Пример #1
    def assoc_assets_sites(self, sitecol):
        :param sitecol: a sequence of sites
        :returns: a pair (filtered sites, asset collection)

        The new site collection is different from the original one
        if some assets were discarded or if there were missing assets
        for some sites.
        asset_hazard_distance = self.oqparam.asset_hazard_distance
        siteobjects = geo.utils.GeographicObjects(
            Site(sid, lon, lat)
            for sid, lon, lat in zip(sitecol.sids, sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats))
        assets_by_sid = general.AccumDict()
        for assets in self.assetcol.assets_by_site():
            if len(assets):
                lon, lat = assets[0].location
                site, distance = siteobjects.get_closest(lon, lat)
                if distance <= asset_hazard_distance:
                    # keep the assets, otherwise discard them
                    assets_by_sid += {site.sid: list(assets)}
        if not assets_by_sid:
            raise AssetSiteAssociationError(
                'Could not associate any site to any assets within the '
                'asset_hazard_distance of %s km' % asset_hazard_distance)
        mask = numpy.array([sid in assets_by_sid for sid in sitecol.sids])
        assets_by_site = [assets_by_sid.get(sid, []) for sid in sitecol.sids]
        return sitecol.filter(mask), asset.AssetCollection(
Пример #2
def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, haz_sitecol=None, cost_types=()):
    :param oqparam: calculation parameters
    :param haz_sitecol: the hazard site collection
    :param cost_types: the expected cost types
    :returns: (site collection, asset collection, discarded)
    global exposure
    asset_hazard_distance = oqparam.asset_hazard_distance['default']
    if exposure is None:
        # haz_sitecol not extracted from the exposure
        exposure = get_exposure(oqparam)
    if haz_sitecol is None:
        haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
    if oqparam.region_grid_spacing:
        haz_distance = oqparam.region_grid_spacing * 1.414
        if haz_distance != asset_hazard_distance:
            logging.info('Using asset_hazard_distance=%d km instead of %d km',
                         haz_distance, asset_hazard_distance)
        haz_distance = asset_hazard_distance

    if haz_sitecol.mesh != exposure.mesh:
        # associate the assets to the hazard sites
        sitecol, assets_by, discarded = geo.utils.assoc(
            exposure.assets_by_site, haz_sitecol, haz_distance, 'filter',
        assets_by_site = [[] for _ in sitecol.complete.sids]
        num_assets = 0
        for sid, assets in zip(sitecol.sids, assets_by):
            assets_by_site[sid] = assets
            num_assets += len(assets)
        logging.info('Associated %d assets to %d sites', num_assets,
        # asset sites and hazard sites are the same
        sitecol = haz_sitecol
        assets_by_site = exposure.assets_by_site
        discarded = []
        logging.info('Read %d sites and %d assets from the exposure',
                     len(sitecol), sum(len(a) for a in assets_by_site))
    assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(exposure, assets_by_site,
    if assetcol.occupancy_periods:
        missing = set(cost_types) - set(exposure.cost_types['name']) - set(
        missing = set(cost_types) - set(exposure.cost_types['name'])
    if missing and not oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('damage'):
        raise InvalidFile('The exposure %s is missing %s' %
                          (oqparam.inputs['exposure'], missing))
    if (not oqparam.hazard_calculation_id and 'gmfs' not in oqparam.inputs
            and 'hazard_curves' not in oqparam.inputs
            and sitecol is not sitecol.complete):
        # for predefined hazard you cannot reduce the site collection; instead
        # you can in other cases, typically with a grid which is mostly empty
        # (i.e. there are many hazard sites with no assets)
    return sitecol, assetcol, discarded
Пример #3
def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, haz_sitecol):
    :param oqparam: calculation parameters
    :param haz_sitecol: the hazard site collection
    :returns: (site collection, asset collection) instances
    global exposure
    if exposure is None:
        # haz_sitecol not extracted from the exposure
        exposure = get_exposure(oqparam)
    if oqparam.region_grid_spacing and not oqparam.region:
        # extract the hazard grid from the exposure
        exposure.mesh = exposure.mesh.get_convex_hull().dilate(
        haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
        haz_distance = oqparam.region_grid_spacing
        if haz_distance != oqparam.asset_hazard_distance:
            logging.info('Using asset_hazard_distance=%d km instead of %d km',
                         haz_distance, oqparam.asset_hazard_distance)
        haz_distance = oqparam.asset_hazard_distance

