Пример #1

        nodes_available = {2: True}
        max_concurrency = 4

        for each_node in nodeid_map:
            if (each_node == nodeid):
            client = lib.FileClient('localhost:' + nodeid_map[each_node], nodeid)
            node_client[each_node] = client

        images_filepath = '/home/vm1/Desktop/ODM/grpc_stages/node1'  #file path of current node images
        file_path = images_filepath + '/'
        opensfm_config = opensfm_interface.setup_opensfm_config(file_path)
        active_number_of_nodes = 2
        photos_name = collections.defaultdict(lambda : "None")
        photo_list =  os.listdir(os.path.join(images_filepath, 'images'))

        image_sent_nodes = collections.defaultdict(lambda : 'none')

        cluster_size = len(photo_list) / active_number_of_nodes # images per node
        distance_overlap = 10 # meters overlap of images

        #directories created:

Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodeid = 1
        # args  = config.config()
        # args.project_path = "./dataset/images"
        self.datapath = 'dataset'
        # data = ODMLoadDatasetStage(self.datapath , args, progress=5.0,
        #                                   verbose=args.verbose)

        #distance to include the image in meters
        self.include_distance = 10

        #run the dataset layer


        #opensfm configuration

        opensfm_config = opensfm_interface.setup_opensfm_config(self.datapath)

        #extract metadata

        # camera_models = {}
        # current_path = '/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/'

        # ref_image = ['DJI_0019.JPG', 'DJI_0018.JPG','DJI_0020.JPG','DJI_0021.JPG','DJI_0022.JPG','DJI_0023.JPG','DJI_0024.JPG'
        # ,'DJI_0025.JPG','DJI_0026.JPG','DJI_0027.JPG','DJI_0028.JPG','DJI_0029.JPG','DJI_0030.JPG','DJI_0031.JPG','DJI_0032.JPG','DJI_0033.JPG','DJI_0034.JPG','DJI_0035.JPG']
        # cand_images = ['DJI_0019.JPG', 'DJI_0018.JPG','DJI_0020.JPG','DJI_0021.JPG','DJI_0022.JPG','DJI_0023.JPG','DJI_0024.JPG'
        # ,'DJI_0025.JPG','DJI_0026.JPG','DJI_0027.JPG','DJI_0028.JPG','DJI_0029.JPG','DJI_0030.JPG','DJI_0031.JPG','DJI_0032.JPG','DJI_0033.JPG','DJI_0034.JPG','DJI_0035.JPG']

        # for each in ref_image:
        #     d  = opensfm_interface.extract_metadata_image('/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/'+each, opensfm_config)
        #     if d['camera'] not in camera_models:
        #         camera = exif.camera_from_exif_metadata(d, opensfm_config)
        #         camera_models[d['camera']] = camera
        #     opensfm_interface.save_exif('/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/exif', each,d)
        # opensfm_interface.save_camera_models('/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/', camera_models)

        # #c  = opensfm_interface.extract_metadata_image('/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/DJI_0019.JPG', opensfm_config)

        # print(d)
        # print(camera_models)
        # #opensfm_interface.save_exif('/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/', 'DJI_0019.JPG', c)

        # #save the exif metadata to file in a folder
        # # send extracted metedata and camera model back

        # #feature extraction
        # for each in ref_image:
        #     opensfm_interface.detect(current_path+'features', current_path+each,each ,opensfm_config)

        # #opensfm_interface.detect(current_path+'features', current_path+'DJI_0019.JPG','DJI_0019.JPG' ,opensfm_config)

        # #feature matching

        # pairs_matches, preport = new_matching.match_images(current_path, ref_image, cand_images, opensfm_config)
        # new_matching.save_matches(current_path, ref_image, pairs_matches)
        # print('matching')

        # #create tracks first

        # features, colors = tracking.load_features(current_path+'features', ref_image, opensfm_config)
        # matches = tracking.load_matches(current_path, ref_image)
        # graph = tracking.create_tracks_graph(features, colors, matches,
        #                                      opensfm_config)

        # opensfm_interface.save_tracks_graph(graph, current_path)

        # #reconstruction

        # # load tracks graph

        # graph = opensfm_interface.load_tracks_graph(current_path)
        # report, reconstructions = reconstruction.incremental_reconstruction(current_path, graph, opensfm_config)

