def parse_input_file(in_filename: str) -> oechem.OEGraphMol: """Parses the input file for a molecule. The final energy is stored within the molecule. Returns: molecule: the molecule parsed from the input file """ molecule = None final_energy = 0.0 with open(in_filename, "r") as input_file: prev = "" # Remember the previous line so the last line can be checked line = input_file.readline() while line != "": # Empty string from readline() indicates EOF line = line.strip() if line.startswith(FINAL_ENERGY_LINE): final_energy = float(line.split()[-1]) if line.startswith(FINAL_GEOMETRY_LINE): molecule = parse_molecule(input_file) line = "" prev = line line = input_file.readline() check_last_line(prev, in_filename) oechem.OEAddSDData(molecule, FINAL_ENERGY_FIELD_NAME, str(final_energy)) return molecule
def main(argv=[__name__]): itf = oechem.OEInterface(InterfaceData, argv) # flag on command line indicates uncoloring option or not bUncolor = itf.GetBool("-uncolor") # input structure(s) to transform ifsmols = oechem.oemolistream() if not"-i")): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for reading" % itf.GetString("-i")) # save output structure(s) to this file ofs = oechem.oemolostream() if not"-o")): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for writing" % itf.GetString("-o")) if not oechem.OEIsSDDataFormat(ofs.GetFormat()): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for writing" % itf.GetString("-o")) irec = 0 ototal = 0 frag = oechem.OEGraphMol() for mol in ifsmols.GetOEGraphMols(): irec += 1 oechem.OEDeleteEverythingExceptTheFirstLargestComponent(mol) iter = oemedchem.OEGetBemisMurcko(mol) if not iter.IsValid(): name = mol.GetTitle() if not mol.GetTitle(): name = 'Record ' + str(irec) oechem.OEThrow.Warning("%s: no perceived regions" % name) continue for bmregion in iter: # create a fragment from the perceived region oechem.OESubsetMol(frag, mol, bmregion, True) if bUncolor: # ignore 3D stereo parities if (frag.GetDimension() == 3): frag.SetDimension(0) # uncolor the fragment oechem.OEUncolorMol(frag) smi = oechem.OEMolToSmiles(frag) # annotate the input molecule with the role information for role in bmregion.GetRoles(): oechem.OEAddSDData(mol, role.GetName(), smi) ototal += 1 oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, mol) if not irec: oechem.OEThrow.Fatal('No records in input structure file to perceive') if not ototal: oechem.OEThrow.Warning('No annotated structures generated') print( "Input molecules={0:d}, output annotated {1:s}molecules={2:d}".format( irec, ("(uncolored) " if bUncolor else ""), ototal)) return 0
def DumpSDData(mol): print("SD data of", mol.GetTitle()) # loop over SD data for dp in oechem.OEGetSDDataPairs(mol): print(dp.GetTag(), ':', dp.GetValue()) print() mol = oechem.OEGraphMol() oechem.OESmilesToMol(mol, "c1ccccc1") mol.SetTitle("benzene") # set some tagged data oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "color", "brown") oechem.OESetSDData(mol, oechem.OESDDataPair("size", "small")) DumpSDData(mol) # check for existence of data, then delete it if oechem.OEHasSDData(mol, "size"): oechem.OEDeleteSDData(mol, "size") DumpSDData(mol) # add additional color data oechem.OEAddSDData(mol, "color", "black") DumpSDData(mol) # remove all SD data oechem.OEClearSDData(mol) DumpSDData(mol) # @ </SNIPPET>
