def test_to_excel_styleconverter(ext): from openpyxl import styles hstyle = { "font": { "color": "00FF0000", "bold": True }, "borders": { "top": "thin", "right": "thin", "bottom": "thin", "left": "thin" }, "alignment": { "horizontal": "center", "vertical": "top" }, "fill": { "patternType": "solid", "fgColor": { "rgb": "006666FF", "tint": 0.3 } }, "number_format": { "format_code": "0.00" }, "protection": { "locked": True, "hidden": False }, } font_color = styles.Color("00FF0000") font = styles.Font(bold=True, color=font_color) side = styles.Side(style=styles.borders.BORDER_THIN) border = styles.Border(top=side, right=side, bottom=side, left=side) alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="top") fill_color = styles.Color(rgb="006666FF", tint=0.3) fill = styles.PatternFill(patternType="solid", fgColor=fill_color) number_format = "0.00" protection = styles.Protection(locked=True, hidden=False) kw = _OpenpyxlWriter._convert_to_style_kwargs(hstyle) assert kw["font"] == font assert kw["border"] == border assert kw["alignment"] == alignment assert kw["fill"] == fill assert kw["number_format"] == number_format assert kw["protection"] == protection
def step5_mapping_netname(clearData, ws): textFont = Font(name='Verdana', size=10) textAlignment = Alignment(vertical='center') for netName, netData in clearData.items(): for i in ws['D']:#intel裡面的ball name if type(i.value) == str: result = re.findall(f"(UCPU1\.{i.value}\,|UCPU1\.{i.value}$)", netData, re.I) if result: #確認有無重複 if not bool(ws.cell(row = row , column= 5).value): row = i.row #i.coordinate ws.cell(row = row , column= 5).value = netName ws.cell(row = row , column= 5).font = textFont ws.cell(row = row , column= 5).alignment = textAlignment else: ws.insert_cols(5,1) ws.cell(row = row , column= 6).value = netName ws.cell(row = row , column= 6).font = textFont ws.cell(row = row , column= 6).alignment = textAlignment else: row = i.row ws.cell(row= row , column= 5).value = "" titlefont = Font(name='Verdana', size=10, color = "FF00B050", family=2.0, bold=True) titlefontAlignment = Alignment(horizontal='center',vertical='center', wrapText=True) titleborder = Border(left = styles.Side(border_style='medium', color='FF000000'), right = styles.Side(border_style='medium', color='FF000000'), top = styles.Side(border_style='medium', color='FF000000'), bottom = styles.Side(border_style='medium', color='FF000000'), ) ws['E2'] = "Project" ws['E2'].font = titlefont ws['E2'].alignment = titlefontAlignment ws['E2'].border = titleborder
def exportar_planilha_importacao_usuarios_perfil_dre(request, **kwargs): response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=planilha_importacao_usuarios_perfil_DRE.xlsx' workbook: Workbook = Workbook() ws = ws.title = 'DRE' headers = [ 'Cód. EOL da DRE', 'Nome do Usuário', 'Cargo', 'Email', 'CPF', 'Telefone', 'RF', 'Perfil', ] _font = styles.Font(name='Calibri', sz=10) {k: setattr(styles.DEFAULT_FONT, k, v) for k, v in _font.__dict__.items()} for i in range(0, len(headers)): cabecalho = ws.cell(row=1, column=1 + i, value=headers[i]) cabecalho.fill = styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor='ffff99') cabecalho.font = styles.Font(name='Calibri', size=10, bold=True) cabecalho.border = styles.Border( left=styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000'), right=styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000'), top=styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000'), bottom=styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000') ) dv = DataValidation( type='list', formula1='"COGESTOR, ADMINISTRADOR_DRE"', allow_blank=True ) dv.error = 'Perfil Inválido' dv.errorTitle = 'Perfil não permitido' ws.add_data_validation(dv) dv.add('H2:H1048576') return response
def __init__(self, reportfile, Dict): = openpyxl.load_workbook(reportfile) self.Result_Dict = Dict active = self.sheet =[active.title] self.border = styles.Border(left=styles.Side(style='thin', color='FF000000'), right=styles.Side(style='thin', color='FF000000'), top=styles.Side(style='thin', color='FF000000'), bottom=styles.Side(style='thin', color='FF000000'), diagonal=styles.Side(style='thin', color='FF000000'), diagonal_direction=0, outline=styles.Side(style='thin', color='FF000000'), vertical=styles.Side(style='thin', color='FF000000'), horizontal=styles.Side(style='thin', color='FF000000'))
def openpyxl_write_excel(): workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() # 创建一个excel文件夹 worksheet = # 获取当前最活跃的表,默认第一个 worksheet.title = '工作汇报2021年4月' # worksheet1 = workbook.create_sheet() # 默认在工作簿的最后一页(传入页码参数可以插入到指定页码前) # worksheet1.title = 'openpyxl1' # 设置边框样式 border_thin = styles.Side(border_style='thin', color=openpyxl.styles.colors.BLUE) # 设置单元格水平居中 worksheet.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center') for row in worksheet.rows: for cell in row: # 给每一个单元格加四个边框(可以指定加上下左右边框) cell.boder = styles.Border(left=border_thin, right=border_thin, top=border_thin, bottom=border_thin) # 将数据一行一行写入excel中(可以将整张表放在整个列表中写入) worksheet.merge_cells('A1:O1') # 合并一行中的几个单元格 worksheet.cell(1, 1, '周报') for i in range(len(Reportrow)): worksheet.cell(2, i + 1, Reportrow[i]) # 写第一行数据,openpyxl单元格下标是从1开始的 for i in range(len(content1)): worksheet.cell(i + 3, 1, content1[i]) # 写第一列数据,i+2表示第一行数据已经写入 for i in range(len(content2)): worksheet.cell(i + 3, 2, content2[i]) # 写入第二列数据 for i in range(len(content3)): worksheet.cell(i + 3, 3, content3[i]) # 写入第三列数据 # 写入每一天的内容 for i in range(len(substance)): worksheet.cell(3, i + 4, substance[i]) r'C:/Users/ceshi001/Desktop/工作汇报2021年4月.xlsx') # 将excel保存到指定位置
