def RunPushoverAnalysis(Px,Py): # create TimeSeries op.timeSeries("Linear", 1) # create a plain load pattern op.pattern("Plain", 1, 1) # Create the nodal load - command: load nodeID xForce yForce op.load(4, Px, Py, 0.) # create SOE op.system("BandSPD") # create DOF number op.numberer("RCM") # create constraint handler op.constraints("Plain") # create integrator op.integrator("LoadControl", 1.0) # create algorithm op.algorithm("Newton") # create analysis object op.analysis("Static") # perform the analysis op.initialize() ok = op.analyze(1)
def PointLoad_analysis(Nnodes, P, tol, max_iter): tsTag = 10 ops.timeSeries('Linear', tsTag) pattTag = 10 ops.pattern('Plain', pattTag, tsTag) ops.load(Nnodes, *P) ########################################################################## ops.constraints('Plain') ops.numberer('RCM') ops.system('BandGeneral') ops.test('NormUnbalance', tol, max_iter) ops.algorithm('Newton') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 1) ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(1) ########################################################################## ops.wipe()
def ops_cyclic(): ops.remove('recorders') ops.wipeAnalysis() ops.loadConst('-time', 0.0) # set hysteresis ops.recorder('Node', '-file', f'output\\cyclic_81_disp_{argv[0]}.out', '-time', '-node', 81, '-dof', 1, 'disp') ops.recorder('Node', '-file', f'output\\cyclic_81_rea_{argv[0]}.out', '-time', '-nodeRange', 1, 8, '-dof', 1, 'reaction') # ops.timeSeries("Path", 2, '-dt', 0.1, '-filePath', 'disp.txt') ops.timeSeries('Linear', 2) ops.pattern('Plain', 2, 2) # ops.sp(81, 1, 1) ops.load(81, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # ops.constraints('Penalty', 1e20, 1e20) # ops.numberer('RCM') # ops.system('BandGeneral') # ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1e-4, 1e6, 2) # ops.algorithm('KrylovNewton') # ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.1) # ops.analysis('Static') # # ops.analyze(12961) # with open('disp.txt', 'r') as f: # i = 1 # lines = f.readlines() # count = len(lines) # for line in lines: # # 'position = {} line = {} and {:3%}'.format(line[:-1], i, i/count)) # ops.analyze(1) # i = i + 1 CyclicDisplace(1e-3, 80, 1e-3, 81, 1, 1e-6, 1e6)
def PDelta_analysis(Nnodes, P, steps, tol, max_iter): tsTag = 1 ops.timeSeries('Linear', tsTag) pattTag = 1 ops.pattern('Plain', pattTag, tsTag) ops.load(Nnodes, *P) ########################################################################## ops.constraints('Plain') ops.numberer('RCM') ops.system('BandGeneral') ops.test('NormUnbalance', tol, max_iter) ops.algorithm('Newton') temp = 1 / steps ops.integrator('LoadControl', temp) ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(steps) ########################################################################## opsplt.plot_model('nodes') ########################################################################## ops.wipe()
def analysis(P, du, steps, tol, max_iter): tsTag = 1 ops.timeSeries('Linear', tsTag) pattTag = 1 ops.pattern('Plain', pattTag, tsTag) ops.load(2, *P) ########################################################################## ops.constraints('Plain') ops.numberer('RCM') ops.system('BandGeneral') ops.test('NormUnbalance', tol, max_iter) ops.algorithm('Newton') ops.integrator('DisplacementControl', 2, 2, du, max_iter) ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(steps) ########################################################################## opsplt.plot_model() ########################################################################## ops.wipe()
def run(arg_1, arg_2, arg_3, arg_4): ops.reset() ops.wipe() ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 3, '-ndf', 6) ops.node(1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ops.node(2, 0.0, 3.2, 0.0) ops.fix(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) ops.uniaxialMaterial('Concrete01', 1, -80.0e6, -0.002, 0.0, -0.005) ops.section('Fiber', 1, '-GJ', 1) ops.patch('rect', 1, 10, 10, -0.8, -0.1, 0.8, 0.1) ops.geomTransf('Linear', 1, 0, 0, 1) ops.beamIntegration('Legendre', 1, 1, 10) ops.element('dispBeamColumn', 1, 1, 2, 1, 1) ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(2, 0, -24586.24, 0, 0, 0, 0) ops.constraints('Plain') ops.numberer('RCM') ops.system('UmfPack') ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1.0e-6, 2000) ops.algorithm('Newton') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.01) ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(100) ops.wipeAnalysis() ops.loadConst('-time', 0.0) ops.recorder('Node', '-file', 'disp.out', ' -time', '-node', 2, '-dof', 1, 'disp') ops.recorder('Node', '-file', 'react.out', '-time ', '-node', 2, '-dof', 1, 'reaction') ops.timeSeries('Linear', 2) ops.pattern('Plain', 2, 2) ops.load(2, 11500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ops.constraints('Plain') ops.numberer('RCM') ops.system('UmfPack') ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1.0, 2000) ops.algorithm('Newton') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.01) ops.analysis('Static') # ops.analyze(100) step = 100 data = np.zeros((step, 2)) for i in range(step): ops.analyze(1) data[i, 0] = ops.nodeDisp(2, 1) data[i, 1] = ops.getLoadFactor(2) * 11500 return data
def material_response(self, material, demand): """ Calculate the response of a material to a given load history. Parameters ---------- material: Material The material object to analyze. demand: DemandProtocol The load history the material shall be exposed to. Returns ------- response: DataFrame The DataFrame includes columns for strain (eps) and stress (sig). """ # initialize the analysis self._initialize() # define the structure struct = SDOF(Truss(material, l_tot=1., A_cs=1.)) struct.create_FEM(damping=False) id_ctrl_node = struct.ctrl_node load_dir = 1 # define the loading ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) if self.ndf == 1 and self.ndm == 1: ops.load(id_ctrl_node, 1.) # configure the analysis ops.constraints('Plain') ops.numberer('RCM') ops.system('UmfPack') ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1e-10, 100) ops.algorithm('NewtonLineSearch', '-maxIter', 100) # initialize the arrays for results result_size = demand.length response = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((result_size + 1, 2)), columns=['eps', 'sig']) # perform the analysis for i, disp_incr in enumerate(demand.increments): ops.integrator('DisplacementControl', id_ctrl_node, load_dir, disp_incr) ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(1) response.loc[i + 1, 'eps'] = ops.nodeDisp(id_ctrl_node, load_dir) # response.loc[i+1, 'sig'] = ops.eleResponse(1, 'axialForce')[0] #![4] response.loc[i + 1, 'sig'] = ops.eleResponse(1, 'axialForce') #![4] return response
