for area in idx1: tempHour.append(tempArea.count(area)) datas4.append(tempHour) columns = idx3 fmtdict = {} for i in range(len(idx3)): fmtdict[idx3[i]] = datas4[i] print(fmtdict) df4 = pd.DataFrame(fmtdict, columns=idx3, index=idx1) df4.to_excel(writer, "By區和時段", startrow=0, startcol=0) #畫圖 wbook = lwb(fileName) #openpyxl.workload不接受.xls chart1 = BarChart() chart1.type = "col" = 5 chart1.title = "合計by區" chart1.height = 10 chart1.width = 20 wsheet = wbook["DataBy區"] data = Reference(wsheet, min_col=wsheet.min_column + 1, min_row=wsheet.min_row, max_row=wsheet.max_row - 1) cats = Reference(wsheet, min_col=wsheet.min_column, min_row=wsheet.min_row + 1, max_row=wsheet.max_row - 1)
import numpy as np from openpyxl import load_workbook as lwb def char_range(r1, r2): for c in range(ord(r1), ord(r2) + 1): yield chr(c) fname = input('input name file excel: ') s = input('input row index: ') n = input('input number of data: ') sname = input('input generating data name: ') cp = input('input column index range: ') wb = lwb(fname + '.xlsx') sheet = wb['Sheet1'] a = [[sheet[c + str(i)].value for c in char_range(cp[0], cp[1])] for i in range(int(s), int(n) + int(s))] + '.npy', a)
from openpyxl import load_workbook as lwb from google_images_download import google_images_download import concurrent.futures import sys # creating object response = google_images_download.googleimagesdownload() #global output,limit,cd output = r'D:\Food_imgs_download_30_9_3' range = sys.argv[1] fmt = sys.argv[2] limit = 1500 cd = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chromedriver.exe' wb = lwb("List of Dishes based on Cuisines.xlsx") ws = wb["Sheet1"] categories = list(a[0].value for a in list(ws[range])) print(categories) print(len(categories)) def downloadimages(category): # keywords is the search query # format is the image file format # limit is the number of images to be downloaded # print urs is to print the image file url # size is the image size which can # be specified manually ("large, medium, icon") # aspect ratio denotes the height width ratio # of images to download. ("tall, square, wide, panoramic") arguments = {