def save_dataframe(outdir, format, event, dataframe, product=None): border = styles.Border(left=styles.Side(border_style=None, color='FFFFFF'), right=styles.Side(border_style=None, color='FFFFFF'), top=styles.Side(border_style=None, color='FFFFFF'), bottom=styles.Side(border_style=None, color='FFFFFF'), diagonal=styles.Side(border_style=None, color='FFFFFF'), diagonal_direction=0, outline=styles.Side(border_style=None, color='FFFFFF'), vertical=styles.Side(border_style=None, color='FFFFFF'), horizontal=styles.Side(border_style=None, color='FFFFFF')) if format == 'excel': if product is not None: outfile = os.path.join(outdir, + '_' + product + '.xlsx') else: outfile = os.path.join(outdir, + '.xlsx') dataframe.to_excel(outfile, index=False) wb = load_workbook(outfile) ws = ws.insert_rows(0, amount=6) ws.cell(1, 1, value='Event ID') ws.cell(1, 2, ws.cell(2, 1, value='Origin Time') ws.cell(2, 2, value=event.time.strftime(TIMEFMT)) ws.cell(3, 1, value='Magnitude') ws.cell(3, 2, value=event.magnitude) ws.cell(4, 1, value='Latitude') ws.cell(4, 2, value=event.latitude) ws.cell(5, 1, value='Longitude') ws.cell(5, 2, value=event.longitude) ws.cell(6, 1, value='Depth') ws.cell(6, 2, value=event.depth) fills = {} for product, color in COLORS.items(): my_color = styles.colors.Color(rgb=color) my_fill = styles.fills.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor=my_color) fills[product] = my_fill # color rows by product type for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=8, min_col=2, max_col=2): mycell = row[0] if mycell.value in fills: fill = fills[mycell.value] else: fill = fills['default'] row_range = '%i:%i' % (mycell.row, mycell.row) for cell in ws[row_range]: cell.fill = fill # TODO - figure out why this doesn't do anything! cell.border = border else: if product is not None: outfile = os.path.join(outdir, + '_' + product + '.csv') else: outfile = os.path.join(outdir, + '.csv') if format == 'tab': dataframe.to_csv(outfile, sep='\t', index=False) else: dataframe.to_csv(outfile, index=False) cdata = open(outfile, 'rt').read() with open(outfile, 'wt') as f: f.write('# Event ID: %s\n' % f.write('# Origin Time: %s\n' % event.time.strftime(TIMEFMT)) f.write('# Magnitude: %s\n' % event.magnitude) f.write('# Latitude: %s\n' % event.latitude) f.write('# Longitude: %s\n' % event.longitude) f.write('# Depth: %s\n' % event.depth) f.write(cdata) return outfile
def anovarun(file='data.csv', order=['supp', 'dose', 'len']): """ Docstring: Function generates runs an Anova 2 ways analysis from a csv file """ # Convert csv data to `pandas.DataFrame` [df2] ddf2 = pd.read_csv(file, header=0, sep=',') if order: emplist = [] for mat in order: emplist.append(mat in ddf2.columns) if sum(emplist) == 3: ddf2 = ddf2[order] fcols = list(ddf2.columns)[0:2] # factor columns for DataFrame vcols = list(ddf2.columns)[2] # value columns for DataFrame ddf2.sort_values(by=[fcols[0], fcols[1]], inplace=True) ddf2.index = range(1, len(ddf2) + 1) # Renumber [df2] # Pivot table based on the 1st and 2nd factors df2_pivot = ddf2.pivot_table(columns=fcols, values=vcols, index=ddf2.index, fill_value='--') df2_pivot = remnan(df2_pivot) # Removes nan values from [df2_pivot] print(df2_pivot) dm = df2_pivot.melt(value_name=vcols) # Melt table back to original [dm] dmgr = dm.groupby( fcols).mean() # Grouping Melted table and calculating mean [dmgr] dmgr_unstack = dmgr.unstack(1) # unstacking data of 1st factor on index # Calculation of mean values dmgr_unstack_mean = dmgr_unstack.copy( ) # DataFrame copy to [dmgr_unstack_mean] dmgr_unstack_mean.loc[:, (vcols, 'Average')] = dmgr_unstack_mean.apply( lambda x: round(np.mean(x), 1), axis=1) # calculating mean of values along row as [['Average']] dmgr_unstack_mean.loc['Average', :] = dmgr_unstack_mean.apply( np.mean, axis=0 ) # calculating mean of values along column on index [['Average']] # Sum of Square of 1st factor def catall(df): li5 = [] li7 = [] for nums1, li6 in zip(range(1, len(df.columns) + 1), df.columns): if nums1 == 1: li5.append(li6[0]) elif nums1 == (len(df2_pivot.columns) / 2) + 1: li5.append(li6[0]) for v in df.iteritems(): li7.append(v[1].count()) return li7, li5 nv, lab = catall(df2_pivot) # finding number of data for 1st factors [nv] mv = dmgr_unstack_mean.loc[:, ( vcols, 'Average')].values[0:2] # Mean of first category on first factor xv = dmgr_unstack_mean.loc['Average', (vcols, 'Average')] # Data overall mean chk = int(len(nv) / len(mv)) index = 0 ss1v = 0 emptylist = [] for me_in in mv: # Mathematical calculation for [ss1v] for m2 in range(index, chk + index): emptylist.append((nv[m2], me_in)) ss1v = ss1v + (nv[m2] * (me_in - xv)**2) index = m2 + 1 ss1v = round(ss1v, 4) # Sum of Square of 2nd factor nps = dmgr_unstack_mean.iloc[-1, :].values[0:3] ss2v = 0 ## Loop to solve [ss2v] for cc in lab: ins = df2_pivot.loc[:, (cc)].count().values for no, nums in zip(ins, nps): ss2v = ss2v + no * (nums - xv)**2 ss2v = round(ss2v, 4) # Sum of Square within (Error) df2_pivot_ssw = df2_pivot.copy() # Copy [df2_pivot] to [df2_pivot_ssw] ## function to perform iteration on apply method [df2_pivot_ssw] def sswdo(arg, x): li1 = [] arg = arg.values for num2, xi in zip(arg, x): if str(num2) != '--': li1.append((num2 - xi)**2) out = sum(li1) return out ref = len(dmgr_unstack_mean.columns) - 1 li2 = [] for seg in range(len(lab)): li2.extend(list(dmgr_unstack_mean.iloc[seg, 0:ref].values)) df2_pivot_ssw.fillna('--', inplace=True) ssw = round(sum(df2_pivot_ssw.apply(sswdo, x=li2, axis=1)), 4) # Sum of Square Total sst = round( dm.iloc[:, -1].apply(lambda x: (x - xv)**2 if x > 1 else None).sum(), 2) # (x-xv)**2: for sum of square total [sst] # Sum of square for both factors [ssb] ssb = round(sst - ss1v - ss2v - ssw, 2) # Degree of Freedom calcution df1 = len(dmgr_unstack_mean.index) - 2 # degree of freedom for factor 1 df2 = len(dmgr_unstack_mean.columns) - 2 # degree of freedom for factor 2 ref = len(dmgr_unstack_mean.columns) - 1 out = 0 for num3 in nv: out = out + num3 - 1 dfw = out # degree of freedom for within dfb = df1 * df2 # degree of freedom for both dft = df1 + df2 + dfw + dfb # degree of freedon both # Create Anova table anova = pd.DataFrame(columns=['SS', 'DF', 'MEAN_SUM', 'F']) = 'SOURCES' # Fill Anova table row1 = df2_pivot.columns.names[0].upper() row2 = df2_pivot.columns.names[1].upper() row3 = df2_pivot.columns.names[0].upper( ) + ':' + df2_pivot.columns.names[1].upper() anova.loc[row1, :] = [ round4(ss1v), df1, round4(round(ss1v / df1, 4)), round4(round((ss1v / df1) / (ssw / dfw), 4)) ] anova.loc[row2, :] = [ round4(ss2v), df2, round4(round(ss2v / df2, 4)), round4(round((ss2v / df2) / (ssw / dfw), 4)) ] anova.loc[row3, :] = [ round4(ssb), dfb, round4(round(ssb / dfb, 4)), round4(round((ssb / dfb) / (ssw / dfw), 4)) ] anova.loc['RESIDUAL'.upper(), :] = [ round4(ssw), dfw, round4(round(ssw / dfw, 4)), '' ] anova.loc['TOTAL'.upper(), :] = [round4(sst), dft, '', ''] # Profile plot preparation li4 = [] for nums1, li3 in zip(range(1, len(df2_pivot.columns) + 1), df2_pivot.columns): if nums1 == 1: li4.append(li3[0]) elif nums1 == (len(df2_pivot.columns) / 2) + 1: li4.append(li3[0]) fig0 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 10)) ax = plt.subplot(111, label='Axes 1') dmgr_unstack_plt = dmgr.unstack(0) dmgr_unstack_plt.plot(ax=ax, marker='H') plt.legend(li4) plt.tight_layout() ax.set_ylabel(ylabel='Estimated Marginal means', fontdict={'size': 20}) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel=ax.get_xlabel(), fontdict={'size': 20}) fig0.savefig('plot.png', format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # change NaN values to '--' df2_pivot.fillna('--', inplace=True) # Report creation into Pdf filename = "ereport.xlsx" anova.to_excel(filename, sheet_name='Table') wb = load_workbook(filename) ws = wb.worksheets[0] # Setting up border styles bleftv = styles.Side(style='thin') brightv = styles.Side(style='thin') btopv = styles.Side(style='thin') bbottomv = styles.Side(style='thin') borderv = styles.borders.Border(bleftv, brightv, btopv, bbottomv) for cols_cells in ws.columns: length = max(len(str(cell.value)) for cell in cols_cells) + 5 ws.column_dimensions[cols_cells[0].column_letter].width = length for cell in cols_cells: cell.border = borderv wb.close() # Generating report to html reportname = 'report' def spacefact(df): max1 = 0 for idf in df.iterrows(): n_len = len(str(idf[0])) if n_len > max1: max1 = n_len return max1 templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="./") templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader, extensions=['']) TEMPLATE_FILE = "template.jinja" template = templateEnv.get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE) outputText = template.render(ddf2=ddf2, df=df2_pivot, df2=dmgr_unstack_mean, ano=anova, zip=zip, list=list, len=len, space=spacefact) html_file = open(f'{reportname}.html', 'w') html_file.write(outputText) html_file.close() # Converting Html report to pdf path_wkhtmltopdf = r'C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe' config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf=path_wkhtmltopdf) pdfkit.from_file(f'{reportname}.html', f'{reportname}.pdf', configuration=config) os.system(f'cmd /c "explorer {reportname}.pdf"')