def set_sd_tags(Conf, Props, calctype): """ For one particular conformer, set all available SD tags based on data in Props dictionary. Warning ------- If the exact tag already exists, and you want to add a new one then there will be duplicate tags with maybe different data. (NOT recommended). Then the function to get sd_list will only get one or the other; I think it just gets the first matching tag. TODO: maybe add some kind of checking to prevent duplicate tags added Parameters ---------- Conf: Single conformer from OEChem molecule Props: Dictionary output from ProcessOutput function. Should contain the keys: basis, method, numSteps, initEnergy, finalEnergy, coords, time, pkg calctype: string; one of 'opt','spe','hess' for geometry optimization, single point energy calculation, or Hessian calculation """ # get level of theory for setting SD tags method = Props['method'] basisset = Props['basis'] pkg = Props['package'] # turn parameters into tag descriptions full_method = "{}/{}".format(method, basisset) cdict = {'spe': 'Single Pt.', 'opt': 'Opt.', 'hess': 'Hessian'} # time info can be set for all cases taglabel = "QM {} {} Runtime (sec) {}".format(pkg, cdict[calctype], full_method) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['time'])) # hessian has no other info for sd tag if calctype == 'hess': return # check that finalEnergy is there. if not, opt probably did not finish # make a note of that in SD tag then quit function if not 'finalEnergy' in Props: taglabel = "Note on {} {}".format(cdict[calctype], full_method) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, "JOB DID NOT FINISH") return # Set new SD tag for conformer's final energy taglabel = "QM {} Final {} Energy (Har) {}".format(pkg, cdict[calctype], full_method) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['finalEnergy'])) # Set new SD tag for final SCS-MP2 energy if method is MP2 if method.lower() == 'mp2': taglabel = "QM {} Final {} Energy (Har) SCS-{}".format( pkg, cdict[calctype], full_method) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['finalSCSEnergy'])) # Add COSMO energy with outlying charge correction. Turbomole only! if 'ocEnergy' in Props: if calctype == 'spe': print( "Extraction of COSMO OC energy from Turbomole not yet supported for SPE calcns" ) elif calctype == 'opt': taglabel = "QM {} Final {} Energy with OC correction (Har) {}".format( pkg, cdict[calctype], full_method) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['ocEnergy'])) # spe has no other relevant info for sd tag if calctype == 'spe': return # Set new SD tag for original conformer number if not existing # !! Opt2 files should ALREADY have this !! Opt2 index is NOT orig index !! taglabel = "Original omega conformer number" if not oechem.OEHasSDData(Conf, taglabel): # if not working with confs, will have no GetIdx try: oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Conf.GetIdx() + 1)) except AttributeError as err: pass # if tag exists, append new conformer ID after the old one else: try: oldid = oechem.OEGetSDData(Conf, taglabel) newid = str(Conf.GetIdx() + 1) totid = "{}, {}".format(oldid, newid) oechem.OESetSDData(Conf, taglabel, totid) except AttributeError as err: pass # Set new SD tag for numSteps of geom. opt. taglabel = "QM {} {} Steps {}".format(pkg, cdict[calctype], full_method) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['numSteps'])) # Set new SD tag for conformer's initial energy taglabel = "QM {} Initial {} Energy (Har) {}".format( pkg, cdict[calctype], full_method) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['initEnergy']))
def GetBestOverlays(self, querymolstr, options, iformat, oformat): """ Return a string of the format specified by 'oformat' containing nhits overlaid confomers using querymolstr as the query interpretted as iformat. querymolstr - a string containing a molecule to use as the query options - an instance of OEShapeDatabaseOptions iformat - a string representing the file extension to parse the querymolstr as. Note: old clients could be passing .sq files, so iformat == '.oeb' will try to interpret the file as a .sq file. oformat - file format to write the results as """ timer = oechem.OEWallTimer() # make sure to wait for the load to finish blocking = True loaded = self.IsLoaded(blocking) assert loaded if iformat.startswith(".sq"): query = ReadShapeQuery(querymolstr) else: # read in query qfs = oechem.oemolistream() qfs = SetupStream(qfs, iformat) if not qfs.openstring(querymolstr): raise ValueError("Unable to open input molecule string") query = oechem.OEGraphMol() if not oechem.OEReadMolecule(qfs, query): if iformat == ".oeb": # could be an old client trying to send a .sq file. query = ReadShapeQuery(querymolstr) else: raise ValueError( "Unable to read a molecule from the string of format '%s'" % iformat) ofs = oechem.oemolostream() ofs = SetupStream(ofs, oformat) if not ofs.openstring(): raise ValueError("Unable to openstring for output") # do we only want shape based results? # this is a "Write" lock to be paranoid and not overload the GPU self.rwlock.AcquireWriteLock() try: # do search scores = self.shapedb.GetSortedScores(query, options) sys.stderr.write("%f seconds to do search\n" % timer.Elapsed()) finally: self.rwlock.ReleaseWriteLock() timer.Start() # write results for score in scores: mcmol = oechem.OEMol() if not self.moldb.GetMolecule(mcmol, score.GetMolIdx()): oechem.OEThrow.Warning( "Can't retrieve molecule %i from the OEMolDatabase, " "skipping..." % score.GetMolIdx()) continue # remove hydrogens to make output smaller, this also # ensures OEPrepareFastROCSMol will have the same output oechem.OESuppressHydrogens(mcmol) mol = oechem.OEGraphMol( mcmol.GetConf(oechem.OEHasConfIdx(score.GetConfIdx()))) oechem.OECopySDData(mol, mcmol) if options.GetSimFunc() == oefastrocs.OEShapeSimFuncType_Tanimoto: oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "ShapeTanimoto", "%.4f" % score.GetShapeTanimoto()) oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "ColorTanimoto", "%.4f" % score.GetColorTanimoto()) oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "TanimotoCombo", "%.4f" % score.GetTanimotoCombo()) else: oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "ShapeTversky", "%.4f" % score.GetShapeTversky()) oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "ColorTversky", "%.4f" % score.GetColorTversky()) oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "TverskyCombo", "%.4f" % score.GetTverskyCombo()) if options.GetInitialOrientation( ) != oefastrocs.OEFastROCSOrientation_Inertial: oechem.OEAddSDData( mol, "Opt. Starting Pos.", GetAltStartsString(options.GetInitialOrientation())) score.Transform(mol) oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, mol) output = ofs.GetString() sys.stderr.write("%f seconds to write hitlist\n" % timer.Elapsed()) sys.stderr.flush() ofs.close() return output
def compare_ffs(in_dict, conf_id_tag, out_prefix, mol_slice=None): """ For 2+ SDF files that are analogous in terms of molecules and their conformers, assess them by RMSD, TFD, and relative energy differences. Parameters ---------- in_dict : OrderedDict dictionary from input file, where key is method and value is dictionary first entry should be reference method in sub-dictionary, keys are 'sdfile' and 'sdtag' conf_id_tag : string label of the SD tag that should be the same for matching conformers in different files out_prefix : string prefix appended to sdf file name to write out new SDF file with RMSD and TFD info added as SD tags mol_slice : numpy slice object The resulting integers are numerically sorted and duplicates removed. e.g., slices = np.s_[0, 3:5, 6::3] would be parsed to return [0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, ...] Can also parse from end: [-3:] gets the last 3 molecules, and [-2:-1] is the same as [-2] to get just next to last molecule. Returns ------- enes_full : 3D list enes_full[i][j][k] = ddE of ith method, jth mol, kth conformer. ddE = (dE of query method) - (dE of ref method), where the dE is computed as conformer M - conformer N, and conformer N is chosen from the lowest energy of the ref confs. the reference method is not present; i.e., self-comparison is skipped, so the max i value represents total number of