Пример #1
def get_rup_array(ebruptures):
    Convert a list of EBRuptures into a numpy composite array
    if not BaseRupture._code:
        BaseRupture.init()  # initialize rupture codes

    lst = []
    geoms = []
    nbytes = 0
    offset = 0
    for ebrupture in ebruptures:
        rup = ebrupture.rupture
        mesh = surface_to_array(rup.surface)
        sy, sz = mesh.shape[1:]
        # sanity checks
        assert sy < TWO16, 'Too many multisurfaces: %d' % sy
        assert sz < TWO16, 'The rupture mesh spacing is too small'
        hypo = rup.hypocenter.x, rup.hypocenter.y, rup.hypocenter.z
        rate = getattr(rup, 'occurrence_rate', numpy.nan)
        points = mesh.reshape(3, -1).T   # shape (n, 3)
        n = len(points)
        tup = (ebrupture.serial, ebrupture.srcidx, ebrupture.grp_id,
               rup.code, ebrupture.n_occ, offset, offset + n, -1,
               rup.mag, rup.rake, rate, hypo, sy, sz)
        offset += n
        geoms.append(numpy.array([tuple(p) for p in points], point3d))
        nbytes += rupture_dt.itemsize + mesh.nbytes
    dic = dict(geom=numpy.concatenate(geoms), nbytes=nbytes)
    # TODO: PMFs for nonparametric ruptures are not converted
    return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(lst, rupture_dt), dic)
Пример #2
def make_non_parametric_source():
    surf1 = PlanarSurface(strike=0,
                          top_left=Point(0., -1., 0.),
                          top_right=Point(0., 1., 0.),
                          bottom_right=Point(0., 1., 10.),
                          bottom_left=Point(0., -1., 10.))
    surf2 = PlanarSurface(strike=90.,
                          top_left=Point(-1., 0., 0.),
                          top_right=Point(1., 0., 0.),
                          bottom_right=Point(1., 0., 10.),
                          bottom_left=Point(-1., 0., 10.))
    rup1 = BaseRupture(mag=5.,
                       hypocenter=Point(0., 0., 5.),
    rup2 = BaseRupture(mag=6,
                       hypocenter=Point(0., 0., 5.),
    pmf1 = PMF([(0.7, 0), (0.3, 1)])
    pmf2 = PMF([(0.7, 0), (0.2, 1), (0.1, 2)])
    kwargs = {
        'source_id': 'source_id',
        'name': 'source name',
        'tectonic_region_type': 'tectonic region',
        'data': [(rup1, pmf1), (rup2, pmf2)]
    npss = NonParametricSeismicSource(**kwargs)
    return npss, kwargs
Пример #3
def get_rup_array(ebruptures, srcfilter=nofilter):
    Convert a list of EBRuptures into a numpy composite array, by filtering
    out the ruptures far away from every site
    if not BaseRupture._code:
        BaseRupture.init()  # initialize rupture codes

    rups = []
    geoms = []
    nbytes = 0
    offset = 0
    for ebrupture in ebruptures:
        rup = ebrupture.rupture
        mesh = surface_to_array(rup.surface)
        sy, sz = mesh.shape[1:]  # sanity checks
        assert sy < TWO16, 'Too many multisurfaces: %d' % sy
        assert sz < TWO16, 'The rupture mesh spacing is too small'
        hypo = rup.hypocenter.x, rup.hypocenter.y, rup.hypocenter.z
        points = mesh.reshape(3, -1).T  # shape (n, 3)
        rec = numpy.zeros(1, rupture_dt)[0]
        rec['serial'] = rup.rup_id
        rec['minlon'] = minlon = points[:, 0].min()
        rec['minlat'] = minlat = points[:, 1].min()
        rec['maxlon'] = maxlon = points[:, 0].max()
        rec['maxlat'] = maxlat = points[:, 1].max()
        rec['mag'] = rup.mag
        rec['hypo'] = hypo

        if srcfilter.integration_distance and len(
                srcfilter.close_sids(rec, rup.tectonic_region_type)) == 0:
        rate = getattr(rup, 'occurrence_rate', numpy.nan)
        tup = (0, ebrupture.rup_id, ebrupture.srcidx, ebrupture.grp_id,
               rup.code, ebrupture.n_occ, rup.mag, rup.rake, rate, minlon,
               minlat, maxlon, maxlat, hypo, offset, offset + len(points), sy,
               sz, 0, 0)
        offset += len(points)
        geoms.append(numpy.array([tuple(p) for p in points], point3d))
        nbytes += rupture_dt.itemsize + mesh.nbytes
    if not rups:
        return ()
    dic = dict(geom=numpy.concatenate(geoms), nbytes=nbytes)
    # NB: PMFs for nonparametric ruptures are not saved since they
    # are useless for the GMF computation
    return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(rups, rupture_dt), dic)
Пример #4
def _create_rupture(distance, magnitude,
    # Return a rupture with a fixed geometry located at a given r_jb distance
    # from a site located at (0.0, 0.0).
    # parameter float distance:
    #    Joyner and Boore rupture-site distance
    # parameter float magnitude:
    #    Rupture magnitude

