def build_molecule(smi, return_bonds=False, relax=True): """Build molecule from SMILES string. Parameters ========== smi: str SMILES string specifying the molecule to build return_bonds: bool If True, a list of list of 3xint describing the bonds will be returned. relax: bool If True, the geometry will be relaxed. See the wikipedia article for info: """ obconv = ob.OBConversion() obconv.SetInAndOutFormats("smi", "mol") mol = ob.OBMol() obconv.ReadString(mol, smi) # Create 3D geometry obbuild = ob.OBBuilder() obbuild.Build(mol) mol.AddHydrogens() if relax: ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField('UFF') ff.Setup(mol) ff.ConjugateGradients(250, 1.0e-4) ff.UpdateCoordinates(mol) return obmol_to_atoms(mol, return_bonds=return_bonds)
def SimlesToMol2(string,file): obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInAndOutFormats("smi", "mol2") mol = openbabel.OBMol() obConversion.ReadString(mol, string) mol.AddHydrogens() #mol.AddOption("gen3D",GENOPTIONS) # get the charges of the atoms # Reimplemented in OpenBabel::EEMCharges, OpenBabel::GasteigerCharges, OpenBabel::MMFF94Charges, and OpenBabel::NoCharges. #charge_model = openbabel.OBChargeModel.FindType("MMFF94") #openbabel.OBBuilder().Build(mol.OBMol) builder = openbabel.OBBuilder() builder.Build(mol) charge_model = openbabel.OBChargeModel.FindType("Gasteiger") charge_model.ComputeCharges(mol) partial_charges = charge_model.GetPartialCharges() #print partial_charges print "charge = %f" % (sum(partial_charges)) obConversion.WriteFile(mol, file) return
def createMolDict(mol_dict, steps=500, verbose=0, with_hydrogens=True): """ Creates 3d coordinates from InChI using openbabel mmff94 mol_dict [in] - dict where values - InChI strings steps [in] - steps for openbabel optimizer return: dictionary, key = <key from mol_dict>, value = <openbabel.OBMol> """ #mol_dict[<mol_id>]=<InChI string> conv = openbabel.OBConversion() conv.SetInFormat("inchi") #conv.SetInAndOutFormats("inchi","mol") #create builder builder = openbabel.OBBuilder() #find Force Field ff = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField("mmff94") if ff is None: raise Exception("Cannot find Force Field mmff94") return None new_dict = {} for key in mol_dict: if verbose > 0: sys.stdout.write("\rProcess: " + str(key)) sys.stdout.flush() mol = openbabel.OBMol() conv.ReadString(mol, mol_dict[key]) # create 3D builder.Build(mol) # add hydrogens if with_hydrogens: mol.AddHydrogens() ff.Setup(mol) ff.SteepestDescent(steps) ff.GetCoordinates(mol) new_dict[key] = mol #conv.SetOutFormat("mol") #conv.WriteFile(mol,"test.mol") if verbose > 0: print " " return new_dict
def exchangeAtom(C, H, molTS, molFG, outfile, bondLength): # read write xyz file convTS, convFG = [ob.OBConversion() for i in range(2)] convTS.SetInAndOutFormats("xyz", "xyz") convFG.SetInAndOutFormats("xyz", "xyz") # builder builder = ob.OBBuilder() # define molecules, atoms and bond classes TS, FG = [ob.OBMol() for i in range(2)] atomH = ob.OBAtom() atomC = ob.OBAtom() bond = ob.OBBond() # read in xyz files convTS.ReadFile(TS, molTS) convFG.ReadFile(FG, molFG) # number of atoms in TS molecule numAtoms = TS.NumAtoms() # get hydrogen atom and its vector atomH = TS.GetAtom(H) atomC = TS.GetAtom(C) vec = ob.vector3(float(atomH.GetX()), float(atomH.GetY()), float(atomH.GetZ())) # delete hydrogen atom TS.DeleteAtom(atomH) # put both molecules together (same coord system) TS += FG # making the bond builder.Connect(TS, C, numAtoms, vec, 1) bond = TS.GetBond(C, numAtoms) bond.SetLength(atomC, bondLength) # call opimizer #opt_mmff_FG(TS, numAtoms, outfile) convTS.WriteFile(TS, "single/" + outfile) # clear TS and FG molecule classes TS.Clear() FG.Clear()
def get_best_conformation(smiles=str): import openbabel mol = openbabel.OBMol() obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInAndOutFormats("smi", "xyz") obConversion.ReadString(mol, smiles) mol.AddHydrogens() builder = openbabel.OBBuilder() builder.Build(mol) ff = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField("MMFF94") ff.Setup(mol) ff.SteepestDescent(250) ff.WeightedRotorSearch(200, 25) ff.ConjugateGradients(200) raw_xyz = obConversion.WriteString(mol) #print raw_xyw raw_string = str.split(raw_xyz, '\n') return raw_xyz, ff.Energy()
