Пример #1
def test_amber_binary_mixture():
    sustiva_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/etoh/etoh.mol2")
    etoh_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/etoh/etoh_renamed.mol2")

    trj0, trj1 = md.load(sustiva_filename), md.load(etoh_filename)
    # Hack to assign unique residue names that are consistent with contents of mol2 files
    trj0.top.residue(0).name = "LIG"
    trj1.top.residue(0).name = "LI2"
    trj_list = [trj0, trj1]
    with utils.enter_temp_directory():  # Prevents creating tons of GAFF files everywhere.
        box_filename = "./box.pdb"
        box_trj = packmol.pack_box(trj_list, [25, 50])
        gaff_mol2_filename0, frcmod_filename0 = utils.run_antechamber("sustiva", sustiva_filename, charge_method=None)
        gaff_mol2_filename1, frcmod_filename1 = utils.run_antechamber("etoh", etoh_filename, charge_method=None)
        mol2_filenames = [gaff_mol2_filename0, gaff_mol2_filename1]
        frcmod_filenames = [frcmod_filename0, frcmod_filename1]
        prmtop_filename = "./out.prmtop"
        inpcrd_filename = "./out.inpcrd"

        tleap_cmd = amber.build_mixture_prmtop(mol2_filenames, frcmod_filenames, box_filename, prmtop_filename, inpcrd_filename)
Пример #2
def test_run_antechamber_charges():
    molecule_name = "acetate"
    input_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/acetate/acetate.mol2")
    with utils.enter_temp_directory():  # Prevents creating tons of GAFF files everywhere.
        gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename = utils.run_antechamber(
            molecule_name, input_filename, charge_method=None, net_charge=-1
Пример #3
def test_acpype_conversion():
    molecule_name = 'sustiva'
    input_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/sustiva/sustiva.mol2")
    with utils.enter_temp_directory(): # Prevents creating tons of GAFF files everywhere.
        gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename = utils.run_antechamber(molecule_name, input_filename, charge_method=None)
        prmtop, inpcrd = utils.run_tleap(molecule_name, gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename)
        out_top, out_gro = utils.convert_via_acpype( molecule_name, prmtop, inpcrd ) 
Пример #4
def oemols_to_ffxml(molecules, base_molecule_name="lig"):
    """Generate an OpenMM ffxml object and MDTraj trajectories from multiple OEMols
    molecules : list(OEMole)
        Molecules WITH CHARGES.  Each can have multiple conformations.
    base_molecule_name : str, optional, default='lig'
        Base name of molecule to use inside parameter files.
    trajectories : list(mdtraj.Trajectory)
        List of MDTraj Trajectories for molecule.  May contain multiple frames
    ffxml : StringIO
        StringIO representation of ffxml file.
    We allow multiple different molecules at once so that they can all be
    included in a single ffxml file, which is currently the only recommended
    way to simulate multiple GAFF molecules in a single simulation.  For most
    applications, you will have just a single molecule: 
    e.g. molecules = [my_oemol]
    The resulting ffxml StringIO object can be directly input to OpenMM e.g. 
    `forcefield = app.ForceField(ffxml)`
    This will generate a lot of temporary files, so you may want to use
    utils.enter_temp_directory() to avoid clutter.
    all_trajectories = []
    gaff_mol2_filenames = []
    frcmod_filenames = []

    for i, molecule in enumerate(molecules):
        trajectories = []
        for j in range(molecule.NumConfs()):
            molecule_name = "%s-%d-%d" % (base_molecule_name, i, j)
            mol2_filename = "./%s.mol2" % molecule_name
            _unused = molecule_to_mol2(molecule, mol2_filename, conformer=j)
            gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename = run_antechamber(
                molecule_name, mol2_filename, charge_method=None
            )  # It's redundant to run antechamber on each frame, fix me later.

