Пример #1
    def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
        """This executes every time a class definition is parsed."""
        fullname = '.'.join([self.modpath, node.name])
        self.localnames[node.name] = fullname
        bases = [_to_str(b) for b in node.bases if b is not None]

        bvisitor = _ClassBodyVisitor()

        bases = [self.localnames.get(b, b) for b in bases if b is not None]

        self.classes[fullname] = ClassInfo(fullname, self.fname, bases,
        self.tree_analyser.class_map[fullname] = self.classes[fullname]

        undef_bases = [
            b for b in bases
            if b not in self.classes and not hasattr(__builtin__, b)
        while undef_bases:
            base = undef_bases.pop()
            cinfo = self.tree_analyser.find_classinfo(base)
            if cinfo is None:
                parts = base.rsplit('.', 1)
                if len(parts
                       ) == 1:  # no dot, so maybe it came in with a '*' import
                    trymods = self.starimports[::-1]
                    basename = base
                    trymods = [parts[0]]
                    basename = parts[1]

                for modname in trymods:
                    excluded = False
                    for m in self.tree_analyser.mod_excludes:
                        if m == modname or modname.startswith(m + '.'):
                            excluded = True
                    if excluded:
                    fpath = find_module(modname)
                    if fpath is not None:
                        fanalyzer = self.tree_analyser.analyze_file(fpath)
                        if '.' not in base:
                            trybase = '.'.join([modname, base])
                            trybase = base
                        if trybase in fanalyzer.classes:
                        elif basename in fanalyzer.localnames:
                            newname = fanalyzer.localnames[basename]
                            self.tree_analyser.class_map[trybase] = newname
                            if newname not in self.tree_analyser.class_map and \
                               newname not in self.unresolved_classes:
Пример #2
    def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
        """This executes every time a class definition is parsed."""
        fullname = '.'.join([self.modpath, node.name])
        self.localnames[node.name] = fullname
        bases = [_to_str(b) for b in node.bases]

        bvisitor = _ClassBodyVisitor()

        bases = [self.localnames.get(b, b) for b in bases]

        self.classes[fullname] = ClassInfo(fullname, self.fname, bases,
        self.tree_analyser.class_map[fullname] = self.classes[fullname]

        undef_bases = [b for b in bases if b not in self.classes and not hasattr(__builtin__, b)]
        while undef_bases:
            base = undef_bases.pop()
            cinfo = self.tree_analyser.find_classinfo(base)
            if cinfo is None:
                parts = base.rsplit('.', 1)
                if len(parts) == 1: # no dot, so maybe it came in with a '*' import
                    trymods = self.starimports[::-1]
                    basename = base
                    trymods = [parts[0]]
                    basename = parts[1]

                for modname in trymods:
                    excluded = False
                    for m in self.tree_analyser.mod_excludes:
                        if m == modname or modname.startswith(m+'.'):
                            excluded = True
                    if excluded:
                    fpath = find_module(modname)
                    if fpath is not None:
                        fanalyzer = self.tree_analyser.analyze_file(fpath)
                        if '.' not in base:
                            trybase = '.'.join([modname, base])
                            trybase = base
                        if trybase in fanalyzer.classes:
                        elif basename in fanalyzer.localnames:
                            newname = fanalyzer.localnames[basename]
                            self.tree_analyser.class_map[trybase] = newname
                            if newname not in self.tree_analyser.class_map and \
                               newname not in self.unresolved_classes:
Пример #3
def find_docs_url(plugin_name=None, build_if_needed=True):
    """Returns a url for the Sphinx docs for the named plugin.
    The plugin must be importable in the current environment.

    plugin_name: str
        Name of the plugin distribution, module, or class.
    parts = plugin_name.split('.')

    if len(parts) == 1:
        # assume it's a class name and try to find unambiguous module
        modname = None
        # loop over available types to find a class name that matches
        for name, version in get_available_types():
            mname, cname = name.rsplit('.', 1)
            if cname == plugin_name:
                if modname and modname != mname:
                    raise RuntimeError("Can't determine module for class '%s'"
                                       " unambiguously. found in %s"
                                       % (cname, [mname, modname]))
                modname = mname
                parts = modname.split('.')

