Пример #1
def main(args, options=None):

    from openbases.main import Client

    params = None
    repo = args.repo
    if repo is None:
        repo = os.getcwd()
    repo = os.path.abspath(repo)

    if os.path.exists(repo):
        bot.info("repo: %s" % repo)
        os.environ['OPENBASESENV_REPO_BASE'] = repo
        os.putenv('OPENBASESENV_REPO_BASE', repo)
        bot.warning('%s does not exist.' % repo)

    # Ensure that paper exists
    paper = args.infile
    if not paper:
        bot.exit('You must specify a paper with --infile')
    if not os.path.exists(paper):
        bot.exit('%s does not exist.' % paper)
    paper = os.path.abspath(paper)

    if args.basic is True:
        validator = Client.BasicValidator(infile=paper)
        validator = Client.PaperValidator(infile=paper)
    validator.validate_criteria(criteria=args.criteria, params=params)
Пример #2
def load_criteria(self, criteria=None):
    '''load a criteria.yml file. If not specified, load (or reload)
       default provided by package.

       criteria: a yml specification for criteria. If not provided, use
        default at criteria/specification.yml. If you need help creating
       a new criteria (that might be added to defaults) please open an issue
    # First pass - criteria file defined, and exists
    if criteria is not None:
        if os.path.exists(criteria):
            criteria = self.validate_exists(criteria)

    # Second pass, use default provided by library
    if criteria is None:
        criteria = self.default_criteria

    # Attempt to load (and validate) the criteria (returns YamlManager)
    self.criteria = validate_loads(criteria)

    # Again fall back to default if error loading user-provided
    if self.criteria is None:
        self.criteria = validate_loads(default_criteria)

    basename = os.path.basename(self.criteria.infile)

    bot.info('[criteria:%s]' % basename)
    return self.criteria.load()
Пример #3
def check_install(software=None, quiet=True):
    '''check_install will attempt to run some command, and
       return True if installed. The command line utils will not run 
       without this check.
    if software == None:
        bot.error("Please enter the name of the software!")

    cmd = [software, '--version']
    found = False

        version = run_command(cmd, quiet=True)
    except:  # FileNotFoundError
        return found

    if version is not None:
        if version['return_code'] == 0:
            found = True

        if quiet is False:
            version = version['message']
            bot.info("Found %s version %s" % (software.upper(), version))

    return found
Пример #4
def test_contributing(spec, envar='OPENBASESENV_REPO_BASE', **kwargs):
    '''look for CONTRIBUTING.md or similar

          - name: Software has CONTRIBUTING.md
          - level: error
          - function: openbases.main.papers.tests.test_contributing
          - environment:
             - OPENBASESENV_REPO_BASE: null

    Templates taken from https://github.com/licenses/license-templates
    # By default, not found.
    found = False

    repo_base = os.environ.get(envar)
    if repo_base is not None:
        if os.path.exists(repo_base):
            contenders = find_files(repo_base, 'LICENSE|license|License')
            if len(contenders) > 0:
                bot.info('Found CONTRIBUTING file(s) in repository!')
                found = True
    return found
Пример #5
def test_references(spec, envar="OPENBASESENV_BIBFILE", **kwargs):
    '''required_structure looks for a schema's required fields, and issues
       an exit if doesn't exist. To implement this in a criteria.yml:
          - name: References are included and complete
          - level: warning
          - function: openbases.main.papers.tests.test_references

    Templates taken from https://github.com/licenses/license-templates
    from openbases.utils import read_bibtex

    complete = True
    bibfile = os.environ.get(envar)

    # We must have a bibfile
    if not "bibfile" and "bibfile" not in kwargs:
        bot.warning('Bibfile not provided as argument, skipping test')
        return complete

    required_fields = ['title', 'month', 'year']

    bib = read_bibtex(bibfile)
    for entryid, entry in bib.items():
        bot.info('Testing bibliography entry %s' % entryid)
        bot.info('  type: %s' % entry.type)
        for field in entry.fields:
            if field not in entry.fields:
                bot.error('  %s is missing field %s' % (entryid, field))
                complete = False
            if entry.fields[field] in [None, '']:
                bot.error('  %s has empty field %s' % (entryid, field))
                complete = False
        bot.info('  title: %s' % entry.fields['title'])

    return complete
Пример #6
def test_license(spec, envar='OPENBASESENV_REPO_BASE', **kwargs):
    '''required_structure looks for a schema's required fields, and issues
       an exit if doesn't exist. To implement this in a criteria.yml:

