def draw_jpg(img_path): img_pic = resize( img_name = os.path.basename(img_path) out_file = img_name + '.xlsx' if os.path.exists(out_file): os.remove(out_file) workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() worksheet = width, height = img_pic.size for w in range(1, width + 1): for h in range(1, height + 1): if img_pic.mode == 'RGB': r, g, b = img_pic.getpixel((w - 1, h - 1)) elif img_pic.mode == 'RGBA': r, g, b, a = img_pic.getpixel((w - 1, h - 1)) hex_rgb = int_to_16(r) + int_to_16(g) + int_to_16(b) cell = worksheet.cell(column=w, row=h) if h == 1: _w = cell.column _h = cell.col_idx # 调整列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[str(_w)].width = 1 # 调整行高 worksheet.row_dimensions[h].height = 6 cell.fill = fills.PatternFill(fill_type="solid", fgColor=hex_rgb) print('write in:', w, ' | all:', width + 1) print('saving...') print('success!')
def draw_cell(): workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() worksheet = count = 0 max_cell = 10000 for w in range(1, max_cell + 1): for h in range(1, max_cell + 1): cell = worksheet.cell(column=w, row=h) if h == 1: _w = cell.column _h = cell.col_idx # 调整列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[_w].width = 1 # 调整行高 worksheet.row_dimensions[h].height = 6 # if count < 255 ** 3: # back = int_to_16(num=count) # back = '0' * (6 - len(back)) + back # else: # back = ''.join([int_to_16(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(3)]) cell.fill = fills.PatternFill(fill_type="solid", fgColor='333333') count += 1 print('write in:', w, ' | all:', w + 1) print('saving...')'test.xlsx') print('success!')
def main(): File = input("Enter Image file name: ") print('Processing Image ...') count = time.time() # Process Image in each pixel img = img = img.rotate(0, expand=1) width, height = img.size ratio = width / height # For some god damm reason, Excel can only display file below 1400kb without error # I can only display on 310Col X 430Row in 50% magnification # So image's width <= 310px # image's height <= 430px # Resize img if (ratio < 1): # width < height => Vertical image resize_rate = height / 430 height = int(height // resize_rate) width = int(ratio * height) else: # height < width => Horizontal image resize_rate = width / 353 width = int(width // resize_rate) height = int(width // ratio) img = img.resize((width, height), Image.BICUBIC) # EXCEL wb = Workbook() sheet = for x in range(width): for y in range(height): sheet.row_dimensions[y + 2].height = 1 r, g, b = img.getpixel((x, y)) # Fill in 1 cell color = hexcode(r, g, b) sheet.cell(row=y + 2, column=x + 1).fill = fills.PatternFill( fill_type='solid', start_color=color, end_color=color) for col in sheet.columns: column = col[0].column sheet.column_dimensions[column].width = 0.15'result.xlsx') print('Finish in {:0.5f}s'.format(time.time() - count))
def draw_jpg(img_path): img_pic = resize( img_name = os.path.basename(img_path) out_file = './result/' + img_name.split('.')[0] + '.xlsx' if os.path.exists(out_file): os.remove(out_file) workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() worksheet = width, height = img_pic.size for w in range(1, width + 1): for h in range(1, height + 1): if img_pic.mode == 'RGB': r, g, b = img_pic.getpixel((w - 1, h - 1)) elif img_pic.mode == 'RGBA': r, g, b, a = img_pic.getpixel((w - 1, h - 1)) hex_rgb = int_to_16(r) + int_to_16(g) + int_to_16(b) cell = worksheet.cell(column=w, row=h) if h == 1: _w = cell.column _h = cell.col_idx # 调整列宽 # openpyxl > 2.6.1 # _w_letter = openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(_w) # worksheet.column_dimensions[_w_letter].width = 1 # openpyxl < 2.5.12 worksheet.column_dimensions[_w].width = 1 # 调整行高 worksheet.row_dimensions[h].height = 6 # back = random.choice(['112233','223344','334455','556677','667788','778899','ababcb']) # back = ''.join([int_to_16(random.randint(0,16)) for _ in range(3) ]) # 颜色数量*单元格数量 超过一定数量后打开excel会报错 cell.fill = fills.PatternFill(fill_type="solid", fgColor=hex_rgb) print('write in:', w, ' | all:', width + 1) print('saving...') print('success!') print('The file is saved in :',os.path.abspath('test.xlsx'))
def format_excel_sheet(report, ltp_file): # Create a workbook workbook = Workbook() sheet = bold_font = Font(bold=True, color=colors.DARKYELLOW, size=20) # set the width of the column sheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = 30 sheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 40 sheet.column_dimensions['C'].width = 10 sheet['A1'].font = bold_font sheet.merge_cells('A1:D1') sheet['A1'] = 'LTP Test report' my_yellow = colors.Color('e6e600') my_fill_yellow = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_yellow) sheet['A3'] = 'Module' sheet.cell(row=3, column=1).fill = my_fill_yellow sheet['B3'] = 'Test Case' sheet.cell(row=3, column=2).fill = my_fill_yellow sheet['C3'] = 'Result' sheet.cell(row=3, column=3).fill = my_fill_yellow sheet['D3'] = 'Exit Code' sheet.cell(row=3, column=4).fill = my_fill_yellow Generator.append_data_into_cells(sheet, report) filename_ltp = ltp_file.split('\\') filename_ltp_no_ext = (filename_ltp[-1].split('.'))[0] output_file = 'l4b-software___testReport' + '___' + filename_ltp_no_ext + '.xlsx' try: except PermissionError as e: print("\n\n\n Excel file is open. Please close the excel file !!!")
