Пример #1
    def test_search_results_has_verse_list(self):
        Test that a SearchResults object with a valid verse list returns True when checking ``has_verse_list()``
        # GIVEN: A valid SearchResults object with a proper verse list
        search_results = SearchResults('Genesis', 1, {1: 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.'})

        # WHEN: We check that the SearchResults object has a verse list
        has_verse_list = search_results.has_verse_list()

        # THEN: It should be True
        self.assertTrue(has_verse_list, 'The SearchResults object should have a verse list')
Пример #2
    def test_search_results_has_no_verse_list(self):
        Test that a SearchResults object with an empty verse list returns False when checking ``has_verse_list()``
        # GIVEN: A valid SearchResults object with an empty verse list
        search_results = SearchResults('Genesis', 1, {})

        # WHEN: We check that the SearchResults object has a verse list
        has_verse_list = search_results.has_verse_list()

        # THEN: It should be False
        self.assertFalse(has_verse_list, 'The SearchResults object should have a verse list')
Пример #3
    def test_search_results_has_no_verse_list(self):
        Test that a SearchResults object with an empty verse list returns False when checking ``has_verse_list()``
        # GIVEN: A valid SearchResults object with an empty verse list
        search_results = SearchResults('Genesis', 1, {})

        # WHEN: We check that the SearchResults object has a verse list
        has_verse_list = search_results.has_verse_list()

        # THEN: It should be False
        assert has_verse_list is False, 'The SearchResults object should have a verse list'
Пример #4
    def test_search_results_has_verse_list(self):
        Test that a SearchResults object with a valid verse list returns True when checking ``has_verse_list()``
        # GIVEN: A valid SearchResults object with a proper verse list
        search_results = SearchResults(
            'Genesis', 1,
            {1: 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.'})

        # WHEN: We check that the SearchResults object has a verse list
        has_verse_list = search_results.has_verse_list()

        # THEN: It should be True
        assert has_verse_list is True, 'The SearchResults object should have a verse list'
Пример #5
    def test_search_results_creation(self):
        Test the creation and construction of the SearchResults class
        # GIVEN: A book, chapter and a verse list
        book = 'Genesis'
        chapter = 1
        verse_list = {
            'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.',
            'The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of '
            'God was hovering over the face of the waters.'

        # WHEN: We create the search results object
        search_results = SearchResults(book, chapter, verse_list)

        # THEN: It should have a book, a chapter and a verse list
                             'The search_results object should not be None')
        self.assertEqual(search_results.book, book,
                         'The book should be "Genesis"')
        self.assertEqual(search_results.chapter, chapter,
                         'The chapter should be 1')
        self.assertDictEqual(search_results.verse_list, verse_list,
                             'The verse lists should be identical')
Пример #6
    def get_bible_chapter(self, version, book_name, chapter):
        Access and decode bibles via Bibleserver mobile website

        :param version: The version of the bible like NIV for New International Version
        :param book_name: Text name of bible book e.g. Genesis, 1. John, 1John or Offenbarung
        :param chapter: Chapter number
        log.debug('BSExtract.get_bible_chapter("%s", "%s", "%s")', version, book_name, chapter)
        url_version = urllib.parse.quote(version.encode("utf-8"))
        url_book_name = urllib.parse.quote(book_name.encode("utf-8"))
        chapter_url = 'http://m.bibleserver.com/text/%s/%s%d' % (url_version, url_book_name, chapter)
        header = ('Accept-Language', 'en')
        soup = get_soup_for_bible_ref(chapter_url, header)
        if not soup:
            return None
        content = soup.find('div', 'content')
        if not content:
            log.error('No verses found in the Bibleserver response.')
            return None
        content = content.find('div').find_all('div')
        verses = {}
        for verse in content:
            versenumber = int(VERSE_NUMBER_REGEX.sub(r'\3', ' '.join(verse['class'])))
            verses[versenumber] = verse.contents[1].rstrip('\n')
        return SearchResults(book_name, chapter, verses)
Пример #7
    def get_bible_chapter(self, version, book_name, chapter):
        Access and decode Bibles via the BibleGateway website.

