Пример #1
 def test_ctor(self):
     Image = self.make_one()
     i = Image(img=self.img)
     assert i.nochangearrowheads == True
     assert i.nochangeaspect == True
     d = i.drawing
     assert d.coordinates == ((0, 0), (1, 1))
     assert d.width == 118
     assert d.height == 118
 def test_ctor(self, Image, datadir):
     i = Image(img="plain.png")
     assert i.nochangearrowheads == True
     assert i.nochangeaspect == True
     d = i.drawing
     assert d.coordinates == ((0, 0), (1, 1))
     assert d.width == 118
     assert d.height == 118
Пример #3
def test_write_hyperlink_image_rels(Workbook, Image):
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.create_sheet()
    ws.cell('A1').value = "test"
    ws.cell('A1').hyperlink = "http://test.com/"
    img = os.path.join(DATADIR, "plain.png")
    i = Image(img)
    raise ValueError("Resulting file is invalid")
Пример #4
 def test_write_anchor(self):
     from openpyxl.drawing import Image
     path = os.path.join(DATADIR, "plain.png")
     drawing = Image(path).drawing
     root = Element("test")
     self.dw._write_anchor(root, drawing)
     xml = get_xml(root)
     expected = """<test><xdr:absoluteAnchor xmlns:xdr="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing"><xdr:pos x="0" y="0"/><xdr:ext cx="1123950" cy="1123950"/></xdr:absoluteAnchor></test>"""
     diff = compare_xml(xml, expected)
     assert diff is None, diff
Пример #5
def read_drawings(ws, drawings_path, archive, valid_files):
    """ Given a worksheet and the XML of its drawings file, links drawings to cells
    drawings_codename = os.path.split(drawings_path)[-1]
    rels_file = PACKAGE_DRAWINGS_RELS + '/' + drawings_codename + '.rels'

    if rels_file not in valid_files:
        return None

    rels_source = archive.read(rels_file)
    rels_root = fromstring(rels_source)

    root = fromstring(archive.read(drawings_path))
    for node in root:
        col, row = 0, 0
        name = u''

        cell_from = node.find('{%s}from' % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)

        if cell_from is not None:
            col = cell_from.find('{%s}col' % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)
            if col is not None:
                col = int(col.text)

            row = cell_from.find('{%s}row' % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)
            if row is not None:
                row = int(row.text)

        cell = ws['%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col + 1), row + 1)]

        pic = node.find('{%s}pic' % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)
        if pic is not None:
            nv_pic_pr = pic.find('{%s}nvPicPr' % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)
            if nv_pic_pr is not None:
                nv_pic_pr = nv_pic_pr.find('{%s}cNvPr' % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)
                if nv_pic_pr is not None:
                    name = nv_pic_pr.attrib.get('name', '')

            blip_fill = pic.find('{%s}blipFill' % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)
            if blip_fill is not None:
                blip = blip_fill.find('{%s}blip' % DRAWING_NS)
                if blip is not None:
                    rid = blip.attrib.get('{%s}embed' % REL_NS)
                    if rid is not None:
                        image_file = read_image_file(rels_root, rid,
                        if image_file:
                            img = Image(BytesIO(archive.read(image_file)))
                            img.drawing.name = name
                            img.anchor(cell, anchortype='oneCell')

