Пример #1
def increment_error_count(key):
    :param str key: e.g. ol.exceptions or el.internal-errors-segmented
    top_url_path = 'none'
    page_class = 'none'
    if web.ctx and hasattr(web.ctx, 'path') and web.ctx.path:
        top_url_path = _get_top_level_path_for_metric(web.ctx.path)
        page_class = _get_path_page_name(web.ctx.path)

    exception_type, exception_value, tback = sys.exc_info()
    exception_type_name = exception_type.__name__
    # Log exception file
    path = find_topmost_useful_file(exception_value, tback)
    path = os.path.split(path)

    # log just filename, unless it's code.py (cause that's useless!)
    ol_file = path[1]
    if path[1] in ('code.py', 'index.html', 'edit.html', 'view.html'):
        ol_file = os.path.split(path[0])[1] + '_' + _encode_key_part(path[1])

    metric_parts = [
        'class_' + page_class,
    metric = '.'.join([_encode_key_part(p) for p in metric_parts])
    graphite_stats.increment(key + '.' + metric)
Пример #2
 def POST_leave_waitinglist(self, edition, user, i):
     waitinglist.leave_waitinglist(user.key, edition.key)
     if i.get("redirect"):
         raise web.redirect(i.redirect)
         raise web.redirect(edition.url())
Пример #3
    def POST(self):
        form = web.input()
        email = form.get("email", "")
        topic = form.get("topic", "")
        description = form.get("question", "")
        url = form.get("url", "")
        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        useragent = web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT","")
        if not all([email, topic, description]):
            return ""

        default_assignees = config.get("support_default_assignees",{})
        topic_key = str(topic.replace(" ","_").lower())
        if topic_key in default_assignees:
            assignee = default_assignees.get(topic_key)
            assignee = default_assignees.get("default", "*****@*****.**")
        subject = "Support case *%s*"%topic

        url = web.ctx.home + url
        displayname = user and user.get_name() or ""
        username = user and user.get_username() or ""

        message = SUPPORT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE % locals()
        sendmail(email, assignee, subject, message)
        return render_template("email/case_created", assignee)
Пример #4
 def POST_leave_waitinglist(self, edition, user, i):
     waitinglist.leave_waitinglist(user.key, edition.key)
     if i.get("redirect"):
         raise web.redirect(i.redirect)
         raise web.redirect(edition.url())
Пример #5
    def POST(self):
        form = web.input()
        email = form.get("email", "")
        topic = form.get("topic", "")
        description = form.get("question", "")
        url = form.get("url", "")
        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        useragent = web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "")
        if not all([email, topic, description]):
            return ""

        default_assignees = config.get("support_default_assignees", {})
        topic_key = str(topic.replace(" ", "_").lower())
        if topic_key in default_assignees:
            assignee = default_assignees.get(topic_key)
            assignee = default_assignees.get("default",
        subject = "Support case *%s*" % topic

        url = web.ctx.home + url
        displayname = user and user.get_name() or ""
        username = user and user.get_username() or ""

        message = SUPPORT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE % locals()
        sendmail(email, assignee, subject, message)
        return render_template("email/case_created", assignee)
Пример #6
 def unlink(self):
     """Careful, this will save any other changes to the ol user object as
     _ol_account = web.ctx.site.store.get(self._key)
     _ol_account['internetarchive_itemname'] = None
     web.ctx.site.store[self._key] = _ol_account
     self.internetarchive_itemname = None
Пример #7
 def unlink(self):
     """Careful, this will save any other changes to the ol user object as
     _ol_account = web.ctx.site.store.get(self._key)
     _ol_account['internetarchive_itemname'] = None
     web.ctx.site.store[self._key] = _ol_account
     self.internetarchive_itemname = None
Пример #8
    def link(self, itemname):
        """Careful, this will save any other changes to the ol user object as
        itemname = itemname if itemname.startswith('@') else '@%s' % itemname

        _ol_account = web.ctx.site.store.get(self._key)
        _ol_account['internetarchive_itemname'] = itemname
        web.ctx.site.store[self._key] = _ol_account
        self.internetarchive_itemname = itemname
Пример #9
    def link(self, itemname):
        """Careful, this will save any other changes to the ol user object as
        itemname = itemname if itemname.startswith('@') else '@%s' % itemname

        _ol_account = web.ctx.site.store.get(self._key)
        _ol_account['internetarchive_itemname'] = itemname
        web.ctx.site.store[self._key] = _ol_account
        self.internetarchive_itemname = itemname
Пример #10
def setup():
    "Basic startup status for the server"
    global status_info, feature_flags
    host = socket.gethostname()
    status_info = {
        "Software version": get_software_version(),
        "Python version": sys.version.split()[0],
        "Host": host,
        "Start time": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
    feature_flags = get_features_enabled()

    # Host is e.g. ol-web4.blah.archive.org ; we just want the first subdomain
    first_subdomain = host.split('.')[0] or 'unknown'
    stats.increment('ol.servers.%s.started' % first_subdomain)
Пример #11
    def POST(self):
        # if not support_db:
        #     return "Couldn't initialise connection to support database"
        form = web.input()
        email = form.get("email", "")
        topic = form.get("topic", "")
        description = form.get("question", "")
        url = form.get("url", "")
        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        useragent = web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "")
        if not all([email, topic, description]):
            return ""

        default_assignees = config.get("support_default_assignees", {})
        topic_key = str(topic.replace(" ", "_").lower())
        if topic_key in default_assignees:
            # This is set to False to prevent cases from being created
            # even if there is a designated assignee. This prevents
            # the database from being updated.
            create_case = False
            assignee = default_assignees.get(topic_key)
            create_case = False
            assignee = default_assignees.get("default", "*****@*****.**")
        if create_case:
            c = support_db.create_case(
                creator_name=user and user.get_name() or "",
                creator_username=user and user.get_username() or "",
            subject = "Support case *%s*" % topic

