Пример #1
    def POST(self):
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        if not can_write():
            raise web.HTTPError('403 Forbidden')

        i = web.input()

        require_marc = not (i.get('require_marc') == 'false')
        bulk_marc = i.get('bulk_marc') == 'true'

        if 'identifier' not in i:
            return self.error('bad-input', 'identifier not provided')
        identifier = i.identifier

        # First check whether this is a non-book, bulk-marc item
        if bulk_marc:
            # Get binary MARC by identifier = ocaid/filename:offset:length
            re_bulk_identifier = re.compile("([^/]*)/([^:]*):(\d*):(\d*)")
                ocaid, filename, offset, length = re_bulk_identifier.match(identifier).groups()
                data, next_offset, next_length = get_from_archive_bulk(identifier)
                next_data = {'next_record_offset': next_offset, 'next_record_length': next_length}
                rec = MarcBinary(data)
                edition = read_edition(rec)
            except MarcException as e:
                details = "%s: %s" % (identifier, str(e))
                logger.error("failed to read from bulk MARC record %s", details)
                return self.error('invalid-marc-record', details, **next_data)

            actual_length = int(rec.leader()[:5])
            edition['source_records'] = 'marc:%s/%s:%s:%d' % (ocaid, filename, offset, actual_length)

            #TODO: Look up URN prefixes to support more sources
            prefix = 'trent'
            edition['local_id'] = ['urn:%s:%s' % (prefix, _id) for _id in rec.get_fields('001')]
            result = add_book.load(edition)

            # Add next_data to the response as location of next record:

            return json.dumps(result)

        # Case 0 - Is the item already loaded
        key = self.find_edition(identifier)
        if key:
            return self.status_matched(key)

        # Case 1 - Is this a valid Archive.org item?
            item_json = ia.get_item_json(identifier)
            item_server = item_json['server']
            item_path = item_json['dir']
        except KeyError:
            return self.error("invalid-ia-identifier", "%s not found" % identifier)
        metadata = ia.extract_item_metadata(item_json)
        if not metadata:
            return self.error("invalid-ia-identifier")

        # Case 2 - Does the item have an openlibrary field specified?
        # The scan operators search OL before loading the book and add the
        # OL key if a match is found. We can trust them and attach the item
        # to that edition.
        if metadata.get("mediatype") == "texts" and metadata.get("openlibrary"):
            d = {
                "title": metadata['title'],
                "openlibrary": "/books/" + metadata["openlibrary"]
            d = self.populate_edition_data(d, identifier)
            return self.load_book(d)

        # Case 3 - Can the item be loaded into Open Library?
        status = ia.get_item_status(identifier, metadata,
                                    item_server=item_server, item_path=item_path)
        if status != 'ok':
            return self.error(status, "Prohibited Item")

        # Gio - April 2016
        # items with metadata no_ol_import=true will be not imported
        if metadata.get("no_ol_import", '').lower() == 'true':
            return self.error("no-ol-import")

        # Case 4 - Does this item have a marc record?
        marc_record = self.get_marc_record(identifier)
        if marc_record:
            # Is the item a serial instead of a book?
            marc_leaders = marc_record.leader()
            if marc_leaders[7] == 's':
                return self.error("item-is-serial")

            # insider note: follows Archive.org's approach of
            # Item::isMARCXMLforMonograph() which excludes non-books
            if not (marc_leaders[7] == 'm' and marc_leaders[6] == 'a'):
                return self.error("item-not-book")

                edition_data = read_edition(marc_record)
            except MarcException as e:
                logger.error("failed to read from MARC record %s: %s", identifier, str(e))
                return self.error("invalid-marc-record")

        elif require_marc:
            return self.error("no-marc-record")

                edition_data = self.get_ia_record(metadata)
            except KeyError:
                return self.error("invalid-ia-metadata")

        # Add IA specific fields: ocaid, source_records, and cover
        edition_data = self.populate_edition_data(edition_data, identifier)

        return self.load_book(edition_data)
Пример #2
    def POST(self):
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        if not can_write():
            raise web.HTTPError('403 Forbidden')

        i = web.input()

        require_marc = not (i.get('require_marc') == 'false')
        bulk_marc = i.get('bulk_marc') == 'true'

        if 'identifier' not in i:
            return self.error('bad-input', 'identifier not provided')
        identifier = i.identifier

        # First check whether this is a non-book, bulk-marc item
        if bulk_marc:
            # Get binary MARC by identifier = ocaid/filename:offset:length
            re_bulk_identifier = re.compile("([^/]*)/([^:]*):(\d*):(\d*)")
                ocaid, filename, offset, length = re_bulk_identifier.match(identifier).groups()
                data, next_offset, next_length = get_from_archive_bulk(identifier)
                next_data = {'next_record_offset': next_offset, 'next_record_length': next_length}
                rec = MarcBinary(data)
                edition = read_edition(rec)
            except MarcException as e:
                details = "%s: %s" % (identifier, str(e))
                logger.error("failed to read from bulk MARC record %s", details)
                return self.error('invalid-marc-record', details, **next_data)

            actual_length = int(rec.leader()[:MARC_LENGTH_POS])
            edition['source_records'] = 'marc:%s/%s:%s:%d' % (ocaid, filename, offset, actual_length)

            local_id = i.get('local_id')
            if local_id:
                local_id_type = web.ctx.site.get('/local_ids/' + local_id)
                prefix = local_id_type.urn_prefix
                edition['local_id'] = ['urn:%s:%s' % (prefix, _id) for _id in rec.get_fields('001')]

            result = add_book.load(edition)