Пример #6
 def test_write_anchor_onecell(self):
     from openpyxl.drawing import Image
     path = os.path.join(DATADIR, "plain.png")
     drawing = Image(path).drawing
     drawing.anchortype = "oneCell"
     drawing.anchorcol = 0
     drawing.anchorrow = 0
     root = Element("test")
     self.dw._write_anchor(root, drawing)
     xml = get_xml(root)
     expected = """<test><xdr:oneCellAnchor xmlns:xdr="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing"><xdr:from><xdr:col>0</xdr:col><xdr:colOff>0</xdr:colOff><xdr:row>0</xdr:row><xdr:rowOff>0</xdr:rowOff></xdr:from><xdr:ext cx="1123950" cy="1123950"/></xdr:oneCellAnchor></test>"""
     diff = compare_xml(xml, expected)
     assert diff is None, diff
Пример #7
    def test_write_images(self):
        from openpyxl.drawing import Image
        path = os.path.join(DATADIR, "plain.png")
        img = Image(path)
        root = Element("{%s}wsDr" % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)
        self.dw._write_image(root, img, 1)
        xml = get_xml(root)
        expected = """<xdr:wsDr xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" xmlns:xdr="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing">
    <xdr:pos x="0" y="0"/>
    <xdr:ext cx="1123950" cy="1123950"/>
        <xdr:cNvPr id="2" name="Picture 1"/>
          <a:picLocks noChangeArrowheads="1" noChangeAspect="1"/>
        <a:blip xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" cstate="print" r:embed="rId1"/>
      <xdr:spPr bwMode="auto">
          <a:off x="0" y="0"/>
          <a:ext cx="0" cy="0"/>
        <a:prstGeom prst="rect">
        <a:ln w="1">
          <a:miter lim="800000"/>
          <a:tailEnd len="med" type="none" w="med"/>
        diff = compare_xml(xml, expected)
        assert diff is None, diff
Пример #8
def test_write_images():
    wb = Workbook()
    ew = ExcelWriter(workbook=wb)
    from openpyxl.drawing import Image
    imagepath = os.path.join(DATADIR, "plain.png")
    img = Image(imagepath)

    buf = BytesIO()

    archive = zipfile.ZipFile(buf, 'w')
    ew._write_images([img], archive, 1)

    archive = zipfile.ZipFile(buf, 'r')
    zipinfo = archive.infolist()
    assert len(zipinfo) == 1
    assert zipinfo[0].filename == 'xl/media/image1.png'
Пример #9
            # Start new event
            currentEvent = row['Event']
            output = load_workbook('masters/{}.xlsx'.format(
            sheets = [sheet for sheet in output]
            wsCount = 0

        if currentCategory != row['Category']:
            # Start new spreadsheet
            currentCategory = row['Category']
            ws = sheets[wsCount]
            wsCount += 1

            # Add image
            img = Image('nbta.png')
            # place image relative to top left corner of spreadsheet
            img.drawing.top = 10
            img.drawing.left = 30

            ws.title = row['Category'][:26]
            ws['C3'] = row['Category']

            i = 5

        # Add names to worksheet
        ws['B{}'.format(i)] = row['Name']
        i += 1

#  Finish last event
 def test_anchor_onecell(self, Image, datadir):
     i = Image("plain.png")
     c = DummyCell()
     vals = i.anchor(c, anchortype="oneCell")
     assert vals == ((0, 0), None)
 def test_anchor(self, Image, datadir):
     i = Image("plain.png")
     c = DummyCell()
     vals = i.anchor(c)
     assert vals == (('A', 1), (118, 118))
def ImageFile(datadir, Image):
    return Image("plain.png")
Пример #13
 def test_anchor_onecell(self):
     Image = self.make_one()
     i = Image(self.img)
     c = DummyCell()
     vals = i.anchor(c, anchortype="oneCell")
     assert vals == ((0, 0), None)
Пример #14
 def test_anchor(self):
     Image = self.make_one()
     i = Image(self.img)
     c = DummyCell()
     vals = i.anchor(c)
     assert vals == (('A', 1), (118, 118))
Пример #15
import os

from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.drawing import Image
from openpyxl.tests.helper import DATADIR

wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.active
ws.cell('A1').value = 'You should see a logo below'

# create an image instance
pth = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
img = Image(os.path.join(DATADIR, 'plain.png'))

# place it if required
img.drawing.left = 200
img.drawing.top = 100

# you could also 'anchor' the image to a specific cell
# img.anchor(ws.cell('B12'))

# add to worksheet
wb.save(os.path.join(pth, 'files', 'logo.xlsx'))