            url = web.ctx.home + url
            displayname = user and user.get_name() or ""
            username = user and user.get_username() or ""

            message = SUPPORT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE % locals()
            sendmail(email, assignee, subject, message)
        return render_template("email/case_created", assignee)
Пример #12
    def POST(self):
        form = web.input()
        patron_name = form.get("name", "")
        email = form.get("email", "")
        topic = form.get("topic", "")
        description = form.get("question", "")
        url = form.get("url", "")
        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        useragent = web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "")
        if not all([email, topic, description]):
            return ""

        hashed_ip = hashlib.md5(web.ctx.ip.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        has_emailed_recently = get_memcache().get('contact-POST-%s' %
        if has_emailed_recently:
            recap = get_recaptcha()
            if recap and not recap.validate():
                return render_template(
                    'Recaptcha solution was incorrect',
                    ('Please <a href="javascript:history.back()">go back</a> and try '

        default_assignees = config.get("support_default_assignees", {})
        topic_key = str(topic.replace(" ", "_").lower())
        if topic_key in default_assignees:
            assignee = default_assignees.get(topic_key)
            assignee = default_assignees.get("default",
        subject = "Support case *%s*" % topic

        url = web.ctx.home + url
        displayname = user and user.get_name() or ""
        username = user and user.get_username() or ""

        message = SUPPORT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE % locals()
        sendmail(email, assignee, subject, message)

        get_memcache().set('contact-POST-%s' % hashed_ip,
                           time=15 * MINUTE_SECS)
        return render_template("email/case_created", assignee)
Пример #13
    def POST(self):
        # if not support_db:
        #     return "Couldn't initialise connection to support database"
        form = web.input()
        email = form.get("email", "")
        topic = form.get("topic", "")
        description = form.get("question", "")
        url = form.get("url", "")
        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        useragent = web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "")
        if not all([email, topic, description]):
            return ""

        default_assignees = config.get("support_default_assignees", {})
        topic_key = str(topic.replace(" ", "_").lower())
        if topic_key in default_assignees:
            # This is set to False to prevent cases from being created
            # even if there is a designated assignee. This prevents
            # the database from being updated.
            create_case = False
            assignee = default_assignees.get(topic_key)
            create_case = False
            assignee = default_assignees.get("default", "*****@*****.**")
        if create_case:
            c = support_db.create_case(
                creator_name=user and user.get_name() or "",
                creator_username=user and user.get_username() or "",
            subject = "Support case *%s*" % topic
            message = "A new support case has been filed\n\nTopic: %s\n\nDescription:\n%s" % (
                topic, description)
            web.sendmail(email, assignee, subject, message)
        return render_template("email/case_created", assignee)
Пример #14
    def POST(self):
        if not support_db:
            return "Couldn't initialise connection to support database"
        form = web.input()
        email = form.get("email", "")
        topic = form.get("topic", "")
        description = form.get("question", "")
        url = form.get("url", "")
        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        useragent = web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT","")
        if not all([email, topic, description]):
            return ""

        default_assignees = config.get("support_default_assignees",{})
        topic_key = topic.replace(" ","_").lower()
        if topic_key in default_assignees:
            create_case = True
            assignee = default_assignees.get(topic_key)
            create_case = False
            assignee = default_assignees.get("default", "*****@*****.**")
        if create_case:
            c = support_db.create_case(creator_name      = user and user.get_name() or "",
                                       creator_email     = email,
                                       creator_useragent = useragent,
                                       creator_username  = user and user.get_username() or "",
                                       subject           = topic,
                                       description       = description,
                                       url               = url,
                                       assignee          = assignee)
            subject = "Support case *%s*"%topic
            message = "A new support case has been filed\n\nTopic: %s\n\nDescription:\n%s"%(topic, description)
            web.sendmail(email, assignee, subject, message)
        return render_template("email/case_created", assignee)
Пример #15
def stats_hook():
    """web.py unload hook to add X-OL-Stats header.

    This info can be written to lighttpd access log for collecting

    Also, send stats to graphite using statsd
    stats_summary = stats.stats_summary()
        if "stats-header" in web.ctx.features:
            web.header("X-OL-Stats", format_stats(stats_summary))
    except Exception as e:
        # don't let errors in stats collection break the app.
        print(str(e), file=web.debug)

    # This name is misleading. It gets incremented for more than just pages.
    # E.g. *.json requests (even ajax), image requests. Although I can't
    # see any *.js requests? So not sure exactly when we're called here.

    memcache_hits = 0
    memcache_misses = 0
    for s in web.ctx.get("stats", []):
        if s.name == 'memcache.get':
            if s.data['hit']:
                memcache_hits += 1
                memcache_misses += 1

    if memcache_hits:
        graphite_stats.increment('ol.memcache.hits', memcache_hits, rate=0.025)
    if memcache_misses:

    for name, value in stats_summary.items():
        name = name.replace(".", "_")
        time = value.get("time", 0.0) * 1000
        key = 'ol.' + name
        graphite_stats.put(key, time)
Пример #16
def audit_accounts(email, password, require_link=False,
                   s3_access_key=None, s3_secret_key=None, test=False):
    """Performs an audit of the IA or OL account having this email.

