def test_connecting_and_iterate_inputs(self):
        m = osim.Model()
        b = osim.Body('b1', 2.0, osim.Vec3(1, 0, 0), osim.Inertia(1))
        j = osim.PinJoint('pin', m.getGround(), b)

        # Source.
        source = osim.TableSource()

        table = osim.TimeSeriesTable()
        table.setColumnLabels(('col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'))
        row = osim.RowVector([1, 2, 3, 4])
        table.appendRow(0.0, row)
        row = osim.RowVector([2, 3, 4, 5])
        table.appendRow(1.0, row)

        # Reporter.
        rep = osim.ConsoleReporter()


        # Connect.
        # There are multiple ways to perform the connection, especially
        # for reporters.
        coord = j.get_coordinates(0)
        rep.connectInput_inputs(coord.getOutput('speed'), 'spd')
            source.getOutput('column').getChannel('col2'), 'second_col')

        s = m.initSystem()

        # Access and iterate through AbstractInputs, using names.
        expectedLabels = [
            '/model/jointset/pin/pin_coord_0|value', 'spd',
            '/model/source|column:col1', 'second_col'
        i = 0
        for name in rep.getInputNames():
            # Actually, there is only one input, which we connected to 4
            # channels.
            assert rep.getInput(name).getNumConnectees() == 4
            for j in range(4):
                assert (rep.getInput(name).getLabel(j) == expectedLabels[j])
            i += 1

        # Access concrete Input.
        # Input value is column 2 at time 0.
        assert (osim.InputDouble.safeDownCast(rep.getInput('inputs')).getValue(
            s, 3) == 2.0)
Пример #2
 def test_vectorview_typemaps(self):
     # Use a TimeSeriesTable to obtain VectorViews.
     table = osim.TimeSeriesTable()
     table.appendRow(0.0, osim.RowVector([1.5]))
     table.appendRow(1.0, osim.RowVector([2.5]))
     column = table.getDependentColumn('a').to_numpy()
     assert len(column) == 2
     assert column[0] == 1.5
     assert column[1] == 2.5
     row = table.getRowAtIndex(0).to_numpy()
     assert len(row) == 1
     assert row[0] == 1.5
     row = table.getRowAtIndex(1).to_numpy()
     assert len(row) == 1
     assert row[0] == 2.5
Пример #3
 def test_vector_rowvector(self):
     print('Test transpose RowVector to Vector.')
     row = osim.RowVector([1, 2, 3, 4])
     col = row.transpose()
     assert (col[0] == row[0] and
             col[1] == row[1] and
             col[2] == row[2] and
             col[3] == row[3])
     print('Test transpose Vector to RowVector.')
     row_copy = col.transpose()
     assert (row_copy[0] == row[0] and
             row_copy[1] == row[1] and
             row_copy[2] == row[2] and
             row_copy[3] == row[3])
     print('Test transpose RowVectorOfVec3 to VectorOfVec3.')
     row = osim.RowVectorOfVec3([osim.Vec3(1, 2, 3), 
                                 osim.Vec3(4, 5, 6),
                                 osim.Vec3(7, 8, 9)])
     col = row.transpose()
     assert (str(col[0]) == str(row[0]) and
             str(col[1]) == str(row[1]) and
             str(col[2]) == str(row[2]))
     print('Test transpose VectorOfVec3 to RowVectorOfVec3.')
     row_copy = col.transpose()
     assert (str(row_copy[0]) == str(row[0]) and
             str(row_copy[1]) == str(row[1]) and
             str(row_copy[2]) == str(row[2]))
Пример #4
 def test_TimeSeriesTable(self):
     table = osim.TimeSeriesTable()
     table.setColumnLabels(('col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'))
     assert(table.getColumnLabels() == ('col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'))
     # Append a row to the table.
     row = osim.RowVector([1, 2, 3, 4])
     table.appendRow(0.1, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 1
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     assert (row0[0] == row[0] and
             row0[1] == row[1] and
             row0[2] == row[2] and
             row0[3] == row[3])
     # Append another row to the table.
     row[0] *= 2
     row[1] *= 2
     row[2] *= 2
     row[3] *= 2
     table.appendRow(0.2, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 2
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row1 = table.getRow(0.2)
     assert (row1[0] == row[0] and
             row1[1] == row[1] and
             row1[2] == row[2] and
             row1[3] == row[3])
     # Append another row to the table with a timestamp
     # less than the previous one. Exception expected.
         table.appendRow(0.15, row)
         assert False
     except RuntimeError:
Пример #5
    def test_MocoTrajectory(self):
        time = osim.Vector(3, 0)
        time.set(0, 0)
        time.set(1, 0.1)
        time.set(2, 0.2)
        st = osim.Matrix(3, 2)
        ct = osim.Matrix(3, 3)
        mt = osim.Matrix(3, 1)
        dt = osim.Matrix(3, 1)
        p = osim.RowVector(2, 0.0)
        it = osim.MocoTrajectory(time, ['s0', 's1'], ['c0', 'c1', 'c2'],
                                 ['m0'], ['d0'], ['p0', 'p1'], st, ct, mt, dt,

