Пример #1
    def _read(cls, io, **kwargs):
        if (kwargs.get("engine", None) is not None
                and kwargs.get("engine") != "openpyxl"):
                "Modin only implements parallel `read_excel` with `openpyxl` engine, "
                'please specify `engine=None` or `engine="openpyxl"` to '
                "use Modin's parallel implementation.")
            return cls.single_worker_read(io, **kwargs)
        if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
                "Python 3.7 or higher required for parallel `read_excel`.")
            return cls.single_worker_read(io, **kwargs)

        from zipfile import ZipFile
        from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
        from openpyxl.worksheet._reader import WorksheetReader
        from openpyxl.reader.excel import ExcelReader
        from modin.backends.pandas.parsers import PandasExcelParser

        sheet_name = kwargs.get("sheet_name", 0)
        if sheet_name is None or isinstance(sheet_name, list):
                "`read_excel` functionality is only implemented for a single sheet at a "
                "time. Multiple sheet reading coming soon!")
            return cls.single_worker_read(io, **kwargs)

        warnings.warn("Parallel `read_excel` is a new feature! Please email "
                      "[email protected] if you run into any problems.")

        # NOTE: ExcelReader() in read-only mode does not close file handle by itself
        # work around that by passing file object if we received some path
        io_file = open(io, "rb") if isinstance(io, str) else io
            ex = ExcelReader(io_file, read_only=True)
            wb = ex.wb

            # Get shared strings
            ws = Worksheet(wb)
            if isinstance(io, str):
                # close only if it were us who opened the object

        pandas_kw = dict(kwargs)  # preserve original kwargs
        with ZipFile(io) as z:
            from io import BytesIO

            # Convert index to sheet name in file
            if isinstance(sheet_name, int):
                sheet_name = "sheet{}".format(sheet_name + 1)
                sheet_name = "sheet{}".format(
                    wb.sheetnames.index(sheet_name) + 1)
            if any(sheet_name.lower() in name for name in z.namelist()):
                sheet_name = sheet_name.lower()
            elif any(sheet_name.title() in name for name in z.namelist()):
                sheet_name = sheet_name.title()
                raise ValueError("Sheet {} not found".format(
            # Pass this value to the workers
            kwargs["sheet_name"] = sheet_name

            f = z.open("xl/worksheets/{}.xml".format(sheet_name))
            f = BytesIO(f.read())
            total_bytes = cls.file_size(f)

            num_partitions = NPartitions.get()
            # Read some bytes from the sheet so we can extract the XML header and first
            # line. We need to make sure we get the first line of the data as well
            # because that is where the column names are. The header information will
            # be extracted and sent to all of the nodes.
            sheet_block = f.read(EXCEL_READ_BLOCK_SIZE)
            end_of_row_tag = b"</row>"
            while end_of_row_tag not in sheet_block:
                sheet_block += f.read(EXCEL_READ_BLOCK_SIZE)
            idx_of_header_end = sheet_block.index(end_of_row_tag) + len(
            sheet_header = sheet_block[:idx_of_header_end]
            # Reset the file pointer to begin at the end of the header information.
            kwargs["_header"] = sheet_header
            footer = b"</sheetData></worksheet>"
            # Use openpyxml to parse the data
            reader = WorksheetReader(ws, BytesIO(sheet_header + footer),
                                     ex.shared_strings, False)
            # Attach cells to the worksheet
            data = PandasExcelParser.get_sheet_data(
                ws, kwargs.get("convert_float", True))
            # Extract column names from parsed data.
            column_names = pandas.Index(data[0])
            index_col = kwargs.get("index_col", None)
            # Remove column names that are specified as `index_col`
            if index_col is not None:
                column_names = column_names.drop(column_names[index_col])

            if not all(column_names):
                # some column names are empty, use pandas reader to take the names from it
                pandas_kw["nrows"] = 1
                df = pandas.read_excel(io, **pandas_kw)
                column_names = df.columns

            # Compute partition metadata upfront so it is uniform for all partitions
            chunk_size = max(1, (total_bytes - f.tell()) // num_partitions)
            num_splits = min(len(column_names), num_partitions)
            kwargs["fname"] = io
            # Skiprows will be used to inform a partition how many rows come before it.
            kwargs["skiprows"] = 0
            rows_to_skip = 0
            data_ids = []
            index_ids = []
            dtypes_ids = []