    The audit:
    - verifies the password is correct for this account
    - aborts if any sort of error (e.g. account blocked, unverified)
    - reports whether the account is linked (to a secondary account)
    - if unlinked, reports whether a secondary account exists w/
      matching email

        email (unicode)
        password (unicode)
        require_link (bool) - if True, returns `accounts_not_connected`
                              if accounts are not linked
        test (bool) - not currently used; is there to allow testing in
                      the absence of archive.org dependency
    from openlibrary.core import lending

    if s3_access_key and s3_secret_key:
        r = InternetArchiveAccount.s3auth(s3_access_key, s3_secret_key)
        if not r.get('authorized', False):
            return {'error': 'invalid_s3keys'}
        ia_login = "******"
        email = r['username']
        if not valid_email(email):
            return {'error': 'invalid_email'}
        ia_login = InternetArchiveAccount.authenticate(email, password)

    if any(ia_login == err for err
            in ['account_blocked', 'account_locked']):
        return {'error': 'account_locked'}

    if ia_login != "ok":
        # Prioritize returning other errors over `account_not_found`
        if ia_login != "account_not_found":
            return {'error': ia_login}
        return {'error': 'account_not_found'}

        ia_account = InternetArchiveAccount.get(email=email, test=test)

        # Get the OL account which links to this IA account
        ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(link=ia_account.itemname, test=test)
        link = ol_account.itemname if ol_account else None

        # The fact that there is no link implies no Open Library
        # account exists containing a link to this Internet Archive
        # account...
        if not link:
            # then check if there's an Open Library account which shares
            # the same email as this IA account.
            ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(email=email, test=test)

            # If an Open Library account with a matching email account exist...
            if ol_account:
                # Check whether it is linked already, i.e. has an itemname
                # set. We already determined that no OL account is
                # linked to our IA account. Therefore this Open
                # Library account having the same email as our IA
                # account must have been linked to a different
                # Internet Archive account.
                if ol_account.itemname:
                    return {'error': 'wrong_ia_account'}

        # At this point, it must either be the case that (a)
        # `ol_account` already links to our IA account (in which case
        # `link` has a correct value), (b) that an unlinked
        # `ol_account` shares the same email as our IA account and
        # thus can and should be safely linked to our IA account, or
        # (c) no `ol_account` which is linked or can be linked has
        # been found and therefore, assuming
        # lending.config_ia_auth_only is enabled, we need to create
        # and link it.
        if not ol_account:
            if not password:
                raise {'error': 'link_attempt_requires_password'}
                ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.create(
                    ia_account.itemname, email, password,
                    verified=True, retries=5, test=test)
            except ValueError as e:
                return {'error': 'max_retries_exceeded'}


        # So long as there's either a linked OL account, or an unlinked OL
        # account with the same email, set them as linked (and let the
        # finalize logic link them, if needed)
            if not ol_account.itemname:
            if not ol_account.verified:
                # The IA account is activated (verifying the
                # integrity of their email), so we make a judgement
                # call to safely activate them.
            if ol_account.blocked:
                return {'error': 'account_blocked'}

    if require_link:
        ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(link=ia_account.itemname, test=test)
        if ol_account and not ol_account.itemname:
            return {'error': 'accounts_not_connected'}

    # When a user logs in with OL credentials, the
    # web.ctx.site.login() is called with their OL user
    # credentials, which internally sets an auth_token
    # enabling the user's session.  The web.ctx.site.login
    # method requires OL credentials which are not present in
    # the case where a user logs in with their IA
    # credentials. As a result, when users login with their
    # valid IA credentials, the following kludge allows us to
    # fetch the OL account linked to their IA account, bypass
    # this web.ctx.site.login method (which requires OL
    # credentials), and directly set an auth_token to
    # enable the user's session.
    return {
        'authenticated': True,
        'ia_email': ia_account.email,
        'ol_email': ol_account.email,
        'ia_username': ia_account.screenname,
        'ol_username': ol_account.username,
        'link': ol_account.itemname,
Пример #17
 def POST_join_waitinglist(self, edition, user):
     waitinglist.join_waitinglist(user.key, edition.key)
     raise web.redirect(edition.url())
Пример #18
    def POST(self, key):
        """Called when the user wants to borrow the edition"""

        i = web.input(action='borrow', format=None, ol_host=None)

        if i.ol_host:
            ol_host = i.ol_host
            ol_host = 'openlibrary.org'

        edition = web.ctx.site.get(key)
        if not edition:
            raise web.notfound()

        # Make a call to availability v2 update the subjects according
        # to result if `open`, redirect to bookreader
        response = lending.get_availability_of_ocaid(edition.ocaid)
        availability = response[edition.ocaid] if response else {}
        if availability and availability['status'] == 'open':
            raise web.seeother('https://archive.org/stream/' + edition.ocaid +

        error_redirect = ('https://archive.org/stream/' + edition.ocaid +
        user = accounts.get_current_user()

        if user:
            account = OpenLibraryAccount.get_by_email(user.email)
            ia_itemname = account.itemname if account else None
        if not user or not ia_itemname:
            web.setcookie(config.login_cookie_name, "", expires=-1)
            raise web.seeother("/account/login?redirect=%s/borrow?action=%s" %
                               (edition.url(), i.action))

        action = i.action

        # Intercept a 'borrow' action if the user has already
        # borrowed the book and convert to a 'read' action.
        # Added so that direct bookreader links being routed through
        # here can use a single action of 'borrow', regardless of
        # whether the book has been checked out or not.
        if action == 'borrow' and user.has_borrowed(edition):
            action = 'read'

        if action == 'borrow':
            resource_type = i.format or 'bookreader'

            if resource_type not in ['epub', 'pdf', 'bookreader']:
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

            user_meets_borrow_criteria = user_can_borrow_edition(
                user, edition, resource_type)

            if user_meets_borrow_criteria:
                # This must be called before the loan is initiated,
                # otherwise the user's waitlist status will be cleared
                # upon loan creation
                track_loan = False if is_users_turn_to_borrow(
                    user, edition) else True

                loan = lending.create_loan(identifier=edition.ocaid,

                if loan:
                    loan_link = loan['loan_link']
                    if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                        if track_loan:
                            # As of 2017-12-14, Petabox will be
                            # responsible for tracking borrows which
                            # are the result of waitlist redemptions,
                            # so we don't want to track them here to
                            # avoid double accounting. When a reader
                            # is at the head of a waitlist and goes to
                            # claim their loan, Petabox now checks
                            # whether the waitlist was initiated from
                            # OL, and if it was, petabox tracks
                            # ol.loans.bookreader accordingly via
                            # lending.create_loan.

