Пример #1
    def startService(self):
        This sets up the OpenNSA service and ties together everything in the initialization.
        There are a lot of things going on, but none of it it particular deep.
        log.msg('OpenNSA service initializing', system='opennsa.setup')

        vc = self.vc

        topology_sources = [ open(tf) for tf in vc[config.TOPOLOGY_FILE] ]

        topology, internal_topology = gole.parseTopology(topology_sources, open(vc[config.NRM_MAP_FILE]) if vc[config.NRM_MAP_FILE] else None )

        if vc[config.HOST] is None:
            import socket
            vc[config.HOST] = socket.getfqdn()

        ctx_factory = None
        if vc[config.TLS]:
            from opennsa import ctxfactory
            ctx_factory = ctxfactory.ContextFactory(vc[config.KEY], vc[config.CERTIFICATE], vc[config.CERTIFICATE_DIR], vc[config.VERIFY_CERT])

        backend = setupBackend(vc['backend'], vc[config.NETWORK_NAME], internal_topology)

        factory = createService(vc[config.NETWORK_NAME], backend, topology, vc[config.HOST], vc[config.PORT], vc[config.WSDL_DIRECTORY])

        if vc[config.TLS]:
            internet.SSLServer(vc[config.PORT], factory, ctx_factory).setServiceParent(self)
            internet.TCPServer(vc[config.PORT], factory).setServiceParent(self)

        # do not start sub-services until we have started this one

        log.msg('OpenNSA service started')
Пример #2
 def createSSLClient(self):
     # Constructing the client NSA
     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
     s.connect(("gmail.com", 80))
     host = s.getsockname()[0]
     from opennsa import ctxfactory
     ctx_factory = ctxfactory.ContextFactory("./server.key",
     self.client, factory = opennsa.setup.createClient(
         host, self.port, WSDL_DIR, True, ctx_factory)
     self.client_nsa = opennsa.nsa.NetworkServiceAgent(
         'http://%s:%s/NSI/services/ConnectionService' % (host, self.port))
     reactor.listenSSL(self.port, factory, ctx_factory)
Пример #3
def setupTLSContext(vc):

    # ssl/tls contxt
    if vc[config.TLS]:
        from opennsa import ctxfactory
        ctx_factory = ctxfactory.ContextFactory(vc[config.KEY],
    elif os.path.isdir(vc[config.CERTIFICATE_DIR]):
        # we can at least create a context
        from opennsa import ctxfactory
        ctx_factory = ctxfactory.RequestContextFactory(
            vc[config.CERTIFICATE_DIR], vc[config.VERIFY_CERT])
        ctx_factory = None

    return ctx_factory
Пример #4
    def startService(self):
        This sets up the OpenNSA service and ties together everything in the initialization.
        There are a lot of things going on, but none of it it particular deep.
        log.msg('OpenNSA service initializing')

        vc = self.vc

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)

        if vc[config.HOST] is None:
            # guess name if not configured
            import socket
            vc[config.HOST] = socket.getfqdn()

        # database
        database.setupDatabase(vc[config.DATABASE], vc[config.DATABASE_USER], vc[config.DATABASE_PASSWORD])

        # base names
        base_name = vc[config.NETWORK_NAME]
        network_name = base_name + ':topology' # because we say so
        nsa_name  = base_name + ':nsa'

        # url stuffs
        base_protocol = 'https://' if vc[config.TLS] else 'http://'
        base_url = base_protocol + vc[config.HOST] + ':' + str(vc[config.PORT])

        # nsi agent
        provider_endpoint = base_url + '/NSI/services/CS2' # hardcode for now
        ns_agent = nsa.NetworkServiceAgent(nsa_name, provider_endpoint, 'local')

        # topology
        nrm_ports = nrm.parsePortSpec( open( vc[config.NRM_MAP_FILE] ) )
        network_topology = nml.createNMLNetwork(nrm_ports, network_name, base_name)

        # route vectors
        link_vector = linkvector.LinkVector( [ network_name ] )
        # hack in link vectors manually, since we don't have a mechanism for updating them automatically
        for np in nrm_ports:
            if np.remote_network is not None:
                link_vector.updateVector(np.name, { np.remote_network : 1 } ) # hack
                for network, cost in np.vectors.items():
                    link_vector.updateVector(np.name, { network : cost })

