def test_extract_result_metadata_aggregate_spatial(): tracer = DryRunDataTracer() cube = tracer.load_collection(collection_id="Sentinel2", arguments={ "temporal_extent": ["2020-02-02", "2020-03-03"], }) cube = cube.filter_bbox(west=4, south=51, east=5, north=52) geometries = shape(read_json(get_test_data_file("multipolygon01.geojson"))) cube = cube.aggregate_spatial(geometries=geometries, reducer="mean") metadata = extract_result_metadata(tracer) expected = { "bbox": (5.0, 5.0, 45.0, 40.0), "geometry": { 'type': 'MultiPolygon', 'coordinates': [(((30.0, 20.0), (45.0, 40.0), (10.0, 40.0), (30.0, 20.0)), ), (((15.0, 5.0), (40.0, 10.0), (10.0, 20.0), (5.0, 10.0), (15.0, 5.0)), )], }, "area": { "value": approx(6797677574525.158, 0.01), "unit": "square meter" }, "start_datetime": "2020-02-02T00:00:00Z", "end_datetime": "2020-03-03T00:00:00Z", "links": [] } assert metadata == expected
def handle_cli(argv=None) -> Tuple[dict, argparse.Namespace]: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "process_graph", nargs="?", default=None, help= "Process graph to evaluate. Can be given as path to JSON file or directly as JSON string." " If nothing is given, the process graph should be given on standard input." ) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default=None, help="Output file name.") parser.add_argument( "-e", "--edit", metavar="PATH=VALUE", action="append", default=[], help="Preprocess the process graph before executing it." " Specify as `path=value`, with `path` the period separated path in JSON tree" " and `value` the new/updated value (in JSON format)." " For example, to change the 'west' border of load_collection bbox:" " `--edit loadcollection.arguments.spatial_extent.west=3.3`") parser.add_argument("--api-version", default="1.0.0", help="openEO API version to evaluate against.") args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.process_graph is None: # Read process graph from standard input"Reading process graph from STDIN ...") process_graph = json.load(sys.stdin) elif args.process_graph.strip().startswith("{"): # Process graph is given directly as JSON blob process_graph = json.loads(args.process_graph) elif args.process_graph.lower().endswith(".json"): # Process graph is given as JSON file process_graph = read_json(args.process_graph) else: raise ValueError(args.process_graph) if len(process_graph) == 1 and set( process_graph.keys()) == {"process_graph"}: process_graph = process_graph["process_graph"] # Edit process graph in-place for path, value in (e.split("=", 1) for e in args.edit): steps = path.split(".") cursor = process_graph for step in steps[:-1]: if step not in cursor: cursor[step] = {} cursor = cursor[step] cursor[steps[-1]] = json.loads(value) return process_graph, args
def test_collect_unique_process_ids(): process_graph = read_json("tests/graphs/process_ids.json")["process_graph"] collector = CollectUniqueProcessIdsVisitor() collector.accept_process_graph(process_graph) assert collector.process_ids == { 'load_collection', 'ndvi', 'reduce_dimension', 'array_element', 'lt', 'gt', 'or', 'mask', 'filter_bands', 'save_result' }
def test_get_layer_catalog_opensearch_enrich_creodias(requests_mock): with mock.patch( "openeogeotrellis.layercatalog.ConfigParams") as ConfigParams: ConfigParams.return_value.layer_catalog_metadata_files = [ "tests/data/layercatalog01.json", "tests/data/layercatalog04_creodias.json" ] collections_response = read_json( "tests/data/collections_creodias01.json") requests_mock.get( "https://finder.creodias.test/resto/collections.json", json=collections_response) all_metadata = get_layer_catalog( opensearch_enrich=True).get_all_metadata() assert all_metadata == [{ "id": "WUQ", "title": "Sentinel-1 Collection", "description": "Sentinel-1 Collection", "keywords": ["esa", "sentinel", "sentinel1", "s1", "radar"], "_vito": { "data_source": { "opensearch_collection_id": "Sentinel1", "opensearch_endpoint": "https://finder.creodias.test" } }, "cube:dimensions": { "t": { "type": "temporal" }, "x": { "axis": "x", "type": "spatial" }, "y": { "axis": "y", "type": "spatial" } }, }, { "id": "FOO", "license": "mit" }, { "id": "BAR", "description": "bar", "links": [""] }, { "id": "BZZ" }]
def load_predefined_spec(self, name: str) -> dict: """Get predefined process specification (dict) based on process name.""" try: spec = read_json(self._processes_spec_root / '{n}.json'.format(n=name)) # Health check: required fields for predefined processes assert all(k in spec for k in ['id', 'description', 'parameters', 'returns']) return spec except Exception: raise ProcessRegistryException( "Failed to load predefined spec of process {n!r}".format( n=name))