            traj = md.load(gaff_mol2_filename)

            if j == 0:  # Only need 1 frame of forcefield files

        # Create a trajectory with all frames of the current molecule
        traj = trajectories[0].join(trajectories[1:])

    ffxml = create_ffxml_file(gaff_mol2_filenames, frcmod_filenames, override_mol2_residue_name=base_molecule_name)

    return all_trajectories, ffxml
Пример #5
def smiles_to_antechamber(smiles_string,
    """Build a molecule from a smiles string and run antechamber, 
    generating GAFF mol2 and frcmod files from a smiles string.  Charges
    will be generated using the OpenEye QuacPac AM1-BCC implementation.
    smiles_string : str
        Smiles string of molecule to construct and charge
    gaff_mol2_filename : str
        Filename of mol2 file output of antechamber, with charges
        created from openeye
    frcmod_filename : str
        Filename of frcmod file output of antechamber.  Most likely
        this file will be almost empty, at least for typical molecules.
    residue_name : str, optional, default="MOL"
        OpenEye writes mol2 files with <0> as the residue / ligand name.
        This chokes many mol2 parsers, so we replace it with a string of
        your choosing.  This might be useful for downstream applications
        if the residue names are required to be unique.
    strictStereo : bool, optional, default=False
        If False, permits smiles strings with unspecified stereochemistry.
        See https://docs.eyesopen.com/omega/usage.html
    oechem = import_("openeye.oechem")
    if not oechem.OEChemIsLicensed():
        raise (ImportError("Need License for oechem!"))

    # Get the absolute path so we can find these filenames from inside a temporary directory.
    gaff_mol2_filename = os.path.abspath(gaff_mol2_filename)
    frcmod_filename = os.path.abspath(frcmod_filename)

    m = smiles_to_oemol(smiles_string)
    m = get_charges(m, strictStereo=strictStereo, keep_confs=1)

    with enter_temp_directory(
    ):  # Avoid dumping 50 antechamber files in local directory.
        _unused = molecule_to_mol2(m, "./tmp.mol2", residue_name=residue_name)
        net_charge = oechem.OENetCharge(m)
        tmp_gaff_mol2_filename, tmp_frcmod_filename = run_antechamber(
            "tmp", "./tmp.mol2", charge_method=None,
            net_charge=net_charge)  # USE OE AM1BCC charges!
        shutil.copy(tmp_gaff_mol2_filename, gaff_mol2_filename)
        shutil.copy(tmp_frcmod_filename, frcmod_filename)
Пример #6
def smiles_to_antechamber(smiles_string, gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename, residue_name="MOL", strictStereo=False):
    """Build a molecule from a smiles string and run antechamber, 
    generating GAFF mol2 and frcmod files from a smiles string.  Charges
    will be generated using the OpenEye QuacPac AM1-BCC implementation.
    smiles_string : str
        Smiles string of molecule to construct and charge
    gaff_mol2_filename : str
        Filename of mol2 file output of antechamber, with charges
        created from openeye
    frcmod_filename : str
        Filename of frcmod file output of antechamber.  Most likely
        this file will be almost empty, at least for typical molecules.
    residue_name : str, optional, default="MOL"
        OpenEye writes mol2 files with <0> as the residue / ligand name.
        This chokes many mol2 parsers, so we replace it with a string of
        your choosing.  This might be useful for downstream applications
        if the residue names are required to be unique.
    strictStereo : bool, optional, default=False
        If False, permits smiles strings with unspecified stereochemistry.
        See https://docs.eyesopen.com/omega/usage.html
    oechem = import_("openeye.oechem")
    if not oechem.OEChemIsLicensed():
        raise (ImportError("Need License for oechem!"))

