Пример #1
def get_bare_stabilizer(H: QubitOperator):
    Identify the stabilizer of H. 
    Currently admits only stabilizer with all z 
    since hf can only identifies the value of these terms
    n = get_number_qubit(H)
    pws = []

    for pw, _ in H.terms.items():

    binvecs = pauli2binvec(pws, n)
    nullvecs = binary_null_space(np.array(binvecs))

    stabs = []
    for vec in nullvecs:
        # If is all z
        if all(vec[:n] == 0):
            stab = QubitOperator.identity()
            for i in range(n):
                if vec[n + i] == 1:
                    stab = stab * QubitOperator('Z' + str(i))
            print('Stabilizer with x/y terms ignored. ')
    return stabs
Пример #2
 def paulistrings(self, other):
     Reassign with Tequila PauliString format
     :param other: list of PauliStrings
     :return: self for chaining
     new_hamiltonian = QubitOperator.identity()
     for ps in other:
         tmp = QubitOperator(term=ps.key_openfermion(), value=ps.coeff)
         new_hamiltonian += tmp
     self._qubit_operator = new_hamiltonian
     return self
Пример #3
def get_zform_unitary(H_qwc: QubitOperator):
    Get the unitary that transforms qwc operators to all-z form. 
    qwc_ops = {}  # dictionary of qub : x/y/z
    for pw, _ in H_qwc.terms.items():
        for ps in pw:
            qwc_ops[ps[0]] = ps[1]

    U = QubitOperator.identity()
    for qub, op in qwc_ops.items():
        if op != 'Z':
            U *= 1 / 2**(1 / 2) * (QubitOperator(term=op + str(qub)) +
                                   QubitOperator(term='Z' + str(qub)))

    return U
Пример #4
def get_qwc_unitary(H: QubitOperator):
    Get the unitary that transform commuting operators to qwc operators
    qh = QubitHamiltonian.from_openfermion(H)
    bh = BinaryHamiltonian.init_from_qubit_hamiltonian(qh)

    qwc, lag, sig = bh.single_qubit_form()

    num = len(lag)
    U = QubitOperator.identity()

    for idx in range(num):
        l = QubitHamiltonian.from_paulistrings(lag[idx].to_pauli_strings())
        s = QubitHamiltonian.from_paulistrings(sig[idx].to_pauli_strings())
        U *= 1 / 2**(1 / 2) * (l.to_openfermion() + s.to_openfermion())
    return U
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, qubit_hamiltonian: typing.Union[QubitOperator, str, numbers.Number] = None):
        Initialize from string or from a preexisting OpenFermion QubitOperator instance
        :param qubit_hamiltonian: string or openfermion.QubitOperator
        if string: Same conventions as openfermion
        if None: The Hamiltonian is initialized as identity operator
        if Number: initialized as scaled unit operator
        if isinstance(qubit_hamiltonian, str):
            self._qubit_operator = self.from_string(string=qubit_hamiltonian)._qubit_operator
        elif qubit_hamiltonian is None:
            self._qubit_operator = QubitOperator.zero()
        elif isinstance(qubit_hamiltonian, numbers.Number):
            self._qubit_operator = qubit_hamiltonian * QubitOperator.identity()
            self._qubit_operator = qubit_hamiltonian

        assert (isinstance(self._qubit_operator, QubitOperator))
Пример #6
 def unit(cls):
     return QubitHamiltonian(qubit_operator=QubitOperator.identity())