Пример #1
    def test_process_author(self):
        Test that _process_authors works
        # GIVEN: A OpenLyric XML with authors and a mocked out manager
        with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.openlyricsxml.Author'):
            mocked_manager = MagicMock()
            mocked_manager.get_object_filtered.return_value = None
            ol = OpenLyrics(mocked_manager)
            properties_xml = objectify.fromstring(author_xml)
            mocked_song = MagicMock()

            # WHEN: processing the author xml
            ol._process_authors(properties_xml, mocked_song)

            # THEN: add_author should have been called twice
            assert mocked_song.method_calls[0][1][1] == 'words+music'
            assert mocked_song.method_calls[1][1][1] == 'words'
Пример #2
    def test_process_author(self):
        Test that _process_authors works
        # GIVEN: A OpenLyric XML with authors and a mocked out manager
        with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.openlyricsxml.Author') as mocked_author:
            mocked_manager = MagicMock()
            mocked_manager.get_object_filtered.return_value = None
            ol = OpenLyrics(mocked_manager)
            properties_xml = objectify.fromstring(author_xml)
            mocked_song = MagicMock()

            # WHEN: processing the author xml
            ol._process_authors(properties_xml, mocked_song)

            # THEN: add_author should have been called twice
            self.assertEquals(mocked_song.method_calls[0][1][1], 'words+music')
            self.assertEquals(mocked_song.method_calls[1][1][1], 'words')