def get_layer_catalog( service_registry: AbstractServiceRegistry = None ) -> GeoPySparkLayerCatalog: """ Get layer catalog (from JSON files) """ catalog_files = ConfigParams().layer_catalog_metadata_files "Reading layer catalog metadata from {f!r}".format(f=catalog_files[0])) metadata = read_json(catalog_files[0]) if len(catalog_files) > 1: # Merge metadata recursively metadata = {l["id"]: l for l in metadata} for path in catalog_files[1:]: "Updating layer catalog metadata from {f!r}".format(f=path)) updates = {l["id"]: l for l in read_json(path)} metadata = dict_merge_recursive(metadata, updates, overwrite=True) metadata = list(metadata.values()) return GeoPySparkLayerCatalog(all_metadata=metadata, service_registry=service_registry or InMemoryServiceRegistry())
def test_run_job(evaluate, tmp_path): cube_mock = MagicMock() asset_meta = { "openEO01-01.tif": { "href": "tmp/openEO01-01.tif", "roles": "data" }, "openEO01-05.tif": { "href": "tmp/openEO01-05.tif", "roles": "data" } } cube_mock.write_assets.return_value = asset_meta evaluate.return_value = ImageCollectionResult(cube=cube_mock, format="GTiff", options={"multidate": True}) run_job(job_specification={ 'process_graph': { 'nop': { 'process_id': 'discard_result', 'result': True } } }, output_file=tmp_path / "out", metadata_file=tmp_path / "metadata.json", api_version="1.0.0", job_dir="./", dependencies={}, user_id="jenkins") cube_mock.write_assets.assert_called_once() metadata_result = read_json(tmp_path / "metadata.json") assert { 'assets': asset_meta, 'bbox': None, 'end_datetime': None, 'epsg': None, 'geometry': None, 'area': None, 'unique_process_ids': ['discard_result'], 'instruments': [], 'links': [], 'processing:facility': 'VITO - SPARK', 'processing:software': 'openeo-geotrellis-' + __version__, 'start_datetime': None } == metadata_result
def from_json_file(cls, filename: Union[str, Path] = "layercatalog.json", *args, **kwargs): """Factory to read catalog from a JSON file""" return cls(read_json(filename), *args, **kwargs)
def read_spec(path: Union[str, Path]) -> dict: """Read specification JSON file (given by relative path)""" return read_json(SPECS_ROOT / path)
def read_catalog_file(catalog_file) -> Dict[str, dict]: return {coll["id"]: coll for coll in read_json(catalog_file)}
def test_get_layer_catalog_opensearch_enrich_oscars(requests_mock): test_root = Path(__file__).parent / "data" with mock.patch( "openeogeotrellis.layercatalog.ConfigParams") as ConfigParams: ConfigParams.return_value.layer_catalog_metadata_files = [ test_root / "layercatalog01.json", test_root / "layercatalog02.json", test_root / "layercatalog03_oscars.json" ] collections_response = read_json(test_root / "collections_oscars01.json") requests_mock.get( "https://services.terrascope.test/catalogue/collections", json=collections_response) all_metadata = get_layer_catalog( opensearch_enrich=True).get_all_metadata() assert all_metadata == [{ "id": "XIP", "_vito": { "data_source": { "opensearch_endpoint": "https://services.terrascope.test/catalogue", "opensearch_collection_id": "urn:eop:VITO:CGS_S1_GRD_SIGMA0_L1" } }, "title": "Sentinel 1 GRD Sigma0 product, VH, VV and angle.", "description": "The Sigma0 product describes how much of the radar signal that was sent out by Sentinel-1 " "is reflected back to the sensor...", "extent": { "spatial": { "bbox": [[-1.05893, 47.66031, 11.6781, 53.67487]] }, "temporal": { "interval": [["2014-10-23", None]] } }, 'keywords': [ 'VITO', 'C-SAR', 'Orthoimagery', 'SENTINEL-1A', 'SENTINEL-1', 'SENTINEL-1B', 'RADAR BACKSCATTER', 'RADAR' ], "links": [{ "rel": "alternate", "href": "", "title": "Online User Documentation" }, { "rel": "alternate", "href": "" }, { "rel": "alternate", "href": "", "title": "OpenSearch entry point" }], "cube:dimensions": { "x": { "type": "spatial", "axis": "x" }, "y": { "type": "spatial", "axis": "y" }, "t": { "type": "temporal" }, "bands": { "type": "bands", "values": ["VH"] } }, "summaries": { "eo:bands": [{ "description": "Calibrated radar backscattering coefficient (unitless), describing the returned radar signal strength in the cross-polarized channel (V transmit, H receive). Values are stored as floats.", "type": "VH", "title": "VH", "resolution": 10, "bitPerValue": 32, "name": "VH" }], "platform": [], "instruments": ["MSI"] }, "assets": {} }, { "id": "FOO", "license": "apache", "links": [""] }, { "id": "BAR", "description": "The BAR layer", "links": [""] }, { "id": "BZZ" }, { "id": "QUU" }]