Пример #1
def extract_uhs(dstore, what):
    Extracts uniform hazard spectra. Use it as /extract/uhs/mean or
    /extract/uhs/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
    dic = {}
    for kind, hcurves in getters.PmapGetter(dstore).items(what):
        dic[kind] = calc.make_uhs(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes, len(mesh))
    return hazard_items(dic, mesh, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time)
Пример #2
def extract_mean_std_curves(dstore, what):
    Yield imls/IMT and poes/IMT containg mean and stddev for all sites
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    w = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs_assoc.realizations]
    getter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, w)
    arr = getter.get_mean().array
    for imt in getter.imtls:
        yield 'imls/' + imt, getter.imtls[imt]
        yield 'poes/' + imt, arr[:, getter.imtls(imt)]
Пример #3
def view_pmap(token, dstore):
    Display the mean ProbabilityMap associated to a given source group name
    grp = token.split(':')[1]  # called as pmap:grp
    pmap = {}
    rlzs = dstore['full_lt'].get_realizations()
    weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
    pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, weights)
    pmap = pgetter.get_mean(grp)
    return str(pmap)
Пример #4
def extract_hcurves(dstore, what):
    Extracts hazard curves. Use it as /extract/hcurves/mean or
    /extract/hcurves/rlz-0, /extract/hcurves/stats, /extract/hcurves/rlzs etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    mesh = get_mesh(sitecol, complete=False)
    dic = {}
    for kind, hcurves in getters.PmapGetter(dstore).items(what):
        dic[kind] = hcurves.convert_npy(oq.imtls, sitecol.sids)
    return hazard_items(dic, mesh, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time)
Пример #5
def view_pmap(token, dstore):
    Display the mean ProbabilityMap associated to a given source group name
    name = token.split(':')[1]  # called as pmap:name
    pmap = {}
    pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore)
    for grp, dset in dstore['poes'].items():
        if dset.attrs['name'] == name:
            pmap = pgetter.get_mean(grp)
    return str(pmap)
Пример #6
 def gen_getters(self, parent):
     :yields: pgetter, hstats, monitor
     monitor = self.monitor('build_hazard_stats')
     hstats = self.oqparam.hazard_stats()
     for t in self.sitecol.split_in_tiles(self.oqparam.concurrent_tasks):
         pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(parent, self.rlzs_assoc, t.sids)
         if parent is self.datastore:  # read now, not in the workers
             logging.info('Reading PoEs on %d sites', len(t))
         yield pgetter, hstats, monitor
Пример #7
def plot_hmaps(calc_id):
    Mean hazard maps plotter.
    dstore = datastore.read(calc_id)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    mean = getters.PmapGetter(dstore).get_mean()
    hmaps = calc.make_hmap(mean, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
    M, P = len(oq.imtls), len(oq.poes)
    array = hmaps.array.reshape(len(hmaps.array), M, P)
    plt = make_figure(dstore['sitecol'], oq.imtls, oq.poes, array)
Пример #8
def plot_hmaps(calc_id):
    Mean hazard maps plotter.
    dstore = engine.read(calc_id)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    mean = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, rlzs_assoc).get_mean()
    hmaps = calc.make_hmap(mean, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
    M, P = len(oq.imtls), len(oq.poes)
    array = hmaps.array.reshape(len(hmaps.array), M, P)
    plt = make_figure(dstore['sitecol'], oq.imtls, oq.poes, array)
Пример #9
    def execute(self):
        Run in parallel `core_task(sources, sitecol, monitor)`, by
        parallelizing on the sources according to their weight and
        tectonic region type.
        oq = self.oqparam
        if oq.hazard_calculation_id and not oq.compare_with_classical:
            with datastore.read(self.oqparam.hazard_calculation_id) as parent:
                self.full_lt = parent['full_lt']
            self.calc_stats()  # post-processing
            return {}

        assert oq.max_sites_per_tile > oq.max_sites_disagg, (
            oq.max_sites_per_tile, oq.max_sites_disagg)
        psd = self.set_psd()  # must go before to set the pointsource_distance
        run_preclassical(self.csm, oq, self.datastore)