def ops_cyclic(): ops.remove('recorders') ops.wipeAnalysis() ops.loadConst('-time', 0.0) # set hysteresis ops.recorder('Node', '-file', 'output\\cyclic_657.out', '-time', '-node', 651, '-dof', 1, 'disp') ops.pattern('Plain', 2, 1) ops.load(651, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) CyclicDisplace(1e-3, 80, 1e-3, 651, 1, 1, 1e6)
def run_analysis(): # build the model ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 2) ops.node(1, 0, 0) ops.node(2, 4000, 0) ops.node(3, 8000, 0) ops.node(4, 12000, 0) ops.node(5, 4000, 4000) ops.node(6, 8000, 4000) ops.fix(1, 1, 1) ops.fix(4, 0, 1) ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1, E) ops.element('truss', 1, 1, 2, Ao, 1) ops.element('truss', 2, 2, 3, Ao, 1) ops.element('truss', 3, 3, 4, Ao, 1) ops.element('truss', 4, 1, 5, Au, 1) ops.element('truss', 5, 5, 6, Au, 1) ops.element('truss', 6, 6, 4, Au, 1) ops.element('truss', 7, 2, 5, Ao, 1) ops.element('truss', 8, 3, 6, Ao, 1) ops.element('truss', 9, 5, 3, Ao, 1) ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(2, 0, -P) ops.load(3, 0, -P) # build and perform the analysis ops.algorithm('Linear') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 1.0) ops.system('ProfileSPD') ops.numberer('RCM') ops.constraints('Plain') ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(1) node_disp = [[ops.nodeDisp(node_i, dof_j) for dof_j in [1, 2]] for node_i in range(1, 7)] return node_disp
def define_loads(self, loads): ''' Apply loads (all loads are in N) Args: loads: A list of point loads in a form [node, Px, Py, Pz]. ''' if self.nodes == None: raise Exception('No geometry is defined.') self.loads = loads ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) for ld in self.loads: ops.load(*ld)
def MomentCurvature(secTag, axialLoad, maxK, numIncr=100): # Define two nodes at (0,0) ops.node(1, 0.0, 0.0) ops.node(2, 0.0, 0.0) # Fix all degrees of freedom except axial and bending ops.fix(1, 1, 1, 1) ops.fix(2, 0, 1, 0) # Define element # tag ndI ndJ secTag ops.element('zeroLengthSection', 1, 1, 2, secTag) # Define constant axial load ops.timeSeries('Constant', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(2, axialLoad, 0.0, 0.0) # Define analysis parameters ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.0) ops.system('SparseGeneral', '-piv') ops.test('NormUnbalance', 1e-9, 10) ops.numberer('Plain') ops.constraints('Plain') ops.algorithm('Newton') ops.analysis('Static') # Do one analysis for constant axial load ops.analyze(1) # Define reference moment ops.timeSeries('Linear', 2) ops.pattern('Plain', 2, 2) ops.load(2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) # Compute curvature increment dK = maxK / numIncr # Use displacement control at node 2 for section analysis ops.integrator('DisplacementControl', 2, 3, dK, 1, dK, dK) # Do the section analysis ops.analyze(numIncr)
def ops_gravity(): ops.recorder('Node', '-file', 'output\\gravity_disp.out', '-nodeRange', 651, 663, '-time', '-dof', 3, 'disp') ops.recorder('Node', '-file', 'output\\gravity_reaction.out', '-nodeRange', 651, 663, '-time', '-dof', 3, 'reaction') ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) load: float = [0, 0, (gravity_load + dead_load) / 13, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(651, 664): ops.load(i, *load) ops.constraints('Plain') ops.numberer('Plain') ops.system('BandGen') ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1.0, 1000) ops.algorithm('Newton') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.01) ops.analysis('Static') ok = ops.analyze(100)"gravity analyze result is %s", ok == 0)
def load_create(): ''' create load ''' ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(13, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, -1.000E+005) ops.load(14, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, -1.000E+005) ops.load(15, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, -1.000E+005) ops.load(16, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, -1.000E+005)"load create")
def PushoverDcF(Nsteps): ControlNode = 4 ControlNodeDof = 1 dForce = 1.*kN du = 0.00001*m # Define time series # timeSeries('Constant', tag, '-factor', factor=1.0) op.timeSeries('Constant',1) op.timeSeries('Linear', 2) # define loads op.pattern('Plain',1 , 2) op.load(ControlNode, dForce, 0., 0.) # Define Analysis Options # create SOE op.system("BandGeneral") # create DOF number op.numberer("Plain") # create constraint handler op.constraints("Transformation") # create integrator op.integrator("DisplacementControl", ControlNode, ControlNodeDof, du) # create algorithm op.algorithm("Newton") # create analysis object op.analysis("Static") # Create Test op.test('NormDispIncr', 1.*10**-11, 50) # Run Analysis op.record() ok = op.analyze(Nsteps)
def add_nodal_loads(loads_df): # create TimeSeries op.timeSeries('Linear', 1) # create a plain load pattern op.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) # apply loads to the mdoel in opensees loads_df.apply(lambda row: op.load(*row[ ['UniqueName', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3']].tolist()), axis='columns') return
def dead_load(): ''' dead load ''' ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(31, 1.197E-012, 1.955E+004, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000) ops.load(32, 2.237E-012, 3.653E+004, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000) ops.load(33, 1.991E-012, 3.252E+004, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000) ops.load(34, 2.107E-012, 3.442E+004, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000)"load create")