def draw_color(): workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() worksheet = count = 0 MAX_WIDTH = 255 for w in range(1, MAX_WIDTH + 1): for h in range(1, MAX_WIDTH + 1): cell = worksheet.cell(column=w, row=h) if h == 1: _w = cell.column _h = cell.col_idx # 调整列宽 worksheet.column_dimensions[_w].width = 1 # 调整行高 worksheet.row_dimensions[h].height = 6 if count < 255**3: back = int_to_16(num=count) back = '0' * (6 - len(back)) + back else: back = ''.join( [int_to_16(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(3)]) cell.fill = fills.PatternFill(fill_type="solid", fgColor=back) count += 1 print('write in:', w, ' | all:', w + 1) print('saving...')'test.xlsx') print('success!') print('The file is saved in :', os.path.abspath('test.xlsx'))
def append_data_into_cells(worksheet, report): current_row = 5 current_column = 1 my_red = colors.Color(colors.RED) my_fill_red = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_red) my_green = colors.Color(colors.GREEN) my_fill_green = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_green) my_pink = colors.Color(rgb='FF9999') my_fill_pink = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_pink) for module in report._listModules: worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = module._name for tca in module._listTestCases: current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = tca._testCaseName current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = tca._result if Generator.pass_str in tca._result: worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_green elif Generator.fail_str in tca._result: worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_red else: worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_pink current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = tca._exitCode current_column = 1 current_row += 1 current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = 'Summary:' current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.total_tests current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = report.nrTotalTest current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.skipped_test current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = report.nrTotalSkipped current_row += 1 current_column = 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.total_failures current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = report.nrTotalFailures current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = 'Percentage Pass' worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_green current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = report.percentagePass worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_green current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = 'Percentage Fail' worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_red current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = report.percentageFail worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_red current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = 'Percentage Conf' worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_pink current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = report.percentageConf worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_pink current_row -= 2 current_column = 1 # at the end create a chart chart = DoughnutChart() labels = Reference(worksheet, min_col=current_column, min_row=current_row, max_row=current_row + 2) data = Reference(worksheet, min_col=current_column + 1, min_row=current_row, max_row=current_row + 2) chart.add_data(data) chart.set_categories(labels) chart.title = "LTP test results" # Change bar filling and line color # serie1= chart.series[0]; # serie1.graphicalProperties.solidFill = "7E3F00" # serie2 = chart.series[1]; = 2 worksheet.add_chart(chart, "F3")
def CreateAndAppendClassLists(seperateCampOrderList, classListName): print('Sorting Class Lists') for fileName in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))): if classListName in fileName: if '.xlsx' not in fileName: os.rename(fileName, fileName + '.xlsx') fileName = fileName + '.xlsx' seperatedNameOrderList = [] for order in seperateCampOrderList: if len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'].split()) > 1 and len( order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'].split()) > 1 and len( order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'].split()) == 0: seperatedNameOrderList.append(order) elif len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'].split()) > 1 and len( order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'].split()) == 0 and len( order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'].split()) > 1: seperatedNameOrderList.append(order) elif len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'].split()) > 1 and len( order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'].split()) > 1 and len( order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'].split()) > 1: seperatedNameOrderList.append(order) seperatedNameOrderList.append(order) seperatedNameOrderList.append(order) prevOrderID = 0 thirdOrder = False book = load_workbook(fileName) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fileName, engine='openpyxl') = book if 'Summary' not in book.sheetnames: book.create_sheet("Summary") if 'Sheet' in book.sheetnames: sheet = book.