        # exit early if we want to perform only a preclassical
        if oq.calculation_mode == 'preclassical':
            recs = [tuple(row) for row in self.csm.source_info.values()]
            self.datastore['source_info'] = numpy.array(
                recs, readinput.source_info_dt)
            self.datastore['full_lt'] = self.csm.full_lt
            self.datastore.swmr_on()  # fixes HDF5 error in build_hazard

        self.create_dsets()  # create the rup/ datasets BEFORE swmr_on()
        grp_ids = numpy.arange(len(self.csm.src_groups))
        self.calc_times = AccumDict(accum=numpy.zeros(3, F32))
        weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.realizations]
        pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(self.datastore, weights,
                                     self.sitecol.sids, oq.imtls)
        srcidx = {
            rec[0]: i
            for i, rec in enumerate(self.csm.source_info.values())
        self.haz = Hazard(self.datastore, self.full_lt, pgetter, srcidx)
        args = self.get_args(grp_ids, self.haz)
        logging.info('Sending %d tasks', len(args))
        smap = parallel.Starmap(classical, args, h5=self.datastore.hdf5)
        smap.monitor.save('srcfilter', self.src_filter())
        smap.h5 = self.datastore.hdf5
        pmaps = smap.reduce(self.agg_dicts)
        logging.debug("busy time: %s", smap.busytime)
        if not oq.hazard_calculation_id:
        return True
Пример #10
 def _gen_riskinputs_poe(self, dstore):
     assets_by_site = self.assetcol.assets_by_site()
     for sid, assets in enumerate(assets_by_site):
         if len(assets) == 0:
         # hcurves, shape (R, N)
         ws = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.realizations]
         getter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, ws, [sid], self.oqparam.imtls)
         for block in general.block_splitter(
                 assets, self.oqparam.assets_per_site_limit):
             yield riskinput.RiskInput(sid, getter, numpy.array(block))
         if len(block) >= TWO16:
             logging.error('There are %d assets on site #%d!', len(block),
Пример #11
def extract_hmaps(dstore, what):
    Extracts hazard maps. Use it as /extract/hmaps/mean or
    /extract/hmaps/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    mesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    dic = {}
    for kind, hcurves in getters.PmapGetter(dstore).items(what):
        hmap = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
        dic[kind] = calc.convert_to_array(hmap, len(mesh), pdic)
    return hazard_items(dic, mesh, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time)
Пример #12
def view_flat_hcurves(token, dstore):
    Display the flat hazard curves for the calculation. They are
    used for debugging purposes when comparing the results of two
    calculations. They are the mean over the sites of the mean hazard
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    nsites = len(dstore['sitecol'])
    mean = getters.PmapGetter(dstore).get_mean()
    array = calc.convert_to_array(mean, nsites, oq.imtls)
    res = numpy.zeros(1, array.dtype)
    for name in array.dtype.names:
        res[name] = array[name].mean()
    return rst_table(res)
Пример #13
    def post_execute(self, pmap_by_key):
        Collect the hazard curves by realization and export them.

        :param pmap_by_key:
            a dictionary key -> hazard curves
        nr = {
            name: len(dset['mag'])
            for name, dset in self.datastore.items() if name.startswith('rup_')
        if nr:  # few sites, log the number of ruptures per magnitude
            logging.info('%s', nr)
        oq = self.oqparam
        et_ids = self.datastore['et_ids'][:]
        rlzs_by_gsim_list = self.full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_list(et_ids)
        slice_by_g = getters.get_slice_by_g(rlzs_by_gsim_list)
        data = []
        weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.realizations]
        pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(self.datastore, weights,
                                     self.sitecol.sids, oq.imtls)
        logging.info('Saving _poes')
        enum = enumerate(self.datastore['source_info']['source_id'])
        srcid = {source_id: i for i, source_id in enum}
        with self.monitor('saving probability maps'):
            for key, pmap in pmap_by_key.items():
                if isinstance(key, str):  # disagg_by_src
                    rlzs_by_gsim = rlzs_by_gsim_list[pmap.grp_id]
                    self.datastore['disagg_by_src'][..., srcid[key]] = (
                        pgetter.get_hcurves(pmap, rlzs_by_gsim))
                elif pmap:  # pmap can be missing if the group is filtered away
                    # key is the group ID
                    trt = self.full_lt.trt_by_et[et_ids[key][0]]
                    # avoid saving PoEs == 1
                    sids = sorted(pmap)
                    arr = numpy.array([pmap[sid].array for sid in sids])
                    self.datastore['_poes'][sids, :, slice_by_g[key]] = arr
                    extreme = max(
                        get_extreme_poe(pmap[sid].array, oq.imtls)
                        for sid in pmap)
                    data.append((key, trt, extreme))
        if oq.hazard_calculation_id is None and '_poes' in self.datastore:
            self.datastore['disagg_by_grp'] = numpy.array(
                sorted(data), grp_extreme_dt)
            self.datastore.swmr_on()  # needed
Пример #14
    def post_execute(self, pmap_by_key):
        Collect the hazard curves by realization and export them.

