Пример #1
    def _get_filter_expression(self, cr, uid, args, context=None):
        """Return a expression for additional filtering"""


        def get_applicable_args(args, index):
            if expression.is_leaf(args[index]):
                #TODO: also check for inherited fields etc
                if ((
                        args[index][0] in orm_model._columns or
                        orm_model._log_access and 
                            args[index][0]  in ['create_date','create_uid',
                            'write_date', 'write_uid']
                    args[index][0] not in ['text','model']):
                    return [args[index]], 1
                    return [], 1
                op1=get_applicable_args(args, index+1)
                op2=get_applicable_args(args, index+op1[1]+1)
                return (([args[index]] 
                        if len(op1[0]) > 0 and len(op2[0]) > 0 
                        else []) +
                        op1[0] + op2[0],
                        op1[1] + op2[1] + 1

        if openerp.release.version_info[0] <= 6:
            args=get_applicable_args(expression.normalize(args), 0)[0]
            args=get_applicable_args(expression.normalize_domain(args), 0)[0]
        return expression.expression(cr, uid, args, orm_model, context)
Пример #2
    def assign_scores_to_leads(self, ids=[]):
        domain = [('running', '=', True)]
        if ids:
            domain.append(('id', 'in', ids))
        scores = self.search_read(domain=domain, fields=['domain'])
        for score in scores:
            domain = safe_eval(score['domain'], evaluation_context)

            # Don't replace the domain with a 'not in' like below... that doesn't make the same thing !!!
            # domain.extend(['|', ('stage_id.on_change', '=', False), ('stage_id.probability', 'not in', [0,100])])
            domain.extend(['|', ('stage_id.on_change', '=', False), '&', ('stage_id.probability', '!=', 0), ('stage_id.probability', '!=', 100)])

            e = expression(self._cr, self._uid, domain, self.pool['crm.lead'], self._context)
            where_clause, where_params = e.to_sql()

            where_clause += """ AND (id NOT IN (SELECT lead_id FROM crm_lead_score_rel WHERE score_id = %s)) """

            self._cr.execute("""INSERT INTO crm_lead_score_rel
                                    SELECT crm_lead.id as lead_id, %s as score_id
                                    FROM crm_lead
                                    WHERE %s RETURNING lead_id""" % (score['id'], where_clause), where_params)

            # Force recompute of fields that depends on score_ids
            lead_ids = [resp[0] for resp in self._cr.fetchall()]
            leads = self.env["crm.lead"].browse(lead_ids)
Пример #3
    def name_search(self, cr, uid, name, args=None, operator='ilike', context=None, limit=100):
        if not args:
            args = []
        domain_expression = expression.expression(cr, uid, args, self, context)
        args_query_clause, args_query_params = domain_expression.to_sql()
        args_query_string = args_query_clause % tuple(args_query_params)

        if name and operator in ('=', 'ilike', '=ilike', 'like', '=like'):
            # search on the name of the contacts and of its company
            search_name = name
            if operator in ('ilike', 'like'):
                search_name = '%%%s%%' % name
            if operator in ('=ilike', '=like'):
                operator = operator[1:]
            query_args = {'name': search_name}
            limit_str = ''
            if limit:
                limit_str = ' limit %(limit)s'
                query_args['limit'] = limit

            cr.execute('''SELECT res_partner.id FROM res_partner
                          LEFT JOIN res_partner company ON res_partner.parent_id = company.id
                          WHERE (res_partner.email ''' + operator +''' %(name)s
                          OR res_partner.ref ''' + operator +''' %(name)s
                             OR res_partner.name || ' (' || COALESCE(company.name,'') || ')'
                          ''' + operator + ' %(name)s ) and ' + args_query_string + ' order by char_length(res_partner.ref) ' + limit_str, query_args)
            ids = map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall())
            if ids:
                return self.name_get(cr, uid, ids, context)
        return super(res_partner,self).name_search(cr, uid, name, args, operator=operator, context=context, limit=limit)
Пример #4
    def assign_scores_to_leads(self, ids=[]):
        domain = [('running', '=', True)]
        if ids:
            domain.append(('id', 'in', ids))
        scores = self.search_read(domain=domain, fields=['domain'])
        for score in scores:
            domain = safe_eval(score['domain'], evaluation_context)

            # Don't replace the domain with a 'not in' like below... that doesn't make the same thing !!!
            # domain.extend(['|', ('stage_id.on_change', '=', False), ('stage_id.probability', 'not in', [0,100])])
                '|', ('stage_id.on_change', '=', False), '&',
                ('stage_id.probability', '!=', 0),
                ('stage_id.probability', '!=', 100)

            e = expression(self._cr, self._uid, domain, self.pool['crm.lead'],
            where_clause, where_params = e.to_sql()

            where_clause += """ AND (id NOT IN (SELECT lead_id FROM crm_lead_score_rel WHERE score_id = %s)) """

                """INSERT INTO crm_lead_score_rel
                                    SELECT crm_lead.id as lead_id, %s as score_id
                                    FROM crm_lead
                                    WHERE %s RETURNING lead_id""" %
                (score['id'], where_clause), where_params)

            # Force recompute of fields that depends on score_ids
            lead_ids = [resp[0] for resp in self._cr.fetchall()]
            leads = self.env["crm.lead"].browse(lead_ids)
Пример #5
    def assign_scores_to_leads(self, ids=[]):
        domain = [('running', '=', True)]
        if ids:
            domain.append(('id', 'in', ids))
        scores = self.search_read(domain=domain, fields=['domain'])
        for score in scores:
            domain = safe_eval(score['domain'], evaluation_context)

            domain.extend([('active', '=', True)])

            e = expression(self._cr, self._uid, domain, self.pool['crm.lead'], self._context)
            where_clause, where_params = e.to_sql()

            where_clause += """ AND (id NOT IN (SELECT lead_id FROM crm_lead_score_rel WHERE score_id = %s)) """

            if not self.event_based:
                # Only check leads that are newer than the last matching lead.
                # Could be based on a "last run date" for a more precise optimization
                where_clause += """ AND (id > (SELECT COALESCE(max(lead_id), 0)
                                               FROM crm_lead_score_rel WHERE score_id = %s)) """

            self._cr.execute("""INSERT INTO crm_lead_score_rel
                                    SELECT crm_lead.id as lead_id, %s as score_id
                                    FROM crm_lead
                                    WHERE %s RETURNING lead_id""" % (score['id'], where_clause), where_params)

            # Force recompute of fields that depends on score_ids
            lead_ids = [resp[0] for resp in self._cr.fetchall()]
            leads = self.env["crm.lead"].browse(lead_ids)