Пример #1
 def add_chart(self, chart):
     chart.anchor = AbsoluteAnchor()
Пример #2
 def add_chart(self, chart):
     chart.anchor = AbsoluteAnchor()
Пример #3
def create_excel(traveler_dictionary, folder_path):
    Creates an excel template that mimics the customer traveler so that we can pass in information from the PDF.
    :traveler_dictionary: dictionary with information from traveler sorted by category.
    :folder_path: path to the directory directly containing the traveler
    :return: None
    # Gets the directory of the executable script, which contains the template we will open.
    script_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS',
    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(

    # Transfer the traveler dictionary values into the excel template.
    sheet = wb['Sheet1']
    sheet['A1'] = f'CT {traveler_dictionary["job_number"]}'
    sheet['A6'] = traveler_dictionary['po_number']
    sheet['B6'] = traveler_dictionary['due_date']
    sheet['C6'] = 'CUSTOMER'
    sheet['A8'] = traveler_dictionary['job_number']
    sheet['B8'] = traveler_dictionary['part_file'].strip('\n')
    sheet['C8'] = traveler_dictionary['quantity']
    sheet['A10'] = traveler_dictionary['finish'].strip('\n')
    sheet['B10'] = traveler_dictionary['material'].strip('\n')
    sheet['C10'] = traveler_dictionary['certifications'].strip('\n')
    sheet['A12'] = traveler_dictionary['inspection'].strip('\n')

    # Replace all of Xometry mentions with 'CUSTOMER'
    no_customer = re.sub(r'xometry|Xometry|XOMETRY', 'CUSTOMER',
    no_trademark = replace_trademark(no_customer)
    no_fluid = replace_fluid(no_trademark)
    final_notes = process_notes(no_fluid)
    sheet['A14'] = final_notes

    # Date modifications according to customer instructions
    date = traveler_dictionary['due_date']
    date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date, "%m/%d/%Y")

    # 1) If “Finish” block says “Standard”, change due date to two business days before current due date.
    if traveler_dictionary['finish'] == 'Standard':
        sheet['B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=2):%m/%d/%Y}'

    # 2) If anything in the pdf mentions “mask” or “masking”, “heat treat”, “heat treating”, “harden”,
    # or “through harden” change due date to 7 business days before current due date
    post_process_pattern = re.compile(
        r'(mask|masking|heat treat|heat treating|harden|through harden)')
    matches = post_process_pattern.search(traveler_dictionary['finish'])
    if matches is not None:
        sheet['B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=7):%m/%d/%Y}'
    matches = post_process_pattern.search(traveler_dictionary['material'])
    if matches is not None:
        sheet['B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=7):%m/%d/%Y}'
    matches = post_process_pattern.search(traveler_dictionary['notes'])
    if matches is not None:
        sheet['B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=7):%m/%d/%Y}'

    # 3) If “Finish” block says “Custom” but there’s no mention of masking in rest of pdf,
    # change due date to 5 business days before current due date
    finish_pattern = re.compile(r'custom|CUSTOM|Custom')
    mask_pattern = re.compile(r'mask|MASK|masking|MASKING')
    finish_matches = finish_pattern.search(traveler_dictionary['finish'])
    if finish_matches is not None:
        sheet['B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=5):%m/%d/%Y}'
        mask_matches = mask_pattern.search(traveler_dictionary['finish'])
        if mask_matches is not None:
                'B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=7):%m/%d/%Y}'
        mask_matches = mask_pattern.search(traveler_dictionary['material'])
        if mask_matches is not None:
                'B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=7):%m/%d/%Y}'
        mask_matches = mask_pattern.search(traveler_dictionary['notes'])
        if mask_matches is not None:
                'B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=7):%m/%d/%Y}'

    # 4) If the pdf is absent of any of the phrases in a,b, or c and “Finish” block mentions any other kind of finish,
    # change due date to three business days before current due date.
    elif traveler_dictionary['finish'] is not None:
        sheet['B6'] = f'{date_time_obj.date() - timedelta(days=3):%m/%d/%Y}'

    # 5) If in following the rules, the resulting date is less than today’s date,
    # replace the date with the text “ASAP”
    compare_today = sheet['B6'].value
    compare_time_obj = datetime.strptime(compare_today, "%m/%d/%Y")
    if compare_time_obj.date() < datetime.today().date():
        sheet['B6'] = 'ASAP'

    # Change to folder path to grab image and save excel file.

    # Opens image and converts to RGBA format
    im = Image.open(f'{traveler_dictionary["job_number"]}.png')
    im = im.convert('RGBA')

    # Uses numpy to convert img background to white
    data = np.array(im)  # "data" is a height x width x 4 numpy array
    red, green, blue, alpha = data.T  # Temporarily unpack the bands for readability

    # Replace black with white... (leaves alpha values alone...)
    black_areas = (red == 0) & (blue == 0) & (green == 0)
    data[..., :-1][black_areas.T] = (255, 255, 255)  # Transpose back needed

    # Closes original image, than saves new image with white background
    im2 = Image.fromarray(data)

    # Opens image and resizes it to fit the template.
    im = Image.open(f'{traveler_dictionary["job_number"]}.png')
    resized_im = im.resize(
        (round(im.size[0] * 0.75), round(im.size[1] * 0.75)))

    # Anchors the image in the template excel according to absolute values to horizontally align center.
    img = openpyxl.drawing.image.Image(
    p2e = pixels_to_EMU
    h, w = img.height, img.width
    position = XDRPoint2D(p2e(210), p2e(80))
    size = XDRPositiveSize2D(p2e(h), p2e(w))
    img.anchor = AbsoluteAnchor(pos=position, ext=size)

    # Saves the template file as the new traveler name. Customer can now open and print as PDF.
    wb.save(f'CT {traveler_dictionary["job_number"]}.xlsx')

    # Deletes the image file since we no longer need it.