def get_pile_m(pile_z0=0, pile_z1=-30, pile_d=2, m0=7.5, pile_f=0, pile_m=0): pile_h = pile_z0 - pile_z1 pile_a = np.pi * (pile_d / 2) ** 2 pile_i = np.pi * pile_d ** 4 / 64 pile_b1 = 0.9 * (1.5 + 0.5 / pile_d) * 1 * pile_d # 建立模型 ops.wipe() ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3) # 建立节点 node_z = np.linspace(pile_z0, pile_z1, elem_num + 1) for i, j in enumerate(node_z): ops.node(i + 1, 0, j) ops.node(i + 201, 0, j) # 约束 for i in range(len(node_z)): ops.fix(i + 1, 0, 1, 0) ops.fix(i + 201, 1, 1, 1) # 建立材料 ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1, 3e4) for i in range(len(node_z)): pile_depth = i * (pile_h / elem_num) pile_depth_nominal = 10 if pile_depth <= 10 else pile_depth soil_k = m0 * pile_depth_nominal * pile_b1 * (pile_h / elem_num) if i == 0: ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 100 + i, soil_k / 2) continue ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 100 + i, soil_k) # 装配 ops.geomTransf('Linear', 1) # 建立单元 for i in range(elem_num): ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', i + 1, i + 1, i + 2, pile_a, 3e10, pile_i, 1) # 建立弹簧 for i in range(len(node_z)): ops.element('zeroLength', i + 201, i + 1, i + 201, '-mat', 100 + i, '-dir', 1) ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(1, pile_f, 0, pile_m) ops.system('BandGeneral') ops.numberer('Plain') ops.constraints('Plain') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.01) ops.test('EnergyIncr', 1e-6, 200) ops.algorithm('Newton') ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(100) # 绘制位移图 node_disp = [] for i in range(101): node_disp.append(ops.nodeDisp(i + 1)) node_disp = np.array(node_disp) * 1000 plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) for i, j in enumerate(node_z): if abs(node_disp[:, 0][i]) > max(abs(node_disp[:, 0])) / 50: if i == 0: plt.plot([0, node_disp[:, 0][i]], [j, j], linewidth=1.5, color='grey') else: plt.plot([0, node_disp[:, 0][i]], [j, j], linewidth=0.7, color='grey') if abs(node_disp[:, 0][i]) == max(abs(node_disp[:, 0])): plt.annotate(f'{node_disp[:, 0][i]:.1f} mm', xy=(node_disp[:, 0][i], j), xytext=(0.3, 0.5), textcoords='axes fraction', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle="arc3,rad=-0.3")) plt.plot([0, 0], [node_z[0], node_z[-1]], linewidth=1.5, color='dimgray') plt.plot(node_disp[:, 0], node_z, linewidth=1.5, color='midnightblue') plt.xlabel('Displacement(mm)') plt.ylabel('Pile Depth(m)') # 绘制弯矩图 elem_m = [] for i in range(100): elem_m.append(ops.eleForce(i + 1)) elem_m = np.array(elem_m) / 1000 plt.subplot(122) for i, j in enumerate(node_z[:-1]): if abs(elem_m[:, 2][i]) > max(abs(elem_m[:, 2])) / 50: if i == 0: plt.plot([0, elem_m[:, 2][i]], [j, j], linewidth=1.5, color='grey') else: plt.plot([0, elem_m[:, 2][i]], [j, j], linewidth=0.7, color='grey') if abs(elem_m[:, 2][i]) == max(abs(elem_m[:, 2])): plt.annotate(f'{elem_m[:, 2][i]:.1f} kN.m', xy=(elem_m[:, 2][i], j), xytext=(0.5, 0.5), textcoords='axes fraction', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.3")) plt.plot([0, 0], [node_z[0], node_z[-1]], linewidth=1.5, color='dimgray') plt.plot(elem_m[:, 2], node_z[:-1], linewidth=1.5, color='brown') plt.xlabel('Moment(kN.m)') # plt.ylabel('Pile Depth(m)') return abs(max(elem_m[:, 2]))
def get_multi_pile_m( pile_layout, cap_edge=0, cap_thickness=2, pile_z0=-2.5, pile_z1=-30, pile_d=2, m0=7500000, top_f=0.0, top_h=0.0, top_m=0.0 ): if cap_edge == 0: if pile_d <= 1: cap_edge = max(0.25, 0.5 * pile_d) else: cap_edge = max(0.5, 0.3 * pile_d) cap_w = max(pile_layout[0]) - min(pile_layout[0]) + pile_d + cap_edge * 2 cap_l = max(pile_layout[1]) - min(pile_layout[1]) + pile_d + cap_edge * 2 top_f += cap_w * cap_l * cap_thickness * 26e3 # 承台自重 top_f += (cap_w * cap_l) * (-pile_z0 - cap_thickness) * 15e3 # 盖梁重量 pile_rows = len(pile_layout[1]) # 桩排数 top_f /= pile_rows # 桩顶力分配 top_h /= pile_rows # 桩顶水平力分配 top_m /= pile_rows # 桩顶弯矩分配 cap_i = cap_l * cap_thickness ** 3 / 12 / pile_rows # 承台横向刚度 pile_h = pile_z0 - pile_z1 pile_a = np.pi * (pile_d / 2) ** 2 pile_i = np.pi * pile_d ** 4 / 64 pile_b1 = 0.9 * (1.5 + 0.5 / pile_d) * 1 * pile_d # 建立模型 ops.wipe() ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3) # 建立节点 cap_bot = pile_z0 # ops.node(1, 0, cap_top) # 承台竖向节点 if 0 not in pile_layout[0]: ops.node(2, 0, cap_bot) # 建立桩基节点 node_z = np.linspace(pile_z0, pile_z1, elem_num + 1) for i, j in enumerate(pile_layout[0]): node_start = 100 + i * 300 for m, n in enumerate(node_z): ops.node(node_start + m + 1, j, n) ops.node(node_start + m + 151, j, n) nodes = {} for i in ops.getNodeTags(): nodes[i] = ops.nodeCoord(i) # 建立约束 for i, j in enumerate(pile_layout[0]): node_start = 100 + i * 300 for m, n in enumerate(node_z): ops.fix(node_start + m + 151, 1, 1, 1) if n == node_z[-1]: ops.fix(node_start + m + 1, 1, 1, 1) # 建立材料 for i in range(len(node_z)): pile_depth = i * (pile_h / elem_num) pile_depth_nominal = 10 if pile_depth <= 10 else pile_depth soil_k = m0 * pile_depth_nominal * pile_b1 * (pile_h / elem_num) if i == 0: ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1 + i, soil_k / 2) continue ops.uniaxialMaterial('Elastic', 1 + i, soil_k) # 装配 ops.geomTransf('Linear', 1) # 建立单元 if len(pile_layout[0]) > 1: # 承台横向单元 cap_nodes = [] for i in nodes: if nodes[i][1] == cap_bot: if len(cap_nodes) == 0: cap_nodes.append(i) elif nodes[i][0] != nodes[cap_nodes[-1]][0]: cap_nodes.append(i) cap_nodes = sorted(cap_nodes, key=lambda x: nodes[x][0]) for i, j in enumerate(cap_nodes[:-1]): ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', 10 + i, j, cap_nodes[i+1], cap_l * cap_thickness, 3e10, cap_i, 1) pile_elem = [] for i, j in enumerate(pile_layout[0]): # 桩基单元 node_start = 100 + i * 300 pile_elem_i = [] for m, n in enumerate(node_z): if n != pile_z1: ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', node_start + m + 1, node_start + m + 1, node_start + m + 2, pile_a, 3e10, pile_i, 1) pile_elem_i.append(node_start + m + 1) ops.element('zeroLength', node_start + m + 151, node_start + m + 151, node_start + m + 1, '-mat', 1 + m, '-dir', 1) pile_elem.append(pile_elem_i) ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) for i in nodes: if nodes[i] == [0, pile_z0]: ops.load(i, -top_h, -top_f, top_m) # 加载 ops.system('BandGeneral') ops.numberer('Plain') ops.constraints('Plain') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 0.01) ops.test('EnergyIncr', 1e-6, 200) ops.algorithm('Newton') ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(100) node_disp = {} for i in ops.getNodeTags(): node_disp[i] = [j * 1000 for j in ops.nodeDisp(i)] elem_m = {} for i in pile_elem: for j in i: elem_m[j] = [k / 1000 for k in ops.eleForce(j)] plt.figure() for i, j in enumerate(pile_elem): plt.subplot(f'1{len(pile_elem)}{i+1}') if i == 0: plt.ylabel('Pile Depth(m)') node_disp_x = [] for m, n in enumerate(j): node_1 = ops.eleNodes(n)[0] if m == 0: plt.plot([0, node_disp[node_1][0]], [nodes[node_1][1], nodes[node_1][1]], linewidth=1.5, color='grey') else: plt.plot([0, node_disp[node_1][0]], [nodes[node_1][1], nodes[node_1][1]], linewidth=0.7, color='grey') node_disp_x.append(node_disp[node_1][0]) for m, n in enumerate(j): node_1 = ops.eleNodes(n)[0] if abs(node_disp[node_1][0]) == max([abs(i) for i in