        :param pmap_by_key:
            a dictionary key -> hazard curves
        nr = {
            name: len(dset['mag'])
            for name, dset in self.datastore.items() if name.startswith('rup_')
        if nr:  # few sites, log the number of ruptures per magnitude
            logging.info('%s', nr)
        oq = self.oqparam
        if oq.calculation_mode.endswith(('risk', 'damage', 'bcr')):
            with hdf5.File(self.datastore.tempname, 'a') as cache:
                cache['oqparam'] = oq
                cache['rlzs_by_grp'] = self.full_lt.get_rlzs_by_grp()
        data = []
        weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.realizations]
        pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(self.datastore, weights,
                                     self.sitecol.sids, oq.imtls)
        with self.monitor('saving probability maps'):
            for key, pmap in pmap_by_key.items():
                if isinstance(key, str):  # disagg_by_src
                    serial = self.csm.source_info[key][readinput.SERIAL]
                    self.datastore['disagg_by_src'][..., serial] = (
                            {'grp-%02d' % gid: pmap[gid]
                             for gid in pmap}))
                elif pmap:  # pmap can be missing if the group is filtered away
                    # key is the group ID
                    base.fix_ones(pmap)  # avoid saving PoEs == 1
                    trt = self.full_lt.trt_by_grp[key]
                    name = 'poes/grp-%02d' % key
                    self.datastore[name] = pmap
                    if oq.calculation_mode.endswith(('risk', 'damage', 'bcr')):
                        with hdf5.File(self.datastore.tempname, 'a') as cache:
                            cache[name] = pmap
                    extreme = max(
                        get_extreme_poe(pmap[sid].array, oq.imtls)
                        for sid in pmap)
                    data.append((key, trt, extreme))
        if oq.hazard_calculation_id is None and 'poes' in self.datastore:
            self.datastore['disagg_by_grp'] = numpy.array(
                sorted(data), grp_extreme_dt)
Пример #15
def view_global_hcurves(token, dstore):
    Display the global hazard curves for the calculation. They are
    used for debugging purposes when comparing the results of two
    calculations. They are the mean over the sites of the mean hazard
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    nsites = len(dstore['sitecol'])
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs_assoc.realizations]
    mean = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, rlzs_assoc, weights).get_mean()
    array = calc.convert_to_array(mean, nsites, oq.imtls)
    res = numpy.zeros(1, array.dtype)
    for name in array.dtype.names:
        res[name] = array[name].mean()
    return rst_table(res)
Пример #16
def view_flat_hmaps(token, dstore):
    Display the flat hazard maps for the calculation. They are
    used for debugging purposes when comparing the results of two
    calculations. They are the mean over the sites of the mean hazard
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    assert oq.poes
    nsites = len(dstore['sitecol'])
    pdic = DictArray({imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls})
    mean = getters.PmapGetter(dstore).get_mean()
    hmaps = calc.make_hmap(mean, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
    array = calc.convert_to_array(hmaps, nsites, pdic)
    res = numpy.zeros(1, array.dtype)
    for name in array.dtype.names:
        res[name] = array[name].mean()
    return rst_table(res)
Пример #17
def plot_uhs(calc_id, sites='0'):
    UHS plotter.
    # read the hazard data
    dstore = datastore.read(calc_id)
    getter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    indices = list(map(int, sites.split(',')))
    n_sites = len(dstore['sitecol'])
    if not set(indices) <= set(range(n_sites)):
        invalid = sorted(set(indices) - set(range(n_sites)))
        print('The indices %s are invalid: no graph for them' % invalid)
    valid = sorted(set(range(n_sites)) & set(indices))
    print('Found %d site(s); plotting %d of them' % (n_sites, len(valid)))
    pmaps = getter.get_pmaps(numpy.array(indices))
    plt = make_figure(valid, n_sites, oq.imtls, oq.poes, pmaps)
Пример #18
def plot_uhs(calc_id, sites='0'):
    UHS plotter.
    # read the hazard data
    dstore = util.read(calc_id)
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    indices = list(map(int, sites.split(',')))
    getter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, rlzs_assoc, indices)
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    n_sites = len(dstore['sitecol'])
    if not set(indices) <= set(range(n_sites)):
        invalid = sorted(set(indices) - set(range(n_sites)))
        print('The indices %s are invalid: no graph for them' % invalid)
    valid = sorted(set(range(n_sites)) & set(indices))
    print('Found %d site(s); plotting %d of them' % (n_sites, len(valid)))
    plt = make_figure(valid, n_sites, oq, dstore['hmaps'])
Пример #19
def extract_uhs(dstore, what):
    Extracts uniform hazard spectra. Use it as /extract/uhs/mean or
    /extract/uhs/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    imts = oq.imt_periods()
    mesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    dic = {}
    imts_dt = numpy.dtype([(str(imt), F32) for imt in imts])
    uhs_dt = numpy.dtype([(str(poe), imts_dt) for poe in oq.poes])
    for name, hcurves in getters.PmapGetter(dstore, rlzs_assoc).items(what):
        hmap = calc.make_hmap_array(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes, len(mesh))
        uhs = numpy.zeros(len(hmap), uhs_dt)
        for field in hmap.dtype.names:
            imt, poe = field.split('-')
            if imt in imts_dt.names:
                uhs[poe][imt] = hmap[field]
        dic[name] = uhs
    return hazard_items(dic, mesh, investigation_time=oq.investigation_time)
Пример #20
def extract_hazard_for_qgis(dstore, what):
    Extracts hazard curves and possibly hazard maps and/or uniform hazard
    spectra. Use it as /extract/qgis-hazard/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    yield 'sitecol', sitecol
    yield 'oqparam', oq
    yield 'realizations', dstore['csm_info'].rlzs
    yield 'checksum32', dstore['/'].attrs['checksum32']
    N = len(sitecol)
    if oq.poes:
        pdic = {imt: oq.poes for imt in oq.imtls}
    for kind, hcurves in getters.PmapGetter(dstore).items(what):
        logging.info('extracting hazard/%s', kind)
        yield 'hcurves-' + kind, calc.convert_to_array(hcurves, N, oq.imtls)
        if oq.poes and oq.uniform_hazard_spectra:
            yield 'uhs-' + kind, calc.make_uhs(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes, N)
        if oq.poes and oq.hazard_maps:
            hmaps = calc.make_hmap(hcurves, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
            yield 'hmaps-' + kind, calc.convert_to_array(hmaps, N, pdic)
Пример #21
 def build_disagg_by_src(self, iml2s):
     :param dstore: a datastore
     :param iml2s: N arrays of IMLs with shape (M, P)
     logging.warning('Disaggregation by source is experimental')
     oq = self.oqparam
     poes_disagg = oq.poes_disagg or (None,)
     by_grp = self.rlzs_assoc.by_grp()
     ws = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.rlzs_assoc.realizations]
     pmap_by_grp = getters.PmapGetter(
         self.datastore, by_grp, ws, self.sitecol.sids).pmap_by_grp
     grp_ids = numpy.array(sorted(int(grp[4:]) for grp in pmap_by_grp))
     G = len(pmap_by_grp)
     P = len(poes_disagg)
     for rec in self.sitecol.array:
         sid = rec['sids']
         iml2 = iml2s[sid]
         for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
             xs = oq.imtls[imt]
             poes = numpy.zeros((G, P))
             for g, grp_id in enumerate(grp_ids):
                 pmap = pmap_by_grp['grp-%02d' % grp_id]
                 if sid in pmap:
                     ys = pmap[sid].array[oq.imtls(imt), 0]
                     poes[g] = numpy.interp(iml2[imti, :], xs, ys)
             for p, poe in enumerate(poes_disagg):
                 prefix = ('iml-%s' % oq.iml_disagg[imt] if poe is None
                           else 'poe-%s' % poe)
                 name = 'disagg_by_src/%s-%s-%s-%s' % (
                     prefix, imt, rec['lon'], rec['lat'])
                 if poes[:, p].sum():  # nonzero contribution
                     poe_agg = 1 - numpy.prod(1 - poes[:, p])
                     if poe and abs(1 - poe_agg / poe) > .1:
                             'poe_agg=%s is quite different from '
                             'the expected poe=%s', poe_agg, poe)
                     self.datastore[name] = poes[:, p]
                     self.datastore.set_attrs(name, poe_agg=poe_agg)
Пример #22
 def calc_stats(self):
     oq = self.oqparam
     hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
     # initialize datasets
     N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
     P = len(oq.poes)
     M = len(oq.imtls)
     if oq.soil_intensities is not None:
         L = M * len(oq.soil_intensities)
         L = len(oq.imtls.array)
     R = len(self.rlzs_assoc.realizations)
     S = len(hstats)
     if R > 1 and oq.individual_curves or not hstats:
         self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-rlzs', F32, (N, R, L))
         if oq.poes:
             self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-rlzs', F32, (N, R, M, P))
     if hstats:
         self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-stats', F32, (N, S, L))
         if oq.poes:
             self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-stats', F32, (N, S, M, P))
     ct = oq.concurrent_tasks
     logging.info('Building hazard statistics with %d concurrent_tasks', ct)
     weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.rlzs_assoc.realizations]
     if 'amplification' in oq.inputs:
         amplifier = Amplifier(oq.imtls, self.datastore['amplification'],
         amplifier.check(self.sitecol.vs30, oq.vs30_tolerance)
         amplifier = None
     allargs = [  # this list is very fast to generate
         (getters.PmapGetter(self.datastore, weights, t.sids, oq.poes), N,
          hstats, oq.individual_curves, oq.max_sites_disagg, amplifier)
         for t in self.sitecol.split_in_tiles(ct)
     parallel.Starmap(build_hazard, allargs,
Пример #23
    def test_case_1(self):
        out = self.assert_curves_ok([