files minus one. rmsds_full : 3D list same format as that of enes_full but with conformer RMSDs tfds_full : 3D list same format as that of enes_full but with conformer TFDs smiles_full : 3D list same format as that of enes_full but with conformer SMILES strings """ # set RMSD calculation parameters automorph = True # take into acct symmetry related transformations heavyOnly = False # do consider hydrogen atoms for automorphisms overlay = True # find the lowest possible RMSD # initiate final data lists enes_full = [] rmsds_full = [] tfds_full = [] smiles_full = [] # get first filename representing the reference geometries sdf_ref = list(in_dict.values())[0]['sdfile'] tag_ref = list(in_dict.values())[0]['sdtag'] # assess each file against reference for ff_label, ff_dict in in_dict.items(): # get details of queried file sdf_que = ff_dict['sdfile'] tag_que = ff_dict['sdtag'] if sdf_que == sdf_ref: continue # initiate new sublists enes_method = [] rmsds_method = [] tfds_method = [] smiles_method = [] # open an output file to store query molecules with new SD tags out_file = f'{out_prefix}_{os.path.basename(sdf_que)}' ofs = oechem.oemolostream() if not oechem.OEThrow.Fatal(f"Unable to open {out_file} for writing") # load molecules from open reference and query files print(f"\n\nOpening reference file {sdf_ref}") mols_ref = reader.read_mols(sdf_ref, mol_slice) print(f"Opening query file {sdf_que} for [ {ff_label} ] energies") mols_que = reader.read_mols(sdf_que, mol_slice) # loop over each molecule in reference and query files for rmol, qmol in zip(mols_ref, mols_que): # initial check that they have same title and number of confs rmol_name = rmol.GetTitle() rmol_nconfs = rmol.NumConfs() if (rmol_name != qmol.GetTitle()) or (rmol_nconfs != qmol.NumConfs()): raise ValueError( "ERROR: Molecules not aligned in iteration. " "Offending molecules and number of conformers:\n" f"\'{rmol_name}\': {rmol_nconfs} nconfs\n" f"\'{qmol.GetTitle()}\': {qmol.NumConfs()} nconfs") # initialize lists to store conformer energies enes_ref = [] enes_que = [] rmsds_mol = [] tfds_mol = [] smiles_mol = [] # loop over each conformer of this mol for ref_conf, que_conf in zip(rmol.GetConfs(), qmol.GetConfs()): # check confomer match from the specified tag ref_id = oechem.OEGetSDData(ref_conf, conf_id_tag) que_id = oechem.OEGetSDData(que_conf, conf_id_tag) if ref_id != que_id: raise ValueError( "ERROR: Conformers not aligned in iteration" f" for mol: '{rmol_name}'. The conformer " f"IDs ({conf_id_tag}) for ref and query are:" f"\n{ref_id}\n{que_id}.") # note the smiles id smiles_mol.append(ref_id) # get energies enes_ref.append(float(oechem.OEGetSDData(ref_conf, tag_ref))) enes_que.append(float(oechem.OEGetSDData(que_conf, tag_que))) # compute RMSD between reference and query conformers rmsd = oechem.OERMSD(ref_conf, que_conf, automorph, heavyOnly, overlay) rmsds_mol.append(rmsd) # compute TFD between reference and query conformers tfd = calc_tfd(ref_conf, que_conf, conf_id_tag) tfds_mol.append(tfd) # store data in SD tags for query conf, and write conf to file oechem.OEAddSDData(que_conf, f'RMSD to {sdf_ref}', str(rmsd)) oechem.OEAddSDData(que_conf, f'TFD to {sdf_ref}', str(tfd)) oechem.OEWriteConstMolecule(ofs, que_conf) # compute relative energies against lowest E reference conformer lowest_ref_idx = enes_ref.index(min(enes_ref)) rel_enes_ref = np.array(enes_ref) - enes_ref[lowest_ref_idx] rel_enes_que = np.array(enes_que) - enes_que[lowest_ref_idx] # subtract them to get ddE = dE (query method) - dE (ref method) enes_mol = np.array(rel_enes_que) - np.array(rel_enes_ref) # store then move on enes_method.append(enes_mol) rmsds_method.append(np.array(rmsds_mol)) tfds_method.append(np.array(tfds_mol)) smiles_method.append(smiles_mol) #print(rmsds_method, len(rmsds_method)) #print(enes_method, len(enes_method)) enes_full.append(enes_method) rmsds_full.append(rmsds_method) tfds_full.append(tfds_method) smiles_full.append(smiles_method) ofs.close() return enes_full, rmsds_full, tfds_full, smiles_full