        it.setTime([15, 25, 35])
        assert (it.getTime().get(0) == 15)
        assert (it.getTime().get(1) == 25)
        assert (it.getTime().get(2) == 35)

        it.setState('s0', [5, 3, 10])
        s0traj = it.getState('s0')
        assert (s0traj[0] == 5)
        assert (s0traj[1] == 3)
        assert (s0traj[2] == 10)
        it.setState('s1', [2, 6, 1])
        s1traj = it.getState('s1')
        assert (s1traj[0] == 2)
        assert (s1traj[1] == 6)
        assert (s1traj[2] == 1)

        it.setControl('c0', [10, 46, -5])
        c0traj = it.getControl('c0')
        assert (c0traj[0] == 10)
        assert (c0traj[1] == 46)
        assert (c0traj[2] == -5)
        it.setControl('c2', [5, 12, -1])
        c2traj = it.getControl('c2')
        assert (c2traj[0] == 5)
        assert (c2traj[1] == 12)
        assert (c2traj[2] == -1)

        it.setMultiplier('m0', [326, 1, 42])
        m0traj = it.getMultiplier('m0')
        assert (m0traj[0] == 326)
        assert (m0traj[1] == 1)
        assert (m0traj[2] == 42)

        it.setDerivative('d0', [-10, 477, 125])
        d0traj = it.getDerivative('d0')
        assert (d0traj[0] == -10)
        assert (d0traj[1] == 477)
        assert (d0traj[2] == 125)

        it.setParameter('p0', 25)
        it.setParameter('p1', 30)
        p = it.getParameters()
        assert (p[0] == 25)
        assert (p[1] == 30)
        p0 = it.getParameter('p0')
        assert (p0 == 25)
Пример #6
    def test_TableSourceReporter(self):
        m = osim.Model()

        # Source.
        source = osim.TableSource()

        table = osim.TimeSeriesTable()
        table.setColumnLabels(('col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'))
        row = osim.RowVector([1, 2, 3, 4])
        table.appendRow(0.0, row)
        row = osim.RowVector([2, 3, 4, 5])
        table.appendRow(1.0, row)


        # Reporter.
        c_rep = osim.ConsoleReporter()

        t_rep = osim.TableReporter()

        # Add.

        # Connect.

        # Realize.
        s = m.initSystem()

        # Test.
        # This value is the average of col2 (2.0 and 3.0).
        assert t_rep.getReport().getRowAtIndex(0)[0] == 2.5
Пример #7
 def test_DataTable(self):
     table = osim.DataTable()
     # Set column labels.
     table.setColumnLabels(['0', '1', '2', '3'])
     assert table.getColumnLabels() == ('0', '1', '2', '3')
     assert table.hasColumn('0')
     assert table.hasColumn('2')
     table.setColumnLabel(0, 'zero')
     table.setColumnLabel(2, 'two')
     assert table.getColumnLabel(0) == 'zero'
     assert table.getColumnLabel(2) == 'two'
     assert table.getColumnIndex('zero') == 0
     assert table.getColumnIndex('two') == 2
     # Append a row to the table.
     row = osim.RowVector([1, 2, 3, 4])
     table.appendRow(0.1, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 1
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     assert (row0[0] == row[0] and row0[1] == row[1] and row0[2] == row[2]
             and row0[3] == row[3])
     # Append another row to the table.
     row[0] *= 2
     row[1] *= 2
     row[2] *= 2
     row[3] *= 2
     table.appendRow(0.2, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 2
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row1 = table.getRow(0.2)
     assert (row1[0] == row[0] and row1[1] == row[1] and row1[2] == row[2]
             and row1[3] == row[3])
     # Append another row to the table.
     row[0] *= 2
     row[1] *= 2
     row[2] *= 2
     row[3] *= 2
     table.appendRow(0.3, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 3
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row2 = table.getRow(0.3)
     assert (row2[0] == row[0] and row2[1] == row[1] and row2[2] == row[2]
             and row2[3] == row[3])
     # Retrieve independent column.
     assert table.getIndependentColumn() == (0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
     # Retrieve dependent columns.
     col1 = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(1)
     assert (col1[0] == 2 and col1[1] == 4 and col1[2] == 8)
     col3 = table.getDependentColumn('3')
     assert (col3[0] == 4 and col3[1] == 8 and col3[2] == 16)
     assert table.hasColumn(0)
     assert table.hasColumn(2)
Пример #8
    def to_sto(self, filename, metadata=None):
        Write a sto file from a Analogs3dOsim
        filename : string
            path of the file to write
        metadata : dict, optional
            dict with optional metadata to add in the output file
        filename = Path(filename)
        # Make sure the directory exists, otherwise create it
        if not filename.parents[0].is_dir():