        :param version: The version of the Bible like 31 for New International version.
        :param book_name: Name of the Book.
        :param chapter: Chapter number.
        log.debug('BGExtract.get_bible_chapter("%s", "%s", "%s")', version, book_name, chapter)
        url_book_name = urllib.parse.quote(book_name.encode("utf-8"))
        url_params = 'search=%s+%s&version=%s' % (url_book_name, chapter, version)
        soup = get_soup_for_bible_ref(
            'http://legacy.biblegateway.com/passage/?%s' % url_params,
            pre_parse_regex=r'<meta name.*?/>', pre_parse_substitute='')
        if not soup:
            return None
        div = soup.find('div', 'result-text-style-normal')
        if not div:
            return None
        span_list = div.find_all('span', 'text')
        log.debug('Span list: %s', span_list)
        if not span_list:
            # If we don't get any spans then we must have the old HTML format
            verse_list = self._extract_verses_old(div)
            verse_list = self._extract_verses(span_list)
        if not verse_list:
            log.debug('No content found in the BibleGateway response.')
            return None
        return SearchResults(book_name, chapter, verse_list)
Пример #8
    def get_bible_chapter(self, version, book_name, chapter):
        Access and decode bibles via the Crosswalk website

        :param version: The version of the Bible like niv for New International Version
        :param book_name:  Text name of in english e.g. 'gen' for Genesis
        :param chapter: Chapter number
            'CWExtract.get_bible_chapter("{version}", "{book}", "{chapter}")'.
            format(version=version, book=book_name, chapter=chapter))
        url_book_name = book_name.replace(' ', '-')
        url_book_name = url_book_name.lower()
        url_book_name = urllib.parse.quote(url_book_name.encode("utf-8"))
        chapter_url = 'http://www.biblestudytools.com/{version}/{book}/{chapter}.html'.format(
            version=version, book=url_book_name, chapter=chapter)
        soup = get_soup_for_bible_ref(chapter_url)
        if not soup:
            return None
        verses_div = soup.find_all('div', 'verse')
        if not verses_div:
            log.error('No verses found in the CrossWalk response.')
            return None
        verses = {}
        for verse in verses_div:
            verse_number = int(verse.find('strong').contents[0])
            verse_span = verse.find('span', class_='verse-%d' % verse_number)
            tags_to_remove = verse_span.find_all(['a', 'sup'])
            for tag in tags_to_remove:
            verse_text = verse_span.get_text()
            # Fix up leading and trailing spaces, multiple spaces, and spaces between text and , and .
            verse_text = verse_text.strip('\n\r\t ')
            verse_text = REDUCE_SPACES_REGEX.sub(' ', verse_text)
            verse_text = FIX_PUNKCTUATION_REGEX.sub(r'\1', verse_text)
            verses[verse_number] = verse_text
        return SearchResults(book_name, chapter, verses)
Пример #9
    def get_bible_chapter(self, version, book_name, chapter):
        Access and decode bibles via Bibleserver website

        :param version: The version of the bible like NIV for New International Version
        :param book_name: Text name of bible book e.g. Genesis, 1. John, 1John or Offenbarung
        :param chapter: Chapter number
            'BSExtract.get_bible_chapter("{version}", "{book}", "{chapter}")'.
            format(version=version, book=book_name, chapter=chapter))
        url_version = urllib.parse.quote(version.encode("utf-8"))
        url_book_name = urllib.parse.quote(book_name.encode("utf-8"))
        chapter_url = 'https://bibleserver.com/{version}/{name}{chapter:d}'.format(
            version=url_version, name=url_book_name, chapter=chapter)
        soup = get_soup_for_bible_ref(chapter_url)
        if not soup:
            return None
        content = soup.find('article', 'chapter')
        if not content:
            log.error('No verses found in the Bibleserver response.')
            return None
        # remove spans with footnotes
        for span in soup.find_all('span', 'footnote-tooltip'):
        # remove noscript tags
        for noscript in soup.find_all('noscript'):
        content = soup.find_all('span', 'verse')
        verses = {}
        for verse in content:
            versenumber = int(
                verse.find('span', 'verse-number__group').get_text().strip())
            verses[versenumber] = verse.find(
                'span', 'verse-content--hover').get_text().strip()
        return SearchResults(book_name, chapter, verses)