        # check disagg_by_src, poe=0.02, 0.1, imt=PGA, SA(0.025)

        #self.assertEqual(len(out['disagg_by_src', 'csv']), 4)
        #for fname in out['disagg_by_src', 'csv']:
        #    self.assertEqualFiles('expected_output/%s' % strip_calc_id(fname),
        #                          fname)

        # disaggregation by source group
        rlzs_assoc = self.calc.datastore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
        ws = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs_assoc.realizations]
        pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(self.calc.datastore, ws)
        pmaps = []
        for grp in sorted(pgetter.dstore['poes']):
        # make sure that the combination of the contributions is okay
        pmap = pgetter.get_mean()  # total mean map
        cmap = combine(pmaps)  # combination of the mean maps per source group
        for sid in pmap:
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pmap[sid].array, cmap[sid].array)
Пример #24
 def calc_stats(self):
     oq = self.oqparam
     hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
     # initialize datasets
     N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
     P = len(oq.poes)
     M = len(oq.imtls)
     if oq.soil_intensities is not None:
         L = M * len(oq.soil_intensities)
         L = len(oq.imtls.array)
     R = len(self.realizations)
     S = len(hstats)
     if R > 1 and oq.individual_curves or not hstats:
         self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-rlzs', F32, (N, R, L))
         if oq.poes:
             self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-rlzs', F32, (N, R, M, P))
     if hstats:
         self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-stats', F32, (N, S, L))
         if oq.poes:
             self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-stats', F32, (N, S, M, P))
     ct = oq.concurrent_tasks or 1
     logging.info('Building hazard statistics')
     weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.realizations]
     allargs = [  # this list is very fast to generate
         (getters.PmapGetter(self.datastore, weights, t.sids, oq.poes), N,
          hstats, oq.individual_curves, oq.max_sites_disagg, self.amplifier)
         for t in self.sitecol.split_in_tiles(ct)
     if N <= oq.max_sites_disagg:  # few sites
         dist = 'no'
         dist = None  # parallelize as usual
Пример #25
 def get_getter(self, kind, sid):
     :param kind: 'poe' or 'gmf'
     :param sid: a site ID
     :returns: a PmapGetter or GmfDataGetter
     hdf5cache = getattr(self, 'hdf5cache', None)
     if hdf5cache:
         dstore = hdf5cache
     elif (self.oqparam.hazard_calculation_id and
           'gmf_data' not in self.datastore):
         # 'gmf_data' in self.datastore happens for ShakeMap calculations
         self.datastore.parent.close()  # make sure it is closed
         dstore = self.datastore.parent
         dstore = self.datastore
     if kind == 'poe':  # hcurves, shape (R, N)
         getter = getters.PmapGetter(dstore, self.rlzs_assoc, [sid])
     else:  # gmf
         getter = getters.GmfDataGetter(dstore, [sid], self.R)
     if dstore is self.datastore:
     return getter
 def build_disagg_by_src(self):
     :param dstore: a datastore
     :param iml2s: N arrays of IMLs with shape (M, P)
     logging.warning('Disaggregation by source is experimental')
     oq = self.oqparam
     ws = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.rlzs_assoc.realizations]
     pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(self.datastore, ws, self.sitecol.sids)
     groups = list(self.datastore['rlzs_by_grp'])
     M = len(oq.imtls)
     P = len(self.poes_disagg)
     for sid in self.sitecol.sids:
         poes = numpy.zeros((M, P, len(groups)))