    # Find the point at a given distance
    lonp, latp = point_at(0.0, 0.0, 90., distance)
    mag = magnitude
    rake = 0.0
    tectonic_region_type = tectonic_region_type
    hypocenter = Point(lonp, latp, 2.5)
    surface = PlanarSurface.from_corner_points(
        Point(lonp, -1, 0.), Point(lonp, +1, 0.),
        Point(lonp, +1, 5.), Point(lonp, -1, 5.))
    surface = SimpleFaultSurface.from_fault_data(
        fault_trace=Line([Point(lonp, -1), Point(lonp, 1)]),
    # check effective rupture-site distance
    from openquake.hazardlib.geo.mesh import Mesh
    mesh = Mesh(numpy.array([0.0]), numpy.array([0.0]))
    assert abs(surface.get_joyner_boore_distance(mesh)-distance) < 1e-2
    return BaseRupture(mag, rake, tectonic_region_type, hypocenter,
                       surface, NonParametricSeismicSource)
Пример #5
def get_rup_array(ebruptures, srcfilter=nofilter):
    Convert a list of EBRuptures into a numpy composite array, by filtering
    out the ruptures far away from every site
    if not BaseRupture._code:
        BaseRupture.init()  # initialize rupture codes

    rups = []
    geoms = []
    nbytes = 0
    offset = 0
    for ebrupture in ebruptures:
        rup = ebrupture.rupture
        mesh = surface_to_array(rup.surface)
        sy, sz = mesh.shape[1:]  # sanity checks
        assert sy < TWO16, 'Too many multisurfaces: %d' % sy
        assert sz < TWO16, 'The rupture mesh spacing is too small'
        points = mesh.reshape(3, -1).T   # shape (n, 3)
        minlon = points[:, 0].min()
        minlat = points[:, 1].min()
        maxlon = points[:, 0].max()
        maxlat = points[:, 1].max()
        if srcfilter.integration_distance and len(srcfilter.close_sids(
                (minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat),
                rup.tectonic_region_type, rup.mag)) == 0:
        hypo = rup.hypocenter.x, rup.hypocenter.y, rup.hypocenter.z
        rate = getattr(rup, 'occurrence_rate', numpy.nan)
        tup = (ebrupture.serial, ebrupture.srcidx, ebrupture.grp_id,
               rup.code, ebrupture.n_occ, rup.mag, rup.rake, rate,
               minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat,
               hypo, offset, offset + len(points), sy, sz)
        offset += len(points)
        geoms.append(numpy.array([tuple(p) for p in points], point3d))
        nbytes += rupture_dt.itemsize + mesh.nbytes
    if not rups:
        return ()
    dic = dict(geom=numpy.concatenate(geoms), nbytes=nbytes)
    # TODO: PMFs for nonparametric ruptures are not converted
    return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(rups, rupture_dt), dic)
Пример #6
def get_source_ids(ebruptures, srcfilter):
    Save source_id given by source model and srcidx found in ebruptures
    :param ebruptures: list of EBRuptures objects
    if not BaseRupture._code:
        BaseRupture.init()  # initialize rupture codes

    srcs = []

    for ebrupture in ebruptures:
        rup = ebrupture.rupture
        mesh = surface_to_array(rup.surface)
        sy, sz = mesh.shape[1:]  # sanity checks
        assert sy < TWO16, 'Too many multisurfaces: %d' % sy
        assert sz < TWO16, 'The rupture mesh spacing is too small'
        hypo = rup.hypocenter.x, rup.hypocenter.y, rup.hypocenter.z
        points = mesh.reshape(3, -1).T  # shape (n, 3)
        rec = numpy.zeros(1, rupture_dt)[0]
        rec['minlon'] = points[:, 0].min()
        rec['minlat'] = points[:, 1].min()
        rec['maxlon'] = points[:, 0].max()
        rec['maxlat'] = points[:, 1].max()
        rec['mag'] = rup.mag
        rec['hypo'] = hypo

        if srcfilter.integration_distance and len(
                srcfilter.close_sids(rec, rup.tectonic_region_type)) == 0:
        tup = (ebrupture.source_id, ebrupture.srcidx, ebrupture.trt)