        table = osim.TimeSeriesTable()

        # set metadata
        if metadata:
            for key, value in metadata.items():
                table.addTableMetaDataString(key, str(value))
            if 'nColumns' not in metadata:
                table.addTableMetaDataString('nColumns', str(self.shape[1]))
            table.addTableMetaDataString('nColumns', str(self.shape[1]))
        table.addTableMetaDataString('nRows', str(self.shape[-1]))

        time_vector = np.arange(start=0,
                                stop=1 / self.get_rate * self.shape[2],
                                step=1 / self.get_rate)

        for iframe in range(self.shape[-1]):
            a = self.get_frame(iframe)
            row = osim.RowVector(a.ravel().tolist())
            table.appendRow(time_vector[iframe], row)

        adapter = osim.STOFileAdapter()
        adapter.write(table, str(filename))
Пример #9
 def test_DataTable(self):
     table = osim.DataTable()
     # Set column labels.
     table.setColumnLabels(['0', '1', '2', '3'])
     assert table.getColumnLabels() == ('0', '1', '2', '3')
     assert table.hasColumn('0')
     assert table.hasColumn('2')
     assert not table.hasColumn('not-found')
     table.setColumnLabel(0, 'zero')
     table.setColumnLabel(2, 'two')
     assert table.getColumnLabel(0) == 'zero'
     assert table.getColumnLabel(2) == 'two'
     assert table.getColumnIndex('zero') == 0
     assert table.getColumnIndex('two') == 2
     # Append a row to the table.
     row = osim.RowVector([1, 2, 3, 4])
     table.appendRow(0.1, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 1
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     assert (row0[0] == row[0] and row0[1] == row[1] and row0[2] == row[2]
             and row0[3] == row[3])
     print table
     # Append another row to the table.
     row[0] *= 2
     row[1] *= 2
     row[2] *= 2
     row[3] *= 2
     table.appendRow(0.2, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 2
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row1 = table.getRow(0.2)
     assert (row1[0] == row[0] and row1[1] == row[1] and row1[2] == row[2]
             and row1[3] == row[3])
     print table
     # Append another row to the table.
     row[0] *= 2
     row[1] *= 2
     row[2] *= 2
     row[3] *= 2
     table.appendRow(0.3, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 3
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row2 = table.getRow(0.3)
     assert (row2[0] == row[0] and row2[1] == row[1] and row2[2] == row[2]
             and row2[3] == row[3])
     print table
     # Retrieve independent column.
     assert table.getIndependentColumn() == (0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
     # Retrieve dependent columns.
     col1 = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(1)
     assert (col1[0] == 2 and col1[1] == 4 and col1[2] == 8)
     col3 = table.getDependentColumn('3')
     assert (col3[0] == 4 and col3[1] == 8 and col3[2] == 16)
     assert table.hasColumn(0)
     assert table.hasColumn(2)
     # Edit rows of the table.
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     row0[0] = 10
     row0[1] = 10
     row0[2] = 10
     row0[3] = 10
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     assert (row0[0] == 10 and row0[1] == 10 and row0[2] == 10
             and row0[3] == 10)
     row2 = table.getRow(0.3)
     row2[0] = 20
     row2[1] = 20
     row2[2] = 20
     row2[3] = 20
     row2 = table.getRow(0.3)
     assert (row2[0] == 20 and row2[1] == 20 and row2[2] == 20
             and row2[3] == 20)
     print table
     # Edit columns of the table.
     col1 = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(1)
     col1[0] = 30
     col1[1] = 30
     col1[2] = 30
     col1 = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(1)
     assert (col1[0] == 30 and col1[1] == 30 and col1[2] == 30)
     col3 = table.getDependentColumn('3')
     col3[0] = 40
     col3[1] = 40
     col3[2] = 40
     col3 = table.getDependentColumn('3')
     assert (col3[0] == 40 and col3[1] == 40 and col3[2] == 40)
     print table
     # Add table metadata.
     table.addTableMetaDataString('subject-name', 'Python')
     table.addTableMetaDataString('subject-yob', '1991')
     assert table.getTableMetaDataString('subject-name') == 'Python'
     assert table.getTableMetaDataString('subject-yob') == '1991'
     print table
     # Access eleemnt with index out of bounds. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = row0[5]
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