        if modname is None:
            # didn't find a class, so assume plugin_name is a dist name
            parts = [plugin_name, plugin_name]

    for i in range(len(parts)-1):
        mname = '.'.join(parts[:len(parts)-i])
            mod = sys.modules[mname]
            modname = mname
            modfile = os.path.abspath(mod.__file__)
        except ImportError:
            # we may be able to locate the docs even if the import fails
            modfile = find_module(mname)
            modname = mname
            if modfile:
        # Possibly something in contrib that's a directory.
            mod = sys.modules[plugin_name]
            modname = plugin_name
            modfile = os.path.abspath(mod.__file__)
        except ImportError:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't locate package/module '%s'" % plugin_name)

    url = 'file://'
    if modname.startswith('openmdao.'):  # lookup in builtin docs
        import openmdao.main
        fparts = mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
        pkg = '.'.join(modname.split('.')[:2])
        anchorpath = '/'.join(['srcdocs', 'packages',
                               '%s.html#module-%s' % (pkg, modname)])
        if any([p.endswith('.egg') and p.startswith('openmdao.')
                for p in fparts]):
            # this is a release version, so use docs packaged with openmdao.main
            htmldir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(openmdao.main.__file__), "docs")
        else:  # it's a developer version, so use locally built docs
            htmldir = os.path.join(get_ancestor_dir(sys.executable, 3), 'docs',
                                   '_build', 'html')
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(htmldir, 'index.html')) and build_if_needed:
                #make sure the local docs are built
                print "local docs not found.\nbuilding them now...\n"
                check_call(['openmdao', 'build_docs'])
        url += os.path.join(htmldir, anchorpath)
        url += os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modfile),
                           'sphinx_build', 'html', 'index.html')

    url = url.replace('\\', '/')
    return url
Пример #4
def find_docs_url(plugin_name=None, build_if_needed=True):
    """Returns a url for the Sphinx docs for the named plugin.
    The plugin must be importable in the current environment.

    plugin_name: str
        Name of the plugin distribution, module, or class.
    parts = plugin_name.split('.')

    if len(parts) == 1:
        # assume it's a class name and try to find unambiguous module
        modname = None
        # loop over available types to find a class name that matches
        for name, version in get_available_types():
            mname, cname = name.rsplit('.', 1)
            if cname == plugin_name:
                if modname and modname != mname:
                    raise RuntimeError("Can't determine module for class '%s'"
                                       " unambiguously. found in %s"
                                       % (cname, [mname, modname]))
                modname = mname
                parts = modname.split('.')

        if modname is None:
            # didn't find a class, so assume plugin_name is a dist name
            parts = [plugin_name, plugin_name]

    for i in range(len(parts) - 1):
        mname = '.'.join(parts[:len(parts) - i])
            mod = sys.modules[mname]
            modname = mname
            modfile = os.path.abspath(mod.__file__)
        except ImportError:
            # we may be able to locate the docs even if the import fails
            modfile = find_module(mname)
            modname = mname
            if modfile:
        # Possibly something in contrib that's a directory.
            mod = sys.modules[plugin_name]
            modname = plugin_name
            modfile = os.path.abspath(mod.__file__)
        except ImportError:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't locate package/module '%s'" % plugin_name)

    url = 'file://'
    if modname.startswith('openmdao.'):  # lookup in builtin docs
        import openmdao.main
        fparts = mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
        pkg = '.'.join(modname.split('.')[:2])
        anchorpath = '/'.join(['srcdocs', 'packages',
                               '%s.html#module-%s' % (pkg, modname)])
        if any([p.endswith('.egg') and p.startswith('openmdao.')
                for p in fparts]):
            # this is a release version, so use docs packaged with openmdao.main
            htmldir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(openmdao.main.__file__), "docs")
        else:  # it's a developer version, so use locally built docs
            htmldir = os.path.join(get_ancestor_dir(sys.executable, 3), 'docs',
                                   '_build', 'html')
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(htmldir, 'index.html')) and build_if_needed:
                # make sure the local docs are built
                print "local docs not found.\nbuilding them now...\n"
                check_call(['openmdao', 'build_docs'])
        url += os.path.join(htmldir, anchorpath)
        url += os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modfile),
                            'sphinx_build', 'html', 'index.html')

    url = url.replace('\\', '/')
    return url