    # Get the absolute path so we can find these filenames from inside a temporary directory.
    gaff_mol2_filename = os.path.abspath(gaff_mol2_filename)
    frcmod_filename = os.path.abspath(frcmod_filename)

    m = smiles_to_oemol(smiles_string)
    m = get_charges(m, strictStereo=strictStereo, keep_confs=1)

    with enter_temp_directory():  # Avoid dumping 50 antechamber files in local directory.
        _unused = molecule_to_mol2(m, "./tmp.mol2", residue_name=residue_name)
        net_charge = oechem.OENetCharge(m)
        tmp_gaff_mol2_filename, tmp_frcmod_filename = run_antechamber(
            "tmp", "./tmp.mol2", charge_method=None, net_charge=net_charge
        )  # USE OE AM1BCC charges!
        shutil.copy(tmp_gaff_mol2_filename, gaff_mol2_filename)
        shutil.copy(tmp_frcmod_filename, frcmod_filename)
Пример #7
def test_amber_box():
    etoh_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/etoh/etoh.mol2")
    trj_list = [md.load(etoh_filename)]
    with utils.enter_temp_directory():  # Prevents creating tons of GAFF files everywhere.
        box_filename = "./box.pdb"
        box_trj = packmol.pack_box(trj_list, [50])
        gaff_mol2_filename1, frcmod_filename1 = utils.run_antechamber("etoh", etoh_filename, charge_method=None)
        mol2_filenames = [gaff_mol2_filename1]
        frcmod_filenames =  [frcmod_filename1]
        prmtop_filename = "./out.prmtop"
        inpcrd_filename = "./out.inpcrd"

        tleap_cmd = amber.build_mixture_prmtop(mol2_filenames, frcmod_filenames, box_filename, prmtop_filename, inpcrd_filename)
Пример #8
def test_run_tleap():
    molecule_name = "sustiva"
    input_filename = utils.get_data_filename("chemicals/sustiva/sustiva.mol2")
    with utils.enter_temp_directory():  # Prevents creating tons of GAFF files everywhere.
        gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename = utils.run_antechamber(molecule_name, input_filename, charge_method=None)
        prmtop, inpcrd = utils.run_tleap(molecule_name, gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename)
Пример #9
def oemols_to_ffxml(molecules, base_molecule_name="lig"):
    """Generate an OpenMM ffxml object and MDTraj trajectories from multiple OEMols
    molecules : list(OEMole)
        Molecules WITH CHARGES.  Each can have multiple conformations.
    base_molecule_name : str, optional, default='lig'
        Base name of molecule to use inside parameter files.
    trajectories : list(mdtraj.Trajectory)
        List of MDTraj Trajectories for molecule.  May contain multiple frames
    ffxml : StringIO
        StringIO representation of ffxml file.
    We allow multiple different molecules at once so that they can all be
    included in a single ffxml file, which is currently the only recommended
    way to simulate multiple GAFF molecules in a single simulation.  For most
    applications, you will have just a single molecule: 
    e.g. molecules = [my_oemol]
    The resulting ffxml StringIO object can be directly input to OpenMM e.g. 
    `forcefield = app.ForceField(ffxml)`
    This will generate a lot of temporary files, so you may want to use
    utils.enter_temp_directory() to avoid clutter.
    all_trajectories = []
    gaff_mol2_filenames = []
    frcmod_filenames = []

    for i, molecule in enumerate(molecules):
        trajectories = []
        for j in range(molecule.NumConfs()):
            molecule_name = "%s-%d-%d" % (base_molecule_name, i, j)
            mol2_filename = "./%s.mol2" % molecule_name
            _unused = molecule_to_mol2(molecule, mol2_filename, conformer=j)
            gaff_mol2_filename, frcmod_filename = run_antechamber(
                molecule_name, mol2_filename, charge_method=None
            )  # It's redundant to run antechamber on each frame, fix me later.

            traj = md.load(gaff_mol2_filename)

            if j == 0:  # Only need 1 frame of forcefield files

        # Create a trajectory with all frames of the current molecule
        traj = trajectories[0].join(trajectories[1:])

    ffxml = create_ffxml_file(gaff_mol2_filenames,

    return all_trajectories, ffxml
Пример #10
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from openmoltools.utils import run_antechamber

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
        print("""Usage: generate_example_data.py ligand_name
Note: this should be run in the openmoltools/chemicals/ligand_name directory.
        molecule_name, mol2_filename = sys.argv[1:]
        run_antechamber(molecule_name, mol2_filename, charge_method="bcc")