            # Compute column metadata
            column_chunksize = compute_chunksize(
                pandas.DataFrame(columns=column_names), num_splits, axis=1)
            if column_chunksize > len(column_names):
                column_widths = [len(column_names)]
                # This prevents us from unnecessarily serializing a bunch of empty
                # objects.
                num_splits = 1
                column_widths = [
                    column_chunksize if len(column_names) >
                    (column_chunksize * (i + 1)) else 0 if len(column_names) <
                    (column_chunksize * i) else len(column_names) -
                    (column_chunksize * i) for i in range(num_splits)
            kwargs["num_splits"] = num_splits

            while f.tell() < total_bytes:
                args = kwargs
                args["skiprows"] = rows_to_skip
                args["start"] = f.tell()
                chunk = f.read(chunk_size)
                # This edge case can happen when we have reached the end of the data
                # but not the end of the file.
                if b"<row" not in chunk:
                row_close_tag = b"</row>"
                row_count = re.subn(row_close_tag, b"", chunk)[1]

                # Make sure we are reading at least one row.
                while row_count == 0:
                    chunk += f.read(chunk_size)
                    row_count += re.subn(row_close_tag, b"", chunk)[1]

                last_index = chunk.rindex(row_close_tag)
                f.seek(-(len(chunk) - last_index) + len(row_close_tag), 1)
                args["end"] = f.tell()

                # If there is no data, exit before triggering computation.
                if b"</row>" not in chunk and b"</sheetData>" in chunk:
                # We need to make sure we include all rows, even those that have no
                # data. Getting the number of the last row will turn into the number of
                # skipped rows, so if there are any rows missing between the last row
                # seen here and the first row the next partition reads, the parser will
                # have to include those rows in that specific partition to match the
                # expected behavior. We subtract 1 here because the header is included
                # in the skip values, and we do not want to skip the header.
                rows_to_skip = (int(chunk[:last_index + len(row_close_tag)].
                                    split(b'<row r="')[-1].split(b'"')[0]) - 1)
                remote_results_list = cls.deploy(cls.parse, num_splits + 2,

                # The end of the spreadsheet
                if b"</sheetData>" in chunk:

        # Compute the index based on a sum of the lengths of each partition (by default)
        # or based on the column(s) that were requested.
        if index_col is None:
            row_lengths = cls.materialize(index_ids)
            new_index = pandas.RangeIndex(sum(row_lengths))
            index_objs = cls.materialize(index_ids)
            row_lengths = [len(o) for o in index_objs]
            new_index = index_objs[0].append(index_objs[1:])

        # Compute dtypes by getting collecting and combining all of the partitions. The
        # reported dtypes from differing rows can be different based on the inference in
        # the limited data seen by each worker. We use pandas to compute the exact dtype
        # over the whole column for each column. The index is set below.
        dtypes = cls.get_dtypes(dtypes_ids)

        data_ids = cls.build_partition(data_ids, row_lengths, column_widths)
        # Set the index for the dtypes to the column names
        if isinstance(dtypes, pandas.Series):
            dtypes.index = column_names
            dtypes = pandas.Series(dtypes, index=column_names)
        new_frame = cls.frame_cls(
        new_query_compiler = cls.query_compiler_cls(new_frame)
        if index_col is None:
        return new_query_compiler
Пример #2
    def parse(fname, **kwargs):
        num_splits = kwargs.pop("num_splits", None)
        start = kwargs.pop("start", None)
        end = kwargs.pop("end", None)
        _skiprows = kwargs.pop("skiprows")
        excel_header = kwargs.get("_header")
        sheet_name = kwargs.get("sheet_name", 0)
        footer = b"</sheetData></worksheet>"

        # Default to pandas case, where we are not splitting or partitioning
        if start is None or end is None:
            return pandas.read_excel(fname, **kwargs)

        from zipfile import ZipFile
        from openpyxl import load_workbook
        from openpyxl.worksheet._reader import WorksheetReader
        from openpyxl.reader.excel import ExcelReader
        from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
        from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_list_like
        from pandas.io.excel._util import (
        from pandas.io.parsers import TextParser
        import re

        wb = load_workbook(filename=fname, read_only=True)
        # Get shared strings
        ex = ExcelReader(fname, read_only=True)
        # Convert string name 0 to string
        if sheet_name == 0:
            sheet_name = wb.sheetnames[sheet_name]
        # get the worksheet to use with the worksheet reader
        ws = Worksheet(wb)
        # Read the raw data
        with ZipFile(fname) as z:
            with z.open("xl/worksheets/{}.xml".format(sheet_name)) as file:
                bytes_data = file.read(end - start)

        def update_row_nums(match):
            Update the row numbers to start at 1.

            match : re.Match object
                The match from the origin `re.sub` looking for row number tags.