def __init__(self, filename=None, model_dir=None, license_summary=False, params=None): self.wb = None self.filename = filename self.params = params if self.params is None: self.params = {} if filename is not None: self.wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=filename) else: self.wb = openpyxl.Workbook() self.ws_models = self.ws_models.title = 'Index' thin = styles.Side( border_style=self.params.get('side_border', 'thin'), color=self.params.get('side_color', '999999')) for i in range(1, len(group_styles) + 1): key = 'suns_group_%s' % i name = 'suns_group_entry_%s' % i style = styles.NamedStyle(name=name) color = group_styles[key]['group_color'] # self.params.get('group_color', color) style.fill = styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor=color) style.font = styles.Font() style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) style.alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='center', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(style) name = 'suns_group_text_%s' % i style = styles.NamedStyle(name=name) style.fill = styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor=color) style.font = styles.Font() style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) style.alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(style) name = 'suns_point_entry_%s' % i style = styles.NamedStyle(name=name) color = group_styles[key]['point_color'] # self.params.get('group_color', color) style.fill = styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor=color) style.font = styles.Font() style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) style.alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='center', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(style) name = 'suns_point_text_%s' % i style = styles.NamedStyle(name=name) style.fill = styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor=color) style.font = styles.Font() style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) style.alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(style) if 'suns_hdr' not in self.wb.named_styles: hdr_style = styles.NamedStyle(name='suns_hdr') hdr_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('hdr_color', 'dddddd')) hdr_style.font = styles.Font(bold=True) hdr_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) hdr_style.alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='center', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(hdr_style) if 'suns_group_entry' not in self.wb.named_styles: model_entry_style = styles.NamedStyle( name='suns_group_entry') model_entry_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('group_color', 'fff9e5')) model_entry_style.font = styles.Font() model_entry_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) model_entry_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='center', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(model_entry_style) if 'suns_group_text' not in self.wb.named_styles: model_text_style = styles.NamedStyle( name='suns_group_text') model_text_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('group_color', 'fff9e5')) model_text_style.font = styles.Font() model_text_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) model_text_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(model_text_style) if 'suns_point_entry' not in self.wb.named_styles: fixed_entry_style = styles.NamedStyle( name='suns_point_entry') fixed_entry_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('point_color', 'e6f2ff')) fixed_entry_style.font = styles.Font() fixed_entry_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) fixed_entry_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='center', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(fixed_entry_style) if 'suns_point_text' not in self.wb.named_styles: fixed_text_style = styles.NamedStyle( name='suns_point_text') fixed_text_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('point_color', 'e6f2ff')) fixed_text_style.font = styles.Font() fixed_text_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) fixed_text_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(fixed_text_style) if 'suns_point_variable_entry' not in self.wb.named_styles: fixed_entry_style = styles.NamedStyle( name='suns_point_variable_entry') fixed_entry_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('point_variable_color', 'ecf9ec')) fixed_entry_style.font = styles.Font() fixed_entry_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) fixed_entry_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='center', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(fixed_entry_style) if 'suns_point_variable_text' not in self.wb.named_styles: fixed_text_style = styles.NamedStyle( name='suns_point_variable_text') fixed_text_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('point_variable_color', 'ecf9ec')) fixed_text_style.font = styles.Font() fixed_text_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) fixed_text_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(fixed_text_style) if 'suns_symbol_entry' not in self.wb.named_styles: repeating_entry_style = styles.NamedStyle( name='suns_symbol_entry') repeating_entry_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('symbol_color', 