          - name: An OSI license is included in the repository
          - level: error
          - function: openbases.main.papers.tests.test_license
          - environment:
             - OPENBASESENV_REPO_BASE: null

    Templates taken from https://github.com/licenses/license-templates
    # By default, not found.
    found = False

    # A list of terms to indicate open source licenses
        "GNU Affero General Public License",
        "MIT License",
        "Creative Commons",
        "CC0",  # Creative Commans 1.0
        "General Public License",
        "The GNU General Public License",
        "Free Software Foundation",
        "Mozilla Public License",
        "free and unencumbered software released into the public",
        "This program is free software",
        '"AS IS"',  # bsd 22
    ]  # zlib

    repo_base = os.environ.get(envar)
    if repo_base is not None:
        if os.path.exists(repo_base):
            licenses = find_files(repo_base, 'LICENSE')
            for license in licenses:
                content = read_file(license, readlines=False)
                matches = [
                    x for x in LICENSE_FLAGS
                    if re.search(x.lower(), content.lower())
                if len(matches) > 0:
                    message = 'Found Open Source license flags! %s'
                    bot.info(message % ','.join(matches))
                    found = True
            bot.error('%s does not exist! Skipping test.' % repo_base)

        bot.error('''Did not find %s export for repository base! 
                     Skipping license check''' % envar)

    return found
Пример #7
def validate_criteria(self, criteria=None, infile=None, params=None):
    '''validate an infile (or already loaded one) against criteria.

       infile: an input specification file
       criteria: a loaded (json/dict) or criteria, or html/yml file
    from openbases.utils import load_module

    # If criteria not set, use default
    if criteria is None:

    # Update environment with params for validation
    if params is not None:
        bot.info('Updating custom params with %s' % params)

    # Update the environment
    update_environment(params=self.params, prefix='OPENBASESENV_')

    # Read in the criteria - any errors will fall back to default
    if not isinstance(criteria, dict):
        criteria = self.load_criteria(criteria)

    # Case 1: input file provided at runtime
    if infile is not None:

    # Case 2: Didn't successfully load, fall back to previously loaded
    if not hasattr(self, 'spec'):  # infile didn't load successfully
        if hasattr(self, 'infile'):

    # Case 3: Still no infile! Exit
    if not hasattr(self, 'spec'):
        bot.error('Please provide an infile to function, or load()')

    if "checks" not in criteria:
        bot.error('criteria is missing "checks" section, exiting.')

    # Default missing function
    missing_function = 'openbases.main.validate.criteria.base.missing'

    # Turn status into meaningful message for user
    lookup = {True: 'pass', False: 'fail', None: 'null'}

    # Loop through checks, run against specification file
    for group, checks in criteria['checks'].items():

        print('[group|start:%s]' % group)
        values = dict()
        [values.update(dict(check)) for check in checks]

        # Obtain values, the only required is the function
        name = values.get('name', self.robot.generate())
        level = values.get('level', 'warning').upper()
        function = values.get('function', missing_function)
        kwargs = values.get('kwargs')
        envars_list = values.get('environment')
        envars = dict()

        # If we have environment vars from criteria, export them
        if envars_list is not None:
            [update_environment(e) for e in envars_list]

        # If we have a function provided in the configuration yaml
        function_name = function
        function = load_module(function)

        if kwargs is None:
            valid = function(self.spec)
            values = dict()
            [values.update(dict(kwarg)) for kwarg in kwargs]
            valid = function(self.spec, **values)

        print('[check:%s]' % name)
        print(' test:function %s' % function_name)
        print(' test:result %s' % lookup[valid])

        if valid:
            bot.test("PASSED %s" % function_name)
            print(' test:level %s' % level)
            bot.named(level, function_name)
            if not valid:

        print('[group|end:%s]' % group)

    print('ALL TESTS PASSING')
Пример #8
 def test_validation(self):
     """Test that the markdown is loaded fully"""
     repo = os.path.join(test_dir, '../../')
     bot.info("repo: %s" % repo)
     os.environ['OPENBASESENV_REPO_BASE'] = repo