            # Add next_data to the response as location of next record:
            return json.dumps(result)

        # Case 1 - Is this a valid Archive.org item?
            item_json = ia.get_item_json(identifier)
            item_server = item_json['server']
            item_path = item_json['dir']
        except KeyError:
            return self.error("invalid-ia-identifier", "%s not found" % identifier)
        metadata = ia.extract_item_metadata(item_json)
        if not metadata:
            return self.error("invalid-ia-identifier")

        # Case 2 - Does the item have an openlibrary field specified?
        # The scan operators search OL before loading the book and add the
        # OL key if a match is found. We can trust them and attach the item
        # to that edition.
        if metadata.get("mediatype") == "texts" and metadata.get("openlibrary"):
            edition_data = self.get_ia_record(metadata)
            edition_data["openlibrary"] = metadata["openlibrary"]
            edition_data = self.populate_edition_data(edition_data, identifier)
            return self.load_book(edition_data)

        # Case 3 - Can the item be loaded into Open Library?
        status = ia.get_item_status(identifier, metadata,
                                    item_server=item_server, item_path=item_path)
        if status != 'ok':
            return self.error(status, "Prohibited Item")

        # Case 4 - Does this item have a marc record?
        marc_record = self.get_marc_record(identifier)
        if marc_record:

                edition_data = read_edition(marc_record)
            except MarcException as e:
                logger.error("failed to read from MARC record %s: %s", identifier, str(e))
                return self.error("invalid-marc-record")

        elif require_marc:
            return self.error("no-marc-record")

                edition_data = self.get_ia_record(metadata)
            except KeyError:
                return self.error("invalid-ia-metadata")

        # Add IA specific fields: ocaid, source_records, and cover
        edition_data = self.populate_edition_data(edition_data, identifier)

        return self.load_book(edition_data)
Пример #3
    def POST(self):
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        if not can_write():
            return json.dumps({'success': False, 'error': 'Permission Denied'})

        i = web.input()
        if "identifier" not in i:
            self.error("bad-input", "identifier not provided")
        identifier = i.identifier

        # Case 0 - Is the item already loaded
        key = self.find_edition(identifier)
        if key:
            return self.status_matched(key)

        # Case 1 - Is this a valid item?
        item_json = ia.get_item_json(identifier)
        item_server = item_json['server']
        item_path = item_json['dir']
        metadata = ia.extract_item_metadata(item_json)
        if not metadata:
            return self.error("invalid-ia-identifier")

        # Case 2 - Is the item has openlibrary field specified?
        # The scan operators search OL before loading the book and adds the
        # OL key if an match is found. We can trust them as attach the item
        # to that edition.
        if metadata.get("mediatype") == "texts" and metadata.get(
            d = {
                "title": metadata['title'],
                "openlibrary": "/books/" + metadata["openlibrary"]
            d = self.populate_edition_data(d, identifier)
            return self.load_book(d)

        # Case 3 - Can the item be loaded into Open Library?
        status = ia.get_item_status(identifier,
        if status != 'ok':
            return self.error(status, "Prohibited Item")

        # Gio - April 2016
        # items with metadata no_ol_import=true will be not imported
        if metadata.get("no_ol_import", '').lower() == 'true':
            return self.error("no-ol-import")

        # Case 4 - Does this item have a marc record?
        marc_record = self.get_marc_record(identifier)
        if not marc_record:
            return self.error("no-marc-record")

        # Case 5 - Is the item a serial instead of a book?
        marc_leaders = marc_record.leader()
        if marc_leaders[7] == 's':
            return self.error("item-is-serial")

        # insider note: follows Archive.org's approach of
        # Item::isMARCXMLforMonograph() which excludes non-books
        if not (marc_leaders[7] == 'm' and marc_leaders[6] == 'a'):
            return self.error("item-not-book")

        edition_data = self.get_edition_data(identifier, marc_record)
        if not edition_data:
            return self.error("invalid-marc-record")
        return self.load_book(edition_data)
Пример #4
    def POST(self):
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        if not can_write():
            raise web.HTTPError('403 Forbidden')

        i = web.input()

        require_marc = not (i.get('require_marc') == 'false')
        bulk_marc = i.get('bulk_marc') == 'true'

        if 'identifier' not in i:
            return self.error('bad-input', 'identifier not provided')
        identifier = i.identifier