def SetOptSDTags(Conf, Props, spe=False): """ For one particular conformer, set all available SD tags based on data in Props dictionary. Warning ------- If the exact tag already exists, and you want to add a new one then there will be duplicate tags with maybe different data. (NOT recommended). Then the function to get SDList will only get one or the other; I think it just gets the first matching tag. TODO: maybe add some kind of checking to prevent duplicate tags added Parameters ---------- Conf: Single conformer from OEChem molecule Props: Dictionary output from ProcessOutput function. Should contain the keys: basis, method, numSteps, initEnergy, finalEnergy, coords, time, pkg spe: Boolean - are the results of a single point energy calcn? """ # get level of theory for setting SD tags method = Props['method'] basisset = Props['basis'] pkg = Props['package'] # check that finalEnergy is there. if not, opt probably did not finish # make a note of that in SD tag if not 'finalEnergy' in Props: if not spe: oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, "Note on opt. %s/%s" \ % (method, basisset), "JOB DID NOT FINISH") else: oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, "Note on SPE %s/%s"\ % (method, basisset), "JOB DID NOT FINISH") return # Set new SD tag for conformer's final energy if not spe: taglabel = "QM %s Final Opt. Energy (Har) %s/%s" % (pkg, method, basisset) else: taglabel = "QM %s Single Pt. Energy (Har) %s/%s" % (pkg, method, basisset) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['finalEnergy'])) # Set new SD tag for wall-clock time if not spe: taglabel = "QM %s Opt. Runtime (sec) %s/%s" % (pkg, method, basisset) else: taglabel = "QM %s Single Pt. Runtime (sec) %s/%s" % (pkg, method, basisset) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['time'])) # Add COSMO energy with outlying charge correction. Turbomole only! if 'ocEnergy' in Props: if not spe: taglabel = "QM %s Final Opt. Energy with OC correction (Har) %s/%s" % ( pkg, method, basisset) else: print( "Extraction of COSMO OC energy from Turbomole not yet supported for SPE calcns" ) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['ocEnergy'])) if spe: return # stop here if SPE # Set new SD tag for original conformer number # !! Opt2 files should ALREADY have this !! Opt2 index is NOT orig index !! taglabel = "Original omega conformer number" # add new tag if not existing if not oechem.OEHasSDData(Conf, taglabel): # if not working with confs, will have no GetIdx try: oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Conf.GetIdx() + 1)) except AttributeError as err: pass # if tag exists, append new conformer ID after the old one else: # if not working with confs, will have no GetIdx try: oldid = oechem.OEGetSDData(Conf, taglabel) newid = str(Conf.GetIdx() + 1) totid = "{}, {}".format(oldid, newid) oechem.OESetSDData(Conf, taglabel, totid) except AttributeError as err: pass # Set new SD tag for numSteps of geom. opt. taglabel = "QM %s Opt. Steps %s/%s" % (pkg, method, basisset) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['numSteps'])) # Set new SD tag for conformer's initial energy taglabel = "QM %s Initial Opt. Energy (Har) %s/%s" % (pkg, method, basisset) oechem.OEAddSDData(Conf, taglabel, str(Props['initEnergy']))
