Пример #1
class AStarTests(unittest.TestCase):
    "Tests the A* module"
    db = 'db.sqlite'

    def setUp(self):
        self.reader = ExampleMapReader(self.db)

    def test_shortest_path_same_node(self):
        "Shortest path between a node and itself is empty"
        point_a = self.reader.get_node(0)
        path = shortest_path(point_a, point_a)
        self.assertSequenceEqual(path, [])

    def test_shortest_path_oneline(self):
        "Shortest path where the path is one line"
        point_a = self.reader.get_node(0)
        point_b = self.reader.get_node(2)
        path = shortest_path(point_a, point_b)
        path = [line.line_id for line in path]
        self.assertSequenceEqual(path, [1])

    def test_shortest_path__lines_a(self):
        "More complex shortest path a"
        point_a = self.reader.get_node(1)
        point_b = self.reader.get_node(11)
        path = shortest_path(point_a, point_b)
        path = [line.line_id for line in path]
        self.assertSequenceEqual(path, [2, 5, 8, 14])

    def test_shortest_path__lines_b(self):
        "Shortest path where the path is two lines (b)"
        point_a = self.reader.get_node(0)
        point_b = self.reader.get_node(3)
        path = shortest_path(point_a, point_b)
        path = [line.line_id for line in path]
        self.assertSequenceEqual(path, [1, 3])

    def test_shortest_path__lines_c(self):
        "More complex shortest path c"
        point_a = self.reader.get_node(4)
        point_b = self.reader.get_node(9)
        path = shortest_path(point_a, point_b)
        path = [line.line_id for line in path]
        self.assertSequenceEqual(path, [8, 9, 10])

    def tearDown(self):
Пример #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.reader = ExampleMapReader(self.db)
 def setUp(self):
     self.reader = ExampleMapReader(":memory:")
     self.reader.connection = setup_testdb_in_memory()
class SQLiteMapTest(unittest.TestCase):
    "A few unit tests for the example sqlite mapformat"

    def setUp(self):
        self.reader = ExampleMapReader(":memory:")
        self.reader.connection = setup_testdb_in_memory()

    def test_line_invalid_id_type(self):
        "Check if an invalid line id raises an error"
        with self.assertRaises(ExampleMapError):
            Line(self.reader, "Hello")

    def test_line_nonexistent_id(self):
        "Check if a nonexistent line ID leads to an exception"
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = Line(self.reader, 21).length
        with self.assertRaises(ExampleMapError):

    def test_line_length(self):
        "Check the length of the line with ID 1"
        line = self.reader.get_line(1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(line.length, 271, delta=1)

    def test_linepoints(self):
        "Test the point count of every line"
        pointcounts = {
            line.line_id: line.num_points()
            for line in self.reader.get_lines()
        self.assertEqual(pointcounts.pop(18), 5)
        self.assertEqual(pointcounts.pop(19), 3)
        self.assertEqual(pointcounts.pop(20), 5)
        for pointcount in pointcounts.values():
            self.assertEqual(pointcount, 2)

    def test_nearest(self):
        "Test find_nodes_close_to with a manually chosen location"
        nodes = []
        nodes = [node.node_id for node \
            in self.reader.find_nodes_close_to(Coordinates(13.411, 52.525), 100)]
        self.assertSequenceEqual(nodes, [0, 14])

    def test_line_coords(self):
        "Test known line coordinates()"
        path = self.reader.get_line(1).coordinates()
            [Coordinates(13.41, 52.525),
             Coordinates(13.414, 52.525)])

    def test_line_distance(self):
        "Test if a point on a line has zero distance from it"
        line = self.reader.get_line(1)
        point = Coordinates(13.41, 52.525)
        self.assertEqual(line.distance_to(point), 0.0)

    def test_line_enumeration(self):
        "Test if a sorted list of line IDs is as expected"
        lines = []
        lines = [line.line_id for line in self.reader.get_lines()]
        self.assertSequenceEqual(sorted(lines), range(1, 21))

    def test_get_line(self):
        "Get a test line"
        _line = self.reader.get_line(17)

    def test_node_invalid_id_type(self):
        "Check if an invalid node id raises an error"
        with self.assertRaises(ExampleMapError):
            Node(self.reader, "Hello")

    def test_node_nonexistent_id(self):
        "Check if a nonexistent node ID leads to an exception"
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = Node(self.reader, 15).coordinates

    def test_node_enumeration(self):
        "Test if a sorted list of point IDs is as expected"
        nodes = []
        nodes = [node.node_id for node in self.reader.get_nodes()]
        self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 15)
        self.assertSequenceEqual(range(15), sorted(nodes))

    def test_get_near_nodes(self):
        "Test if connected nodes are near to a connecting line"
        line = self.reader.get_line(17)
        # Get all node ids within 1 meter tolerance
        nodes = [node.node_id for node in line.near_nodes(1)]
        self.assertIn(line.start_node.node_id, nodes)
        self.assertIn(line.end_node.node_id, nodes)

    def test_incoming_lines(self):
        "Test if the right lines lead to a certain node"
        lines = [
            line.line_id for line in self.reader.get_node(4).incoming_lines()
        self.assertSequenceEqual(lines, [4, 5])

    def test_connected_lines(self):
        "Test if the right lines connect to a certain node"
        lines = [
            line.line_id for line in self.reader.get_node(4).connected_lines()
        self.assertSequenceEqual(lines, [4, 5, 6, 8])

    def test_nodecount(self):
        "Test node count"
        self.assertEqual(self.reader.get_nodecount(), 15)

    def test_linecount(self):
        "Test line count"
        self.assertEqual(self.reader.get_linecount(), 20)

    def tearDown(self):