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet') book.remove_sheet(sheet) classDates = [] for order in seperatedNameOrderList: if order['orderNumber'] == prevOrderID: if thirdOrder: order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] = order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'] order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][3]['value'] = order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][5]['value'] thirdOrder = False else: order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] = order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'] order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][3]['value'] = order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][4]['value'] thirdOrder = True else: thirdOrder = False prevOrderID = order['orderNumber'] time = order['lineItems'][0]['variantOptions'][0]['value'].split(',')[1].replace(' ', '')[0:5].replace(':', '') if 'Tech Club' in fileName: venue = order['lineItems'][0]['productName'].split('- ')[2].split(',')[0].split()[0] else: if 'Synge' in order['lineItems'][0]['productName']: venue = order['lineItems'][0]['productName'].split('- ')[1].split(',')[0].replace(' ','') else: venue = order['lineItems'][0]['productName'].split('- ')[1].split(',')[0].split()[0] if 'Summer' in fileName or 'Easter' in fileName: day = order['lineItems'][0]['variantOptions'][0]['value'].split(',')[0].split()[1].split('-')[0] month = order['lineItems'][0]['variantOptions'][0]['value'].split(',')[0].split()[0][0:3] startDate = datetime.strptime(order['lineItems'][0]['variantOptions'][0]['value'].split(',')[0].split()[1].split('-')[0] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['variantOptions'][0]['value'].split(',')[0].split()[0], '%d %B') numClasses = 5 sheetName = venue + '_' + day + '_' + month + '_' + time elif 'Autumn' in fileName: day = order['lineItems'][0]['variantOptions'][0]['value'][0:3] startDate = '' numClasses = 12 sheetName = day + '_' + venue + '_' + time elif 'Spring' in fileName: day = order['lineItems'][0]['variantOptions'][0]['value'][0:3] startDate = '' numClasses = 18 sheetName = day + '_' + venue + '_' + time for i in range(0, numClasses): classDates.append((startDate + timedelta(days=i)).strftime('%d %B')) if sheetName not in book.sheetnames: writer = pd.ExcelWriter(fileName, engine='openpyxl') = book dataGapSize = 40 classListTemplateLines = [ ['Attendence'], [''], ['Total No. Of Students'], [''], ['Date'], ['Student Name', 'Tutor'], ['Week ' + str(classNum + 1) for classNum in range(numClasses)], [' ' for gap in range(dataGapSize - 1)], ['Gender', 'Order ID', 'Email', 'Billing Name', 'Phone', 'Student Name(s)', 'Student Date(s) of Birth', 'Student\'s School and Class', 'Are you a returning Academy of Code student?', 'If you are a returning student, when was your last term with AoC?', 'Additional support for your child', 'Photography Consent', 'Other Details', 'Other Teacher Notes'] ] classListTemplateLines[5] = classListTemplateLines[5] + classListTemplateLines[6] + classListTemplateLines[7] + classListTemplateLines[8] for i in range(0,3): del classListTemplateLines[6] classListTemplateLines[4] = classListTemplateLines[4]+ [''] + classDates templateDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data=classListTemplateLines) templateDataFrame.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetName, header=False, index=False) if len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'].split()) == 1 and len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'].split()) == 1: if len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'].split()) == 1: d = [[order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'], order['orderNumber'], order['customerEmail'], order['billingAddress']['firstName'] + ' ' + order['billingAddress']['lastName'], order['billingAddress']['phone'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][3]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][6]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][7]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][8]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][10]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][11]['value'], ''] ] else: d = [[order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'], order['orderNumber'], order['customerEmail'], order['billingAddress']['firstName'] + ' ' + order['billingAddress']['lastName'], order['billingAddress']['phone'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][3]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][6]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][7]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][8]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][10]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][11]['value'], ''] ] elif len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'].split()) == 1 and len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'].split()) == 1: if