         shouldThrow = col1[5]
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Access row with index out of bounds. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = table.getRowAtIndex(5)
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Access row with timestamp that does not exist. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = table.getRow(5.5)
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Access column with index out of bounds. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(5)
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Access column with label that does not exist. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = table.getDependentColumn('not-found')
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Test pack-ing of columns of DataTable.
     table = osim.DataTable()
         ('col0_x', 'col0_y', 'col0_z', 'col1_x', 'col1_y', 'col1_z',
          'col2_x', 'col2_y', 'col2_z', 'col3_x', 'col3_y', 'col3_z'))
     row = osim.RowVector([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
     table.appendRow(1, row)
     row = osim.RowVector([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2])
     table.appendRow(2, row)
     row = osim.RowVector([3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3])
     table.appendRow(3, row)
     assert len(table.getColumnLabels()) == 12
     assert table.getNumRows() == 3
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 12
     print table
     tableVec3 = table.packVec3(('_x', '_y', '_z'))
     tableVec3.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
     tableVec3.getNumRows() == 3
     tableVec3.getNumColumns() == 4
     print tableVec3
     tableFlat = tableVec3.flatten()
     assert len(tableFlat.getColumnLabels()) == 12
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(0) == 'col0_1'
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(11) == 'col3_3'
     assert tableFlat.getNumRows() == 3
     assert tableFlat.getNumColumns() == 12
     print tableFlat
     tableVec3 = table.packVec3()
     tableVec3.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
     tableVec3.getNumRows() == 3
     tableVec3.getNumColumns() == 4
     print tableVec3
     tableFlat = tableVec3.flatten()
     assert len(tableFlat.getColumnLabels()) == 12
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(0) == 'col0_1'
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(11) == 'col3_3'
     assert tableFlat.getNumRows() == 3
     assert tableFlat.getNumColumns() == 12
     print tableFlat
     tableUnitVec3 = table.packUnitVec3()
     tableUnitVec3.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
     tableUnitVec3.getNumRows() == 3
     tableUnitVec3.getNumColumns() == 4
     print tableUnitVec3
     tableFlat = tableUnitVec3.flatten()
     assert len(tableFlat.getColumnLabels()) == 12
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(0) == 'col0_1'
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(11) == 'col3_3'
     assert tableFlat.getNumRows() == 3
     assert tableFlat.getNumColumns() == 12
     print tableFlat
         ('col0.0', 'col0.1', 'col0.2', 'col0.3', 'col1.0', 'col1.1',
          'col1.2', 'col1.3', 'col2.0', 'col2.1', 'col2.2', 'col2.3'))
     tableQuat = table.packQuaternion()
     tableQuat.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1', 'col2')
     tableQuat.getNumRows() == 3
     tableQuat.getNumColumns() == 3
     print tableQuat
     tableFlat = tableQuat.flatten()
     assert len(tableFlat.getColumnLabels()) == 12
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(0) == 'col0_1'
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(11) == 'col2_4'
     assert tableFlat.getNumRows() == 3
     assert tableFlat.getNumColumns() == 12
     print tableFlat
         ('col0_0', 'col0_1', 'col0_2', 'col0_3', 'col0_4', 'col0_5',
          'col1_0', 'col1_1', 'col1_2', 'col1_3', 'col1_4', 'col1_5'))
     tableSVec = table.packSpatialVec()
     tableSVec.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1')
     tableSVec.getNumRows() == 3
     tableSVec.getNumColumns() == 2
     print tableSVec
     tableFlat = tableSVec.flatten()
     assert len(tableFlat.getColumnLabels()) == 12
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(0) == 'col0_1'
     assert tableFlat.getColumnLabel(11) == 'col1_6'
     assert tableFlat.getNumRows() == 3
     assert tableFlat.getNumColumns() == 12
     print tableFlat
Пример #10
 def test_TimeSeriesTable(self):
     table = osim.TimeSeriesTable()
