def main(): res = ncc.load_fw("./moviUsbBoot", "fw/flicRefApp.mvcmd") if res < 0: printf('load firmware error!') sys.exit(1) print("get usb %d sdk versin %s" % (ncc.get_usb_version(), ncc.get_sdk_version())) print("get fw version: %s and ncc id %s" % (ncc.camera_get_fw_version(), ncc.camera_get_ncc_id())) sensors = ncc.CameraSensor() sensor1 = ncc.SensorModesConfig() if sensors.GetFirstSensor(sensor1) == 0: print( "camera: %s, %dX%d@%dfps, AFmode:%d, maxEXP:%dus,gain[%d, %d]\n" % (sensor1.moduleName, sensor1.camWidth, sensor1.camHeight, sensor1.camFps, sensor1.AFmode, sensor1.maxEXP, sensor1.minGain, sensor1.maxGain)) sensor2 = ncc.SensorModesConfig() while sensors.GetNextSensor(sensor2) == 0: print( "camera: %s, %dX%d@%dfps, AFmode:%d, maxEXP:%dus,gain[%d, %d]\n" % (sensor2.moduleName, sensor2.camWidth, sensor2.camHeight, sensor2.camFps, sensor2.AFmode, sensor2.maxEXP, sensor2.minGain, sensor2.maxGain)) ncc.camera_select_sensor(0) #0 1080p 1 4k cameraCfg = sensor1 cam_info = ncc.CameraInfo() cam_info.inputFormat = ncc.IMG_FORMAT_BGR_PLANAR #cam_info.meanValue = [float(0.0)]*3 cam_info.stdValue = 1 cam_info.isOutputYUV = 1 cam_info.isOutputH26X = 1 cam_info.isOutputJPEG = 1 cam_info.imageWidth = cameraCfg.camWidth cam_info.imageHeight = cameraCfg.camHeight cam_info.startX = 0 cam_info.startY = 0 cam_info.endX = cameraCfg.camWidth cam_info.endY = cameraCfg.camHeight cam_info.inputDimWidth = 0 cam_info.inputDimHeight = 0 ncc.SetMeanValue(cam_info, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ret = ncc.sdk_init( None, None, "./blob/2020.3/face-detection-retail-0004/face-detection-retail-0004.blob", cam_info, struct.calcsize("13I4f")) #struct CameraInfo metasize = ncc.get_meta_size() print("xlink_init ret=%d %d" % (ret, metasize)) if (ret < 0): return oft_x = cam_info.startX oft_y = cam_info.startY dis_w = cam_info.endX - cam_info.startX dis_h = cam_info.endY - cam_info.startY offset = struct.calcsize(media_head) size = cameraCfg.camWidth * cameraCfg.camHeight * 2 yuvbuf = bytearray(size + offset) metabuf = bytearray(metasize + offset) ncc.camera_video_out(ncc.YUV420p, ncc.VIDEO_OUT_CONTINUOUS) while (True): size = ncc.GetYuvData(yuvbuf) if (size <= 0): time.sleep(0.1) #0.1 second continue numarry = np.array( yuvbuf[offset:size]) #skip head frameSpecOut 64 bytes #print("buf len=%d/%d" % (numarry.size,size)) yuv = numarry.reshape( (int(cameraCfg.camHeight * 3 / 2), cameraCfg.camWidth)) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(yuv, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420, 3) size = ncc.GetMetaData(metabuf) if (size > 0): #spec=metabuf[0:offset] #print(spec) #type,seq,size=get_header_info(metabuf[0:offset]) #print("meta type=%d seq=%d size=%d" % (type,seq,size)) barray = metabuf[offset + ncc.OUTPUT_INDEX_SIZE:size] #print("meta len=%d/%d" % (len(barray),size)) #print_hex(barray[0:14]) count = len(barray) // 2 sarry = struct.unpack('H' * count, barray) #print(sarry[0:7]) for i in range(100): image_id = ncc.f16Tof32(sarry[i * 7 + 0]) #print("face id %d" % image_id) if (image_id < 0): break score = ncc.f16Tof32(sarry[i * 7 + 2]) x0 = ncc.f16Tof32(sarry[i * 7 + 3]) y0 = ncc.f16Tof32(sarry[i * 7 + 4]) x1 = ncc.f16Tof32(sarry[i * 7 + 5]) y1 = ncc.f16Tof32(sarry[i * 7 + 6]) #print("score:%.2f<->min:%.2f rec:(%.3f,%.3f)<->(%.3f,%.3f) " %(score,min_score,x0,y0,x1,y1)) if ((not coordinate_is_valid(x0, y0, x1, y1)) or (score < min_score)): continue x = int(x0 * dis_w + oft_x) y = int(y0 * dis_h + oft_y) w = int((x1 - x0) * dis_w) h = int((y1 - y0) * dis_h) cv2.rectangle(bgr, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) result = ("score:%d") % (int(100 * score)) #print("%d,%d[%dx%d] score:%s" %(x,y,w,h,result)) cv2.putText(bgr, result, (x, y + 32), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 0), 1) img_scaled = cv2.resize(bgr, None, fx=0.7, fy=0.7, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.namedWindow('openncc', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv2.imshow('openncc', img_scaled) if (cv2.waitKey(20) == 27): break ncc.sdk_uninit() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): res = ncc.load_fw("./moviUsbBoot", "fw/flicRefApp.mvcmd") if res < 0: printf('load firmware error!') sys.exit(1) print("get usb %d sdk versin %s" % (ncc.get_usb_version(), ncc.get_sdk_version())) print("get fw version: %s and ncc id %s" % (ncc.camera_get_fw_version(), ncc.camera_get_ncc_id())) sensors = ncc.CameraSensor() sensor1 = ncc.SensorModesConfig() if sensors.GetFirstSensor(sensor1) == 0: print("camera: %s, %dX%d@%dfps, AFmode:%d, maxEXP:%dus,gain[%d, %d]\n" % ( sensor1.moduleName, sensor1.camWidth, sensor1.camHeight, sensor1.camFps, sensor1.AFmode, sensor1.maxEXP, sensor1.minGain, sensor1.maxGain)) sensor2 = ncc.SensorModesConfig() while sensors.GetNextSensor(sensor2) == 0: print("camera: %s, %dX%d@%dfps, AFmode:%d, maxEXP:%dus,gain[%d, %d]\n" % ( sensor2.moduleName, sensor2.camWidth, sensor2.camHeight, sensor2.camFps, sensor2.AFmode, sensor2.maxEXP, sensor2.minGain, sensor2.maxGain)) ncc.camera_select_sensor(0) # 0 1080p 1 4k cameraCfg = sensor1 net1_info = ncc.Network1Par() net1_info.inputFormat = ncc.IMG_FORMAT_BGR_PLANAR net1_info.meanValue = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] net1_info.stdValue = 1 net1_info.isOutputYUV = 1 net1_info.isOutputH26X = 1 net1_info.isOutputJPEG = 1 net1_info.imageWidth = cameraCfg.camWidth net1_info.imageHeight = cameraCfg.camHeight net1_info.startX = 0 net1_info.startY = 0 net1_info.endX = cameraCfg.camWidth net1_info.endY = cameraCfg.camHeight net1_info.inputDimWidth = 300 net1_info.inputDimHeight = 300 # extInputs = np.zeros(ncc.MAX_EXTINPUT_SIZE,dtype = np.uint8) # print('input size {}'.format(extInputs.size)) net1_info.extInputs = [0] * ncc.MAX_EXTINPUT_SIZE # tobytes() net1_info.modelCascade = 1 net1_info.inferenceACC = 1 net2_info = ncc.Network2Par() net2_info.startXAdj = -5 net2_info.startYAdj = -5 net2_info.endXAdj = 5 net2_info.endYAdj = 5 labelMask = [0]*ncc.MAX_LABEL_SIZE labelMask[2]=1 net2_info.labelMask = labelMask net2_info.minConf = 0.7 net2_info.inputDimWidth = 94 net2_info.inputDimHeight = 24 net2_info.inputFormat = ncc.IMG_FORMAT_BGR_PLANAR net2_info.meanValue = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] net2_info.stdValue = 1 count=ncc.MAX_EXTINPUT_SIZE//2 extInputs = array('h',[0]*count) extInputs[0] = int(ncc.f32Tof16(0)) for i in range(1, 88): extInputs[i] = int(ncc.f32Tof16(1.0)) net2_info.extInputs = extInputs.tobytes() net2_info.modelCascade = 0 print("input 0={} 1={} type={}".format(int(ncc.f32Tof16(1.0)),extInputs[1],type(extInputs[1]))); blob1 = "./blob/2020.3/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106.blob"; blob2 = "./blob/2020.3/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001/license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001.blob"; # if