len(order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'].split()) == 1: d = [[order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'], order['orderNumber'], order['customerEmail'], order['billingAddress']['firstName'] + ' ' + order['billingAddress']['lastName'], order['billingAddress']['phone'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][1]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][3]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][6]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][7]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][8]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][10]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][11]['value'], ''] ] else: d = [[order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'], order['orderNumber'], order['customerEmail'], order['billingAddress']['firstName'] + ' ' + order['billingAddress']['lastName'], order['billingAddress']['phone'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'] + ' ' + order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][2]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][3]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][6]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][7]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][8]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][10]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][11]['value'], ''] ] else: d = [[order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'], order['orderNumber'], order['customerEmail'], order['billingAddress']['firstName'] + ' ' + order['billingAddress']['lastName'], order['billingAddress']['phone'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][0]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][3]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][6]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][7]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][8]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][10]['value'], order['lineItems'][0]['customizations'][11]['value'], ''] ] book = load_workbook(fileName) maxCol = book.get_sheet_by_name(sheetName).max_column for k in range(maxCol-len(d[0])-1): d[0].insert(1, '') orderDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data=d) AppendDfToExcel(fileName, orderDataFrame, sheetName, book) totalStudentsCell = book[sheetName].cell(row=3, column=2) totalStudentsCell.value = book[sheetName].max_row - 6 for i in range(1, len(classDates) + 3): attendanceCell = book[sheetName].cell(row=1, column=i) if i > 2: attendanceCell.value = '=COUNTIF(' + get_column_letter(i) + '7:' + get_column_letter(i) + str(book[sheetName].max_row) + ',"Y")' attendanceCell.fill = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=Color(rgb='00FFF2CC')) for row in range(1, 7): for col in range(1, book[sheetName].max_column + 1): colLetter = get_column_letter(col) cell = book[sheetName][colLetter + str(row)] cell.font = Font(bold=True) classDates = [] SortWorkSheets(fileName)
def append_data_into_cells(worksheet): """append data into the worksheet""" current_row = 5 current_column = 1 my_red = colors.Color(colors.RED) my_fill_red = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_red) my_green = colors.Color(colors.GREEN) my_fill_green = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_green) my_pink = colors.Color(rgb='FF9999') my_fill_pink = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_pink) for module in Generator.report_csv._listModules: for tca in module._listTestCases: worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = tca._module_git current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = tca._testCaseName current_column += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = tca._result if Generator.pass_str in tca._result: worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_green elif Generator.fail_str in tca._result: worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_red else: worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_pink current_column += 3 worksheet.cell( row=current_row, column=current_column ).value = f"=VLOOKUP(A{current_row},'ES6 - LTP Test Results'!A:B,2)" current_column += 1 worksheet.cell( row=current_row, column=current_column ).value = f'=IF(AND(C{current_row}<>F{current_row},F{current_row}<>"N/A"),"Different","OK")' # current_column += 1 # worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = tca._exitCode current_column = 1 current_row += 1 current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = 'Summary:' current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.total_tests current_column += 1 worksheet.cell( row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.report_csv.nrTotalTest current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.skipped_test current_column += 1 worksheet.cell( row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.report_csv.nrTotalSkipped current_row += 1 current_column = 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.total_failures current_column += 1 worksheet.cell( row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.report_csv.nrTotalFailures current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = 'Percentage