                The updated string with new row numbers.

            This is needed because the parser we are using does not scale well if
            the row numbers remain because empty rows are inserted for all "missing"
            b = match.group(0)
            return re.sub(
                lambda c: str(int(c.group(0).decode("utf-8")) - _skiprows).

        bytes_data = re.sub(br'r="[A-Z]*\d+"', update_row_nums, bytes_data)
        bytesio = BytesIO(excel_header + bytes_data + footer)
        # Use openpyxl to read/parse sheet data
        reader = WorksheetReader(ws, bytesio, ex.shared_strings, False)
        # Attach cells to worksheet object
        data = PandasExcelParser.get_sheet_data(
            ws, kwargs.pop("convert_float", True))
        usecols = maybe_convert_usecols(kwargs.pop("usecols", None))
        header = kwargs.pop("header", 0)
        index_col = kwargs.pop("index_col", None)
        # skiprows is handled externally
        skiprows = None

        # Handle header and create MultiIndex for columns if necessary
        if is_list_like(header) and len(header) == 1:
            header = header[0]
        if header is not None and is_list_like(header):
            control_row = [True] * len(data[0])

            for row in header:
                data[row], control_row = fill_mi_header(data[row], control_row)
        # Handle MultiIndex for row Index if necessary
        if is_list_like(index_col):
            # Forward fill values for MultiIndex index.
            if not is_list_like(header):
                offset = 1 + header
                offset = 1 + max(header)

            # Check if dataset is empty
            if offset < len(data):
                for col in index_col:
                    last = data[offset][col]
                    for row in range(offset + 1, len(data)):
                        if data[row][col] == "" or data[row][col] is None:
                            data[row][col] = last
                            last = data[row][col]
        parser = TextParser(
            has_index_names=is_list_like(header) and len(header) > 1,
        # In excel if you create a row with only a border (no values), this parser will
        # interpret that as a row of NaN values. pandas discards these values, so we
        # also must discard these values.
        pandas_df = parser.read().dropna(how="all")
        # Since we know the number of rows that occur before this partition, we can
        # correctly assign the index in cases of RangeIndex. If it is not a RangeIndex,
        # the index is already correct because it came from the data.
        if isinstance(pandas_df.index, pandas.RangeIndex):
            pandas_df.index = pandas.RangeIndex(start=_skiprows,
                                                stop=len(pandas_df.index) +
        # We return the length if it is a RangeIndex (common case) to reduce
        # serialization cost.
        if index_col is not None:
            index = pandas_df.index
            # The lengths will become the RangeIndex
            index = len(pandas_df)
        return _split_result_for_readers(1, num_splits, pandas_df) + [
Пример #3
    def _read(cls, io, **kwargs):
        if (kwargs.get("engine", None) is not None
                and kwargs.get("engine") != "openpyxl"):
                "Modin only implements parallel `read_excel` with `openpyxl` engine, "
                'please specify `engine=None` or `engine="openpyxl"` to '
                "use Modin's parallel implementation.")
            return cls.single_worker_read(io, **kwargs)
        if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
                "Python 3.7 or higher required for parallel `read_excel`.")
            return cls.single_worker_read(io, **kwargs)

        from zipfile import ZipFile
        from openpyxl import load_workbook
        from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
        from openpyxl.worksheet._reader import WorksheetReader
        from openpyxl.reader.excel import ExcelReader
        from modin.backends.pandas.parsers import PandasExcelParser

        sheet_name = kwargs.get("sheet_name", 0)
        if sheet_name is None or isinstance(sheet_name, list):
                "`read_excel` functionality is only implemented for a single sheet at a "
                "time. Multiple sheet reading coming soon!")
            return cls.single_worker_read(io, **kwargs)

        warnings.warn("Parallel `read_excel` is a new feature! Please email "
                      "[email protected] if you run into any problems.")
        wb = load_workbook(filename=io, read_only=True)
        # Get shared strings
        ex = ExcelReader(io, read_only=True)
        ws = Worksheet(wb)
        # Convert string name 0 to string
        if sheet_name == 0:
            sheet_name = wb.sheetnames[sheet_name]
        with ZipFile(io) as z:
            from io import BytesIO

            f = z.open("xl/worksheets/{}.xml".format(sheet_name.lower()))
            f = BytesIO(f.read())
            total_bytes = cls.file_size(f)