node_disp_x]): side = 1 if node_disp[node_1][0] > 0 else -1 plt.annotate(f'{node_disp[node_1][0]:.1f} mm', xy=(node_disp[node_1][0], nodes[node_1][1]), xytext=(0.4 + 0.1 * side, 0.5), textcoords='axes fraction', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={side * 0.3}")) break plt.plot([0, 0], [node_z[0], node_z[-1]], linewidth=1.5, color='dimgray') plt.plot(node_disp_x, node_z[:-1], linewidth=1.5, color='midnightblue') plt.xlabel(f'Displacement_{i+1} (mm)') plt.figure() for i, j in enumerate(pile_elem): plt.subplot(f'1{len(pile_elem)}{i + 1}') if i == 0: plt.ylabel('Pile Depth(m)') elem_mi = [] for m, n in enumerate(j): node_1 = ops.eleNodes(n)[0] if m == 0: plt.plot([0, elem_m[n][2]], [nodes[node_1][1], nodes[node_1][1]], linewidth=1.5, color='grey') else: plt.plot([0, elem_m[n][2]], [nodes[node_1][1], nodes[node_1][1]], linewidth=0.7, color='grey') elem_mi.append(elem_m[n][2]) for m, n in enumerate(j): node_1 = ops.eleNodes(n)[0] if abs(elem_m[n][2]) == max([abs(i) for i in elem_mi]): side = 1 if elem_m[n][2] > 0 else -1 plt.annotate(f'{elem_m[n][2]:.1f} kN.m', xy=(elem_m[n][2], nodes[node_1][1]), xytext=(0.4 + 0.1 * side, 0.5), textcoords='axes fraction', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad={side * 0.3}")) break plt.plot([0, 0], [node_z[0], node_z[-1]], linewidth=1.5, color='dimgray') plt.plot(elem_mi, node_z[:-1], linewidth=1.5, color='brown') plt.xlabel(f'Moment_{i + 1} (kN.m)') return pile_elem, elem_m
'-dof', 1, 2, 3, 'disp') op.recorder('Node', '-file', 'Data-3-inelastic/DBase.out', '-time', '-node', 1, '-dof', 1, 2, 3, 'disp') op.recorder('Node', '-file', 'Data-3-inelastic/RBase.out', '-time', '-node', 1, '-dof', 1, 2, 3, 'reaction') #op.recorder('Drift', '-file', 'Data-3-inelastic/Drift.out','-time', '-node', 1, '-dof', 1,2,3, 'disp') op.recorder('Element', '-file', 'Data-3-inelastic/FCol.out', '-time', '-ele', 1, 'globalForce') op.recorder('Element', '-file', 'Data-3-inelastic/ForceColSec1.out', '-time', '-ele', 1, 'section', 1, 'force') #op.recorder('Element', '-file', 'Data-3-inelastic/DCol.out','-time', '-ele', 1, 'deformations') #defining gravity loads op.timeSeries('Linear', 1) op.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) op.load(2, 0.0, -PCol, 0.0) Tol = 1e-8 # convergence tolerance for test NstepGravity = 10 DGravity = 1 / NstepGravity op.integrator('LoadControl', DGravity) # determine the next time step for an analysis op.numberer( 'Plain' ) # renumber dof's to minimize band-width (optimization), if you want to op.system('BandGeneral' ) # how to store and solve the system of equations in the analysis op.constraints('Plain') # how it handles boundary conditions op.test( 'NormDispIncr', Tol, 6 ) # determine if convergence has been achieved at the end of an iteration step
ops.block3D(nx, ny, nz, 1, 1, Brick, 1, 1, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5, -1.0, -1.0, 10.0, 6, 1.0, -1.0, 10.0, 7, 1.0, 1.0, 10.0, 8, -1.0, 1.0, 10.0) # boundary conditions ops.fixZ(0.0, 1, 1, 1) # Assign mass AllNodes = getNodeTags() massX = 0.49 for nodes in AllNodes: mass(nodes, massX, massX, massX, 0.00001, 0.00001, 0.00001) # Define point load # create a Linear time series ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1) # create a Plain load pattern load = 0.10 ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1, "-fact", 1.0) ops.load(nn, load, load, 0.0) ########## TEST PLOTTING plot_model(node, element) plot_modeshape(1, 20) # ----------------------- # End of model generation # -----------------------
ops.element('quad', 16, 19, 24, 25, 20, 1, 'PlaneStress', 1) ops.fix(1, 1, 1) ops.fix(6, 1, 1) ops.fix(11, 1, 1) ops.fix(16, 1, 1) ops.fix(21, 1, 1) ops.equalDOF(2, 22, 1, 2) ops.equalDOF(3, 23, 1, 2) ops.equalDOF(4, 24, 1, 2) ops.equalDOF(5, 25, 1, 2) ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(15, 0., -1.) ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(1) # - plot model plt.figure() opsv.plot_model() plt.axis('equal') # - plot deformation plt.figure() opsv.plot_defo() # opsv.plot_defo(sfac, unDefoFlag=1, fmt_undefo='g:') plt.axis('equal')
def analisis_opensees(path, permutaciones): #helper, #win ops.wipe() # bucle para generar los x análisis for i in range(len(permutaciones)): perfil = str(permutaciones[i][0]) nf = permutaciones[i][2] amort = permutaciones[i][3] den = permutaciones[i][4] vel = permutaciones[i][5] capas = len(permutaciones[i][6]) nstep = permutaciones[i][30] dt = float(permutaciones[i][31]) # creación de elementos sElemX = permutaciones[i][1] # elementos en X sElemZ = permutaciones[i][46] # espesor en Z # ============================================================================= # ######## geometría de la columna ###### # ============================================================================= # límite entre capas limite_capa = [] anterior = 0 for j in range(capas): espesor = permutaciones[i][8][j] limite_capa.append(espesor + anterior) anterior = limite_capa[j] print('Límite de capa: ' + str(limite_capa[j])) # creación de elementos y nodos en x nElemX = 1 # elementos en x nNodeX = 2 * nElemX + 1 # nodos en x # creación de elementos y nodos para z nElemZ = 1 # creación de elementos y nodos en Y y totales nElemY = [] # elementos en y sElemY = [] # dimension en y nElemT = 0 for j in range(capas): espesor = permutaciones[i][8][j] nElemY.append(2 * espesor) nElemT += nElemY[j] print('Elementos en capa ' + str(j + 1) + ': ' + str(nElemY[j])) sElemY.append(permutaciones[i][8][j] / nElemY[j]) print('Tamaño de los elementos en capa ' + str(j + 1) + ': ' + str(sElemY[j]) + '\n') # number of nodes in vertical direction in each layer nNodeY = [] # dimension en y nNodeT = 0 s = 0 for j in range(capas - 1): nNodeY.append(4 * nElemY[j]) nNodeT += nNodeY[j] s += 1 print('Nodos en capa ' + str(j + 1) + ': ' + str(nNodeY[j])) nNodeY.append(4 * (nElemY[-1] + 1)) nNodeT += nNodeY[-1] print('Nodos en capa ' + str(s + 1) + ': ' + str(nNodeY[s])) print('Nodos totales: ' + str(nNodeT)) #win.ui.progressBar.setValue(15) # ============================================================================= # ######### Crear nodos del suelo ########## # ============================================================================= # creación de nodos de presión de poros ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 3, '-ndf', 4) with open(path + '/Post-proceso/' + perfil + '/ppNodesInfo.dat', 'w') as f: count = 0.0 yCoord = 0.0 nodos = [] dryNode = [] altura_nf = 10 - nf for k in range(capas): for j in