    if haz_sitecol.mesh != exposure.mesh:
        # associate the assets to the hazard sites
        tot_assets = sum(len(assets) for assets in exposure.assets_by_site)
        mode = 'strict' if oqparam.region_grid_spacing else 'filter'
        sitecol, assets_by = geo.utils.assoc(exposure.assets_by_site,
                                             haz_sitecol, haz_distance, mode)
        assets_by_site = [[] for _ in sitecol.complete.sids]
        num_assets = 0
        for sid, assets in zip(sitecol.sids, assets_by):
            assets_by_site[sid] = assets
            num_assets += len(assets)
        logging.info('Associated %d assets to %d sites', num_assets,
        if num_assets < tot_assets:
                'Discarded %d assets outside the '
                'asset_hazard_distance of %d km', tot_assets - num_assets,
        # asset sites and hazard sites are the same
        sitecol = haz_sitecol
        assets_by_site = exposure.assets_by_site

    asset_refs = [
        exposure.asset_refs[asset.ordinal] for assets in assets_by_site
        for asset in assets
    assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(asset_refs, assets_by_site,
                                     exposure.tagcol, exposure.cost_calculator,

    return sitecol, assetcol
Пример #4
 def read_exposure(self, haz_sitecol=None):
     Read the exposure, the riskmodel and update the attributes .exposure,
     .sitecol, .assetcol
     logging.info('Reading the exposure')
     with self.monitor('reading exposure', autoflush=True):
         self.exposure = readinput.get_exposure(self.oqparam)
         mesh, assets_by_site = (readinput.get_mesh_assets_by_site(
             self.oqparam, self.exposure))
     if haz_sitecol:
         tot_assets = sum(len(assets) for assets in assets_by_site)
         all_sids = haz_sitecol.complete.sids
         sids = set(haz_sitecol.sids)
         # associate the assets to the hazard sites
         asset_hazard_distance = self.oqparam.asset_hazard_distance
         siteobjects = geo.utils.GeographicObjects(
             Site(sid, lon, lat) for sid, lon, lat in zip(
                 haz_sitecol.sids, haz_sitecol.lons, haz_sitecol.lats))
         assets_by_sid = general.AccumDict(accum=[])
         for assets in assets_by_site:
             if len(assets):
                 lon, lat = assets[0].location
                 site, distance = siteobjects.get_closest(lon, lat)
                 if site.sid in sids and distance <= asset_hazard_distance:
                     # keep the assets, otherwise discard them
                     assets_by_sid += {site.sid: list(assets)}
         if not assets_by_sid:
             raise AssetSiteAssociationError(
                 'Could not associate any site to any assets within the '
                 'asset_hazard_distance of %s km' % asset_hazard_distance)
         mask = numpy.array([sid in assets_by_sid for sid in all_sids])
         assets_by_site = [assets_by_sid[sid] for sid in all_sids]
         num_assets = sum(len(assets) for assets in assets_by_site)
         logging.info('Associated %d/%d assets to the hazard sites',
                      num_assets, tot_assets)
         self.sitecol = haz_sitecol.complete.filter(mask)
     else:  # use the exposure sites as hazard sites
         self.sitecol = readinput.get_site_collection(self.oqparam, mesh)
     self.assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(
     logging.info('Considering %d assets on %d sites', len(self.assetcol),
Пример #5
def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, exposure):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
        the site collection and the asset collection
    assets_by_loc = groupby(exposure.assets, key=lambda a: a.location)
    lons, lats = zip(*sorted(assets_by_loc))
    mesh = geo.Mesh(numpy.array(lons), numpy.array(lats))
    sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh)
    assets_by_site = []
    for lonlat in zip(sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats):
        assets = assets_by_loc[lonlat]
        assets_by_site.append(sorted(assets, key=operator.attrgetter('idx')))
    assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(
        assets_by_site, exposure.assets_by_tag, exposure.cost_calculator,
        oqparam.time_event, time_events=hdf5.array_of_vstr(
    return sitecol, assetcol
Пример #6
def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, haz_sitecol=None, cost_types=()):
    :param oqparam: calculation parameters
    :param haz_sitecol: the hazard site collection
    :param cost_types: the expected cost types
    :returns: (site collection, asset collection) instances
    global exposure
    if exposure is None:
        # haz_sitecol not extracted from the exposure
        exposure = get_exposure(oqparam)
    if haz_sitecol is None:
        haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
    missing = set(cost_types) - set(exposure.cost_types['name']) - set(
        ['occupants'])  # TODO: remove occupants and fragility special cases
    if missing and not oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('damage'):
        expo = oqparam.inputs.get('exposure', '')
        raise InvalidFile(
            'Expected cost types %s but the exposure %r contains %s' %
            (cost_types, expo, exposure.cost_types['name']))
    if oqparam.region_grid_spacing and not oqparam.region:
        # extract the hazard grid from the exposure
        poly = exposure.mesh.get_convex_hull()
        mesh = poly.dilate(oqparam.region_grid_spacing).discretize(
        if len(mesh) > len(haz_sitecol):
            raise LargeExposureGrid(mesh, haz_sitecol.mesh,
        haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh)  # redefine
        haz_distance = oqparam.region_grid_spacing
        if haz_distance != oqparam.asset_hazard_distance:
            logging.info('Using asset_hazard_distance=%d km instead of %d km',
                         haz_distance, oqparam.asset_hazard_distance)
        haz_distance = oqparam.asset_hazard_distance