        #if tup not in srcs:

    if not srcs:
        return ()

    dic = {}

    return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(srcs, source_ids_dt), dic)
Пример #7
 def get_rupture(self, **kwargs):
     # Parameters
     if 'mag' in kwargs:
         mag = kwargs['mag']
         mag = 6.0
     if 'rake' in kwargs:
         rake = kwargs['rake']
         rake = 0
     if 'trt' in kwargs:
         trt = kwargs['trt']
         trt = 0
     # Get surface
     sfc, hyp = self.get_surface()
     # Create rupture
     rup = BaseRupture(mag, rake, trt, hyp, sfc)
     # Set attributes
     return rup
Пример #8
import logging
import unittest.mock as mock
import numpy
from openquake.baselib import hdf5, datastore, general
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import ContextMaker, FarAwayRupture
from openquake.hazardlib import calc, probability_map, stats
from openquake.hazardlib.source.rupture import (
    EBRupture, BaseRupture, events_dt, RuptureProxy)
from openquake.risklib.riskinput import rsi2str
from openquake.commonlib.calc import _gmvs_to_haz_curve

U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
by_taxonomy = operator.attrgetter('taxonomy')
code2cls = BaseRupture.init()

def build_stat_curve(poes, imtls, stat, weights):
    Build statistics by taking into account IMT-dependent weights
    assert len(poes) == len(weights), (len(poes), len(weights))
    L = len(imtls.array)
    array = numpy.zeros((L, 1))
    if isinstance(weights, list):  # IMT-dependent weights
        # this is slower since the arrays are shorter
        for imt in imtls:
            slc = imtls(imt)
            ws = [w[imt] for w in weights]
            if sum(ws) == 0:  # expect no data for this IMT
Пример #9
# in this way even on 32 bit machines Python will not have to convert
# the generated seed into a long integer

U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
I32 = numpy.int32
U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
U64 = numpy.uint64
F64 = numpy.float64

event_dt = numpy.dtype([('eid', U64), ('ses', U32), ('sample', U32)])

sids_dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=U32)

BaseRupture.init()  # initialize rupture codes

# ############## utilities for the classical calculator ############### #

def convert_to_array(pmap, nsites, imtls):
    Convert the probability map into a composite array with header
    of the form PGA-0.1, PGA-0.2 ...

    :param pmap: probability map
    :param nsites: total number of sites
    :param imtls: a DictArray with IMT and levels
    :returns: a composite array of lenght nsites
    lst = []
Пример #10
    def setUp(self):
        super(MakeContextsTestCase, self).setUp()
        self.site1_location = Point(1, 2)
        self.site2_location = Point(-2, -3)
        self.site1 = Site(vs30=456,
        self.site2 = Site(vs30=1456,
        min_distance = numpy.array([10, 11])
        rx_distance = numpy.array([4, 5])
        jb_distance = numpy.array([6, 7])
        ry0_distance = numpy.array([8, 9])
        azimuth = numpy.array([12, 34])
        top_edge_depth = 30
        width = 15
        strike = 60.123

        class FakeSurface(object):
            call_counts = collections.Counter()

            def get_azimuth(self, mesh):
                self.call_counts['get_azimuth'] += 1
                return azimuth

            def get_strike(self):
                self.call_counts['get_strike'] += 1
                return strike

            def get_dip(self):
                self.call_counts['get_dip'] += 1
                return 45.4545

            def get_min_distance(fake_surface, mesh):
                self.assertIsInstance(mesh, Mesh)
                [point1, point2] = mesh
                self.assertEqual(point1, self.site1_location)
                self.assertEqual(point2, self.site2_location)
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_min_distance'] += 1
                return min_distance

            def get_rx_distance(fake_surface, mesh):
                self.assertIsInstance(mesh, Mesh)
                [point1, point2] = mesh
                self.assertEqual(point1, self.site1_location)
                self.assertEqual(point2, self.site2_location)
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_rx_distance'] += 1
                return rx_distance

            def get_ry0_distance(fake_surface, mesh):
                self.assertIsInstance(mesh, Mesh)
                [point1, point2] = mesh
                self.assertEqual(point1, self.site1_location)
                self.assertEqual(point2, self.site2_location)
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_ry0_distance'] += 1
                return ry0_distance

            def get_joyner_boore_distance(fake_surface, mesh):
                self.assertIsInstance(mesh, Mesh)
                [point1, point2] = mesh
                self.assertEqual(point1, self.site1_location)
                self.assertEqual(point2, self.site2_location)
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_joyner_boore_distance'] += 1
                return jb_distance