                        raise web.seeother(
                                loan.get_key(), edition.ocaid,
                                '/stream/' + edition.ocaid, ol_host))
                    elif resource_type == 'pdf':
                        raise web.seeother(loan_link)
                    elif resource_type == 'epub':
                        raise web.seeother(loan_link)
                    raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

        elif action == 'return':
            # Check that this user has the loan
            loans = get_loans(user)

            # We pick the first loan that the user has for this book that is returnable.
            # Assumes a user can't borrow multiple formats (resource_type) of the same book.
            user_loan = None
            for loan in loans:
                # Handle the case of multiple edition records for the same
                # ocaid and the user borrowed from one and returning from another
                has_loan = (loan['book'] == edition.key
                            or loan['ocaid'] == edition.ocaid)
                if has_loan:
                    user_loan = loan

            if not user_loan:
                # $$$ add error message
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)


            # Show the page with "you've returned this". Use a dummy slug.
            # $$$ this would do better in a session variable that can be cleared
            #     after the message is shown once
            raise web.seeother(edition.url())

        elif action == 'read':
            # Look for loans for this book
            loans = get_loans(user)
            for loan in loans:
                if loan['book'] == edition.key:
                    raise web.seeother(
                        make_bookreader_auth_link(loan['_key'], edition.ocaid,
                                                  '/stream/' + edition.ocaid,
        elif action == 'join-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_join_waitinglist(edition, user)
        elif action == 'leave-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_leave_waitinglist(edition, user, i)

        # Action not recognized
        raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
Пример #19
    def POST(self, key):
        """Called when the user wants to borrow the edition"""
        i = web.input(action='borrow', format=None, ol_host=None)

        if i.ol_host:
            ol_host = i.ol_host
            ol_host = 'openlibrary.org'
        edition = web.ctx.site.get(key)
        if not edition:
            raise web.notfound()
        error_redirect = edition.url("/borrow")
        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

        if i.action == 'borrow':
            resource_type = i.format
            if resource_type not in ['epub', 'pdf', 'bookreader']:
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

            if resource_type == 'bookreader':
            if user_can_borrow_edition(user, edition, resource_type):

                # XXX-Anand - Sept 2014: 
                # Extra check to avoid book being given to someone when people are already 
                # waiting on it. There are some reports of this happening.
                # Redirect back to the same page if there is waitinglist.
                wl = edition.get_waitinglist()
                if wl and (wl[0].get_user_key() != user.key or wl[0]['status'] != 'available'):
                    raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

                loan = lending.create_loan(
                loan_link = loan['loan_link']
                if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                elif resource_type == 'pdf':
                elif resource_type == 'epub':
                if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                    raise web.seeother(make_bookreader_auth_link(loan.get_key(), edition.ocaid, '/stream/' + edition.ocaid, ol_host))
                    raise web.seeother(loan_link)
                # Send to the borrow page
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
        elif i.action == 'return':
            # Check that this user has the loan
            loans = get_loans(user)

            # We pick the first loan that the user has for this book that is returnable.
            # Assumes a user can't borrow multiple formats (resource_type) of the same book.
            user_loan = None
            for loan in loans:
                # Handle the case of multiple edition records for the same 
                # ocaid and the user borrowed from one and returning from another
                has_loan = (loan['book'] == edition.key or loan['ocaid'] == edition.ocaid)
                if has_loan and can_return_resource_type(loan['resource_type']):
                    user_loan = loan
            if not user_loan:
                # $$$ add error message
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
            # Show the page with "you've returned this"
            # $$$ this would do better in a session variable that can be cleared
            #     after the message is shown once
            raise web.seeother(edition.url('/borrow?r=t'))
        elif i.action == 'read':
            # Look for loans for this book
            loans = get_loans(user)
            for loan in loans:
                if loan['book'] == edition.key:
                    raise web.seeother(make_bookreader_auth_link(loan['_key'], edition.ocaid, '/stream/' + edition.ocaid, ol_host))
        elif i.action == 'join-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_join_waitinglist(edition, user)
        elif i.action == 'leave-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_leave_waitinglist(edition, user, i)

        # Action not recognized
        raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
Пример #20
    def POST(self, key):
        """Called when the user wants to borrow the edition"""

        i = web.input(action='borrow', format=None, ol_host=None)

        if i.ol_host:
            ol_host = i.ol_host
            ol_host = 'openlibrary.org'

        edition = web.ctx.site.get(key)
        if not edition:
            raise web.notfound()
        error_redirect = edition.url("/borrow")

        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

        if i.action == 'borrow':
            resource_type = i.format

            if resource_type not in ['epub', 'pdf', 'bookreader']:
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

            if resource_type == 'bookreader':

            if user_can_borrow_edition(user, edition, resource_type):
                loan = Loan(user.key, key, resource_type)
                if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                    # The loan expiry should be utc isoformat
                    loan.expiry = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
                        time.time() + bookreader_loan_seconds).isoformat()
                loan_link = loan.make_offer(
                )  # generate the link and record that loan offer occurred

                # $$$ Record fact that user has done a borrow - how do I write into user? do I need permissions?
                # if not user.has_borrowed:
                #   user.has_borrowed = True
                #   user.save()

                if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                elif resource_type == 'pdf':
                elif resource_type == 'epub':

                if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                    raise web.seeother(
                                                  '/stream/' + edition.ocaid,
                    raise web.seeother(loan_link)
                # Send to the borrow page
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

        elif i.action == 'return':
            # Check that this user has the loan
            loans = get_loans(user)

