def get_isbns(self, editions): isbns = set() isbns.update(v.replace("_", "").strip() for e in editions for v in e.get("isbn_10", [])) isbns.update(v.replace("_", "").strip() for e in editions for v in e.get("isbn_13", [])) # Get the isbn13 when isbn10 is present and vice-versa. alt_isbns = [opposite_isbn(v) for v in isbns] isbns.update(v for v in alt_isbns if v is not None) return isbns
def isbn_redirect(self, isbn_param): isbn = normalize_isbn(isbn_param) if not isbn: return editions = [] for isbn_len in (10, 13): qisbn = isbn if len(isbn) == isbn_len else opposite_isbn(isbn) q = {'type': '/type/edition', 'isbn_%d' % isbn_len: qisbn} editions += if len(editions): raise web.seeother(editions[0])
def get_isbns(self, editions): isbns = set() isbns.update( v.replace("_", "").strip() for e in editions for v in e.get("isbn_10", [])) isbns.update( v.replace("_", "").strip() for e in editions for v in e.get("isbn_13", [])) # Get the isbn13 when isbn10 is present and vice-versa. alt_isbns = [opposite_isbn(v) for v in isbns] isbns.update(v for v in alt_isbns if v is not None) return isbns
def test_opposite_isbn(): assert opposite_isbn('0-940787-08-3') == '9780940787087' assert opposite_isbn('978-0-940787-08-7') == '0940787083' assert opposite_isbn('BAD-ISBN') is None
def build_doc(w, obj_cache={}, resolve_redirects=False): wkey = w['key'] assert w['type']['key'] == '/type/work' title = w.get('title', None) if not title: return def get_pub_year(e): pub_date = e.get('publish_date', None) if pub_date: m = re_iso_date.match(pub_date) if m: return m = if m: return if 'editions' not in w: q = { 'type':'/type/edition', 'works': wkey, '*': None } w['editions'] = list(query_iter(q)) #print 'editions:', [e['key'] for e in w['editions']] identifiers = defaultdict(list) editions = [] for e in w['editions']: pub_year = get_pub_year(e) if pub_year: e['pub_year'] = pub_year ia = None if 'ocaid' in e: ia = e['ocaid'] elif 'ia_loaded_id' in e: loaded = e['ia_loaded_id'] ia = loaded if isinstance(loaded, basestring) else loaded[0] if ia: ia_meta_fields = get_ia_collection_and_box_id(ia) collection = ia_meta_fields['collection'] if 'ia_box_id' in e and isinstance(e['ia_box_id'], basestring): e['ia_box_id'] = [e['ia_box_id']] if ia_meta_fields.get('boxid'): box_id = list(ia_meta_fields['boxid'])[0] e.setdefault('ia_box_id', []) if box_id.lower() not in [x.lower() for x in e['ia_box_id']]: e['ia_box_id'].append(box_id) #print 'collection:', collection e['ia_collection'] = collection e['public_scan'] = ('lendinglibrary' not in collection) and ('printdisabled' not in collection) overdrive_id = e.get('identifiers', {}).get('overdrive', None) if overdrive_id: #print 'overdrive:', overdrive_id e['overdrive'] = overdrive_id if 'identifiers' in e: for k, id_list in e['identifiers'].iteritems(): k_orig = k k = k.replace('.', '_').replace(',', '_').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace(':', '_').replace('/', '').replace('#', '').lower() m = re_solr_field.match(k) if not m: print (k_orig, k) assert m for v in id_list: v = v.strip() if v not in identifiers[k]: identifiers[k].append(v) editions.append(e) editions.sort(key=lambda e: e.get('pub_year', None)) #print len(w['editions']), 'editions found' #print w['key'] work_authors = [] authors = [] author_keys = [] for a in w.get('authors', []): if 'author' not in a: # OL Web UI bug continue # akey = a['author']['key'] m = re_author_key.match(akey) if not m: print 'invalid author key:', akey continue work_authors.append(akey) author_keys.append( if akey in obj_cache and obj_cache[akey]['type']['key'] != '/type/redirect': authors.append(obj_cache[akey]) else: authors.append(withKey(akey)) if any(a['type']['key'] == '/type/redirect' for a in authors): if resolve_redirects: def resolve(a): if a['type']['key'] == '/type/redirect': a = withKey(a['location']) return a authors = [resolve(a) for a in authors] else: print for a in authors: print 'author:', a print w['key'] print raise AuthorRedirect assert all(a['type']['key'] == '/type/author' for a in authors) try: subjects = four_types(get_work_subjects(w)) except: print 'bad work: ', w['key'] raise field_map = { 'subjects': 'subject', 'subject_places': 'place', 'subject_times': 'time', 'subject_people': 'person', } has_fulltext = any(e.get('ocaid', None) or e.get('overdrive', None) for e in editions) #print 'has_fulltext:', has_fulltext for db_field, solr_field in field_map.iteritems(): if not w.get(db_field, None): continue cur = subjects.setdefault(solr_field, {}) for v in w[db_field]: try: if isinstance(v, dict): if 'value' not in v: continue v = v['value'] cur[v] = cur.get(v, 0) + 1 except: print 'v:', v raise if any(e.get('ocaid', None) for e in editions): subjects.setdefault('subject', {}) subjects['subject']['Accessible book'] = subjects['subject'].get('Accessible book', 0) + 1 if not has_fulltext: subjects['subject']['Protected DAISY'] = subjects['subject'].get('Protected DAISY', 0) + 1 #print w['key'], subjects['subject'] doc = Element("doc") add_field(doc, 'key', w['key'][7:]) title = w.get('title', None) if title: add_field(doc, 'title', title) # add_field(doc, 'title_suggest', title) add_field(doc, 'has_fulltext', has_fulltext) if w.get('subtitle', None): add_field(doc, 'subtitle', w['subtitle']) alt_titles = set() for e in editions: if 'title' in e and e['title'] != title: alt_titles.add(e['title']) for f in 'work_titles', 'other_titles': for t in e.get(f, []): if t != title: alt_titles.add(t) add_field_list(doc, 'alternative_title', alt_titles) alt_subtitles = set( e['subtitle'] for e in editions if e.get('subtitle', None) and e['subtitle'] != w.get('subtitle', None)) add_field_list(doc, 'alternative_subtitle', alt_subtitles) add_field(doc, 'edition_count', len(editions)) for e in editions: add_field(doc, 'edition_key', re_edition_key.match(e['key']).group(1)) cover_edition = pick_cover(w, editions) if cover_edition: add_field(doc, 'cover_edition_key', re_edition_key.match(cover_edition).group(1)) if w.get('covers'): cover = w['covers'][0] assert isinstance(cover, int) add_field(doc, 'cover_i', cover) k = 'by_statement' add_field_list(doc, k, set( e[k] for e in editions if e.get(k, None))) k = 'publish_date' pub_dates = set(e[k] for e in editions if e.get(k, None)) add_field_list(doc, k, pub_dates) pub_years = set( for m in ( for i in pub_dates) if m) if pub_years: add_field_list(doc, 'publish_year', pub_years) add_field(doc, 'first_publish_year', min(int(i) for i in pub_years)) k = 'first_sentence' fs = set( e[k]['value'] if isinstance(e[k], dict) else e[k] for e in editions if e.get(k, None)) add_field_list(doc, k, fs) publishers = set() for e in editions: publishers.update('Sine nomine' if is_sine_nomine(i) else i for i in e.get('publishers', [])) add_field_list(doc, 'publisher', publishers) # add_field_list(doc, 'publisher_facet', publishers) field_map = [ ('lccn', 'lccn'), ('publish_places', 'publish_place'), ('oclc_numbers', 'oclc'), ('contributions', 'contributor'), ] for db_key, search_key in field_map: v = set() for e in editions: if db_key not in e: continue v.update(e[db_key]) add_field_list(doc, search_key, v) isbn = set() for e in editions: for f in 'isbn_10', 'isbn_13': for v in e.get(f, []): v = v.replace('-', '') isbn.add(v) alt = opposite_isbn(v) if