            from modin.pandas import DEFAULT_NPARTITIONS

            num_partitions = DEFAULT_NPARTITIONS
            # Read some bytes from the sheet so we can extract the XML header and first
            # line. We need to make sure we get the first line of the data as well
            # because that is where the column names are. The header information will
            # be extracted and sent to all of the nodes.
            sheet_block = f.read(EXCEL_READ_BLOCK_SIZE)
            end_of_row_tag = b"</row>"
            while end_of_row_tag not in sheet_block:
                sheet_block += f.read(EXCEL_READ_BLOCK_SIZE)
            idx_of_header_end = sheet_block.index(end_of_row_tag) + len(
            sheet_header = sheet_block[:idx_of_header_end]
            # Reset the file pointer to begin at the end of the header information.
            kwargs["_header"] = sheet_header
            footer = b"</sheetData></worksheet>"
            # Use openpyxml to parse the data
            reader = WorksheetReader(ws, BytesIO(sheet_header + footer),
                                     ex.shared_strings, False)
            # Attach cells to the worksheet
            data = PandasExcelParser.get_sheet_data(
                ws, kwargs.get("convert_float", True))
            # Extract column names from parsed data.
            column_names = pandas.Index(data[0])
            index_col = kwargs.get("index_col", None)
            # Remove column names that are specified as `index_col`
            if index_col is not None:
                column_names = column_names.drop(column_names[index_col])
            # Compute partition metadata upfront so it is uniform for all partitions
            chunk_size = max(1, (total_bytes - f.tell()) // num_partitions)
            num_splits = min(len(column_names), num_partitions)
            kwargs["fname"] = io
            # Skiprows will be used to inform a partition how many rows come before it.
            kwargs["skiprows"] = 0
            row_count = 0
            data_ids = []
            index_ids = []
            dtypes_ids = []

            # Compute column metadata
            column_chunksize = compute_chunksize(
                pandas.DataFrame(columns=column_names), num_splits, axis=1)
            if column_chunksize > len(column_names):
                column_widths = [len(column_names)]
                # This prevents us from unnecessarily serializing a bunch of empty
                # objects.
                num_splits = 1
                column_widths = [
                    column_chunksize if len(column_names) >
                    (column_chunksize * (i + 1)) else 0 if len(column_names) <
                    (column_chunksize * i) else len(column_names) -
                    (column_chunksize * i) for i in range(num_splits)
            kwargs["num_splits"] = num_splits

            while f.tell() < total_bytes:
                args = kwargs
                args["skiprows"] = row_count + args["skiprows"]
                args["start"] = f.tell()
                chunk = f.read(chunk_size)
                # This edge case can happen when we have reached the end of the data
                # but not the end of the file.
                if b"<row" not in chunk:
                row_close_tag = b"</row>"
                row_count = re.subn(row_close_tag, b"", chunk)[1]

                # Make sure we are reading at least one row.
                while row_count == 0:
                    chunk += f.read(chunk_size)
                    row_count += re.subn(row_close_tag, b"", chunk)[1]

                last_index = chunk.rindex(row_close_tag)
                f.seek(-(len(chunk) - last_index) + len(row_close_tag), 1)
                args["end"] = f.tell()

                # If there is no data, exit before triggering computation.
                if b"</row>" not in chunk and b"</sheetData>" in chunk:
                remote_results_list = cls.deploy(cls.parse, num_splits + 2,

                # The end of the spreadsheet
                if b"</sheetData>" in chunk:

        # Compute the index based on a sum of the lengths of each partition (by default)
        # or based on the column(s) that were requested.
        if index_col is None:
            row_lengths = cls.materialize(index_ids)
            new_index = pandas.RangeIndex(sum(row_lengths))
            index_objs = cls.materialize(index_ids)
            row_lengths = [len(o) for o in index_objs]
            new_index = index_objs[0].append(index_objs[1:])

        # Compute dtypes by getting collecting and combining all of the partitions. The
        # reported dtypes from differing rows can be different based on the inference in
        # the limited data seen by each worker. We use pandas to compute the exact dtype
        # over the whole column for each column. The index is set below.
        dtypes = cls.get_dtypes(dtypes_ids)

        data_ids = cls.build_partition(data_ids, row_lengths, column_widths)
        # Set the index for the dtypes to the column names
        if isinstance(dtypes, pandas.Series):
            dtypes.index = column_names
            dtypes = pandas.Series(dtypes, index=column_names)
        new_frame = cls.frame_cls(
        return cls.query_compiler_cls(new_frame)