Pass' worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_green current_column += 1 worksheet.cell( row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.report_csv.percentagePass worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_green current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = 'Percentage Fail' worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_red current_column += 1 worksheet.cell( row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.report_csv.percentageFail worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_red current_column = 1 current_row += 1 worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).value = 'Percentage Skipped' worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_pink current_column += 1 worksheet.cell( row=current_row, column=current_column).value = Generator.report_csv.percentageConf worksheet.cell(row=current_row, column=current_column).fill = my_fill_pink current_row -= 2 current_column = 1 # at the end create a chart chart = DoughnutChart() labels = Reference(worksheet, min_col=current_column, min_row=current_row, max_row=current_row + 2) data = Reference(worksheet, min_col=current_column + 1, min_row=current_row, max_row=current_row + 2) # worksheet.auto_filter.ref = 'A5:C1766' # worksheet.auto_filter.add_sort_condition('A{0}:A{1}'.format(5, 1766)) chart.add_data(data) chart.set_categories(labels) chart.title = "LTP test results" = 10 worksheet.add_chart(chart, "I8")
def fusionner_classeur(filename): """Fusionne les données du classeur Excel (document .xlsx). La première feuille du tableur doit contenir des noms sur la colonne A. Chaque autre feuille doit contenir : - des noms sur la colonne A, - des notes sur la colonne B. Ces colonnes ne doivent pas avoir d'entête. Les autres colonnes sont ignorées. S'il y a un espace dans la colonne des noms, la lecture des noms s'interrompt. Une feuille est générée en fin de document, et contient le résultat de la fusion. """ if not filename.endswith('.xlsx'): raise RuntimeError(f"File {filename} does not seem to be a .xlsx file.") spreadsheet = load_workbook(filename) scores_nb = [] for num, sheet in enumerate(spreadsheet, start=1): print(f'Reading {sheet.title!r} sheet...') # Guess format: one column for name and surname, or two distinct columns. name_has_2_cols = (isinstance(sheet['B1'].value, str) and sheet['B1'].value != '') # Detect the table height. for height, cell in enumerate(sheet['A']): val = cell.value if not isinstance(val, str) or val.strip() == '': break print(' -', height, 'lines') if name_has_2_cols: names = [f'{a[0].value} {b[0].value}' for a, b in zip(sheet[f'A1:A{height}'], sheet[f'B1:B{height}'])] else: names = [cell[0].value for cell in sheet[f'A1:A{height}']] if num == 1: fusion = Fusion(names) # No scores on 1st sheet continue scores = [] for j, col in enumerate(sheet.iter_cols(), start=1): if j == 1 or (j == 2 and name_has_2_cols): # Skip names columns continue # Collect scores in the current column. vals = [cell.value for cell in col[:height]] #If a column is empty, disgard all following columns. if all(val is None for val in vals): break scores.append(vals) print(' -', len(scores), 'column(s) of scores') scores_nb.append(len(scores)) data = {} for student, student_scores in zip(names, zip(*scores)): data[student] = student_scores fusion.importer(data) new = spreadsheet.create_sheet('Fusion') for i, name in enumerate(sorted(fusion.names), start=1): new[f'A{i}'] = name # Format for cells that need special attention. my_red = colors.Color(rgb='00FF1111') my_fill = fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_red) # Calcul des positions de chaque série de données dans le tableur # On mémorise une fois pour toute la position de la 1re colonne correspondant # à chaque série de données, pour éviter de la recalculer ensuite. positions = [] pos = 2 for n in range(len(fusion.imported)): positions.append(pos) pos += scores_nb[n] + 1 # Fusions réussies for i, name in enumerate(sorted(fusion.names), start=1): for n, found in enumerate(fusion.imported): j = positions[n] if found[name] is not None: old_name, scores, fiability = found[name] new.cell(i, j).value = old_name if fiability >= 2: new.cell(i, j).fill = my_fill for k, score in enumerate(scores, start=1): new.cell(i, j + k).value = score if fiability >= 2: new.cell(i, j + k).fill = my_fill # Éléments pour lesquels la fusion n'a pas fonctionné i0 = len(fusion.names) + 2 all_merged = True for n, remaining in enumerate(fusion.not_imported): j = positions[n] for i, (old_name, scores) in enumerate(sorted(remaining.items()), start=i0): all_merged = False new.cell(i, j).value = old_name new.cell(i, j).fill = my_fill for k, score in enumerate(scores, start=1): new.cell(i, j + k).value = score new.cell(i, j + k).fill = my_fill if not all_merged: new.cell(i0, 1).value = \ "Attention, certaines données n'ont pas pu être fusionnées :" my_font = fonts.Font(color=my_red, bold=True, italic=True) new.cell(i0, 1).font = my_font for i, _ in enumerate(new.iter_cols()): new.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(i+1)].width = 25 = len(spreadsheet.sheetnames) - 1 assert '.' in filename base, ext = filename.split('.')'{base}_output.{ext}')