        # First check whether this is a non-book, bulk-marc item
        if bulk_marc:
            # Get binary MARC by identifier = ocaid/filename:offset:length
            re_bulk_identifier = re.compile("([^/]*)/([^:]*):(\d*):(\d*)")
                ocaid, filename, offset, length = re_bulk_identifier.match(identifier).groups()
                data, next_offset, next_length = get_from_archive_bulk(identifier)
                next_data = {'next_record_offset': next_offset, 'next_record_length': next_length}
                rec = MarcBinary(data)
                edition = read_edition(rec)
            except MarcException as e:
                details = "%s: %s" % (identifier, str(e))
                logger.error("failed to read from bulk MARC record %s", details)
                return self.error('invalid-marc-record', details, **next_data)

            actual_length = int(rec.leader()[:MARC_LENGTH_POS])
            edition['source_records'] = 'marc:%s/%s:%s:%d' % (ocaid, filename, offset, actual_length)

            #TODO: Look up URN prefixes to support more sources, extend openlibrary/catalog/marc/sources?
            if ocaid == 'OpenLibraries-Trent-MARCs':
                prefix = 'trent'
                edition['local_id'] = ['urn:%s:%s' % (prefix, _id) for _id in rec.get_fields('001')]

            result = add_book.load(edition)

            # Add next_data to the response as location of next record:
            return json.dumps(result)

        # Case 1 - Is this a valid Archive.org item?
            item_json = ia.get_item_json(identifier)
            item_server = item_json['server']
            item_path = item_json['dir']
        except KeyError:
            return self.error("invalid-ia-identifier", "%s not found" % identifier)
        metadata = ia.extract_item_metadata(item_json)
        if not metadata:
            return self.error("invalid-ia-identifier")

        # Case 2 - Does the item have an openlibrary field specified?
        # The scan operators search OL before loading the book and add the
        # OL key if a match is found. We can trust them and attach the item
        # to that edition.
        if metadata.get("mediatype") == "texts" and metadata.get("openlibrary"):
            edition_data = self.get_ia_record(metadata)
            edition_data["openlibrary"] = metadata["openlibrary"]
            edition_data = self.populate_edition_data(edition_data, identifier)
            return self.load_book(edition_data)

        # Case 3 - Can the item be loaded into Open Library?
        status = ia.get_item_status(identifier, metadata,
                                    item_server=item_server, item_path=item_path)
        if status != 'ok':
            return self.error(status, "Prohibited Item")

        # Case 4 - Does this item have a marc record?
        marc_record = self.get_marc_record(identifier)
        if marc_record:

                edition_data = read_edition(marc_record)
            except MarcException as e:
                logger.error("failed to read from MARC record %s: %s", identifier, str(e))
                return self.error("invalid-marc-record")

        elif require_marc:
            return self.error("no-marc-record")

                edition_data = self.get_ia_record(metadata)
            except KeyError:
                return self.error("invalid-ia-metadata")

        # Add IA specific fields: ocaid, source_records, and cover
        edition_data = self.populate_edition_data(edition_data, identifier)

        return self.load_book(edition_data)
Пример #5
    def POST(self):
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        if not can_write():
            return json.dumps({'success':False, 'error':'Permission Denied'})

        i = web.input()        

        require_marc = not (i.get('require_marc') == 'false')

        if "identifier" not in i:
            self.error("bad-input", "identifier not provided")
        identifier = i.identifier

        # Case 0 - Is the item already loaded
        key = self.find_edition(identifier)
        if key:
            return self.status_matched(key)

        # Case 1 - Is this a valid item?
        item_json = ia.get_item_json(identifier)
        item_server = item_json['server']
        item_path = item_json['dir']
        metadata = ia.extract_item_metadata(item_json)
        if not metadata:
            return self.error("invalid-ia-identifier")

        # Case 2 - Is the item has openlibrary field specified?
        # The scan operators search OL before loading the book and adds the
        # OL key if an match is found. We can trust them as attach the item
        # to that edition.
        if metadata.get("mediatype") == "texts" and metadata.get("openlibrary"):
            d = {
                "title": metadata['title'],
                "openlibrary": "/books/" + metadata["openlibrary"]
            d = self.populate_edition_data(d, identifier)
            return self.load_book(d)

        # Case 3 - Can the item be loaded into Open Library?
        status = ia.get_item_status(identifier, metadata,
                                    item_server=item_server, item_path=item_path)
        if status != 'ok':
            return self.error(status, "Prohibited Item")

        # Gio - April 2016
        # items with metadata no_ol_import=true will be not imported
        if metadata.get("no_ol_import", '').lower() == 'true':
            return self.error("no-ol-import")

        # Case 4 - Does this item have a marc record?
        marc_record = self.get_marc_record(identifier)
        if marc_record:
            # Is the item a serial instead of a book?
            marc_leaders = marc_record.leader()
            if marc_leaders[7] == 's':
                return self.error("item-is-serial")

            # insider note: follows Archive.org's approach of
            # Item::isMARCXMLforMonograph() which excludes non-books
            if not (marc_leaders[7] == 'm' and marc_leaders[6] == 'a'):
                return self.error("item-not-book")

            edition_data = self.get_edition_data(identifier, marc_record)
            if not edition_data:
                return self.error("invalid-marc-record")

        elif require_marc:
            return self.error("no-marc-record")

            edition_data = self.get_ia_record(metadata)
            if not edition_data:
                return self.error("invalid-ia-metadata")

        return self.load_book(edition_data)