a list of triangles of the soil
        soil_colors : a list of (r, g, b) tuples defining the colors of the soil triangles

        A plantGL scene of colored shapes
    plant_color = (0, 180, 0)
    soil_color = (170, 85, 0)
    missing_color = (0, 0, 0)
    scene = pgl.Scene()

    if colors is None:
        colors = {
            k: [plant_color] * len(triangle_scene[k])
            for k in triangle_scene
        colors = {
            k: colors.get(k, [missing_color] * len(triangle_scene[k]))
            for k in triangle_scene

    for k, triangles in triangle_scene.items():
        shape = pgl.TriangleSet([], [])
        shape.colorList = []
        shape.colorPerVertex = False
        shape.id = k
        for i, triangle in enumerate(triangles):
            shape.indexList.append(pgl.Index3(3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2))
            r, g, b = colors[k][i]
            shape.colorList.append(pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0))

        scene += shape

    if soil is not None:
        if soil_colors is None:
            soil_colors = [soil_color] * len(soil)
        sid = max([sh.id for sh in scene])
        shape = pgl.TriangleSet([], [])
        shape.colorList = []
        shape.colorPerVertex = False
        shape.id = sid
        for i, triangle in enumerate(soil):
            shape.indexList.append(pgl.Index3(3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2))
            r, g, b = soil_colors[i]
            shape.colorList.append(pgl.Color4(r, g, b, 0))

        scene += shape

    return scene
Пример #13
def plantgl_shape(points, indices):
    indices = [map(int, index) for index in indices]
    return pgl.TriangleSet(points, indices, normalPerVertex=False)