            # We pick the first loan that the user has for this book that is returnable.
            # Assumes a user can't borrow multiple formats (resource_type) of the same book.
            user_loan = None
            for loan in loans:
                # Handle the case of multiple edition records for the same
                # ocaid and the user borrowed from one and returning from another
                has_loan = (loan['book'] == edition.key
                            or loan['ocaid'] == edition.ocaid)
                if has_loan and can_return_resource_type(
                    user_loan = loan

            if not user_loan:
                # $$$ add error message
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

            # They have it -- return it

            # Show the page with "you've returned this"
            # $$$ this would do better in a session variable that can be cleared
            #     after the message is shown once
            raise web.seeother(edition.url('/borrow?r=t'))

        elif i.action == 'read':
            # Look for loans for this book
            loans = get_loans(user)
            for loan in loans:
                if loan['book'] == edition.key:
                    raise web.seeother(
                        make_bookreader_auth_link(loan['_key'], edition.ocaid,
                                                  '/stream/' + edition.ocaid,
        elif i.action == 'join-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_join_waitinglist(edition, user)
        elif i.action == 'leave-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_leave_waitinglist(edition, user, i)

        # Action not recognized
        raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
Пример #21
    def POST(self, key):
        """Called when the user wants to borrow the edition"""
        i = web.input(action='borrow', format=None, ol_host=None)

        if i.ol_host:
            ol_host = i.ol_host
            ol_host = 'openlibrary.org'
        edition = web.ctx.site.get(key)
        if not edition:
            raise web.notfound()
        error_redirect = edition.url("/borrow")
        user = accounts.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

        if i.action == 'borrow':
            resource_type = i.format
            if resource_type not in ['epub', 'pdf', 'bookreader']:
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
            if user_can_borrow_edition(user, edition, resource_type):
                loan = Loan(user.key, key, resource_type)
                if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                    # The loan expiry should be utc isoformat
                    loan.expiry = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time() + bookreader_loan_seconds).isoformat()
                loan_link = loan.make_offer() # generate the link and record that loan offer occurred
                # $$$ Record fact that user has done a borrow - how do I write into user? do I need permissions?
                # if not user.has_borrowed:
                #   user.has_borrowed = True
                #   user.save()
                if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                elif resource_type == 'pdf':
                elif resource_type == 'epub':
                if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                    raise web.seeother(make_bookreader_auth_link(loan.get_key(), edition.ocaid, '/stream/' + edition.ocaid, ol_host))
                    raise web.seeother(loan_link)
                # Send to the borrow page
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
        elif i.action == 'return':
            # Check that this user has the loan
            loans = get_loans(user)

            # We pick the first loan that the user has for this book that is returnable.
            # Assumes a user can't borrow multiple formats (resource_type) of the same book.
            user_loan = None
            for loan in loans:
                # Handle the case of multiple edition records for the same 
                # ocaid and the user borrowed from one and returning from another
                has_loan = (loan['book'] == edition.key or loan['ocaid'] == edition.ocaid)
                if has_loan and can_return_resource_type(loan['resource_type']):
                    user_loan = loan
            if not user_loan:
                # $$$ add error message
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
            # They have it -- return it
            # Show the page with "you've returned this"
            # $$$ this would do better in a session variable that can be cleared
            #     after the message is shown once
            raise web.seeother(edition.url('/borrow?r=t'))
        elif i.action == 'read':
            # Look for loans for this book
            loans = get_loans(user)
            for loan in loans:
                if loan['book'] == edition.key:
                    raise web.seeother(make_bookreader_auth_link(loan['_key'], edition.ocaid, '/stream/' + edition.ocaid, ol_host))
        elif i.action == 'join-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_join_waitinglist(edition, user)
        elif i.action == 'leave-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_leave_waitinglist(edition, user, i)

        # Action not recognized
        raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
Пример #22
def page_unload_hook():
Пример #23
def audit_accounts(email, password, test=False):
    """Performs an audit of the IA or OL account having this email.

    The audit:
    - verifies the password is correct for this account
    - aborts if any sort of error (e.g. account blocked, unverified)
    - reports whether the account is linked (to a secondary account)
    - if unlinked, reports whether a secondary account exists w/
      matching email

        email (unicode)
        password (unicode)
        test (bool) - not currently used; is there to allow testing in
                      the absence of archive.org dependency
    if not valid_email(email):
        return {'error': 'invalid_email'}

    audit = {
        'authenticated': False,
        'has_ia': False,
        'has_ol': False,
        'link': False

    ol_login = OpenLibraryAccount.authenticate(email, password)
    ia_login = InternetArchiveAccount.authenticate(email, password)

    if any([
            err in (ol_login, ia_login)
            for err in ['account_blocked', 'account_locked']
        return {'error': 'account_locked'}

    # One of the accounts must authenticate w/o error
    if "ok" not in (ol_login, ia_login):
        for resp in (ol_login, ia_login):
            if resp != "account_not_found":
                return {'error': resp}
        return {'error': 'account_not_found'}

    elif ia_login == "ok":
        ia_account = InternetArchiveAccount.get(email=email, test=test)

        audit['authenticated'] = 'ia'
        audit['has_ia'] = email

        # Get the OL account which links to this IA account, if
        # one exists (i.e. this IA account could be linked to an
        # OL account with a different email)
        ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(link=ia_account.itemname,
        link = ol_account.itemname if ol_account else None

        # If no linked account was found but there's an ol_account
        # having the same email as this IA account, mark them to
        # be linked
        if not link:
            ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(email=email, test=test)
            link = ia_account.itemname if ol_account else None

        # So long as there's either a linked OL account, or an OL
        # account with the same email, set them as linked (and let the
        # finalize logic link them, if necessary)
        if ol_account:
            if not ol_account.verified:
                return {'error': 'account_not_verified'}
            if ol_account.blocked:
                return {'error': 'account_blocked'}
            audit['link'] = link
            audit['has_ol'] = ol_account.email

