Пример #1
def getNodesetConditionalSize(nodeset: Nodeset, conditionalField: Field):
    :return: Number of objects in nodeset for which conditionalField is True.
    assert conditionalField.getNumberOfComponents() == 1
    fieldmodule = conditionalField.getFieldmodule()
    fieldcache = fieldmodule.createFieldcache()
    nodeiterator = nodeset.createNodeiterator()
    size = 0
    node = nodeiterator.next()
    while node.isValid():
        result, value = conditionalField.evaluateReal(fieldcache, 1)
        if value != 0.0:
            size += 1
        node = nodeiterator.next()
    return size
Пример #2
def get_node_name_centres(nodeset: Nodeset, coordinates_field: Field,
                          name_field: Field):
    Find mean locations of node coordinate with the same names.
    :param nodeset: Zinc Nodeset or NodesetGroup to search.
    :param coordinates_field: The coordinate field to evaluate.
    :param name_field: The name field to match.
    :return: Dict of names -> coordinates.
    components_count = coordinates_field.getNumberOfComponents()
    fieldmodule = nodeset.getFieldmodule()
    fieldcache = fieldmodule.createFieldcache()
    name_records = {}  # name -> (coordinates, count)
    nodeiter = nodeset.createNodeiterator()
    node = nodeiter.next()
    while node.isValid():
        name = name_field.evaluateString(fieldcache)
        coordinates_result, coordinates = coordinates_field.evaluateReal(
            fieldcache, components_count)
        if name and (coordinates_result == RESULT_OK):
            name_record = name_records.get(name)
            if name_record:
                name_centre = name_record[0]
                for c in range(components_count):
                    name_centre[c] += coordinates[c]
                name_record[1] += 1
                name_records[name] = [coordinates, 1]
        node = nodeiter.next()
    # divide centre coordinates by count
    name_centres = {}
    for name in name_records:
        name_record = name_records[name]
        name_count = name_record[1]
        name_centre = name_record[0]
        if name_count > 1:
            scale = 1.0 / name_count
            for c in range(components_count):
                name_centre[c] *= scale
        name_centres[name] = name_centre
    return name_centres