Пример #1
def projects_html_view(request, spatial_context=None):
    """ returns HTML representation of projects search
    request = RequestNegotiation().anonymize_request(request)
    item_type_limited = True
    rp = RootPath()
    base_url = rp.get_baseurl()
    rd = RequestDict()
    request_dict_json = rd.make_request_dict_json(request,
    if rd.security_ok is False:
        template = loader.get_template('400.html')
        context = RequestContext(request,
                                 {'abusive': True})
        return HttpResponse(template.render(context), status=400)
    elif rd.do_bot_limit:
        # redirect bot requests away from faceted search where
        # they can negatively impact performance
        return redirect('/projects-search/', permanent=False)
        # url and json_url neeed for view templating
        url = request.get_full_path()
        if 'http://' not in url \
           and 'https://' not in url:
            url = base_url + url
        if '?' in url:
            json_url = url.replace('?', '.json?')
            json_url = url + '.json'
        # see if search results are cached. this is not done
        # with a view decorator, because we want to handle bots differently
        db_cache = DatabaseCache()
        cache_key = db_cache.make_cache_key('projects-search',
        if rd.refresh_cache:
            # the request wanted to refresh the cache
        # get the search result JSON-LD, if it exists in cache
        json_ld = db_cache.get_cache_object(cache_key)
        if json_ld is None:
            # cached result is not found, so make it with a new search
            solr_s = SolrSearch()
            solr_s.is_bot = rd.is_bot  # True if bot detected
            solr_s.do_bot_limit = rd.do_bot_limit  # Toggle limits on facets for bots
            solr_s.do_context_paths = False
            solr_s.item_type_limit = 'projects'
            if solr_s.solr is not False:
                response = solr_s.search_solr(request_dict_json)
                m_json_ld = MakeJsonLd(request_dict_json)
                m_json_ld.base_search_link = '/projects-search/'
                m_json_ld.request_full_path = request.get_full_path()
                m_json_ld.spatial_context = spatial_context
                json_ld = m_json_ld.convert_solr_json(response.raw_content)
                # now cache the resulting JSON-LD
                db_cache.save_cache_object(cache_key, json_ld)
        if json_ld is not None:
            req_neg = RequestNegotiation('text/html')
            req_neg.supported_types = ['application/json',
            if 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in request.META:
            if 'json' in req_neg.use_response_type:
                # content negotiation requested JSON or JSON-LD
                request.content_type = req_neg.use_response_type
                recon_obj = Reconciliation()
                json_ld = recon_obj.process(request.GET,
                response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(json_ld,
                                        ensure_ascii=False, indent=4),
                                        content_type=req_neg.use_response_type + "; charset=utf8")
                patch_vary_headers(response, ['accept', 'Accept', 'content-type'])
                return response
                # now make the JSON-LD into an object suitable for HTML templating
                st = SearchTemplate(json_ld)
                st.item_type_limited = item_type_limited
                p_aug = ProjectAugment(json_ld)
                template = loader.get_template('search/view.html')
                context = {
                    'st': st,
                    'item_type': 'projects',
                    'base_search_link': m_json_ld.base_search_link,
                    'p_aug': p_aug,
                    'url': url,
                    'json_url': json_url,
                    'base_url': base_url
                if req_neg.supported:
                    response = HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
                    patch_vary_headers(response, ['accept', 'Accept', 'content-type'])
                    return response
                    # client wanted a mimetype we don't support
                    return HttpResponse(req_neg.error_message,
                                        content_type=req_neg.use_response_type + "; charset=utf8",
            template = loader.get_template('500.html')
            context = RequestContext(request,
                                     {'error': 'Solr Connection Problem'})
            return HttpResponse(template.render(context), status=503)
Пример #2
def html_view(request, spatial_context=None):
    request = RequestNegotiation().anonymize_request(request)
    item_type_limited = False
    rp = RootPath()
    base_url = rp.get_baseurl()
    rd = RequestDict()
    chart = False # provide a chart, now only experimental
    if request.GET.get('chart') is not None:
        chart = True
    request_dict_json = rd.make_request_dict_json(request,
    # toggle if Human-Remains are OK to show in search results
    # defaults to FALSE, requires user interface action to allow
    if request.GET.get('human-remains') is not None:
        human_remains_ok = True
        human_remains_ok = False
        human_remains_opt_in = request.session.get('human_remains_ok')
        if human_remains_opt_in:
            # opt-in OK for this user in this session
            human_remains_ok = True
    if rd.security_ok is False:
        # looks like an abusive SQL injection request
        template = loader.get_template('400.html')
        context = RequestContext(request,
                                 {'abusive': True})
        return HttpResponse(template.render(context), status=400)
    elif rd.do_bot_limit:
        # redirect bot requests away from faceted search where
        # they can negatively impact performance
        return redirect('/search/', permanent=False)
        # url and json_url neeed for view templating
        url = request.get_full_path()
        if 'http://' not in url \
           and 'https://' not in url:
            url = base_url + url
        if '?' in url:
            json_url = url.replace('?', '.json?')