alt: isbn.add(alt) add_field_list(doc, 'isbn', isbn) lang = set() ia_loaded_id = set() ia_box_id = set() for e in editions: for l in e.get('languages', []): m = re_lang_key.match(l['key'] if isinstance(l, dict) else l) lang.add( if e.get('ia_loaded_id'): if isinstance(e['ia_loaded_id'], basestring): ia_loaded_id.add(e['ia_loaded_id']) else: try: assert isinstance(e['ia_loaded_id'], list) and isinstance(e['ia_loaded_id'][0], basestring) except AssertionError: print e.get('ia') print e['ia_loaded_id'] raise ia_loaded_id.update(e['ia_loaded_id']) if e.get('ia_box_id'): if isinstance(e['ia_box_id'], basestring): ia_box_id.add(e['ia_box_id']) else: try: assert isinstance(e['ia_box_id'], list) and isinstance(e['ia_box_id'][0], basestring) except AssertionError: print e['key'] raise ia_box_id.update(e['ia_box_id']) if lang: add_field_list(doc, 'language', lang) pub_goog = set() # google pub_nongoog = set() nonpub_goog = set() nonpub_nongoog = set() public_scan = False all_collection = set() all_overdrive = set() lending_edition = None in_library_edition = None printdisabled = set() for e in editions: if 'overdrive' in e: all_overdrive.update(e['overdrive']) if 'ocaid' not in e: continue if not lending_edition and 'lendinglibrary' in e.get('ia_collection', []): lending_edition = re_edition_key.match(e['key']).group(1) if not in_library_edition and 'inlibrary' in e.get('ia_collection', []): in_library_edition = re_edition_key.match(e['key']).group(1) if 'printdisabled' in e.get('ia_collection', []): printdisabled.add(re_edition_key.match(e['key']).group(1)) all_collection.update(e.get('ia_collection', [])) assert isinstance(e['ocaid'], basestring) i = e['ocaid'].strip() if e.get('public_scan'): public_scan = True if i.endswith('goog'): pub_goog.add(i) else: pub_nongoog.add(i) else: if i.endswith('goog'): nonpub_goog.add(i) else: nonpub_nongoog.add(i) #print 'lending_edition:', lending_edition ia_list = list(pub_nongoog) + list(pub_goog) + list(nonpub_nongoog) + list(nonpub_goog) add_field_list(doc, 'ia', ia_list) if has_fulltext: add_field(doc, 'public_scan_b', public_scan) if all_collection: add_field(doc, 'ia_collection_s', ';'.join(all_collection)) if all_overdrive: add_field(doc, 'overdrive_s', ';'.join(all_overdrive)) if lending_edition: add_field(doc, 'lending_edition_s', lending_edition) elif in_library_edition: add_field(doc, 'lending_edition_s', in_library_edition) if printdisabled: add_field(doc, 'printdisabled_s', ';'.join(list(printdisabled))) if lending_edition or in_library_edition: add_field(doc, "borrowed_b", is_borrowed(lending_edition or in_library_edition)) author_keys = [re_author_key.match(a['key']).group(1) for a in authors] author_names = [a.get('name', '') for a in authors] add_field_list(doc, 'author_key', author_keys) add_field_list(doc, 'author_name', author_names) alt_names = set() for a in authors: if 'alternate_names' in a: alt_names.update(a['alternate_names']) add_field_list(doc, 'author_alternative_name', alt_names) add_field_list(doc, 'author_facet', (' '.join(v) for v in zip(author_keys, author_names))) #if subjects: # add_field(doc, 'fiction', subjects['fiction']) for k in 'person', 'place', 'subject', 'time': if k not in subjects: continue add_field_list(doc, k, subjects[k].keys()) add_field_list(doc, k + '_facet', subjects[k].keys()) subject_keys = [str_to_key(s) for s in subjects[k].keys()] add_field_list(doc, k + '_key', subject_keys) for k in sorted(identifiers.keys()): add_field_list(doc, 'id_' + k, identifiers[k]) if ia_loaded_id: add_field_list(doc, 'ia_loaded_id', ia_loaded_id) if ia_box_id: add_field_list(doc, 'ia_box_id', ia_box_id) return doc