def getOBMol(self, fst, convtype, ffclean=False): obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() OBMol = openbabel.OBMol() if convtype == 'smistring': obConversion.SetInFormat('smi') obConversion.ReadString(OBMol, fst) else: obConversion.SetInFormat(convtype[:-1]) obConversion.ReadFile(OBMol, fst) if 'smi' in convtype: OBMol.AddHydrogens() b = openbabel.OBBuilder() b.Build(OBMol) if ffclean: forcefield = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField('mmff94') forcefield.Setup(OBMol) forcefield.ConjugateGradients(200) forcefield.GetCoordinates(OBMol) self.OBMol = OBMol return OBMol
def make_structure(request): def makeResidue(mol, idx, aaatoms): res = mol.NewResidue() res.SetNum(idx) for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol): if atom.GetIdx() not in aaatoms: res.AddAtom(atom) aminoacids = request.GET.getlist("as") color = request.GET.get("rescol", "#3EC1CD") mol = ob.OBMol() conv = ob.OBConversion() pattern = ob.OBSmartsPattern() pattern.Init("[NX3][$([CX4H1]([*])),$([CX4H2])][CX3](=[OX1])[OX2]") builder = ob.OBBuilder() conv.SetInAndOutFormats("sdf", "svg") conv.AddOption("d", ob.OBConversion.OUTOPTIONS) conv.AddOption("b", ob.OBConversion.OUTOPTIONS, "none") conv.ReadString(mol, str(Substrate.objects.get(pk=int(aminoacids[0])).structure)) pattern.Match(mol) mollist = pattern.GetUMapList()[0] oatom = mol.GetAtom(mollist[4]) catom = mol.GetAtom(mollist[2]) firstnatom = mol.GetAtom(mollist[0]) makeResidue(mol, 0, mollist) i = 1 for aa in aminoacids[1:]: mol2 = ob.OBMol() conv.ReadString(mol2, str(Substrate.objects.get(pk=int(aa)).structure)) pattern.Match(mol2) mollist = pattern.GetUMapList()[0] makeResidue(mol2, i, mollist) molnatoms = mol.NumAtoms() mol += mol2 natom = mol.GetAtom(molnatoms + mol2.GetAtom(mollist[0]).GetIdx()) builder.Connect(mol, catom.GetIdx(), natom.GetIdx()) foatom = mol.GetAtom(molnatoms + mol2.GetAtom(mollist[4]).GetIdx()) catom = mol.GetAtom(molnatoms + mol2.GetAtom(mollist[2]).GetIdx()) mol.DeleteHydrogens(oatom) mol.DeleteAtom(oatom) natom.SetImplicitValence(3) mol.DeleteHydrogens(natom) mol.AddHydrogens(natom) oatom = foatom i += 1 nidx = firstnatom.GetIdx() oidx = oatom.GetIdx() builder.Build(mol) natom = mol.GetAtom(nidx) oatom = mol.GetAtom(oidx) for res in ob.OBResidueIter(mol): for atom in ob.OBResidueAtomIter(res): for bond in ob.OBAtomBondIter(atom): data = ob.OBPairData() data.SetAttribute("color") data.SetValue(color) bond.CloneData(data) mol.DeleteHydrogens() gen2d = ob.OBOp.FindType("gen2d") gen2d.Do(mol) opp = oatom.GetY() - natom.GetY() adj = oatom.GetX() - natom.GetX() angle = abs(math.atan(opp / adj)) if opp > 0 and adj > 0: pass elif opp > 0 and adj < 0: angle = math.pi - angle elif opp < 0 and adj < 0: angle = math.pi + angle elif opp < 0 and adj > 0: angle = 2 * math.pi - angle angle = -angle mol.Rotate(ob.double_array([math.cos(angle), -math.sin(angle), 0, math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle), 0, 0, 0, 1])) svg = conv.WriteString(mol) # need to get rid of square aspect ratio delstart = svg.find("width") delend = svg.find("svg", delstart) delend = svg.find("viewBox", delend) svgend = svg.rfind("</g>") svg = svg[0:delstart] + svg[delend:svgend] return HttpResponse(svg, mimetype="image/svg+xml")
except ImportError: #pragma: no cover oasa = None try: import Tkinter as tk import Image as PIL import ImageTk as piltk except ImportError: #pragma: no cover tk = None def _formatstodict(list): broken = [x.replace("[Read-only]", "").replace("[Write-only]","").split(" -- ") for x in list] broken = [(x,y.strip()) for x,y in broken] return dict(broken) _obconv = ob.OBConversion() _builder = ob.OBBuilder() informats = _formatstodict(_obconv.GetSupportedInputFormat()) """A dictionary of supported input formats""" outformats = _formatstodict(_obconv.GetSupportedOutputFormat()) """A dictionary of supported output formats""" def _getplugins(findplugin, names): plugins = dict([(x, findplugin(x)) for x in names if findplugin(x)]) return plugins def _getpluginnames(ptype): plugins = ob.vectorString() ob.OBPlugin.ListAsVector(ptype, None, plugins) return [x.split()[0] for x in plugins] descs = _getpluginnames("descriptors") """A list of supported descriptors"""