         iml2 = self.iml2s[sid]
         for g, grp_id in enumerate(groups):
             pcurve = pgetter.get_pcurve(sid, iml2.rlzi, int(grp_id[4:]))
             if pcurve is None:
             for m, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                 xs = oq.imtls[imt]
                 ys = pcurve.array[oq.imtls(imt), 0]
                 poes[m, :, g] = numpy.interp(iml2[m], xs, ys)
         for m, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
             for p, poe in enumerate(self.poes_disagg):
                 pref = ('iml-%s' %
                         oq.iml_disagg[imt] if poe is None else 'poe-%s' %
                 name = 'disagg_by_src/%s-%s-sid-%s' % (pref, imt, sid)
                 if poes[m, p].sum():  # nonzero contribution
                     poe_agg = 1 - numpy.prod(1 - poes[m, p])
                     if poe and abs(1 - poe_agg / poe) > .1:
                             'poe_agg=%s is quite different from '
                             'the expected poe=%s', poe_agg, poe)
                     self.datastore[name] = poes[m, p]
                     self.datastore.set_attrs(name, poe_agg=poe_agg)
Пример #27
    def test_case_1(self):

        # disaggregation by source group
        rlzs = self.calc.datastore['full_lt'].get_realizations()
        ws = [rlz.weight for rlz in rlzs]
        sids = self.calc.sitecol.sids
        oq = self.calc.oqparam
        pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(self.calc.datastore, ws, sids, oq.imtls,
        pmaps = []
        for grp in sorted(pgetter.dstore['poes']):
        # make sure that the combination of the contributions is okay
        pmap = pgetter.get_mean()  # total mean map
        cmap = combine(pmaps)  # combination of the mean maps per source group
        for sid in pmap:
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(pmap[sid].array, cmap[sid].array)

Пример #28
def extract_hazard(dstore, what):
    Extracts hazard curves and possibly hazard maps and/or uniform hazard
    spectra. Use it as /extract/hazard/mean or /extract/hazard/rlz-0, etc
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    yield 'sitecol', sitecol
    yield 'oqparam', oq
    yield 'imtls', oq.imtls
    yield 'realizations', dstore['csm_info'].rlzs
    yield 'checksum32', dstore['/'].attrs['checksum32']
    nsites = len(sitecol)
    M = len(oq.imtls)
    P = len(oq.poes)
    for kind, pmap in getters.PmapGetter(dstore, rlzs_assoc).items(what):
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            key = 'hcurves/%s/%s' % (imt, kind)
            arr = numpy.zeros((nsites, len(oq.imtls[imt])))
            for sid in pmap:
                arr[sid] = pmap[sid].array[oq.imtls.slicedic[imt], 0]
            logging.info('extracting %s', key)
            yield key, arr
            hmap = dstore['hmaps/' + kind]
        except KeyError:  # for kind=rlz-XXX
            hmap = calc.make_hmap(pmap, oq.imtls, oq.poes)
        for p, poe in enumerate(oq.poes):
            key = 'hmaps/poe-%s/%s' % (poe, kind)
            arr = numpy.zeros((nsites, M))
            idx = [m * P + p for m in range(M)]
            for sid in pmap:
                arr[sid] = hmap[sid].array[idx, 0]
            logging.info('extracting %s', key)
            yield key, arr
Пример #29
    def full_disaggregation(self):
        Run the disaggregation phase.
        oq = self.oqparam
        mags_by_trt = self.datastore['source_mags']
        all_edges, shapedic = disagg.get_edges_shapedic(
            oq, self.sitecol, mags_by_trt)
        *self.bin_edges, self.trts = all_edges
        src_filter = self.src_filter()
        if hasattr(self, 'csm'):
            for sg in self.csm.src_groups:
                if sg.atomic:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'Atomic groups are not supported yet')