            # When a user logs in with OL credentials, the
            # web.ctx.site.login() is called with their OL user
            # credentials, which internally sets an auth_token
            # enabling the user's session.  The web.ctx.site.login
            # method requires OL credentials which are not present in
            # the case where a user logs in with their IA
            # credentials. As a result, when users login with their
            # valid IA credentials, the following kludge allows us to
            # fetch the OL account linked to their IA account, bypass
            # this web.ctx.site.login method (which requires OL
            # credentials), and directly set an auth_token to
            # enable the user's session.

    elif ol_login == "ok":
        ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(email=email, test=test)
        audit['authenticated'] = 'ol'
        audit['has_ol'] = email

        ia_account = InternetArchiveAccount.get(email=email, test=test)

        # Should get the IA account linked to this OL account, if one
        # exists. However, xauthn API doesn't yet support `info` by
        # itemname. Fortunately, we have all the info we need at this
        # stage for the client to be satisfied.
        if ol_account.itemname:
            audit['has_ia'] = ol_account.itemname  # XXX should be email
            audit['link'] = ol_account.itemname
            return audit  # special case; unable to get ia acc

        # If the OL account is not linked but there exists an IA
        # account having the same email,
        elif ia_account:
            if not ia_account.verified:
                return {'error': 'account_not_verified'}
            if ia_account.locked:
                return {'error': 'account_blocked'}
            audit['has_ia'] = ia_account.itemname
            audit['link'] = ia_account.itemname

    # Links the accounts if they can be and are not already:
    if (audit['has_ia'] and audit['has_ol'] and audit['authenticated']):
        ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(email=audit['has_ol'], test=test)
        if not ol_account.itemname:

    return audit
Пример #24
 def POST_join_waitinglist(self, edition, user):
     waitinglist.join_waitinglist(user.key, edition.key)
     raise web.redirect(edition.url())
Пример #25
    def POST(self, key):
        """Called when the user wants to borrow the edition"""

        i = web.input(action='borrow', format=None, ol_host=None)

        if i.ol_host:
            ol_host = i.ol_host
            ol_host = 'openlibrary.org'

        edition = web.ctx.site.get(key)
        if not edition:
            raise web.notfound()

        # Make a call to availability v2 update the subjects according
        # to result if `open`, redirect to bookreader
        response = lending.get_availability_of_ocaid(edition.ocaid)
        availability = response[edition.ocaid] if response else {}
        if availability and availability['status'] == 'open':
            raise web.seeother('https://archive.org/stream/' + edition.ocaid + '?ref=ol')

        error_redirect = ('https://archive.org/stream/' + edition.ocaid + '?ref=ol')
        user = accounts.get_current_user()

        if user:
            account = OpenLibraryAccount.get_by_email(user.email)
            ia_itemname = account.itemname if account else None
        if not user or not ia_itemname:
            web.setcookie(config.login_cookie_name, "", expires=-1)
            raise web.seeother("/account/login?redirect=%s/borrow?action=%s" % (
                edition.url(), i.action))

        action = i.action

        # Intercept a 'borrow' action if the user has already
        # borrowed the book and convert to a 'read' action.
        # Added so that direct bookreader links being routed through
        # here can use a single action of 'borrow', regardless of
        # whether the book has been checked out or not.
        if action == 'borrow' and user.has_borrowed(edition):
            action = 'read'

        if action == 'borrow':
            resource_type = i.format or 'bookreader'

            if resource_type not in ['epub', 'pdf', 'bookreader']:
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

            user_meets_borrow_criteria = user_can_borrow_edition(user, edition, resource_type)

            if user_meets_borrow_criteria:
                # This must be called before the loan is initiated,
                # otherwise the user's waitlist status will be cleared
                # upon loan creation
                track_loan = False if is_users_turn_to_borrow(user, edition) else True

                loan = lending.create_loan(

                if loan:
                    loan_link = loan['loan_link']
                    if resource_type == 'bookreader':
                        if track_loan:
                            # As of 2017-12-14, Petabox will be
                            # responsible for tracking borrows which
                            # are the result of waitlist redemptions,
                            # so we don't want to track them here to
                            # avoid double accounting. When a reader
                            # is at the head of a waitlist and goes to
                            # claim their loan, Petabox now checks
                            # whether the waitlist was initiated from
                            # OL, and if it was, petabox tracks
                            # ol.loans.bookreader accordingly via
                            # lending.create_loan.

                        raise web.seeother(make_bookreader_auth_link(
                            loan.get_key(), edition.ocaid,
                            '/stream/' + edition.ocaid, ol_host,
                    elif resource_type == 'pdf':
                        raise web.seeother(loan_link)
                    elif resource_type == 'epub':
                        raise web.seeother(loan_link)
                    raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

        elif action == 'return':
            # Check that this user has the loan
            loans = get_loans(user)

            # We pick the first loan that the user has for this book that is returnable.
            # Assumes a user can't borrow multiple formats (resource_type) of the same book.
            user_loan = None
            for loan in loans:
                # Handle the case of multiple edition records for the same
                # ocaid and the user borrowed from one and returning from another
                has_loan = (loan['book'] == edition.key or loan['ocaid'] == edition.ocaid)
                if has_loan:
                    user_loan = loan

            if not user_loan:
                # $$$ add error message
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)


            # Show the page with "you've returned this". Use a dummy slug.
            # $$$ this would do better in a session variable that can be cleared
            #     after the message is shown once
            raise web.seeother(edition.url())

        elif action == 'read':
            # Look for loans for this book
            loans = get_loans(user)
            for loan in loans:
                if loan['book'] == edition.key:
                    raise web.seeother(make_bookreader_auth_link(
                        loan['_key'], edition.ocaid, '/stream/' + edition.ocaid,
                        ol_host, ia_userid=ia_itemname
        elif action == 'join-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_join_waitinglist(edition, user)
        elif action == 'leave-waitinglist':
            return self.POST_leave_waitinglist(edition, user, i)