'fafafa')) repeating_entry_style.font = styles.Font() repeating_entry_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) repeating_entry_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='center', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(repeating_entry_style) if 'suns_symbol_text' not in self.wb.named_styles: repeating_text_style = styles.NamedStyle( name='suns_symbol_text') repeating_text_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('symbol_color', 'fafafa')) repeating_text_style.font = styles.Font() repeating_text_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) repeating_text_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(repeating_text_style) if 'suns_comment' not in self.wb.named_styles: symbol_text_style = styles.NamedStyle(name='suns_comment') symbol_text_style.fill = styles.PatternFill( 'solid', fgColor=self.params.get('comment_color', 'dddddd')) # fgColor=self.params.get('symbol_color', 'fffcd9')) symbol_text_style.font = styles.Font() symbol_text_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) symbol_text_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(symbol_text_style) if 'suns_entry' not in self.wb.named_styles: entry_style = styles.NamedStyle(name='suns_entry') entry_style.fill = styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor='ffffff') entry_style.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) entry_style.alignment = styles.Alignment( horizontal='center', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(entry_style) if 'suns_text' not in self.wb.named_styles: text_style = styles.NamedStyle(name='suns_text') text_style.font = styles.Font() text_style.alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(text_style) if 'suns_hyper' not in self.wb.named_styles: hyper_style = openpyxl.styles.NamedStyle(name='suns_hyper') hyper_style.font = openpyxl.styles.Font(color='0000ee', underline='single') hyper_style.alignment = openpyxl.styles.Alignment( horizontal='left', wrapText=True) self.wb.add_named_style(hyper_style) for i in range(len(models_hdr)): self.set_cell(self.ws_models, 1, i + 1, models_hdr[i][0], 'suns_hdr') if models_hdr[i][1]: self.ws_models.column_dimensions[chr( 65 + i)].width = models_hdr[i][1]
def export_table_views(tment, workbook, time_fmt, team_info, rnd_abbrevs, rooms, tnames): """Adds the competition table focused sheets to the output workbook.""" thin = styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000') thick = styles.Side(border_style='thick', color='000000') team_width = 2 + len(team_info) space = 2 split = 1 + 2 * team_width * ((tment.t_pairs + 1) // 2) staggered = [ tment.t_stagger and i > (tment.t_pairs - 1) // 2 for i in range(tment.t_pairs) ] #writing data sheet_overall = workbook.create_sheet("Competition Tables") header = sum([[tbl] + (team_width - 1) * [''] for tbl in rooms[5]], ['']) header[split:split] = tment.t_stagger * (space + 1) * [''] sheet_overall.append(header) t_pair_sheets = [workbook.create_sheet('-'.join(tbls)) for tbls in tnames] for t_pair in range(tment.t_pairs): t_pair_sheets[t_pair]\ .append([''] + header[2*team_width*t_pair + 1 + staggered[t_pair]*(space + 1): 2*team_width*(t_pair + 1) + staggered[t_pair]*(space + 1)]) for slot in tment.t_slots: if slot is None: for sheet in [ sheet for sheet in t_pair_sheets + [sheet_overall] for i in range(2) ]: sheet.append(['']) elif all([team is None for team in slot[2]]): sheet_overall.append( [slot[0][0].strftime(time_fmt)] + tment.t_stagger * ((split + 1) * [''] + [slot[0][1].strftime(time_fmt)])) for i, sheet in enumerate(t_pair_sheets): sheet.append([slot[0][staggered[i]].strftime(time_fmt)]) else: line = sum([(team_width - 1) * [''] + ['None'] if t is None else [rnd_abbrevs[rnd], tment.teams[t].num] + team_info for t, rnd in slot[2]], [slot[0][0].strftime(time_fmt)]) line[split:split] = space * [''] + [slot[0][1].strftime(time_fmt) ] if tment.t_stagger else [] sheet_overall.append(line) for t_pair in range(tment.t_pairs): time_str = slot[0][staggered[t_pair]].strftime(time_fmt) ls_start = 2 * team_width * t_pair + ( space + 1) * staggered[t_pair] + 1 t_pair_sheets[t_pair].append([time_str] + line[ls_start:ls_start + 2 * team_width]) #formatting - borders, cell merges, striped shading, etc col_wide = [1 + max(len(str(rnd)) for rnd in rnd_abbrevs)] col_wide += [ 1 + max(len(str(text)) for text in cat) for cat in zip(*[ for team in tment.teams]) ] if tment.divisions: col_wide[2] += 4 col_wide = [-1] + 2 * tment.t_pairs * col_wide col_wide[split + 1:split + 1] = tment.t_stagger * (space * [10] + [-1]) for sheet in [sheet_overall] + t_pair_sheets: basic_sheet_format(sheet, 2) for col, width in [(col, width) for col, width in enumerate(col_wide, 1) if width > 0]: sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col)].width = width thick_border = [ 1 + 2 * i * team_width for i in range(tment.t_pairs + 1) ] if tment.t_stagger: thick_border = [ 1 + 2 * i * team_width for i in range(math.ceil(tment.t_pairs / 2) + 1) ] thick_border += [ val + thick_border[-1] + space for val in thick_border ] for cell in [cell for row in sheet for cell in row]: if tment.t_stagger and split < cell.column <= split + space: cell.fill = openpyxl.styles.PatternFill(None) elif cell.column in thick_border or cell.column + team_width in thick_border: cell.border = styles.Border( right=thick if cell.column in thick_border else thin) for i in range(2 * tment.t_pairs): start_col = 2 + i * team_width + (space + 1) * staggered[i // 2] sheet.merge_cells(start_row=1, start_column=start_col, end_row=1, end_column=start_col + team_width - 1)