        self.full_lt = self.datastore['full_lt']
        self.poes_disagg = oq.poes_disagg or (None,)
        self.imts = list(oq.imtls)

        self.ws = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.full_lt.get_realizations()]
        self.pgetter = getters.PmapGetter(
            self.datastore, self.ws, self.sitecol.sids)

        # build array rlzs (N, Z)
        if oq.rlz_index is None:
            Z = oq.num_rlzs_disagg
            rlzs = numpy.zeros((self.N, Z), int)
            if self.R > 1:
                for sid in self.sitecol.sids:
                    curves = numpy.array(
                        [pc.array for pc in self.pgetter.get_pcurves(sid)])
                    mean = getters.build_stat_curve(
                        curves, oq.imtls, stats.mean_curve, self.ws)
                    rlzs[sid] = util.closest_to_ref(curves, mean.array)[:Z]
                self.datastore['best_rlzs'] = rlzs
            Z = len(oq.rlz_index)
            rlzs = numpy.zeros((self.N, Z), int)
            for z in range(Z):
                rlzs[:, z] = oq.rlz_index[z]
        assert Z <= self.R, (Z, self.R)
        self.Z = Z
        self.rlzs = rlzs

        if oq.iml_disagg:
            # no hazard curves are needed
            self.poe_id = {None: 0}
            curves = [[None for z in range(Z)] for s in range(self.N)]
            self.ok_sites = set(self.sitecol.sids)
            self.poe_id = {poe: i for i, poe in enumerate(oq.poes_disagg)}
            curves = [self.get_curve(sid, rlzs[sid])
                      for sid in self.sitecol.sids]
            self.ok_sites = set(self.check_poes_disagg(curves, rlzs))
        self.iml3 = _iml3(rlzs, oq.iml_disagg, oq.imtls,
                          self.poes_disagg, curves)
        if oq.disagg_by_src:

        sd = shapedic.copy()
        nbytes, msg = get_array_nbytes(sd)
        if nbytes > oq.max_data_transfer:
            raise ValueError(
                'Estimated data transfer too big\n%s > max_data_transfer=%s' %
                (msg, humansize(oq.max_data_transfer)))
        logging.info('Estimated data transfer:\n%s', msg)
        tot = get_outputs_size(shapedic, oq.disagg_outputs or disagg.pmf_map)
        logging.info('Total output size: %s', humansize(sum(tot.values())))
        self.imldic = {}  # sid, rlz, poe, imt -> iml
        for s in self.sitecol.sids:
            for z, rlz in enumerate(rlzs[s]):
                for p, poe in enumerate(self.poes_disagg):
                    for imt in oq.imtls:
                        self.imldic[s, rlz, poe, imt] = self.iml3[imt][s, p, z]