range(0, int(nNodeY[k]), 4): ops.node(j + count + 1, 0.0, yCoord, 0.0) ops.node(j + count + 2, 0.0, yCoord, sElemZ) ops.node(j + count + 3, sElemX, yCoord, sElemZ) ops.node(j + count + 4, sElemX, yCoord, 0.0) f.write( str(int(j + count + 1)) + '\t' + str(0.0) + '\t' + str(yCoord) + '\t' + str(0.0) + '\n') f.write( str(int(j + count + 2)) + '\t' + str(0.0) + '\t' + str(yCoord) + '\t' + str(sElemZ) + '\n') f.write( str(int(j + count + 3)) + '\t' + str(sElemX) + '\t' + str(yCoord) + '\t' + str(sElemZ) + '\n') f.write( str(int(j + count + 4)) + '\t' + str(sElemX) + '\t' + str(yCoord) + '\t' + str(0.0) + '\n') nodos.append(str(j + count + 1)) nodos.append(str(j + count + 2)) nodos.append(str(j + count + 3)) nodos.append(str(j + count + 4)) #designate node sobre la superficie de agua if yCoord >= altura_nf: dryNode.append(j + count + 1) dryNode.append(j + count + 2) dryNode.append(j + count + 3) dryNode.append(j + count + 4) yCoord = (yCoord + sElemY[k]) count = (count + nNodeY[k]) print("Finished creating all soil nodes...") # ============================================================================= # ####### Condiciones de contorno en la base de la columna ######### # ============================================================================= ops.fix(1, *[0, 1, 1, 0]) ops.fix(2, *[0, 1, 1, 0]) ops.fix(3, *[0, 1, 1, 0]) ops.fix(4, *[0, 1, 1, 0]) ops.equalDOF(1, 2, 1) ops.equalDOF(1, 3, 1) ops.equalDOF(1, 4, 1) print('Fin de creación de nodos de la base de la columna\n\n') # ============================================================================= # ####### Condiciones de contorno en los nudos restantes ######### # ============================================================================= count = 0 for k in range(5, int(nNodeT + 1), 4): ops.equalDOF(k, k + 1, *[1, 2, 3]) ops.equalDOF(k, k + 2, *[1, 2, 3]) ops.equalDOF(k, k + 3, *[1, 2, 3]) print('Fin de creación equalDOF para nodos de presión de poros\n\n') for j in range(len(dryNode)): ops.fix(dryNode[j], *[0, 0, 0, 1]) print("Finished creating all soil boundary conditions...") # ============================================================================= # ####### crear elemento y material de suelo ######### # ============================================================================= cargas = [] for j in range(capas): pendiente = permutaciones[i][9][j] slope = math.atan(pendiente / 100) tipo_suelo = permutaciones[i][6][j] rho = permutaciones[i][10][j] Gr = permutaciones[i][12][j] Br = permutaciones[i][13][j] fric = permutaciones[i][15][j] refpress = permutaciones[i][18][j] gmax = permutaciones[i][19][j] presscoef = permutaciones[i][20][j] surf = permutaciones[i][21][j] ev = permutaciones[i][22][j] cc1 = permutaciones[i][23][j] cc3 = permutaciones[i][24][j] cd1 = permutaciones[i][25][j] cd3 = permutaciones[i][26][j] ptang = permutaciones[i][27][j] coh = permutaciones[i][28][j] if tipo_suelo == 'No cohesivo': if float(surf) > 0: ops.nDMaterial('PressureDependMultiYield02', j + 1, 3.0, rho, Gr, Br, fric, gmax, refpress, presscoef, ptang, cc1, cc3, cd1, cd3, float(surf), 5.0, 3.0, *[1.0, 0.0], ev, *[0.9, 0.02, 0.7, 101.0]) else: ops.nDMaterial('PressureDependMultiYield02', j + 1, 3.0, rho, Gr, Br, fric, gmax, refpress, presscoef, ptang, cc1, cc3, cd1, cd3, float(surf), *permutaciones[i][29][j], 5.0, 3.0, *[1.0, 0.0], ev, *[0.9, 0.02, 0.7, 101.0]) cargas.append( [0.0, -9.81 * math.cos(slope), -9.81 * math.sin(slope)]) print('Fin de la creación de material de suelo\n\n') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 5. CREATE SOIL ELEMENTS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = 0 alpha = 1.5e-6 with open(path + '/Post-proceso/' + perfil + '/ppElemInfo.dat', 'w') as f: # crear elemento de suelo for k in range(capas): for j in range(int(nElemY[k])): nI = 4 * (j + count + 1) - 3 nJ = nI + 1 nK = nI + 2 nL = nI + 3 nM = nI + 4 nN = nI + 5 nO = nI + 6 nP = nI + 7 f.write( str(j + count + 1) + '\t' + str(nI) + '\t' + str(nJ) + '\t' + str(nK) + '\t' + str(nL) + '\t' + str(nM) + '\t' + str(nN) + '\t' + str(nO) + '\t' + str(nP) + '\n') Bc = permutaciones[i][14][k] ev = permutaciones[i][22][k] ops.element('SSPbrickUP', (j + count + 1), *[nI, nJ, nK, nL, nM, nN, nO, nP], (k + 1), float(Bc), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, float(ev), alpha, cargas[k][0], cargas[k][1], cargas[k][2]) count = (count + int(nElemY[k])) print('Fin de la creación del elemento del suelo\n\n') #win.ui.progressBar.setValue(25) # ============================================================================= # ######### Amortiguamiento de Lysmer ########## # ============================================================================= ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 3, '-ndf', 3) # definir nodos y coordenadas del amortiguamiento dashF = nNodeT + 1 dashX = nNodeT + 2 dashZ = nNodeT + 3 ops.node(dashF, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ops.node(dashX, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ops.node(dashZ, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # definir restricciones para los nodos de amortiguamiento ops.fix(dashF, 1, 1, 1) ops.fix(dashX, 0, 1, 1) ops.fix(dashZ, 1, 1, 0) # definir equalDOF para el amortiguamiento en la base del suelo ops.equalDOF(1, dashX, 1) ops.equalDOF(1, dashZ, 3) print( 'Fin de la creación de condiciones de contorno de los nodos de amortiguamiento\n\n' ) # definir el material de amortiguamiento colArea = sElemX * sElemZ dashpotCoeff = vel * den * colArea ops.uniaxialMaterial('Viscous', capas + 1, dashpotCoeff, 1.0) # definir el elemento ops.element('zeroLength', nElemT + 1, *[dashF, dashX], '-mat', capas + 1, '-dir', *[1]) ops.element('zeroLength', nElemT + 2, *[dashF, dashZ], '-mat', capas + 1, '-dir', *[3]) print('Fin de la creación del elemento de amortiguamiento\n\n') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 9. DEFINE ANALYSIS PARAMETERS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # amortiguamiento de Rayleigh # frecuencia menor omega1 = 2 * math.pi * 0.2 # frecuencia mayor omega2 = 2 * math.pi * 20 a0 = 2.0 * (amort / 100) * omega1 * omega2 / (omega1 + omega2) a1 = 2.0 * (amort / 100) / (omega1 + omega2) print('Coeficientes de amortiguamiento' + '\n' + 'a0: ' + format(a0, '.6f') + '\n' + 'a1: ' + format(a1, '.6f') + '\n\n') #win.ui.progressBar.setValue(35) # ============================================================================= # ######## Determinación de análisis estático ######### # ============================================================================= #---DETERMINE STABLE ANALYSIS TIME STEP USING CFL CONDITION # se determina a partir de un análisis transitorio de largo tiempo duration = nstep * dt # tamaño mínimo del elemento y velocidad máxima minSize = sElemY[0] vsMax = permutaciones[i][11][0] for j in range(1, capas): if sElemY[j] < minSize: minSize = sElemY[j] if permutaciones[i][11][j] > vsMax: vsMax = permutaciones[i][11][j] # trial analysis time step kTrial = minSize / (vsMax**0.5) # tiempo de análisis y pasos de tiempo if dt <= kTrial: nStep = nstep dT = dt else: nStep = int(math.floor(duration / kTrial) + 1) dT = duration / nStep print('Número de pasos en el análisis: ' + str(nStep) + '\n') print('Incremento de tiempo: ' + str(dT) + '\n\n') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 7. GRAVITY ANALYSIS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 3, '-ndf', 4) ops.updateMaterialStage('-material', int(k + 1), '-stage', 0) # algoritmo de análisis estático ops.constraints(permutaciones[i][32][0], float(permutaciones[i][32][1]), float(permutaciones[i][32][2])) ops.test(permutaciones[i][34][0], float(permutaciones[i][34][1]), int(permutaciones[i][34][2]), int(permutaciones[i][34][3])) ops.algorithm(permutaciones[i][38][0]) ops.numberer(permutaciones[i][33][0]) ops.system(permutaciones[i][36][0]) ops.integrator(permutaciones[i][35][0], float(permutaciones[i][35][1]), float(permutaciones[i][35][2])) ops.analysis(permutaciones[i][37][0]) print('Inicio de análisis estático elástico\n\n') ops.start() ops.analyze(20, 5.0e2) print('Fin de análisis estático elástico\n\n') #win.ui.progressBar.setValue(40) # update materials to consider plastic behavior # ============================================================================= ops.updateMaterialStage('-material', int(k + 1), '-stage', 1) # ============================================================================= # plastic gravity loading print('Inicio de análisis estático plástico\n\n') ok = ops.analyze(40, 5.0e-2) if ok != 0: error = 'Error de convergencia en análisis estático de modelo' + str( perfil) + '\n\n' print(error) break print('Fin de análisis estático plástico\n\n') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 11. UPDATE ELEMENT PERMEABILITY VALUES FOR POST-GRAVITY ANALYSIS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ini = 1 aum = 0 sum = 0 for j in range(capas): #Layer 3 ops.setParameter( '-val', permutaciones[i][16][j], ['-eleRange', int(ini + aum), int(nElemY[j] + sum)], 'xPerm') ops.setParameter( '-val', permutaciones[i][17][j], ['-eleRange', int(ini + aum), int(nElemY[j] + sum)], 'yPerm') ops.setParameter( '-val', permutaciones[i][16][j], ['-eleRange', int(ini + aum), int(nElemY[j] + sum)], 'zPerm') ini = nElemY[j] + sum sum += nElemY[j] aum = 1 print("Finished updating permeabilities for dynamic analysis...") # ============================================================================= # ########### Grabadores dinámicos ########## # ============================================================================= ops.setTime(0.0) ops.wipeAnalysis() ops.remove('recorders') # tiempo de la grabadora recDT = 10 * dt path_acel = path + '/Post-proceso/' + perfil + '/dinamico/aceleraciones/' ops.recorder('Node', '-file', path_acel + 'accelerationx.out', '-time', '-dT', recDT, '-node', *nodos, '-dof', 1, 'accel') print('Fin de creación de grabadores\n\n') #win.ui.progressBar.setValue(50) # ============================================================================= # ######### Determinación de análisis dinámico ########## # ============================================================================= # objeto de serie temporal para el historial de fuerza path_vel = path + '/Pre-proceso/' + perfil + '/TREASISL2.txt' ops.timeSeries('Path', 1, '-dt', dt, '-filePath', path_vel, '-factor', dashpotCoeff) ops.pattern('Plain', 10, 1) ops.load(1, *[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) #CAMBIO REALIZADO OJO print('Fin de creación de carga dinámica\n\n') # algoritmo de análisis dinámico ops.constraints(permutaciones[i][39][0], float(permutaciones[i][39][1]), float(permutaciones[i][39][2])) ops.test(permutaciones[i][41][0], float(permutaciones[i][41][1]), int(permutaciones[i][41][2]), int(permutaciones[i][41][3])) ops.algorithm(permutaciones[i][45][0]) ops.numberer(permutaciones[i][40][0]) ops.system(permutaciones[i][43][0]) ops.integrator(permutaciones[i][42][0], float(permutaciones[i][42][1]), float(permutaciones[i][42][2])) ops.analysis(permutaciones[i][44][0]) # ============================================================================= # ops.rayleigh(a0, a1, 0.0, 0.0) # ============================================================================= print('Inicio de análisis dinámico\n\n') #win.ui.progressBar.setValue(85) ok = ops.analyze(nStep, dT) if ok != 0: error = 'Error de convergencia en análisis dinámico de modelo' + str( permutaciones[i][0]) + '\n\n' print(error) curTime = ops.getTime() mTime = curTime print('cursTime:' + str(curTime)) curStep = (curTime / dT) print('cursStep:' + str(curStep)) rStep = (nStep - curStep) * 2.0 remStep = int(nStep - curStep) * 2.0 print('remSTep:' + str(curStep)) dT = (dT / 2) print('dT:' + str(dT)) ops.analyze(remStep, dT) if ok != 0: error = 'Error de convergencia en análisis dinámico de modelo' + str( permutaciones[i][0]) + '\n\n' print(error) curTime = ops.getTime() print('cursTime:' + str(curTime)) curStep = (curTime - mTime) / dT print('cursStep:' + str(curStep)) remStep = int(rStep - curStep) * 2 print('remSTep:' + str(curStep)) dT = (dT / 2) print('dT:' + str(dT)) ops.analyze(remStep, dT) print('Fin de análisis dinámico\n\n') ops.wipe()
Iz = 300000 Jxx = 300000 ops.geomTransf('Linear', 1, *[0,1,0]) ops.geomTransf('Linear', 2, *[0,0,-1]) ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', 1, 1, 2, Area, E_mod, G_mod, Jxx, Iy, Iz, 1) ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', 2, 3, 2, Area, E_mod, G_mod, Jxx, Iy, Iz, 1) ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', 3, 4, 3, Area, E_mod, G_mod, Jxx, Iy, Iz, 2) # definir restricciones (Dirichlet) ops.fix(1,*[1,1,1,1,1,1]) ops.fix(4,*[1,1,1,1,1,1]) # definir cargas (Neumann) ops.timeSeries('Linear',1) ops.pattern('Plain',1,1) ops.load(2,0.0,-100.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4)) opsv.plot_model() ops.system('FullGeneral') ops.numberer('Plain') ops.constraints('Plain') ops.integrator('LoadControl',1) ops.algorithm('Linear') ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(1) # Desplazamiento disp = ops.nodeDisp(2)