def _innerforms(self, sheet): # eval the innerforms to sheet # steps: merge-width-height-frame-fixhead merges = self.forms.get('merges') widths = self.forms.get('widths') heights = self.forms.get('heights') frames = self.forms.get('frames') def _keyuper(fromc, toc): # 'A' -> 'ZZ' etc. # fool way fromc = fromc.upper() toc = toc.upper() line = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' emptybit = ' ' maxi = len(line) - 1 bits = [x for x in fromc] bits.reverse() if len(bits) < len(toc): for _ in xrange(len(toc) - len(bits)): bits.append(emptybit) bit_inc = True out = "" while 1: out = ''.join(bits)[::-1].strip() yield out if out == toc: break bit_inc = True cbit = 0 for b in bits: if bit_inc is False: break i = line.find(b) if i == maxi: bits[cbit] = line[0] bit_inc = True elif i == -1 and bits[cbit] == emptybit: # empty bit as space bits[cbit] = line[0] bit_inc = False else: bits[cbit] = line[i + 1] bit_inc = False cbit += 1 def _csplit(s): for _ in xrange(len(s)): if s[_].isdigit(): return s[:_], int(s[_:]) def _frame2cells(lt, rb): # lt="A1", rt="B3" etc. lt_n, lt_v = _csplit(lt) rb_n, rb_v = _csplit(rb) for c in _keyuper(lt_n, rb_n): for v in xrange(lt_v, rb_v + 1): yield c + str(v) if widths: for c, w in widths: w = int(w.strip()) c = c.strip().upper() if '-' in c: f, t = c.split('-') for _ in _keyuper(f, t): sheet.column_dimensions[_].width = w else: sheet.column_dimensions[c].width = w if heights: for r, h in heights: h = int(h.strip()) if '-' in r: s, e = r.split('-') for _ in xrange(int(s.strip()), int(e.strip()) + 1): sheet.row_dimensions[_].height = h else: sheet.row_dimensions[int(r)].height = h if merges: for corner in merges: #for lt,rb in merges: # sheet.merge_cells('%s:%s' % (lt, rb)) sheet.merge_cells(':'.join(corner)) if frames: thin = styles.Side(border_style="thin", color="000000") for frame in frames: if len(frame) == 3: rgba = frame.pop() else: rgba = None for c in _frame2cells(*frame): sheet[c].border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) if rgba: sheet[c].fill = styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor=rgba) if self.forms.get('fixhead'): sheet.freeze_panes = 'A2' return sheet
# # # If you add a fill type, remember to add it to fill_tbl # ################################################################# lightblue_fill = xl_styles.PatternFill( fill_type='solid', start_color='FFCCE5FF', ) fill_tbl = dict(lightblue=lightblue_fill, ) ################################################################# # Border Types # # # # If you add a border type, remember to add it to border_tbl # ################################################################# thin_border = xl_styles.Border( left=xl_styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), right=xl_styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), top=xl_styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), bottom=xl_styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), # diagonal=xl_styles.Side(border_style=None,color='FF000000'), # diagonal_direction=0,outline=xl_styles.Side(border_style=None,color='FF000000'), # vertical=xl_styles.Side(border_style=None,color='FF000000'), # horizontal=xl_styles.Side(border_style=None,color='FF000000') ) border_tbl = dict(thin=thin_border, ) ################################################################# # Align Types # # # # If you add an align type, remember to add it to align_tbl # #################################################################
def export_judge_views(tment, workbook, time_fmt, team_info, event_names, rooms): """Adds the four judging-focused sheets to the output workbook.""" thin = styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000') thick = styles.Side(border_style='thick', color='000000') team_width = 1 + len(team_info) sheets = [ workbook.create_sheet(name) for name in ["Judging Rooms"] + event_names[2:5] ] #writing data rows = [[['']], [['']]] for i in range(3): rows[0].append([event_names[i + 2]] + (tment.j_sets * team_width - 1) * ['']) rows[1].append( sum([[room] + (team_width - 1) * [''] for room in rooms[i + 2]], [])) for time, teams in tment.j_slots: rows.append([[time.strftime(time_fmt)]]) if teams is not None: teams = [[None if t is None else tment.teams[t] for t in cat] for cat in teams] if len(teams[0]) == 1 and tment.j_calib: rows[-1] += [[teams[i][0].num] + team_info + [ "all {} judges in {}".format(event_names[i + 2].lower(), rooms[i + 2][0]) ] + (team_width * (tment.j_sets - 1) - 1) * [''] for i in range(3)] else: rows[-1] += [ sum([[''] * (team_width - 1) + ['None'] if team is None else [team.num] + team_info for team in cat], []) for cat in teams ] for row in rows: sheets[0].append(sum(row, [])) for i in range(3): sheets[i + 1].append(row[0] + (row[i + 1] if len(row) > 1 else [])) #formatting - borders, cell merges, striped shading, etc col_sizes = [ 1 + max(len(str(text)) for text in cat) for cat in zip(*[ for team in tment.teams]) ] col_sizes[1] += 5 * tment.divisions for sheet in sheets: basic_sheet_format(sheet, 4) for col in list(sheet.columns)[1:]: sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col[0].column)].width =\ col_sizes[(col[0].column - 2) % len(col_sizes)] sheet_borders( sheet, ((styles.Border(left=thick), team_width * tment.j_sets, 2, 0), (styles.Border(left=thin), team_width, 2, 1 + 2 * tment.j_calib))) for i in range( (len(list(sheet.columns)) - 1) // (team_width * tment.j_sets)): sheet.cell(row=1, column=team_width * tment.j_sets * i + 2).font = styles.Font(bold=True) sheet.merge_cells(start_row=1, start_column=2 + i * team_width * tment.j_sets, end_row=1, end_column=1 + (i + 1) * team_width * tment.j_sets) for j in range(tment.j_sets): sheet.merge_cells( start_row=2, start_column=team_width * (tment.j_sets * i + j) + 2, end_row=2, end_column=team_width * (tment.j_sets * i + j + 1) + 1) if tment.j_calib: sheet.merge_cells( start_row=3, start_column=2 + team_width * (tment.j_sets * i + 1), end_row=3, end_column=1 + team_width * (tment.j_sets * (i + 1)))
_light_blue_style = { 'fill': { 'start_color': 'F7F9FC', 'end_color': 'F7F9FC', 'fill_type': 'solid', }, 'font': { 'name': 'Arial', 'size': 11, } } ADI_FINAL_ROW_STYLE = { 'border': { 'top': styles.Side(style='thin', color='C7C7C7'), 'bottom': styles.Side(style='thin', color='C7C7C7'), }, 'fill': { 'start_color': 'F2F4F7', 'end_color': 'F2F4F7', 'fill_type': 'solid', }, 'font': { 'name': 'Arial', 'size': 11, } } ADI_JOURNAL_FIELDS = { 'upload': {
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Модуль роутинга главной страницы. """ # noqa # from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import styles as xlstyles THIN_BORDER_STYLE: object = xlstyles.Side(border_style="thin", color="000000") TOP_BORDER: object = xlstyles.Border(top=THIN_BORDER_STYLE) BOTTOM_BORDER: object = xlstyles.Border(bottom=THIN_BORDER_STYLE) LEFT_BORDER: object = xlstyles.Border(left=THIN_BORDER_STYLE) RIGHT_BORDER: object = xlstyles.Border(right=THIN_BORDER_STYLE) COLUMN_A = 1 COLUMN_B = 2 COLUMN_C = 3 COLUMN_D = 4 COLUMN_E = 5 COLUMN_F = 6 COLUMN_G = 7 COLUMN_H = 8 COLUMN_I = 9 COLUMN_J = 10 COLUMN_K = 11 COLUMN_L = 12 COLUMN_M = 13 COLUMN_N = 14 COLUMN_O = 15 COLUMN_P = 16 COLUMN_Q = 17 COLUMN_R = 18 COLUMN_S = 19
def bloco3_resumo_por_acao(worksheet, acoes, conta_associacao, periodo): global OFFSET thin = styles.Side(border_style="thin", color="000000") linha_inicial = 21 + OFFSET linha_atual = linha_inicial offset_local = 0 total_valores = 0 total_conciliacao = 0 destinacoes = ['C', 'K', 'CK'] totalizador = { SALDO_ANTERIOR: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, CREDITO: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, DESPESA_REALIZADA: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, DESPESA_NAO_REALIZADA: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, DESPESA_NAO_DEMONSTRADA_OUTROS_PERIODOS: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, SALDO_BANCARIO: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, TOTAL_SALDO_BANCARIO: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, CREDITO_NAO_DEMONSTRADO: { 'C': 0, 'K': 0, 'CK': 0 }, }'Linha inicial:{linha_inicial}') for linha_acao, acao_associacao in enumerate(acoes): # Movendo as linhas para baixo antes de inserir os dados novos linha_atual = linha_inicial + (linha_acao * 3) offset_local = linha_atual - linha_inicial f'LAção:{linha_acao}, LAtual:{linha_atual}, offset:{offset_local}, Ação:{acao_associacao.acao.nome}' ) if offset_local > 0: insert_row(worksheet, LAST_LINE + OFFSET + offset_local, linha_atual - 1) insert_row(worksheet, LAST_LINE + OFFSET + offset_local, linha_atual - 1) insert_row(worksheet, LAST_LINE + OFFSET + offset_local, linha_atual - 1) fechamento_periodo = FechamentoPeriodo.fechamentos_da_acao_no_periodo( acao_associacao=acao_associacao, periodo=periodo, conta_associacao=conta_associacao).first() sub_valores, sub_conciliacao, totalizador = sintese_receita_despesa( worksheet, acao_associacao, conta_associacao, periodo, fechamento_periodo, linha_atual, totalizador) total_valores += sub_valores total_conciliacao += sub_conciliacao for destinacao_idx in range(0, 2): if destinacao_idx == 0: try: worksheet.unmerge_cells( f'B{linha_atual + 1}:B{linha_atual + 3}') except ValueError: # Ignora caso o campo ja esteja desmergeado pass row = list(worksheet.rows)[linha_atual + destinacao_idx] row[0].value = destinacoes[destinacao_idx] if destinacao_idx == 0: worksheet.merge_cells(f'B{linha_atual + 1}:B{linha_atual + 3}') top_left_cell = worksheet[f'B{linha_atual + 1}'] top_left_cell.value = acao_associacao.acao.nome top_left_cell.font = styles.Font(name='Arial', size=10.5, b=True, color="000000") top_left_cell.alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal="left", vertical="center") # Ajusta o fundo para que a apenas as Colunas E, F, I e L tenham fundo cinza na linha de destinação CK for col in ('E', 'F', 'I', 'L'): col_cell = worksheet[ f'{col}{linha_atual + destinacao_idx + 1}'] col_cell.border = styles.Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin) col_cell.fill = styles.PatternFill( "solid", fgColor="808080" if destinacao_idx == 2 else "FFFFFF") linha_atual += 3 worksheet.merge_cells(f'B{linha_atual + 1}:B{linha_atual + 3}') top_left_cell = worksheet[f'B{linha_atual + 1}'] top_left_cell.value = "TOTAL" top_left_cell.font = styles.Font(name='Arial', size=10.5, b=True, color="000000") top_left_cell.alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal="left", vertical="center") for idx, destinacao in enumerate(destinacoes): row = list(worksheet.rows)[linha_atual + idx] row[SALDO_ANTERIOR].value = formata_valor( totalizador[SALDO_ANTERIOR][destinacao]) row[CREDITO].value = formata_valor(totalizador[CREDITO][destinacao]) row[DESPESA_REALIZADA].value = formata_valor( totalizador[DESPESA_REALIZADA][destinacao]) row[DESPESA_NAO_REALIZADA].value = formata_valor( totalizador[DESPESA_NAO_REALIZADA][destinacao]) row[SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO].value = formata_valor( totalizador[SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO][destinacao]) row[DESPESA_NAO_DEMONSTRADA_OUTROS_PERIODOS].value = formata_valor( totalizador[DESPESA_NAO_DEMONSTRADA_OUTROS_PERIODOS][destinacao]) row[SALDO_BANCARIO].value = formata_valor( totalizador[SALDO_BANCARIO][destinacao]) if destinacao != 'CK': row[CREDITO_NAO_DEMONSTRADO].value = formata_valor( totalizador[CREDITO_NAO_DEMONSTRADO][destinacao]) if destinacao == 'K': valor_total_reprogramado_proximo = totalizador[ SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO]['CK'] valor_total_reprogramado_proximo = ( valor_total_reprogramado_proximo + totalizador[SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO]['C'] if totalizador[SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO]['C'] > 0 else valor_total_reprogramado_proximo) valor_total_reprogramado_proximo = ( valor_total_reprogramado_proximo + totalizador[SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO]['K'] if totalizador[SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO]['K'] > 0 else valor_total_reprogramado_proximo) row[TOTAL_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO].value = formata_valor( valor_total_reprogramado_proximo) # Apresenta o subtotal bancário da ação na posição destinada ao valor valor_saldo_bancario_total = totalizador[SALDO_BANCARIO]['C'] + totalizador[SALDO_BANCARIO]['K'] + \ totalizador[SALDO_REPROGRAMADO_PROXIMO]['CK'] row[TOTAL_SALDO_BANCARIO].value = "Subtotal" row[TOTAL_SALDO_BANCARIO].value = formata_valor( valor_saldo_bancario_total) OFFSET += offset_local
#################################################################### """----------------------------------------------------------------- STYLE SETUP -----------------------------------------------------------------""" #################################################################### TITLESTYLE = xlstyle.NamedStyle(name='TITLESTYLE') TITLESTYLE.font = xlstyle.Font(bold=True, size=16) TITLESTYLE.alignment = xlstyle.Alignment(horizontal="center") TOTALCELLSTYLE = xlstyle.NamedStyle(name="TOTALCELLSTYLE") TOTALCELLSTYLE.font = xlstyle.Font(bold=True, size=12, color='FFFFFF') ALLTHICKBORDERS = xlstyle.Border( **{ side: xlstyle.Side(border_style='thick', color='000000') for side in ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'] }) TOTALCELLSTYLE.border = ALLTHICKBORDERS TOTALCELLSTYLE.fill = xlstyle.PatternFill(fill_type="solid", start_color='BFBFBF') MONTHTABLESTYLE = xltable.TableStyleInfo(name="TableStyleMedium4", showFirstColumn=False, showLastColumn=False, showRowStripes=True, showColumnStripes=False) SUMMARYTABLESTYLE = xltable.TableStyleInfo(name="TableStyleLight9", showFirstColumn=False, showLastColumn=False,
font = styles.Font(name='Calibri', size=11, bold=False, italic=False, vertAlign=None, underline='none', strike=False, color='FF000000') font_b = styles.Font(name='Calibri', size=11, bold=True, color='FF000000') thin = styles.Side(border_style="thin", color="000000") border = styles.Border(outline = thin, top = thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin, vertical=thin, horizontal=thin) alignment = styles.Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center', text_rotation=0, wrap_text=False, shrink_to_fit=False, indent=0) ws.merge_cells('B1:D2') # show error if insert value into first # row - строка, column - поле ws['C8'] = str(ws['C9'].value) + '!'