    if haz_sitecol.mesh != exposure.mesh:
        # associate the assets to the hazard sites
        tot_assets = sum(len(assets) for assets in exposure.assets_by_site)
        mode = 'strict' if oqparam.region_grid_spacing else 'filter'
        sitecol, assets_by = geo.utils.assoc(exposure.assets_by_site,
                                             haz_sitecol, haz_distance, mode)
        assets_by_site = [[] for _ in sitecol.complete.sids]
        num_assets = 0
        for sid, assets in zip(sitecol.sids, assets_by):
            assets_by_site[sid] = assets
            num_assets += len(assets)
        logging.info('Associated %d assets to %d sites', num_assets,
        if num_assets < tot_assets:
                'Discarded %d assets outside the '
                'asset_hazard_distance of %d km', tot_assets - num_assets,
        # asset sites and hazard sites are the same
        sitecol = haz_sitecol
        assets_by_site = exposure.assets_by_site

    asset_refs = numpy.array([
        exposure.asset_refs[asset.ordinal] for assets in assets_by_site
        for asset in assets
    assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(asset_refs, assets_by_site,
                                     exposure.tagcol, exposure.cost_calculator,

    return sitecol, assetcol
Пример #7
def get_sitecol_assetcol(oqparam, haz_sitecol=None, cost_types=()):
    :param oqparam: calculation parameters
    :param haz_sitecol: the hazard site collection
    :param cost_types: the expected cost types
    :returns: (site collection, asset collection) instances
    global exposure
    if exposure is None:
        # haz_sitecol not extracted from the exposure
        exposure = get_exposure(oqparam)
    if haz_sitecol is None:
        haz_sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
    missing = set(cost_types) - set(exposure.cost_types['name']) - set(
        ['occupants'])  # TODO: remove occupants and fragility special cases
    if missing and not oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('damage'):
        expo = oqparam.inputs.get('exposure', '')
        raise InvalidFile(
            'Expected cost types %s but the exposure %r contains %s' %
            (cost_types, expo, exposure.cost_types['name']))
    if oqparam.region_grid_spacing:
        haz_distance = oqparam.region_grid_spacing
        if haz_distance != oqparam.asset_hazard_distance:
            logging.info('Using asset_hazard_distance=%d km instead of %d km',
                         haz_distance, oqparam.asset_hazard_distance)
        haz_distance = oqparam.asset_hazard_distance

    if haz_sitecol.mesh != exposure.mesh:
        # associate the assets to the hazard sites
        tot_assets = sum(len(assets) for assets in exposure.assets_by_site)
        mode = 'filter' if oqparam.region_grid_spacing else 'warn'
        sitecol, assets_by, discarded = geo.utils.assoc(
            exposure.assets_by_site, haz_sitecol, haz_distance, mode)
        if oqparam.region_grid_spacing:  # it is normal to discard sites
            discarded = []
        assets_by_site = [[] for _ in sitecol.complete.sids]
        num_assets = 0
        for sid, assets in zip(sitecol.sids, assets_by):
            assets_by_site[sid] = assets
            num_assets += len(assets)
        logging.info('Associated %d assets to %d sites', num_assets,
        if num_assets < tot_assets:
                'Discarded %d assets outside the '
                'asset_hazard_distance of %d km', tot_assets - num_assets,
        # asset sites and hazard sites are the same
        sitecol = haz_sitecol
        assets_by_site = exposure.assets_by_site
        discarded = []

    asset_refs = numpy.array([
        exposure.asset_refs[asset.ordinal] for assets in assets_by_site
        for asset in assets
    assetcol = asset.AssetCollection(asset_refs, assets_by_site,
                                     exposure.tagcol, exposure.cost_calculator,
    if (not oqparam.hazard_calculation_id and 'gmfs' not in oqparam.inputs
            and 'hazard_curves' not in oqparam.inputs):
        # TODO: think if we should remove this in presence of GMF-correlation
        assetcol = assetcol.reduce_also(sitecol)
    return sitecol, assetcol, discarded