class TestFormattingTagController(TestCase):
    def setUp(self): = FormattingTagController()

    def test_strip(self):
        Test that the _strip strips the correct chars
        # GIVEN: An instance of the Formatting Tag Form and a string containing a tag
        tag = '{tag}'

        # WHEN: Calling _strip
        result =

        # THEN: The tag should be returned with the wrappers removed.
        assert result == 'tag', 'FormattingTagForm._strip should return u\'tag\' when called with u\'{tag}\''

    def test_end_tag_changed_processes_correctly(self):
        Test that the end html tags are generated correctly
        # GIVEN: A list of start , end tags and error messages
        tests = []
        test = {'start': '<b>', 'end': None, 'gen': '</b>', 'valid': None}
        test = {'start': '<i>', 'end': '</i>', 'gen': None, 'valid': None}
        test = {
            'start': '<b>',
            'end': '</i>',
            'gen': None,
            'valid': 'End tag </b> does not match end tag for start tag <b>'

        # WHEN: Testing each one of them in turn
        for test in tests:
            error, result =
                test['start'], test['end'])

            # THEN: The result should match the predetermined value.
            assert result == test['gen'], \
                'Function should handle end tag correctly : %s and %s for %s ' % (test['gen'], result, test['start'])
            assert error == test[
                'valid'], 'Function should not generate unexpected error messages : %s ' % error

    def test_start_tag_changed_processes_correctly(self):
        Test that the end html tags are generated correctly
        # GIVEN: A list of start , end tags and error messages
        tests = []
        test = {'start': '<b>', 'end': '', 'gen': '</b>', 'valid': None}
        test = {'start': '<i>', 'end': '</i>', 'gen': None, 'valid': None}
        test = {
            'start': 'superfly',
            'end': '',
            'gen': None,
            'valid': 'Start tag superfly is not valid HTML'

        # WHEN: Testing each one of them in turn
        for test in tests:
            error, result =
                test['start'], test['end'])

            # THEN: The result should match the predetermined value.
            assert result == test['gen'], \
                'Function should handle end tag correctly : %s and %s ' % (test['gen'], result)
            assert error == test[
                'valid'], 'Function should not generate unexpected error messages : %s ' % error

    def test_start_html_to_end_html(self):
        Test that the end html tags are generated correctly
        # GIVEN: A list of valid and invalid tags
        tests = {
            '<b>': '</b>',
            '<i>': '</i>',
            'superfly': '',
            '<HTML START>': None,
            '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:red">': '</span>'

        # WHEN: Testing each one of them
        for test1, test2 in tests.items():
            result =

            # THEN: The result should match the predetermined value.
            assert result == test2, 'Calculated end tag should be valid: %s and %s = %s' % (
                test1, test2, result)