        # Action not recognized
        raise web.seeother(error_redirect)
Пример #26
def create_accounts(email, password, username="", test=False):
    """Retrieves the IA or OL account having correct email and password
    retries = 0 if test else 10
    audit = audit_accounts(email, password)

    if 'error' in audit or (audit['link'] and audit['authenticated']):
        return audit

    ia_account = (InternetArchiveAccount.get(
        email=audit['has_ia']) if audit.get('has_ia', False) else None)
    ol_account = (OpenLibraryAccount.get(
        email=audit['has_ol']) if audit.get('has_ol', False) else None)

    # Make sure at least one account exists
    # XXX should never get here, move to audit
    if ia_account and ol_account:
        if not audit['link']:
            if ia_account.locked or ol_account.blocked():
                return {'error': 'account_blocked'}
            audit['link'] = ia_account.itemname
        return audit
    elif not (ia_account or ol_account):
        return {'error': 'account_not_found'}

    # Create and link new account
    if email and password:
        if ol_account:
                ol_account_username = (username or ol_account.displayname
                                       or ol_account.username)

                ia_account = InternetArchiveAccount.create(ol_account_username,

                audit['link'] = ia_account.itemname
                audit['has_ia'] = ia_account.email
                audit['has_ol'] = ol_account.email
                if not test:
                return audit
            except ValueError as e:
                return {'error': 'max_retries_exceeded', 'msg': str(e)}
        elif ia_account:
                # always take screen name
                ia_account_screenname = ia_account.screenname
                ia_account_itemname = ia_account.itemname
                ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.create(
                audit['has_ol'] = ol_account.email
                audit['has_ia'] = ia_account.email
                audit['link'] = ia_account.itemname
                if not test:
                return audit
            except ValueError as e:
                return {'error': 'max_retries_exceeded', 'msg': str(e)}
        return {'error': 'account_not_found'}
    return {'error': 'missing_fields'}
Пример #27
def link_accounts(email,
    """Takes the correct email and password for an archive.org or
    openlibrary.org account and then links this account to an existing
    account for the complimentary service (using the bridge credentials)

        email (unicode) - the email of the user's primary account
        password (unicode) - the password for the user's primary account
        bridgeEmail (unicode) - the email of the secondary account which
                                to connect
        bridgePassword (unicode) - the password of the secondary
                                   account to connect
        test (bool) - isn't currently used in the link_accounts case
                      because linking is a safely reversable operation.
                      Test *is* used in the create_accounts case
                      (where it prevents real accounts from being
    audit = audit_accounts(email, password)

    if 'error' in audit or (audit['link'] and audit['authenticated']):
        return audit

    ia_account = (InternetArchiveAccount.get(
        email=audit['has_ia']) if audit.get('has_ia', False) else None)
    ol_account = (OpenLibraryAccount.get(
        email=audit['has_ol']) if audit.get('has_ol', False) else None)

    # Make sure at least one account exists
    # XXX should never get here, move to audit
    if ia_account and ol_account:
        if not audit['link']:
            if ia_account.locked or ol_account.blocked():
                return {'error': 'account_blocked'}
            audit['link'] = ia_account.itemname
            if not test:
        return audit
    elif not (ia_account or ol_account):
        return {'error': 'account_not_found'}

    # Link existing accounts
    if bridgeEmail and bridgePassword:
        if not valid_email(bridgeEmail):
            return {'error': 'invalid_bridgeEmail'}
        if ol_account:
            _res = InternetArchiveAccount.authenticate(email=bridgeEmail,
            if _res == "ok":
                ia_account = InternetArchiveAccount.get(email=bridgeEmail,
                if OpenLibraryAccount.get_by_link(ia_account.itemname):
                    return {'error': 'account_already_linked'}

                audit['link'] = ia_account.itemname
                audit['has_ia'] = ia_account.email
                audit['has_ol'] = ol_account.email
                if not test:
                return audit
            return {'error': _res}
        elif ia_account:
            _resp = OpenLibraryAccount.authenticate(bridgeEmail,
            if _resp == "ok":
                ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(email=bridgeEmail,
                if ol_account.itemname:
                    return {'error': 'account_already_linked'}

                audit['has_ia'] = ia_account.email
                audit['has_ol'] = ol_account.email
                audit['link'] = ia_account.itemname
                if not test:
                return audit
            return {'error': _resp}
        return {'error': 'account_not_found'}
    return {'error': 'missing_fields'}
Пример #28
def audit_accounts(email,
    """Performs an audit of the IA or OL account having this email.

    The audit:
    - verifies the password is correct for this account
    - aborts if any sort of error (e.g. account blocked, unverified)
    - reports whether the account is linked (to a secondary account)
    - if unlinked, reports whether a secondary account exists w/
      matching email

        email (unicode)
        password (unicode)
        require_link (bool) - if True, returns `accounts_not_connected`
                              if accounts are not linked
        test (bool) - not currently used; is there to allow testing in
                      the absence of archive.org dependency
    from openlibrary.core import lending

    if s3_access_key and s3_secret_key:
        r = InternetArchiveAccount.s3auth(s3_access_key, s3_secret_key)
        if not r.get('authorized', False):
            return {'error': 'invalid_s3keys'}
        ia_login = "******"
        email = r['username']
        if not valid_email(email):
            return {'error': 'invalid_email'}
        ia_login = InternetArchiveAccount.authenticate(email, password)

    if any(ia_login == err for err in ['account_blocked', 'account_locked']):
        return {'error': 'account_locked'}

    if ia_login != "ok":
        # Prioritize returning other errors over `account_not_found`
        if ia_login != "account_not_found":
            return {'error': ia_login}
        return {'error': 'account_not_found'}

        ia_account = InternetArchiveAccount.get(email=email, test=test)