        # ssl/tls contxt
        if vc[config.TLS]:
            from opennsa import ctxfactory
            ctx_factory = ctxfactory.ContextFactory(vc[config.KEY], vc[config.CERTIFICATE], vc[config.CERTIFICATE_DIR], vc[config.VERIFY_CERT])
        elif os.path.isdir(vc[config.CERTIFICATE_DIR]):
            # we can at least create a context
            from opennsa import ctxfactory
            ctx_factory = ctxfactory.RequestContextFactory(vc[config.CERTIFICATE_DIR], vc[config.VERIFY_CERT])
            ctx_factory = None

        # plugin
        if vc[config.PLUGIN]:
            from twisted.python import reflect
            plugin = reflect.namedAny('opennsa.plugins.%s.plugin' % vc[config.PLUGIN])
            from opennsa.plugin import BasePlugin
            plugin = BasePlugin()
        plugin.init(vc, ctx_factory)

        # the dance to setup dynamic providers right
        top_resource = resource.Resource()
        requester_creator = CS2RequesterCreator(top_resource, None, vc[config.HOST], vc[config.PORT], vc[config.TLS], ctx_factory) # set aggregator later

        provider_registry = provreg.ProviderRegistry({}, { cnt.CS2_SERVICE_TYPE : requester_creator.create } )
        aggr = aggregator.Aggregator(network_topology.id_, ns_agent, network_topology, link_vector, None, provider_registry, vc[config.POLICY], plugin ) # set parent requester later

        requester_creator.aggregator = aggr

        pc = nsi2.setupProvider(aggr, top_resource, ctx_factory=ctx_factory, allowed_hosts=vc.get(config.ALLOWED_HOSTS))
        aggr.parent_requester = pc

        # setup backend(s) - for now we only support one

        backend_configs = vc['backend']
        if len(backend_configs) > 1:
            raise config.ConfigurationError('Only one backend supported for now. Multiple will probably come later.')

        backend_cfg = backend_configs.values()[0]

        backend_service = setupBackend(backend_cfg, network_topology.id_, nrm_ports, aggr)
        can_swap_label = backend_service.connection_manager.canSwapLabel(cnt.ETHERNET_VLAN)

        provider_registry.addProvider(ns_agent.urn(), backend_service, [ network_topology.id_ ] )

        # fetcher
        if vc[config.PEERS]:
            fetcher_service = fetcher.FetcherService(link_vector, nrm_ports, vc[config.PEERS], provider_registry, ctx_factory=ctx_factory)

        # wire up the http stuff

        discovery_resource_name = 'discovery.xml'
        nml_resource_name       = base_name + '.nml.xml'
        nml_resource_url        = '%s/NSI/%s' % (base_url, nml_resource_name)

        # discovery service
        name = base_name.split(':')[0] if ':' in base_name else base_name
        opennsa_version = 'OpenNSA-' + version
        networks    = [ cnt.URN_OGF_PREFIX + network_name ]
        interfaces  = [ ( cnt.CS2_PROVIDER, provider_endpoint, None), ( cnt.CS2_SERVICE_TYPE, provider_endpoint, None), (cnt.NML_SERVICE_TYPE, nml_resource_url, None) ]
        features    = [ (cnt.FEATURE_AGGREGATOR, None), (cnt.FEATURE_UPA, None) ]
        ds = discoveryservice.DiscoveryService(ns_agent.urn(), now, name, opennsa_version, now, networks, interfaces, features, provider_registry, link_vector)

        discovery_resource = ds.resource()
        top_resource.children['NSI'].putChild(discovery_resource_name, discovery_resource)
        link_vector.callOnUpdate( lambda : discovery_resource.updateResource ( ds.xml() ))

        # view resource
        vr = viewresource.ConnectionListResource(aggr)
        top_resource.children['NSI'].putChild('connections', vr)

        # topology
        nml_service = nmlservice.NMLService(network_topology, can_swap_label)
        top_resource.children['NSI'].putChild(nml_resource_name, nml_service.resource() )

        log.msg('Provider  URL: %s' % provider_endpoint )
        log.msg('Discovery URL: %s/NSI/%s' % (base_url, discovery_resource_name) )
        log.msg('Topology  URL: %s' % (nml_resource_url) )

        factory = server.Site(top_resource)
        factory.log = httplog.logRequest # default logging is weird, so we do our own

        if vc[config.TLS]:
            internet.SSLServer(vc[config.PORT], factory, ctx_factory).setServiceParent(self)
            internet.TCPServer(vc[config.PORT], factory).setServiceParent(self)

        # do not start sub-services until we have started this one

        log.msg('OpenNSA service started')