def main(args): if len(args) != 4: oechem.OEThrow.Usage( "%s ligand_file protein_file output_file (SDF or OEB)" % args[0]) lfs = oechem.oemolistream() if not[1]): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for reading" % args[1]) pfs = oechem.oemolistream() if not[2]): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for reading" % args[2]) ofs = oechem.oemolostream() if not[3]): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for writing" % args[3]) if not oechem.OEIsSDDataFormat(ofs.GetFormat()): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal( "Output file does not support SD data used by this example") # Szybki options for VdW-Coulomb calculations optsC = oeszybki.OESzybkiOptions() optsC.GetProteinOptions().SetProteinElectrostaticModel( oeszybki.OEProteinElectrostatics_ExactCoulomb) optsC.SetRunType(oeszybki.OERunType_CartesiansOpt) # Szybki options for PB calculations optsPB = oeszybki.OESzybkiOptions() optsPB.GetProteinOptions().SetProteinElectrostaticModel( oeszybki.OEProteinElectrostatics_SolventPBForces) optsPB.SetRunType(oeszybki.OERunType_SinglePoint) # Szybki objects szC = oeszybki.OESzybki(optsC) szPB = oeszybki.OESzybki(optsPB) # read and setup protein protein = oechem.OEGraphMol() oechem.OEReadMolecule(pfs, protein) szC.SetProtein(protein) szPB.SetProtein(protein) terms = set([ oeszybki.OEPotentialTerms_ProteinLigandInteraction, oeszybki.OEPotentialTerms_VdWProteinLigand, oeszybki.OEPotentialTerms_CoulombProteinLigand, oeszybki.OEPotentialTerms_ProteinDesolvation, oeszybki.OEPotentialTerms_LigandDesolvation, oeszybki.OEPotentialTerms_SolventScreening ]) # process molecules for mol in lfs.GetOEMols(): # optimize mol if not list(szC(mol)): oechem.OEThrow.Warning("No results processing molecule: %s" % mol.GetTitle()) continue # do single point with better electrostatics for conf, results in zip(mol.GetConfs(), szPB(mol)): for i in terms: strEnergy = ("%9.4f" % results.GetEnergyTerm(i)) oechem.OEAddSDData(conf, oeszybki.OEGetEnergyTermName(i), strEnergy) oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, mol) return 0
def ChEMBLSolubilityUsage(itf): ifs = oechem.oemolistream() if not"-input")): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for reading: " + itf.GetString("-input")) ofs = oechem.oemolostream() if not"-output")): oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for writing: " + ofs.GetString("-output")) oechem.OEThrow.SetLevel(oechem.OEErrorLevel_Warning) # @ <SNIPPET-OEAPPLYCHEMBLSOLUBILITY-EXAMPLE> # number of bonds of chemistry context at site of change # for the applied transforms totalmols = 0 xformctxt = oemedchem.OEMatchedPairContext_Bond2 for molidx, mol in enumerate(ifs.GetOEGraphMols(), start=1): # consider only the largest input fragment oechem.OEDeleteEverythingExceptTheFirstLargestComponent(mol) smolcnt = 0 # only consider solubility transforms having at least 5 matched pairs for solMol in oemedchem.OEApplyChEMBL24SolubilityTransforms( mol, xformctxt, 5): # compute net change in solubility from MMP data deltasol = [] if oechem.OEHasSDData(solMol, "OEMMP_normalized_value (uM)"): for sditem in oechem.OEGetSDData( solMol, "OEMMP_normalized_value (uM)").split('\n'): # fromIndex,toIndex,fromValue,toValue sdvalues = sditem.split(',') if not sdvalues[2] or not sdvalues[3]: continue deltasol.append(float(sdvalues[3]) - float(sdvalues[2])) if not len(deltasol): continue avgsol = deltasol[0] if len(deltasol) > 1: avgsol = average(deltasol) # reject examples with net decrease in solubility if avgsol < 0.0: continue sdev = stddev(deltasol) # annotate with average,stddev,num oechem.OEAddSDData( solMol, "OEMMP_average_delta_normalized_value", "{0:.1F},{1:.2F},{2}".format(avgsol, sdev, len(deltasol))) # export solubility transformed molecule with SDData annotations if oechem.OEWriteMolecule( ofs, solMol) == oechem.OEWriteMolReturnCode_Success: smolcnt += 1 oechem.OEThrow.Info("{0}: Exported molecule count, {1}".format( molidx, smolcnt)) totalmols += smolcnt # @ </SNIPPET-OEAPPLYCHEMBLSOLUBILITY-EXAMPLE> print("Exported molecule count = {0}".format(totalmols)) return True
def FixSDFTitle(tag, mol): if len(mol.GetTitle()) > 80: oechem.OEAddSDData(mol, tag, mol.GetTitle()) mol.SetTitle(mol.GetTitle()[:80]) return True return False