        # Get the OL account which links to this IA account
        ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(link=ia_account.itemname,
        link = ol_account.itemname if ol_account else None

        # The fact that there is no link implies no Open Library
        # account exists containing a link to this Internet Archive
        # account...
        if not link:
            # then check if there's an Open Library account which shares
            # the same email as this IA account.
            ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(email=email, test=test)

            # If an Open Library account with a matching email account exist...
            if ol_account:
                # Check whether it is linked already, i.e. has an itemname
                # set. We already determined that no OL account is
                # linked to our IA account. Therefore this Open
                # Library account having the same email as our IA
                # account must have been linked to a different
                # Internet Archive account.
                if ol_account.itemname:
                    return {'error': 'wrong_ia_account'}

        # At this point, it must either be the case that (a)
        # `ol_account` already links to our IA account (in which case
        # `link` has a correct value), (b) that an unlinked
        # `ol_account` shares the same email as our IA account and
        # thus can and should be safely linked to our IA account, or
        # (c) no `ol_account` which is linked or can be linked has
        # been found and therefore, assuming
        # lending.config_ia_auth_only is enabled, we need to create
        # and link it.
        if not ol_account:
            if not password:
                raise {'error': 'link_attempt_requires_password'}
                ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.create(
            except ValueError as e:
                return {'error': 'max_retries_exceeded'}


        # So long as there's either a linked OL account, or an unlinked OL
        # account with the same email, set them as linked (and let the
        # finalize logic link them, if needed)
            if not ol_account.itemname:
            if not ol_account.verified:
                # The IA account is activated (verifying the
                # integrity of their email), so we make a judgement
                # call to safely activate them.
            if ol_account.blocked:
                return {'error': 'account_blocked'}

    if require_link:
        ol_account = OpenLibraryAccount.get(link=ia_account.itemname,
        if ol_account and not ol_account.itemname:
            return {'error': 'accounts_not_connected'}

    # When a user logs in with OL credentials, the
    # web.ctx.site.login() is called with their OL user
    # credentials, which internally sets an auth_token
    # enabling the user's session.  The web.ctx.site.login
    # method requires OL credentials which are not present in
    # the case where a user logs in with their IA
    # credentials. As a result, when users login with their
    # valid IA credentials, the following kludge allows us to
    # fetch the OL account linked to their IA account, bypass
    # this web.ctx.site.login method (which requires OL
    # credentials), and directly set an auth_token to
    # enable the user's session.
    return {
        'authenticated': True,
        'ia_email': ia_account.email,
        'ol_email': ol_account.email,
        'ia_username': ia_account.screenname,
        'ol_username': ol_account.username,
        'link': ol_account.itemname,
Пример #29
    def POST(self, key):
        """Called when the user wants to borrow the edition"""

        i = web.input(action='borrow', format=None, ol_host=None, _autoReadAloud=None, q="")

        ol_host = i.ol_host or 'openlibrary.org'
        action = i.action
        edition = web.ctx.site.get(key)
        if not edition:
            raise web.notfound()

        archive_url = get_bookreader_stream_url(edition.ocaid) + '?ref=ol'
        if i._autoReadAloud is not None:
            archive_url += '&_autoReadAloud=show'

        if i.q:
            _q = urllib.parse.quote(i.q, safe='')
            archive_url += "#page/-/mode/2up/search/%s" % _q

        # Make a call to availability v2 update the subjects according
        # to result if `open`, redirect to bookreader
        response = lending.get_availability_of_ocaid(edition.ocaid)
        availability = response[edition.ocaid] if response else {}
        if availability and availability['status'] == 'open':
            raise web.seeother(archive_url)

        error_redirect = (archive_url)
        user = accounts.get_current_user()

        if user:
            account = OpenLibraryAccount.get_by_email(user.email)
            ia_itemname = account.itemname if account else None
            s3_keys = web.ctx.site.store.get(account._key).get('s3_keys')
        if not user or not ia_itemname or not s3_keys:
            web.setcookie(config.login_cookie_name, "", expires=-1)
            redirect_url = "/account/login?redirect=%s/borrow?action=%s" % (
                edition.url(), action)
            if i._autoReadAloud is not None:
                redirect_url += '&_autoReadAloud=' + i._autoReadAloud
            raise web.seeother(redirect_url)

        if action == 'return':
            lending.s3_loan_api(edition.ocaid, s3_keys, action='return_loan')
            raise web.seeother(edition.url())
        elif action == 'join-waitinglist':
            lending.s3_loan_api(edition.ocaid, s3_keys, action='join_waitlist')
            raise web.redirect(edition.url())
        elif action == 'leave-waitinglist':
            lending.s3_loan_api(edition.ocaid, s3_keys, action='leave_waitlist')
            raise web.redirect(edition.url())

        # Intercept a 'borrow' action if the user has already
        # borrowed the book and convert to a 'read' action.
        # Added so that direct bookreader links being routed through
        # here can use a single action of 'borrow', regardless of
        # whether the book has been checked out or not.
        elif user.has_borrowed(edition):
            action = 'read'

        elif action in ('borrow', 'browse'):
            borrow_access = user_can_borrow_edition(user, edition)

            if not (s3_keys or borrow_access):
                raise web.seeother(error_redirect)

            lending.s3_loan_api(edition.ocaid, s3_keys, action='%s_book' % borrow_access)
            stats.increment('ol.loans.%s' % borrow_access)
            action = 'read'

        if action == 'read':
            bookPath = '/stream/' + edition.ocaid
            if i._autoReadAloud is not None:
                bookPath += '?_autoReadAloud=show'

            # Look for loans for this book
            loans = get_loans(user)
            for loan in loans:
                if loan['book'] == edition.key:
                    raise web.seeother(make_bookreader_auth_link(
                        loan['_key'], edition.ocaid, bookPath,
                        ol_host, ia_userid=ia_itemname

        # Action not recognized
        raise web.seeother(error_redirect)