        # opensfm_interface.save_reconstruction(current_path,reconstructions)
        # #opensfm_interface.save_report(io.json_dumps(report), 'reconstruction.json')

        # outputs = {}
        # photos = []
        # from opendm import photo
        # from opendm import types

        # for each in ref_image:
        #     photos += [types.ODM_Photo(current_path+each)]

        # # get match image sizes
        # outputs['undist_image_max_size'] = max(
        #     gsd.image_max_size(photos, 5.0, current_path+'reconstruction.json'),
        #     0.1
        # )
        # print(outputs)

        # #undistort image dataset:

        # opensfm_interface.opensfm_undistort(current_path, opensfm_config)

        # #export visualsfm

        # opensfm_interface.open_export_visualsfm(current_path, opensfm_config)

        # #compute depthmaps

        # opensfm_interface.open_compute_depthmaps(current_path, opensfm_config)

        # #mve stage 1 makescene

        # #input compute depthmaps file

        # mve_file_path = '/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/mve'
        # nvm_file = '/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/undistorted/reconstruction.nvm'
        # mve_interface.mve_makescene(nvm_file, mve_file_path, 2)

        # #mve stage 2 dense reconstruction

        # mve_interface.mve_dense_recon(outputs['undist_image_max_size'], mve_file_path, 2)

        # #mve stage 3 scene2pset_path
        # mve_model = io.join_paths(mve_file_path, 'mve_dense_point_cloud.ply')
        # mve_interface.mve_scene2pset(mve_file_path, mve_model,outputs['undist_image_max_size'],2)

        # #mve stage 4 clean_mesh
        # mve_interface.mve_cleanmesh(0.6, mve_model, 2)

        # # filterpoint cloud
        # odm_filterpoints = '/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/filterpoints'
        # filterpoint_cloud = io.join_paths(odm_filterpoints, "point_cloud.ply")

        # filterpoint_interface.filter_points(odm_filterpoints, mve_model, filterpoint_cloud,2)

        # #meshing stage
        # odm_mesh_folder= '/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/mesh'
        # odm_mesh_ply = io.join_paths(odm_mesh_folder, "odm_mesh.ply")
        # mesh_interface.mesh_3d(odm_mesh_folder, odm_mesh_ply, filterpoint_cloud, 2)

        # #texturing stage

        # mvs_folder= '/home/j/ODM-master/grpc_stages/node1/mvs'
        # mvs_texturing.mvs_texturing(odm_mesh_ply, mvs_folder, nvm_file)


        class Servicer(sendFile_pb2_grpc.FileServiceServicer):
            def __init__(self):
                self.dataset_dir = './dataset'
                self.tmp_file_name = './dataset2/IMG_2359.JPG'

            async def upload(self, request_iterator, context):
                # client uploads images to this node
                #request iterator is the file iterator through the chuncks

                #self.tmp_file_name is the name to save the file chucks to
                nodeid = ''
                filename = ''
                for key, value in context.invocation_metadata():

                    if (key == 'node-id'):
                        nodeid = value
                        #check if there is a dir for the node id
                    if key == 'filename':
                        filename = value

                    print('Received initial metadata: key=%s value=%s' %
                          (key, value))
                if (nodeid != '' and filename != ''):
                                        nodeid + '/images/' + filename)

                    return sendFile_pb2.UploadStatus(
                        Message=" Successul ",
                    print('bad node id and bad filename')
                    # reply = sendFile_pb2.UploadStatus()
                    # reply.Message = " Failed "
                    # reply.c
                    return sendFile_pb2.UploadStatus(
                        Message=" Failure ",

            def download(self, request, context):
                if request.name:
                    return get_file_chunks(self.tmp_file_name)

            def compute(self, request, context):
                taskName = request.taskName

                #metadata use image name
                #use node id

                #opensfm compute

                # detect feature


                # if(taskName == "compute_image_feature"):

                # elif(taskName == 'compute_matching_two_images'):0

                # elif(taskName == 'compute_'):

                # elif(taskName == ''):

                return 0

        self.server = aio.server()

        #self.server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1))
            Servicer(), self.server)

        neighbor_ip = ['50001', '50002']
        self.has_neighbor = defaultdict(lambda: "Node not present.")

        # tuple (false as any response from neighbor, filelocation)
        neighbor_response = 0  #increment neighbors response as each neighbor respond
        for each in neighbor_ip:
            self.has_neighbor[each] = (False, "")

        self.leader = True