        # submit #groups disaggregation tasks
        dstore = (self.datastore.parent if self.datastore.parent
                  else self.datastore)
        M = len(oq.imtls)
        tasks_per_imt = numpy.ceil(oq.concurrent_tasks / M) or 1
        rups_per_task = len(dstore['rup/mag']) / tasks_per_imt
        logging.info('Considering ~%d ruptures per task', rups_per_task)
        indices = get_indices(dstore, tasks_per_imt)
        smap = parallel.Starmap(compute_disagg, h5=self.datastore.hdf5)
        trt_num = {trt: i for i, trt in enumerate(self.trts)}
        for grp_id, trt in self.full_lt.trt_by_grp.items():
            logging.info('Group #%d, sending rup_data for %s', grp_id, trt)
            trti = trt_num[trt]
            cmaker = ContextMaker(
                trt, self.full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim(grp_id),
                {'truncation_level': oq.truncation_level,
                 'maximum_distance': src_filter.integration_distance,
                 'imtls': oq.imtls})
            for idxs in indices[grp_id]:
                for imt in oq.imtls:
                    smap.submit((dstore, idxs, cmaker, self.iml3[imt], trti,
                                 self.bin_edges, oq))
        results = smap.reduce(self.agg_result, AccumDict(accum={}))
        return results  # sid -> trti-> 8D array
Пример #30
 def calc_stats(self):
     oq = self.oqparam
     hstats = oq.hazard_stats()
     # initialize datasets
     N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
     P = len(oq.poes)
     M = self.M = len(oq.imtls)
     imts = list(oq.imtls)
     if oq.soil_intensities is not None:
         L = M * len(oq.soil_intensities)
         L = oq.imtls.size
     L1 = self.L1 = L // M
     R = len(self.realizations)
     S = len(hstats)
     if R > 1 and oq.individual_curves or not hstats:
         self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-rlzs', F32, (N, R, M, L1))
             'hcurves-rlzs', site_id=N, rlz_id=R, imt=imts, lvl=L1)
         if oq.poes:
             self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-rlzs', F32, (N, R, M, P))
                 'hmaps-rlzs', site_id=N, rlz_id=R,
                 imt=list(oq.imtls), poe=oq.poes)
     if hstats:
         self.datastore.create_dset('hcurves-stats', F32, (N, S, M, L1))
             'hcurves-stats', site_id=N, stat=list(hstats),
             imt=imts, lvl=numpy.arange(L1))
         if oq.poes:
             self.datastore.create_dset('hmaps-stats', F32, (N, S, M, P))
                 'hmaps-stats', site_id=N, stat=list(hstats),
                 imt=list(oq.imtls), poe=oq.poes)
     ct = oq.concurrent_tasks or 1
     logging.info('Building hazard statistics')
     self.weights = [rlz.weight for rlz in self.realizations]
     dstore = (self.datastore.parent if oq.hazard_calculation_id
               else self.datastore)
     allargs = [  # this list is very fast to generate
             dstore, self.weights, t.sids, oq.imtls, oq.poes),
          N, hstats, oq.individual_curves, oq.max_sites_disagg,
         for t in self.sitecol.split_in_tiles(ct)]
     if self.few_sites:
         dist = 'no'
         dist = None  # parallelize as usual
     if oq.hazard_calculation_id is None:  # essential before Starmap
     self.hazard = {}  # kind -> array
         build_hazard, allargs, distribute=dist, h5=self.datastore.hdf5
     for kind in sorted(self.hazard):
         logging.info('Saving %s', kind)
         self.datastore[kind][:] = self.hazard.pop(kind)
     task_info = self.datastore.read_df('task_info', 'taskname')
         dur = task_info.loc[b'classical'].duration
     except KeyError:  # no data
         slow_tasks = len(dur[dur > 3 * dur.mean()])
         if slow_tasks:
             logging.info('There were %d slow tasks', slow_tasks)
     if 'hmaps-stats' in self.datastore:
         hmaps = self.datastore.sel('hmaps-stats', stat='mean')  # NSMP
         maxhaz = hmaps.max(axis=(0, 1, 3))
         mh = dict(zip(self.oqparam.imtls, maxhaz))
         logging.info('The maximum hazard map values are %s', mh)
         if Image is None or not self.from_engine:  # missing PIL
         M, P = hmaps.shape[2:]
         logging.info('Saving %dx%d mean hazard maps', M, P)
         inv_time = oq.investigation_time
         allargs = []
         for m, imt in enumerate(self.oqparam.imtls):
             for p, poe in enumerate(self.oqparam.poes):
                 dic = dict(m=m, p=p, imt=imt, poe=poe, inv_time=inv_time,
                            array=hmaps[:, 0, m, p])
                 allargs.append((dic, self.sitecol.lons, self.sitecol.lats))
         smap = parallel.Starmap(make_hmap_png, allargs)
         for dic in smap:
             self.datastore['png/hmap_%(m)d_%(p)d' % dic] = dic['img']