Пример #1
 def compute_expand_gmfa(self, monitor):
         an array R x N where N is the number of sites and
         R is the number of ruptures.
     from openquake.calculators.event_based import make_gmfs
     gst = make_gmfs(self.ses_ruptures, self.sitecol, self.imts, self.gsims,
                     self.trunc_level, self.correl_model, monitor)
     gmf_dt = gsim_imt_dt(self.gsims, self.imts)
     N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
     E = len(self.eids)
     gmfa = numpy.zeros((E, N), gmf_dt)
     start = 0
     for sesrup in self.ses_ruptures:
         array = gst[sesrup.serial].gmfa
         n = len(array)  # number of seeds
         if sesrup.indices is not None:
             expanded_array = numpy.zeros((n, N), array.dtype)
             expanded_array[:, sesrup.indices] = array
             gmfa[start:start + n] = expanded_array
             gmfa[start:start + n] = array
         start += n
     return gmfa  # array E x N
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, rupture, sites, imts, gsims,
              truncation_level=None, correlation_model=None):
     assert sites and imts, (sites, imts)
     self.rupture = rupture
     self.sites = sites
     self.imts = list(map(from_string, imts))
     self.gsims = gsims
     self.truncation_level = truncation_level
     self.correlation_model = correlation_model
     self.ctx = ContextMaker(gsims).make_contexts(sites, rupture)
     self.gmf_dt = gsim_imt_dt(gsims, imts)
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, rupture, sites, imts, gsims,
              truncation_level=None, correlation_model=None):
     assert sites and imts, (sites, imts)
     self.rupture = rupture
     self.sites = sites
     self.imts = list(map(from_string, imts))
     self.gsims = gsims
     self.truncation_level = truncation_level
     self.correlation_model = correlation_model
     self.ctx = ContextMaker(gsims).make_contexts(sites, rupture)
     self.gmf_dt = gsim_imt_dt(gsims, imts)
Пример #4
 def pre_execute(self):
     Read the precomputed ruptures (or compute them on the fly) and
     prepare some empty files in the export directory to store the gmfs
     (if any). If there were pre-existing files, they will be erased.
     super(EventBasedCalculator, self).pre_execute()
     self.sesruptures = []
     gsims_by_col = self.rlzs_assoc.get_gsims_by_col()
     self.datasets = []
     for col_id, sescol in enumerate(self.datastore['sescollection']):
         gmf_dt = gsim_imt_dt(gsims_by_col[col_id], self.oqparam.imtls)
         for tag, sesrup in sorted(sescol.iteritems()):
             sesrup = sescol[tag]
             self.datastore.create_dset('gmfs/col%02d' % col_id, gmf_dt))
Пример #5
 def pre_execute(self):
     Read the precomputed ruptures (or compute them on the fly) and
     prepare some empty files in the export directory to store the gmfs
     (if any). If there were pre-existing files, they will be erased.
     super(EventBasedCalculator, self).pre_execute()
     self.sesruptures = []
     gsims_by_col = self.rlzs_assoc.get_gsims_by_col()
     self.datasets = {}
     for col_id, sescol in enumerate(self.datastore['sescollection']):
         gmf_dt = gsim_imt_dt(gsims_by_col[col_id], self.oqparam.imtls)
         for tag, sesrup in sorted(sescol.items()):
             sesrup = sescol[tag]
         if self.oqparam.ground_motion_fields and sescol:
             self.datasets[col_id] = self.datastore.create_dset(
                 'gmfs/col%02d' % col_id, gmf_dt)
Пример #6
 def compute_expand_gmfs(self):
         an array R x N where N is the number of sites and
         R is the number of ruptures.
     from openquake.commonlib.calculators.event_based import make_gmfs
     gmfs = make_gmfs(self.ses_ruptures, self.sitecol, self.imts,
                      self.gsims, self.trunc_level, self.correl_model,
     gmf_dt = gsim_imt_dt(self.gsims, self.imts)
     N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
     R = len(gmfs)
     gmfa = numpy.zeros((R, N), gmf_dt)
     for i, sesrup, gmf in zip(range(R), self.ses_ruptures, gmfs):
         expanded_gmf = numpy.zeros(N, gmf_dt)
         expanded_gmf[sesrup.indices] = gmf
         gmfa[i] = expanded_gmf
     return gmfa  # array R x N
Пример #7
 def compute_expand_gmfs(self):
         an array R x N where N is the number of sites and
         R is the number of ruptures.
     from openquake.commonlib.calculators.event_based import make_gmfs
     gmfs = make_gmfs(
         self.ses_ruptures, self.sitecol, self.imts,
         self.gsims, self.trunc_level, self.correl_model, DummyMonitor())
     gmf_dt = gsim_imt_dt(self.gsims, self.imts)
     N = len(self.sitecol.complete)
     R = len(gmfs)
     gmfa = numpy.zeros((R, N), gmf_dt)
     for i, sesrup, gmf in zip(range(R), self.ses_ruptures, gmfs):
         expanded_gmf = numpy.zeros(N, gmf_dt)
         expanded_gmf[sesrup.indices] = gmf
         gmfa[i] = expanded_gmf
     return gmfa  # array R x N
Пример #8
 def compute_expand_gmfs(self):
         an array R x N where N is the number of sites and
         R is the number of ruptures.
     from openquake.commonlib.calculators.event_based import make_gmf_by_tag
     gmf_by_tag = make_gmf_by_tag(
         self.ses_ruptures, self.sitecol, self.imts,
         self.gsims, self.trunc_level, self.correl_model, DummyMonitor())
     gmf_dt = gsim_imt_dt(self.gsims, self.imts)
     n = len(self.sitecol.complete)
     gmfs = numpy.zeros((len(gmf_by_tag), n), gmf_dt)
     for r, tag in enumerate(sorted(gmf_by_tag)):
         gmfa = gmf_by_tag[tag]
         expanded_gmf = numpy.zeros(n, gmf_dt)
         expanded_gmf[gmfa['idx']] = gmfa
         gmfs[r] = expanded_gmf
     return gmfs  # array R x N