            json_url = url + '.json'
        # see if search results are cached. this is not done
        # with a view decorator, because we want to handle bots differently
        db_cache = DatabaseCache()
        cache_key = db_cache.make_cache_key('search',
        # print('Cache key: ' + cache_key)
        geo_proj = False
        json_ld = None
        if rd.refresh_cache:
            # the request wanted to refresh the cache
        if 'response' in request.GET:
            if 'geo-project' in request.GET['response']:
                geo_proj = True
        # get the search result JSON-LD, if it exists in cache
        json_ld = db_cache.get_cache_object(cache_key)
        if json_ld is None:
            # cached result is not found, so make it with a new search
            solr_s = SolrSearch()
            solr_s.is_bot = rd.is_bot  # True if bot detected
            solr_s.do_bot_limit = rd.do_bot_limit  # Toggle limits on facets for bots
            if solr_s.solr is not False:
                response = solr_s.search_solr(request_dict_json)                
                # are we filtering for item_types?
                item_type_limited = solr_s.item_type_limited
                m_json_ld = MakeJsonLd(request_dict_json)
                m_json_ld.base_search_link = '/search/'
                m_json_ld.request_full_path = request.get_full_path()
                m_json_ld.spatial_context = spatial_context
                json_ld = m_json_ld.convert_solr_json(response.raw_content)
                # now cache the resulting JSON-LD
                db_cache.save_cache_object(cache_key, json_ld)
        if json_ld is not None:
            req_neg = RequestNegotiation('text/html')
            req_neg.supported_types = ['application/json',
            if 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in request.META:
            if 'json' in req_neg.use_response_type:
                # content negotiation requested JSON or JSON-LD
                recon_obj = Reconciliation()
                json_ld = recon_obj.process(request.GET,
                request.content_type = req_neg.use_response_type
                response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(json_ld,
                                        ensure_ascii=False, indent=4),
                                        content_type=req_neg.use_response_type + "; charset=utf8")
                patch_vary_headers(response, ['accept', 'Accept', 'content-type'])
                return response
                # now make the JSON-LD into an object suitable for HTML templating
                st = SearchTemplate(json_ld)
                st.item_type_limited = item_type_limited
                st.human_remains_ok = human_remains_ok
                props = []
                if 'prop' in request.GET:
                    props = request.GET.getlist('prop')
                # check to make sure chrono chart will be ok
                if 'proj' in request.GET \
                   or len(props) > 1 \
                   or 'q' in request.GET \
                   or spatial_context is not None:
                    if 'oc-api:has-form-use-life-ranges' in json_ld:
                        if len(json_ld['oc-api:has-form-use-life-ranges']) > 0 and st.total_count > 0:
                            chart = True
                template = loader.get_template('search/view.html')
                context = {
                    'st': st,
                    'item_type': '*',
                    'chart': chart,
                    'human_remains_ok': human_remains_ok,
                    'base_search_link': m_json_ld.base_search_link,
                    'url': url,
                    'json_url': json_url,
                    'base_url': base_url
                if req_neg.supported:
                    response = HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
                    patch_vary_headers(response, ['accept', 'Accept', 'content-type'])
                    return response
                    # client wanted a mimetype we don't support
                    return HttpResponse(req_neg.error_message,
                                        content_type=req_neg.use_response_type + "; charset=utf8",
            template = loader.get_template('500.html')
            context = RequestContext(request,
                                     {'error': 'Solr Connection Problem'})
            return HttpResponse(template.render(context), status=503)