Пример #1
def main_ufunc():

    ctx = cl.Context(device_type=cl.Device.GPU)

    size = 10
    a = ca.arange(ctx, size, ctype=c_float)
    b = ca.arange(ctx, size, ctype=c_float).reshape([size, 1])

    o1 = add(a, b)

    with o1.map() as view:
        print view

    with a.map() as view:
        print np.sum(view)

    result = add.reduce(a)


    with a.map() as view:
        print view
        print view.sum()

    print result.item()
Пример #2
def setUpModule():
    global ctx

    DEVICE_TYPE_ATTR = os.environ.get('DEVICE_TYPE', 'DEFAULT')
    DEVICE_TYPE = getattr(cl.Device, DEVICE_TYPE_ATTR)

    ctx = cl.Context(device_type=DEVICE_TYPE)
Пример #3
def main():
    ctx = cl.Context()
    a = cl.empty(ctx, [256], cly.float2)

    queue = cl.Queue(ctx)

    generate_sin(queue, a)

    with a.map(queue) as view:
        array = np.asarray(view)
        print array
Пример #4
def main_reduce():
    ctx = cl.Context(device_type=cl.Device.GPU)

    sum = add.reduce

    #    for size in range(250, 258):
    size = 1027

    a = ca.arange(ctx, size, ctype=cl.cl_int)

    result = sum(a)

    with a.map() as view:
        print size, view.sum(), result.item()
Пример #5
def main():
    ctx = cl.Context(device_type=cl.Device.GPU)
    queue = cl.Queue(ctx)

    npa = np.arange(1.0 * 12.0, dtype=c_float)
    a = ca.arange(ctx, 12, ctype=c_float)

    out = ca.empty_like(a[:])
    output = cl.broadcast(out, a[:].shape)

    ca.blitz(queue, lambda: a[:] + a[:] + 1, out=output)

    print npa[1:] + npa[:-1]

    with out.map() as view:
        print view
Пример #6
def main():

    ctx = cl.Context(device_type=cl.Device.GPU)

    ret = cl.empty(ctx, [16], 'l')

    queue = cl.Queue(ctx)

    print setslice.compile(ctx,

    #    print setslice(queue, ret[::2], c_int(6))
    #    print setslice(queue, ret[1::2], c_int(5))

    with ret.map(queue) as foo:
        print np.asarray(foo)
Пример #7
def main():

    size = 10
    a = np.random.rand(size).astype('f')
    b = np.random.rand(size).astype('f')

    ctx = cl.Context()
    queue = cl.Queue(ctx)

    cla = cl.from_host(ctx, a, copy=True)
    clb = cl.from_host(ctx, b, copy=True)
    clc = cl.empty(ctx, [size], ctype='f')

    prg = cl.Program(
        ctx, """
        __kernel void add(__global const float *a,
        __global const float *b, __global float *c)
          int gid = get_global_id(0);
          c[gid] = a[gid] + b[gid];

    add = prg.add
    add.argtypes = cl.global_memory('f'), cl.global_memory(
        'f'), cl.global_memory('f')
    add.argnames = 'a', 'b', 'c'
    add.global_work_size = lambda a: a.shape

    add(queue, a=cla, b=clb, c=clc)

    with clc.map(queue) as view:
        print "view is a python memoryview object", view

        arr = np.asarray(view)

        print "Answer should be zero:"
        print(arr - (a + b)).sum()
Пример #8
def main():
    ctx = cl.Context(device_type=cl.Device.GPU)
    queue = cl.Queue(ctx)
    host_init = np.arange(8, dtype=c_float) + 1
    device_input = cl.from_host(ctx, host_init)
    output = ca.reduce(queue, lambda a, b: a + b, device_input)
    print "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "
    print "data:", host_init
    print "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "
    print "host   sum:", host_init.sum()
    with output.map(queue) as view:
        print "device sum:", np.asarray(view).item()

    output = ca.reduce(queue, lambda a, b: a * b, device_input, initial=1.0)
    print "host   product:", host_init.prod()
    with output.map(queue) as view:
        print "device product:", np.asarray(view).item()
Пример #9
def main():
    import opencl as cl
    ctx = cl.Context(device_type=cl.Device.GPU)
    a = arange(ctx, 10.0)
Пример #10
Created on Dec 15, 2011

@author: sean

import opencl as cl
import clyther as cly

import clyther.runtime as clrt

#Always have to create a context.
ctx = cl.Context()

@cly.global_work_size(lambda a: [a.size])
def generate_sin(a):

    gid = clrt.get_global_id(0)
    n = clrt.get_global_size(0)

    r = cl.cl_float(gid) / cl.cl_float(n)

    # sin wave with 8 peaks
    y = r * cl.cl_float(16.0 * 3.1415)

    # x is a range from -1 to 1
    a[gid].x = r * 2.0 - 1.0

    # y is sin wave
Пример #11
# IPython log file

import numpy as np
import opencl as cl
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtOpenGL import *
from OpenGL import GL

app = QApplication([])
qgl = QGLWidget()

props = cl.ContextProperties()

ctx = cl.Context(device_type=cl.Device.DEFAULT, properties=props)

#print cl.ImageFormat.supported_formats(ctx)
print ctx.devices

view = cl.gl.empty_gl(ctx, [10], ctype='ff')
view2 = cl.empty(ctx, [10], ctype='ff')


print view
queue = cl.Queue(ctx)

with cl.gl.acquire(queue, view), view.map(queue) as buffer:
    print np.asarray(buffer)
Пример #12
import clyther as cly

import opencl as cl

import clyther.runtime as clrt

@cly.global_work_size(lambda a: a.shape)
def foo(a):
    x = clrt.get_global_id(0)
    y = clrt.get_global_id(1)

    a[x, y] = x + y * 100

ctx = cl.Context(device_type=cl.Device.CPU)

queue = cl.Queue(ctx)

a = cl.empty(ctx, [4, 4], 'f')

foo(queue, a)

print foo._compile(ctx, a=cl.global_memory('f'), source_only=True)

import numpy as np
with a.map(queue) as view:
    print np.asarray(view)