par_Len=0 , cal param_size auto ret = ncc.sdk_net2_init(None, None, \ blob1, net1_info, 0, \ blob2, net2_info, 0) metasize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 print("xlink_init ret=%d %d" % (ret, metasize)) if (ret < 0): return oft_x = net1_info.startX oft_y = net1_info.startY dis_w = net1_info.endX - net1_info.startX dis_h = net1_info.endY - net1_info.startY offset = struct.calcsize(media_head) # 64 size = cameraCfg.camWidth * cameraCfg.camHeight * 2 yuvbuf = bytearray(size + offset) metabuf = bytearray(metasize) ncc.camera_video_out(ncc.YUV420p, ncc.VIDEO_OUT_CONTINUOUS) bmeta=False; while (True): size = ncc.GetYuvData(yuvbuf) if (size <= 0): time.sleep(0.1) # 0.1 second continue numarry = np.array(yuvbuf[offset:size]) # skip head frameSpecOut 64 bytes # print("buf len=%d/%d" % (numarry.size,size)) yuv = numarry.reshape((int(cameraCfg.camHeight * 3 / 2), cameraCfg.camWidth)) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(yuv, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420, 3) size, outsize0,outsize1,item_num = ncc.GetMetaDataExt(metabuf) if (size > 0)and (item_num>0): bmeta=True #if(bmeta): print("ret=%d size0=%d size1=%d,num=%d" %(size,outsize0,outsize1,item_num )) # spec=metabuf[0:offset] #type1,seq,m_size=get_header_info(metabuf[0:offset]) #print("meta type=%d seq=%d size=%d" % (type1,seq,m_size)) #f = open("sample.txt", "wb") #f.write(metabuf) #f.close() from_i=offset + ncc.OUTPUT_INDEX_SIZE count=outsize0//2 detMetadata = struct.unpack('H'*count,metabuf[from_i:from_i+outsize0]) from_i+=outsize0 #skip output 0 count=outsize1//2 #print("out1 count %d from %d to %d" % (count,from_i,size)) secondMeta= struct.unpack('H'*count*item_num,metabuf[from_i:size]) for i in range(item_num): image_id = int(ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 0])) if (image_id < 0): break label = int(ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 1])) score = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 2]) x0 = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 3]) y0 = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 4]) x1 = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 5]) y1 = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 6]) # print("item sise=%d score:%.2f<->min:%.2f rec:(%.3f,%.3f)<->(%.3f,%.3f) " %(item_num,score,min_score,x0,y0,x1,y1)) if ((not coordinate_is_valid(x0, y0, x1, y1)) or (score < min_score) or (labelMask[label]==0)): continue x = int(x0 * dis_w + oft_x) y = int(y0 * dis_h + oft_y) w = int((x1 - x0) * dis_w) h = int((y1 - y0) * dis_h) cv2.rectangle(bgr, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 128, 128), 2) regMetadata=secondMeta[i*count:i*count+count] regRet = array('i') for j in range(88): regRet.append(int(ncc.f16Tof32(regMetadata[j]))) items = [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", \ "<Anhui>", "<Beijing>", "<Chongqing>", "<Fujian>", \ "<Gansu>", "<Guangdong>", "<Guangxi>", "<Guizhou>", \ "<Hainan>", "<Hebei>", "<Heilongjiang>", "<Henan>", \ "<HongKong>", "<Hubei>", "<Hunan>", "<InnerMongolia>", \ "<Jiangsu>", "<Jiangxi>", "<Jilin>", "<Liaoning>", \ "<Macau>", "<Ningxia>", "<Qinghai>", "<Shaanxi>", \ "<Shandong>", "<Shanghai>", "<Shanxi>", "<Sichuan>", \ "<Tianjin>", "<Tibet>", "<Xinjiang>", "<Yunnan>", \ "<Zhejiang>", "<police>", \ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", \ "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", \ "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" \ ]; result = '' for j in range(0, len(regRet)): if (regRet[j] == -1): break #result = result.join(items[regRet[j]]) result = result+items[regRet[j]] cv2.putText(bgr, result, (x, y - 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 1) img_scaled = cv2.resize(bgr, None, fx=0.7, fy=0.7, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.namedWindow('openncc', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv2.imshow('openncc', img_scaled) if (cv2.waitKey(20) == 27): break ncc.sdk_uninit() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): res = ncc.load_fw("./moviUsbBoot", "fw/flicRefApp.mvcmd") if res < 0: printf('load firmware error!') sys.exit(1) print("get usb %d sdk versin %s" % (ncc.get_usb_version(), ncc.get_sdk_version())) sensors = ncc.CameraSensor() sensor1 = ncc.SensorModesConfig() if sensors.GetFirstSensor(sensor1) == 0: print( "camera: %s, %dX%d@%dfps, AFmode:%d, maxEXP:%dus,gain[%d, %d]\n" % (sensor1.moduleName, sensor1.camWidth, sensor1.camHeight, sensor1.camFps, sensor1.AFmode, sensor1.maxEXP, sensor1.minGain, sensor1.maxGain)) sensor2 = ncc.SensorModesConfig() while sensors.GetNextSensor(sensor2) == 0: print( "camera: %s, %dX%d@%dfps, AFmode:%d, maxEXP:%dus,gain[%d, %d]\n" % (sensor2.moduleName, sensor2.camWidth, sensor2.camHeight, sensor2.camFps, sensor2.AFmode, sensor2.maxEXP, sensor2.minGain, sensor2.maxGain)) ncc.camera_select_sensor(0) #0 1080p 1 4k cameraCfg = sensor1 cam_info = ncc.CameraInfo() cam_info.inputFormat = ncc.IMG_FORMAT_BGR_PLANAR #cam_info.meanValue = [float(0.0)]*3 cam_info.stdValue = 1 cam_info.isOutputYUV = 1 cam_info.isOutputH26X = 1 cam_info.isOutputJPEG = 1 cam_info.imageWidth = cameraCfg.camWidth cam_info.imageHeight = cameraCfg.camHeight cam_info.startX = 0 cam_info.startY = 0 cam_info.endX = cameraCfg.camWidth cam_info.endY = cameraCfg.camHeight cam_info.inputDimWidth = 0 cam_info.inputDimHeight = 0 ncc.SetMeanValue(cam_info, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ret = ncc.sdk_init( None, None, "./blob/2020.3/human-pose-estimation-0001/human-pose-estimation-0001.blob", cam_info, 0) #struct CameraInfo,0 will auto cal #metasize=ncc.get_meta_size()#only support one module now #print("xlink_init ret=%d %d" % (ret,metasize)) #if (ret<0): # return oft_x = cam_info.startX oft_y = cam_info.startY dis_w = cam_info.endX - cam_info.startX dis_h = cam_info.endY - cam_info.startY offset = struct.calcsize(media_head) size = cameraCfg.camWidth * cameraCfg.camHeight * 2 yuvbuf = bytearray(size + offset) metabuf = bytearray(300 * 1024) ncc.camera_video_out(ncc.YUV420p, ncc.VIDEO_OUT_CONTINUOUS) while (True): size = ncc.GetYuvData(yuvbuf) if (size <= 0): time.sleep(0.1) #0.1 second continue numarry = np.array( yuvbuf[offset:size]) #skip head frameSpecOut 64 bytes #print("buf len=%d/%d" % (numarry.size,size)) yuv = numarry.reshape( (int(cameraCfg.camHeight * 3 / 2), cameraCfg.camWidth)) size = ncc.GetMetaData(metabuf) if (size > 0): #spec=metabuf[0:offset] #print(spec) #type,seq,size=get_header_info(metabuf[0:offset]) #print("meta type=%d seq=%d size=%d" % (type,seq,size)) barray = metabuf[offset + ncc.OUTPUT_INDEX_SIZE:size] print("meta len=%d/%d" % (len(barray), size)) #print_hex(barray[0:14]) count = len(barray) // 2 sarry = struct.unpack('H' * count, barray) #print(sarry[0:7]) farry = array('f') for i in