def main():
    params = set_params()

    #Constructing OpenPose object allocates GPU memory
    openpose = op.OpenPose(params)

    #Opening OpenCV stream
    stream = cv2.VideoCapture(0)


    while True:

        ret, img =
        # 转为灰度图
        #gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        # 改变图片大小
        img = cv2.resize(img, (320, 180))

        # Output keypoints and the image with the human skeleton blended on it
        # keypoints, output_image = openpose.forward(img, True)
        keypoints, output_image = openpose.forward(img, True)

        # Print the human pose keypoints, i.e., a [#people x #keypoints x 3]-dimensional numpy object with the keypoints of all the people on that image
        if len(keypoints) > 0:
            print('Human(s) Pose Estimated!')
            print('No humans detected!')

        # Display the stream
        #cv2.putText(output_image,'OpenPose Tello-Gesture-Control',(5,15), font, 0.5,(255,255,255),1,cv2.LINE_AA)
        cv2.putText(output_image, 'Tello-Gesture-Control', (55, 15), font, 0.5,
                    (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

        cv2.imshow('Human Pose Estimation', output_image)

        if cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
            print("I'm done end **********************************")

def main():

    params = set_params()

    #Constructing OpenPose object allocates GPU memory
    openpose = op.OpenPose(params)

    #Opening OpenCV stream
    stream = cv2.VideoCapture(0)


    while True:

        ret, img =

        # Output keypoints and the image with the human skeleton blended on it
        # keypoints, output_image = openpose.forward(img, True)
        keypoints, output_image = openpose.forward(img, True)

        # Print the human pose keypoints, i.e., a [#people x #keypoints x 3]-dimensional numpy object with the keypoints of all the people on that image
        if len(keypoints) > 0:
            print('Human(s) Pose Estimated!')
            print('No humans detected!')

        # Display the stream
        cv2.putText(output_image, 'OpenPose using Python-OpenCV', (20, 30),
                    font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

        cv2.imshow('Human Pose Estimation', output_image)

        key = cv2.waitKey(1)

        if key == ord('q'):

params = dict()
params["logging_level"] = 3
params["output_resolution"] = "-1x-1"
params["net_resolution"] = "-1x368"
params["model_pose"] = "BODY_25"
params["alpha_pose"] = 0.6
params["scale_gap"] = 0.3
params["scale_number"] = 1
params["render_threshold"] = 0.05
# If GPU version is built, and multiple GPUs are available, set the ID here
params["num_gpu_start"] = 0
params["disable_blending"] = False
# Ensure you point to the correct path where models are located
params["default_model_folder"] = dir_path + "/../../../models/"
# Construct OpenPose object allocates GPU memory
openpose = op.OpenPose(params)

def gesture_recognize(keypoints): # define function to recognize gesture
    flags = np.zeros((1,4)) # initial count of each gesture are all 0
    v_56 = keypoints[6, 0:2] - keypoints[5, 0:2]    # left shoulder and arm
    v_67 = keypoints[7, 0:2] - keypoints[6, 0:2]  # left arm and hand
    v_15 = keypoints[5, 0:2] - keypoints[1, 0:2]    # neck and leftshoulder
    # normalize vector
    nv_56 = v_56 / np.linalg.norm(v_56, ord=1)
    nv_67 = v_67 / np.linalg.norm(v_67, ord=1)
    nv_15 = v_15 / np.linalg.norm(v_15, ord=1)
    dv_15_56 = np.vdot(nv_15,nv_56)
    if dv_15_56<=0 and dv_15_56>=-0.7:  # the angle btw arm_shoulder
       flags[0,0] = 1                                       # and the neck_arm is 90-135 degree
    return flags
 def __init__(self, model_path):
     # Initialise openpose
     params = self._openpose_parameters(model_path)
     # Constructing OpenPose object allocates GPU memory
     self.openpose = op.OpenPose(params)