# construccion de elementos for i in range(nEle): if (Ele[i][0] == 1): ops.element('quad', i + 1, *Ele[i][2:], B, 'PlaneStrain', Ele[i][0]) # condiciones de frontera boundFix(nNode, Node) ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) fx = 0 fy = -1 * kN for i in range(nNode): if (Node[i][0] == 2): ops.load(i + 1, fx, fy) ops.system('FullGeneral') # probar otros solvers: 'UmfPack' ops.numberer('Plain') ops.constraints('Plain') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 1) ops.algorithm('Linear') ops.analysis('Static') ops.start() ops.analyze(1) ops.stop() # Grafico de la deformada fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) opsv.plot_defo(50000)
import openseespy.opensees as op #import the os module #import os import math op.wipe() from InelasticFiberSection import * Dmax = 0.05 * LCol Dincr = 0.001 * LCol Hload = Weight maxNumIter = 6 tol = 1e-8 op.timeSeries('Linear', 2) op.pattern('Plain', 200, 2) op.load(2, Hload, 0.0, 0.0) op.wipeAnalysis() op.constraints('Plain') op.numberer('Plain') op.system('BandGeneral') op.test('EnergyIncr', Tol, maxNumIter) op.algorithm('Newton') op.integrator('DisplacementControl', IDctrlNode, IDctrlDOF, Dincr) op.analysis('Static') Nsteps = int(Dmax / Dincr) ok = op.analyze(Nsteps) print(ok)
def RunAnalysis(): AnalysisType = 'Pushover' # Pushover Gravity ## ------------------------------ ## Start of model generation ## ----------------------------- # remove existing model ops.wipe() # set modelbuilder ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 3) import math ############################################ ### Units and Constants ################### ############################################ inch = 1 kip = 1 sec = 1 # Dependent units sq_in = inch * inch ksi = kip / sq_in ft = 12 * inch # Constants g = 386.2 * inch / (sec * sec) pi = math.acos(-1) ####################################### ##### Dimensions ####################################### # Dimensions Input H_story = 10.0 * ft W_bayX = 16.0 * ft W_bayY_ab = 5.0 * ft + 10.0 * inch W_bayY_bc = 8.0 * ft + 4.0 * inch W_bayY_cd = 5.0 * ft + 10.0 * inch # Calculated dimensions W_structure = W_bayY_ab + W_bayY_bc + W_bayY_cd ################ ### Material ################ # Steel02 Material matTag = 1 matConnAx = 2 matConnRot = 3 Fy = 60.0 * ksi # Yield stress Es = 29000.0 * ksi # Modulus of Elasticity of Steel v = 0.2 # Poisson's ratio Gs = Es / (1 + v) # Shear modulus b = 0.10 # Strain hardening ratio params = [18.0, 0.925, 0.15] # R0,cR1,cR2 R0 = 18.0 cR1 = 0.925 cR2 = 0.15 a1 = 0.05 a2 = 1.00 a3 = 0.05 a4 = 1.0 sigInit = 0.0 alpha = 0.05 ops.uniaxialMaterial('Steel02', matTag, Fy, Es, b, R0, cR1, cR2, a1, a2, a3, a4, sigInit) # ################## # ## Sections # ################## colSecTag1 = 1 colSecTag2 = 2 beamSecTag1 = 3 beamSecTag2 = 4 beamSecTag3 = 5 # COMMAND: section('WFSection2d', secTag, matTag, d, tw, bf, tf, Nfw, Nff) ops.section('WFSection2d', colSecTag1, matTag, 10.5 * inch, 0.26 * inch, 5.77 * inch, 0.44 * inch, 15, 16) # outer Column ops.section('WFSection2d', colSecTag2, matTag, 10.5 * inch, 0.26 * inch, 5.77 * inch, 0.44 * inch, 15, 16) # Inner Column ops.section('WFSection2d', beamSecTag1, matTag, 8.3 * inch, 0.44 * inch, 8.11 * inch, 0.685 * inch, 15, 15) # outer Beam ops.section('WFSection2d', beamSecTag2, matTag, 8.2 * inch, 0.40 * inch, 8.01 * inch, 0.650 * inch, 15, 15) # Inner Beam ops.section('WFSection2d', beamSecTag3, matTag, 8.0 * inch, 0.40 * inch, 7.89 * inch, 0.600 * inch, 15, 15) # Inner Beam # Beam size - W10x26 Abeam = 7.61 * inch * inch IbeamY = 144. * (inch**4) # Inertia along horizontal axis IbeamZ = 14.1 * (inch**4) # inertia along vertical axis # BRB input data Acore = 2.25 * inch Aend = 10.0 * inch LR_BRB = 0.55 # ########################### # ##### Nodes # ########################### # Create All main nodes ops.node(1, 0.0, 0.0) ops.node(2, W_bayX, 0.0) ops.node(3, 2 * W_bayX, 0.0) ops.node(11, 0.0, H_story) ops.node(12, W_bayX, H_story) ops.node(13, 2 * W_bayX, H_story) ops.node(21, 0.0, 2 * H_story) ops.node(22, W_bayX, 2 * H_story) ops.node(23, 2 * W_bayX, 2 * H_story) ops.node(31, 0.0, 3 * H_story) ops.node(32, W_bayX, 3 * H_story) ops.node(33, 2 * W_bayX, 3 * H_story) # Beam Connection nodes ops.node(1101, 0.0, H_story) ops.node(1201, W_bayX, H_story) ops.node(1202, W_bayX, H_story) ops.node(1301, 2 * W_bayX, H_story) ops.node(2101, 0.0, 2 * H_story) ops.node(2201, W_bayX, 2 * H_story) ops.node(2202, W_bayX, 2 * H_story) ops.node(2301, 2 * W_bayX, 2 * H_story) ops.node(3101, 0.0, 3 * H_story) ops.node(3201, W_bayX, 3 * H_story) ops.node(3202, W_bayX, 3 * H_story) ops.node(3301, 2 * W_bayX, 3 * H_story) # ############### # Constraints # ############### ops.fix(1, 1, 1, 1) ops.fix(2, 1, 1, 1) ops.fix(3, 1, 1, 1) # ####################### # ### Elements # ####################### # ### Assign beam-integration tags ColIntTag1 = 1 ColIntTag2 = 2 BeamIntTag1 = 3 BeamIntTag2 = 4 BeamIntTag3 = 5 ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', ColIntTag1, colSecTag1, 4) ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', ColIntTag2, colSecTag2, 4) ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', BeamIntTag1, beamSecTag1, 4) ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', BeamIntTag2, beamSecTag2, 4) ops.beamIntegration('Lobatto', BeamIntTag3, beamSecTag3, 4) # Assign geometric transformation ColTransfTag = 1 BeamTranfTag = 2 ops.geomTransf('PDelta', ColTransfTag) ops.geomTransf('Linear', BeamTranfTag) # Assign Elements ############## # ## Add non-linear column elements ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 1, 1, 11, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 2, 2, 12, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag2, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 3, 3, 13, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 11, 11, 21, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 12, 12, 22, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag2, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 13, 13, 23, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 21, 21, 31, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 22, 22, 32, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag2, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 23, 23, 33, ColTransfTag, ColIntTag1, '-mass', 0.0) # ### Add linear main beam elements, along x-axis #element('elasticBeamColumn', 101, 1101, 