range(count): farry.append(ncc.f16Tof32( sarry[i])) #get all float data from output dim_paf = [1, 38, 32, 57] dim_heat = [1, 19, 32, 57] paf_len = dim_paf[0] * dim_paf[1] * dim_paf[2] * dim_paf[3] print("farry len=%d paf_len =%d" % (len(farry), paf_len)) pafs_arry = np.array(farry[0:paf_len]) heat_arry = np.array(farry[paf_len:]) print("pafs array len=%d heat array len=%d" % (pafs_arry.size, heat_arry.size)) pafs_blob = pafs_arry.reshape(dim_paf) print("pafs_blob:") print(pafs_blob) heat_blob = heat_arry.reshape(dim_heat) print("heat_blob:") print(heat_blob) ncc.sdk_uninit()
def main(): global faceLib res = ncc.load_fw("./moviUsbBoot", "fw/flicRefApp.mvcmd") if res < 0: printf('load firmware error!') sys.exit(1) print("get usb %d sdk versin %s" % (ncc.get_usb_version(), ncc.get_sdk_version())) print("get fw version: %s and ncc id %s" % (ncc.camera_get_fw_version(), ncc.camera_get_ncc_id())) sensors = ncc.CameraSensor() sensor1 = ncc.SensorModesConfig() if sensors.GetFirstSensor(sensor1) == 0: print( "camera: %s, %dX%d@%dfps, AFmode:%d, maxEXP:%dus,gain[%d, %d]\n" % (sensor1.moduleName, sensor1.camWidth, sensor1.camHeight, sensor1.camFps, sensor1.AFmode, sensor1.maxEXP, sensor1.minGain, sensor1.maxGain)) sensor2 = ncc.SensorModesConfig() while sensors.GetNextSensor(sensor2) == 0: print( "camera: %s, %dX%d@%dfps, AFmode:%d, maxEXP:%dus,gain[%d, %d]\n" % (sensor2.moduleName, sensor2.camWidth, sensor2.camHeight, sensor2.camFps, sensor2.AFmode, sensor2.maxEXP, sensor2.minGain, sensor2.maxGain)) ncc.camera_select_sensor(0) # 0 1080p 1 4k cameraCfg = sensor1 net1_info = ncc.Network1Par() net1_info.inputFormat = ncc.IMG_FORMAT_BGR_PLANAR net1_info.meanValue = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] net1_info.stdValue = 1 net1_info.isOutputYUV = 1 net1_info.isOutputH26X = 0 net1_info.isOutputJPEG = 0 net1_info.imageWidth = cameraCfg.camWidth net1_info.imageHeight = cameraCfg.camHeight net1_info.startX = 0 net1_info.startY = 0 net1_info.endX = cameraCfg.camWidth net1_info.endY = cameraCfg.camHeight net1_info.inputDimWidth = 300 net1_info.inputDimHeight = 300 # extInputs = np.zeros(ncc.MAX_EXTINPUT_SIZE,dtype = np.uint8) # print('input size {}'.format(extInputs.size)) net1_info.extInputs = [0] * ncc.MAX_EXTINPUT_SIZE # tobytes() net1_info.modelCascade = 1 net1_info.inferenceACC = 0 net2_info = ncc.Network2Par() net2_info.startXAdj = -5 net2_info.startYAdj = -5 net2_info.endXAdj = 5 net2_info.endYAdj = 5 labelMask = [0] * ncc.MAX_LABEL_SIZE labelMask[1] = 1 net2_info.labelMask = labelMask net2_info.minConf = 0.7 net2_info.inputDimWidth = 128 net2_info.inputDimHeight = 128 net2_info.inputFormat = ncc.IMG_FORMAT_BGR_PLANAR net2_info.meanValue = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] net2_info.stdValue = 1 count = ncc.MAX_EXTINPUT_SIZE // 2 extInputs = array('h', [0] * count) net2_info.extInputs = extInputs.tobytes() net2_info.modelCascade = 0 #print("input 0={} 1={} type={}".format(int(ncc.f32Tof16(1.0)),extInputs[1],type(extInputs[1]))); blob1 = "./blob/2020.3/face-detection-retail-0004/face-detection-retail-0004.blob" blob2 = "./blob/2020.3/face-reidentification-retail-0095/face-reidentification-retail-0095.blob" ret = ncc.sdk_net2_init(None, None, \ blob1, net1_info, 0, \ blob2, net2_info, 0) metasize = 3 * 1024 * 1024 print("xlink_init ret=%d %d" % (ret, metasize)) if (ret < 0): return oft_x = net1_info.startX oft_y = net1_info.startY dis_w = net1_info.endX - net1_info.startX dis_h = net1_info.endY - net1_info.startY offset = struct.calcsize(media_head) # 64 size = cameraCfg.camWidth * cameraCfg.camHeight * 2 yuvbuf = bytearray(size + offset) metabuf = bytearray(metasize) ncc.camera_video_out(ncc.YUV420p, ncc.VIDEO_OUT_CONTINUOUS) bmeta = False bsave_face = False if os.access("face.txt", os.F_OK): faceLib = np.loadtxt('face.txt', dtype=float).tolist() print(faceLib) while (True): size = ncc.GetYuvData(yuvbuf) if (size <= 0): time.sleep(0.1) # 0.1 second continue numarry = np.array( yuvbuf[offset:size]) # skip head frameSpecOut 64 bytes # print("buf len=%d/%d" % (numarry.size,size)) yuv = numarry.reshape( (int(cameraCfg.camHeight * 3 / 2), cameraCfg.camWidth)) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(yuv, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420, 3) size, outsize0, outsize1, item_num = ncc.GetMetaDataExt(metabuf) if (size > 0) and (item_num > 0): bmeta = True print("ret=%d size0=%d size1=%d,num=%d" % (size, outsize0, outsize1, item_num)) # spec=metabuf[0:offset] #type1,seq,m_size=get_header_info(metabuf[0:offset]) #print("meta type=%d seq=%d size=%d" % (type1,seq,m_size)) #f = open("sample.txt", "wb") #f.write(metabuf) #f.close() from_i = offset + ncc.OUTPUT_INDEX_SIZE count = outsize0 // 2 detMetadata = struct.unpack('H' * count, metabuf[from_i:from_i + outsize0]) from_i += outsize0 #skip output 0 count = outsize1 // 2 print("out2 count %d from %d to %d" % (count, from_i, size)) secondMeta = struct.unpack('H' * count * item_num, metabuf[from_i:size]) for i in range(item_num): image_id = int(ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 0])) if (image_id < 0): break label = int(ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 1])) score = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 2]) x0 = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 3]) y0 = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 4]) x1 = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 5]) y1 = ncc.f16Tof32(detMetadata[i * 7 + 6]) # print("item sise=%d score:%.2f<->min:%.2f rec:(%.3f,%.3f)<->(%.3f,%.3f) " %(item_num,score,min_score,x0,y0,x1,y1)) if ((not coordinate_is_valid(x0, y0, x1, y1)) or (score < min_score) or (labelMask[label] == 0)): continue x = int(x0 * dis_w + oft_x) y = int(y0 * dis_h + oft_y) w = int((x1 - x0) * dis_w) h = int((y1 - y0) * dis_h) cv2.rectangle(bgr, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 128, 128), 2) regMetadata = secondMeta[i * count:i * count + count] regRet = array('f') for j in range(256): regRet.append(ncc.f16Tof32(regMetadata[j])) if bsave_face: print("!!!!save face!!!!") cv2.imwrite('face.png', bgr) nf = np.array(regRet) np.savetxt('face.txt', np.array(nf), fmt='%.2f') bsave_face = False similarVal = calc_similar(regRet, faceLib) result = '' print("get similar {:.2f}".format(similarVal)) if similarVal > SIMI_VAL: result = 'RET{:2.2f}, OK'.format(similarVal) else: result = 'RET{:2.2f}, NG'.format(similarVal) cv2.putText(bgr, result, (x, y - 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 1) img_scaled = cv2.resize(bgr, None, fx=0.7, fy=0.7, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.namedWindow('openncc', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv2.imshow('openncc', img_scaled) c = cv2.waitKey(10) if c == 115: #s bsave_face = True elif (c == 27): break ncc.sdk_uninit() cv2.destroyAllWindows()