Пример #1
    def record(self, params, unknowns, resids, metadata):
        Stores the provided data in the shelve file using the iteration
        coordinate for the key.

        params : dict
            Dictionary containing parameters. (p)

        unknowns : dict
            Dictionary containing outputs and states. (u)

        resids : dict
            Dictionary containing residuals. (r)

        metadata : dict, optional
            Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate).

        iteration_coordinate = metadata['coord']
        group_name = format_iteration_coordinate(iteration_coordinate)


        f = self.out

        data = OrderedDict([('Parameters', params),
                            ('Unknowns', unknowns),
                            ('Residuals', resids)])

        f[group_name] = data
        f['order'] = self.order
Пример #2
    def assertDatasetEquals(self, expected, tolerance):
        # Close the file to ensure it is written to disk.
        self.recorder.out = None

        sentinel = object()

        f = shelve.open(self.filename)

        order = f['order']
        del f['order']

        for coord, expect in expected:
            iter_coord = format_iteration_coordinate(coord)

            self.assertEqual(order.pop(0), iter_coord)

            groupings = (
                ("Parameters", expect[0]),
                ("Unknowns", expect[1]),
                ("Residuals", expect[2])

            actual_group = f[iter_coord]

            for label, values in groupings:
                actual = actual_group[label]
                # If len(actual) == len(expected) and actual <= expected, then
                # actual == expected.
                self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(values))
                for key, val in values:
                    found_val = actual.get(key, sentinel)
                    if found_val is sentinel:
                        self.fail("Did not find key '{0}'".format(key))
                    assert_rel_error(self, found_val, val, tolerance)
            del f[iter_coord]

        # Having deleted all found values, the file should now be empty.
        self.assertEqual(len(f), 0)

        # As should the ordering.
        self.assertEqual(len(order), 0)

Пример #3
    def record(self, params, unknowns, resids, metadata):
        """Dump the given run data in a "pretty" form."""
        if not self.out:  # if self.out is None, just do nothing

        write = self.out.write
        write("Iteration Coordinate: {0:s}\n".format(format_iteration_coordinate(metadata['coord'])))

        for param, val in sorted(params.items()):
            write("  {0}: {1}\n".format(param, str(val)))

        for unknown, val in sorted(unknowns.items()):
            write("  {0}: {1}\n".format(unknown, str(val)))

        for resid, val in sorted(resids.items()):
            write("  {0}: {1}\n".format(resid, str(val)))
Пример #4
    def record(self, params, unknowns, resids, metadata):
        Stores the provided data in the HDF5 file using the iteration
        coordinate for the Group name.

        params : dict
            Dictionary containing parameters. (p)

        unknowns : dict
            Dictionary containing outputs and states. (u)

        resids : dict
            Dictionary containing residuals. (r)

        metadata : dict, optional
            Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate).

        iteration_coordinate = metadata['coord']
        group_name = format_iteration_coordinate(iteration_coordinate)

        f = self.out

        group = f.require_group(group_name)
        p_group = group.create_group("Parameters")
        u_group = group.create_group("Unknowns")
        r_group = group.create_group("Residuals")

        pairings = ((p_group, params),
                    (u_group, unknowns),
                    (r_group, resids))

        for grp, data in pairings:
            for key, val in data.items():
                if isinstance(val, (np.ndarray, Number)):
                    grp.create_dataset(key, data=val)
                    # TODO: Compression/Checksum?
                    # TODO: Handling non-numeric data
                    msg = "HDF5 Recorder does not support data of type '{0}'".format(type(val))
                    raise NotImplementedError(msg)
Пример #5
    def assertDatasetEquals(self, expected, tolerance):
        for coord, expect in expected:
            icoord = format_iteration_coordinate(coord)

            f = self.recorder.out[icoord]
            params = f['Parameters']
            unknowns = f['Unknowns']
            resids = f['Residuals']

            sentinel = object()

            # If len(actual) == len(expected) and actual <= expected, then
            # actual == expected.
            for actual, exp in zip((params, unknowns, resids), expect):
                self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(exp))
                for key, val in exp:
                    found_val = actual.get(key, sentinel)
                    if found_val is sentinel:
                        self.fail("Did not find key '{0}'.".format(key))
                    assert_rel_error(self, found_val[()], val, tolerance)
Пример #6
    def record(self, params, unknowns, resids, metadata):
        """Dump the given run data in a "pretty" form.

        params : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p)

        unknowns : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u)

        resids : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r)

        metadata : dict
            Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate).

        if not self.out:  # if self.out is None, just do nothing

        write = self.out.write
        fmat = "Iteration Coordinate: {0:s}\n"

        for param, val in sorted(params.items()):
            write("  {0}: {1}\n".format(param, str(val)))

        for unknown, val in sorted(unknowns.items()):
            write("  {0}: {1}\n".format(unknown, str(val)))

        for resid, val in sorted(resids.items()):
            write("  {0}: {1}\n".format(resid, str(val)))