            def get_top_edge_depth(fake_surface):
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_top_edge_depth'] += 1
                return top_edge_depth

            def get_width(fake_surface):
                fake_surface.call_counts['get_width'] += 1
                return width

        self.rupture_hypocenter = Point(2, 3, 40)
        self.rupture = BaseRupture(mag=123.45,
        self.fake_surface = FakeSurface
Пример #11
def get_rup_array(ebruptures, srcfilter=nofilter):
    Convert a list of EBRuptures into a numpy composite array, by filtering
    out the ruptures far away from every site
    if not BaseRupture._code:
        BaseRupture.init()  # initialize rupture codes

    rups = []
    geoms = []
    for ebrupture in ebruptures:
        rup = ebrupture.rupture
        arrays = surface_to_arrays(rup.surface)  # one array per surface
        points = []
        shapes = []
        for array in arrays:
            s0, s1, s2 = array.shape
            assert s0 == 3, s0
            assert s1 < TWO16, 'Too many lines'
            assert s2 < TWO16, 'The rupture mesh spacing is too small'
            # example of points: [25.0, 25.1, 25.1, 25.0,
            #                     -24.0, -24.0, -24.1, -24.1,
            #                      5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]
        points = F32(points)
        shapes = U32(shapes)
        hypo = rup.hypocenter.x, rup.hypocenter.y, rup.hypocenter.z
        rec = numpy.zeros(1, rupture_dt)[0]
        rec['seed'] = rup.rup_id
        n = len(points) // 3
        lons = points[0:n]
        lats = points[n:2 * n]
        rec['minlon'] = minlon = lons.min()
        rec['minlat'] = minlat = lats.min()
        rec['maxlon'] = maxlon = lons.max()
        rec['maxlat'] = maxlat = lats.max()
        rec['mag'] = rup.mag
        rec['hypo'] = hypo
        if srcfilter.integration_distance and len(
                srcfilter.close_sids(rec, rup.tectonic_region_type)) == 0:
        rate = getattr(rup, 'occurrence_rate', numpy.nan)
        tup = (0, ebrupture.rup_id, ebrupture.source_id, ebrupture.trt_smrlz,
               rup.code, ebrupture.n_occ, rup.mag, rup.rake, rate, minlon,
               minlat, maxlon, maxlat, hypo, 0, 0)
        # we are storing the geometries as arrays of 32 bit floating points;
        # the first element is the number of surfaces, then there are
        # 2 * num_surfaces integers describing the first and second
        # dimension of each surface, and then the lons, lats and deps of
        # the underlying meshes of points.
        geom = numpy.concatenate([[len(shapes) // 2], shapes, points])
    if not rups:
        return ()
    dic = dict(geom=numpy.array(geoms, object))
    # NB: PMFs for nonparametric ruptures are not saved since they
    # are useless for the GMF computation
    return hdf5.ArrayWrapper(numpy.array(rups, rupture_dt), dic)
Пример #12
from openquake.hazardlib import calc, probability_map

TWO16 = 2**16
MAX_INT = 2**31 - 1  # this is used in the random number generator
# in this way even on 32 bit machines Python will not have to convert
# the generated seed into a long integer

U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
I32 = numpy.int32
U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
U64 = numpy.uint64
F64 = numpy.float64


# ############## utilities for the classical calculator ############### #

def convert_to_array(pmap, nsites, imtls, inner_idx=0):
    Convert the probability map into a composite array with header
    of the form PGA-0.1, PGA-0.2 ...

    :param pmap: probability map
    :param nsites: total number of sites
    :param imtls: a DictArray with IMT and levels
    :returns: a composite array of lenght nsites
    lst = []
Пример #13
from openquake.hazardlib import calc, probability_map

TWO16 = 2 ** 16
MAX_INT = 2 ** 31 - 1  # this is used in the random number generator
# in this way even on 32 bit machines Python will not have to convert
# the generated seed into a long integer

U8 = numpy.uint8
U16 = numpy.uint16
I32 = numpy.int32
U32 = numpy.uint32
F32 = numpy.float32
U64 = numpy.uint64
F64 = numpy.float64


# ############## utilities for the classical calculator ############### #

def convert_to_array(pmap, nsites, imtls, inner_idx=0):
    Convert the probability map into a composite array with header
    of the form PGA-0.1, PGA-0.2 ...

    :param pmap: probability map
    :param nsites: total number of sites
    :param imtls: a DictArray with IMT and levels
    :returns: a composite array of lenght nsites
    lst = []