1201, Abeam, Es, Gs, Jbeam, IbeamY, IbeamZ, beamTransfTag, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 101, 1101, 1201, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag1, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 102, 1202, 1301, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag1, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 201, 2101, 2201, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag2, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 202, 2202, 2301, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag2, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 301, 3101, 3201, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag3, '-mass', 0.0) ops.element('forceBeamColumn', 302, 3202, 3301, BeamTranfTag, BeamIntTag3, '-mass', 0.0) # Assign constraints between beam end nodes and column nodes (RIgid beam column connections) ops.equalDOF(11, 1101, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(12, 1201, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(12, 1202, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(13, 1301, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(21, 2101, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(22, 2201, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(22, 2202, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(23, 2301, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(31, 3101, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(32, 3201, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(32, 3202, 1, 2, 3) ops.equalDOF(33, 3301, 1, 2, 3) AllNodes = ops.getNodeTags() massX = 0.49 for nodes in AllNodes: ops.mass(nodes, massX, massX, 0.00001) ################ ## Gravity Load ################ # create TimeSeries ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1) # create a plain load pattern ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1) # Create the nodal load ops.load(11, 0.0, -5.0 * kip, 0.0) ops.load(12, 0.0, -6.0 * kip, 0.0) ops.load(13, 0.0, -5.0 * kip, 0.0) ops.load(21, 0., -5. * kip, 0.0) ops.load(22, 0., -6. * kip, 0.0) ops.load(23, 0., -5. * kip, 0.0) ops.load(31, 0., -5. * kip, 0.0) ops.load(32, 0., -6. * kip, 0.0) ops.load(33, 0., -5. * kip, 0.0) ############################### ### PUSHOVER ANALYSIS ############################### if (AnalysisType == "Pushover"): print("<<<< Running Pushover Analysis >>>>") # Create load pattern for pushover analysis # create a plain load pattern ops.pattern("Plain", 2, 1) ops.load(11, 1.61, 0.0, 0.0) ops.load(21, 3.22, 0.0, 0.0) ops.load(31, 4.83, 0.0, 0.0) ControlNode = 31 ControlDOF = 1 MaxDisp = 0.15 * H_story DispIncr = 0.1 NstepsPush = int(MaxDisp / DispIncr) Model = 'test' LoadCase = 'Pushover' dt = 0.2 opp.createODB(Model, LoadCase, Nmodes=3) ops.system("ProfileSPD") ops.numberer("Plain") ops.constraints("Plain") ops.integrator("DisplacementControl", ControlNode, ControlDOF, DispIncr) ops.algorithm("Newton") ops.test('NormUnbalance', 1e-8, 10) ops.analysis("Static") # analyze(NstepsPush) ops.analyze(100) print("Pushover analysis complete")
def test_Truss(): # remove existing model ops.wipe() # set modelbuilder ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 2, '-ndf', 2) # create nodes ops.node(1, 0.0, 0.0) ops.node(2, 144.0, 0.0) ops.node(3, 168.0, 0.0) ops.node(4, 72.0, 96.0) # set boundary condition ops.fix(1, 1, 1) ops.fix(2, 1, 1) ops.fix(3, 1, 1) # define materials ops.uniaxialMaterial("Elastic", 1, 3000.0) # define elements ops.element("Truss", 1, 1, 4, 10.0, 1) ops.element("Truss", 2, 2, 4, 5.0, 1) ops.element("Truss", 3, 3, 4, 5.0, 1) # create TimeSeries ops.timeSeries("Linear", 1) # create a plain load pattern ops.pattern("Plain", 1, 1) # Create the nodal load - command: load nodeID xForce yForce ops.load(4, 100.0, -50.0) # ------------------------------ # Start of analysis generation # ------------------------------ # create SOE ops.system("BandSPD") # create DOF number ops.numberer("Plain") # create constraint handler ops.constraints("Plain") # create integrator ops.integrator("LoadControl", 1.0) # create algorithm ops.algorithm("Linear") # create analysis object ops.analysis("Static") # perform the analysis ops.analyze(1) ux = ops.nodeDisp(4, 1) uy = ops.nodeDisp(4, 2) assert abs(ux - 0.53009277713228375450) < 1e-12 and abs( uy + 0.17789363846931768864) < 1e-12
ops.node(5, 2.5, 0.) ops.node(6, 5., .5) ops.node(7, 2.5, 1.) ops.node(8, 0., .5) ops.node(9, 2.5, .5) # comment for quad8n element ops.element('quad9n', 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, thk, 'PlaneStress', 1) # ops.element('quad8n', 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, thk, 'PlaneStress', 1) ops.fix(1, 1, 1) ops.fix(4, 1, 0) ops.fix(8, 1, 0) ops.timeSeries('Linear', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(2, P, 0.) ops.load(3, -P, 0.) ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(1) ops.printModel() # verification: # tip vertical displacement (node 2 and 3) = 0.0075 # bottom Gauss Point stress_xx = 46475.8 # bottom extrem stress_xx (extrapolated) = 60000.0 exit()
for i in range(nNode): ops.node(i+1, *Node[i][1:]) # construccion de elementos for i in range(nEle): if (Ele[i][0] == 1): ops.element('quad', i+1, *Ele[i][2:], B, 'PlaneStress', Ele[i][0]) # condiciones de frontera boundFix(nNode, Node) ops.timeSeries('Linear',1) ops.pattern('Plain',1,1) fx = 0 fy = -10*kN ops.load(2, fx, fy) #for i in range(nNode): # if (Node[i][0] == 2): # ops.load(i+1, fx, fy) ops.system('FullGeneral') # probar otros solvers: 'UmfPack' 'SparseSYM' ops.numberer('Plain') ops.constraints('Plain') ops.integrator('LoadControl',1) ops.algorithm('Linear') ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(1) # Desplazamiento disp = ops.nodeDisp(2,2) print(disp)
ops.geomTransf(coordTransf, gTTagx, 0., -1., 0.) ops.geomTransf(coordTransf, gTTagy, 1., 0., 0.) ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', 1, 1, 2, A, E, G, J, Iy, Iz, gTTagz) ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', 2, 2, 3, A, E, G, J, Iy, Iz, gTTagx) ops.element('elasticBeamColumn', 3, 3, 4, A, E, G, J, Iy, Iz, gTTagy) Ew = {} Px = -4.e1 Py = -2.5e1 Pz = -3.e1 ops.timeSeries('Constant', 1) ops.pattern('Plain', 1, 1) ops.load(4, Px, Py, Pz, 0., 0., 0.) ops.constraints('Transformation') ops.numberer('RCM') ops.system('BandGeneral') ops.test('NormDispIncr', 1.0e-6, 6, 2) ops.algorithm('Linear') ops.integrator('LoadControl', 1) ops.analysis('Static') ops.analyze(1) opsv.plot_model() sfac = 2.0e0 # fig_wi_he = 22., 14.