     table.setColumnLabels(('col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'))
     assert (table.getColumnLabels() == ('col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'))
     # Append a row to the table.
     row = osim.RowVector([1, 2, 3, 4])
     table.appendRow(0.1, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 1
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     assert (row0[0] == row[0] and row0[1] == row[1] and row0[2] == row[2]
             and row0[3] == row[3])
     # Append another row to the table.
     row[0] *= 2
     row[1] *= 2
     row[2] *= 2
     row[3] *= 2
     table.appendRow(0.2, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 2
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row1 = table.getRow(0.2)
     assert (row1[0] == row[0] and row1[1] == row[1] and row1[2] == row[2]
             and row1[3] == row[3])
     # Append another row to the table with a timestamp
     # less than the previous one. Exception expected.
         table.appendRow(0.15, row)
         assert False
     except RuntimeError:
     # Test pack-ing of columns of TimeSeriesTable.
     table = osim.TimeSeriesTable()
         ('col0_x', 'col0_y', 'col0_z', 'col1_x', 'col1_y', 'col1_z',
          'col2_x', 'col2_y', 'col2_z', 'col3_x', 'col3_y', 'col3_z'))
     row = osim.RowVector([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
     table.appendRow(1, row)
     row = osim.RowVector([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2])
     table.appendRow(2, row)
     row = osim.RowVector([3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3])
     table.appendRow(3, row)
     assert len(table.getColumnLabels()) == 12
     assert table.getNumRows() == 3
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 12
     print table
     avgRow = table.averageRow(1, 3)
     assert avgRow.ncol() == 12
     assert abs(avgRow[0] - 2) < 1e-8  #epsilon
     assert abs(avgRow[11] - 2) < 1e-8  #epsilon
     nearRow = table.getNearestRow(1.1)
     assert nearRow.ncol() == 12
     assert nearRow[0] == 1
     assert nearRow[11] == 1
     tableVec3 = table.packVec3(('_x', '_y', '_z'))
     tableVec3.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
     tableVec3.getNumRows() == 3
     tableVec3.getNumColumns() == 4
     print tableVec3
     tableVec3 = table.packVec3()
     tableVec3.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
     tableVec3.getNumRows() == 3
     tableVec3.getNumColumns() == 4
     print tableVec3
     avgRow = tableVec3.averageRow(1, 2)
     assert avgRow.ncol() == 4
     assert abs(avgRow[0][0] - 1.5) < 1e-8  #epsilon
     assert abs(avgRow[3][2] - 1.5) < 1e-8  #epsilon
     nearRow = tableVec3.getNearestRow(1.1)
     assert nearRow.ncol() == 4
     assert nearRow[0][0] == 1
     assert nearRow[3][2] == 1
     tableUnitVec3 = table.packUnitVec3()
     tableUnitVec3.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
     tableUnitVec3.getNumRows() == 3
     tableUnitVec3.getNumColumns() == 4
     print tableUnitVec3
         ('col0.0', 'col0.1', 'col0.2', 'col0.3', 'col1.0', 'col1.1',
          'col1.2', 'col1.3', 'col2.0', 'col2.1', 'col2.2', 'col2.3'))
     tableQuat = table.packQuaternion()
     tableQuat.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1', 'col2')
     tableQuat.getNumRows() == 3
     tableQuat.getNumColumns() == 3
     print tableQuat
         ('col0_0', 'col0_1', 'col0_2', 'col0_3', 'col0_4', 'col0_5',
          'col1_0', 'col1_1', 'col1_2', 'col1_3', 'col1_4', 'col1_5'))
     tableSVec = table.packSpatialVec()
     tableSVec.getColumnLabels() == ('col0', 'col1')
     tableSVec.getNumRows() == 3
     tableSVec.getNumColumns() == 2
     print tableSVec
Пример #11
 def test_DataTable(self):
     table = osim.DataTable()
     # Set column labels.
     table.setColumnLabels(['0', '1', '2', '3'])
     assert table.getColumnLabels() == ('0', '1', '2', '3')
     assert table.hasColumn('0')
     assert table.hasColumn('2')
     assert not table.hasColumn('not-found')
     table.setColumnLabel(0, 'zero')
     table.setColumnLabel(2, 'two')
     assert table.getColumnLabel(0) == 'zero'
     assert table.getColumnLabel(2) == 'two'
     assert table.getColumnIndex('zero') == 0
     assert table.getColumnIndex('two')  == 2
     # Append a row to the table.
     row = osim.RowVector([1, 2, 3, 4])
     table.appendRow(0.1, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 1
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     assert (row0[0] == row[0] and
             row0[1] == row[1] and
             row0[2] == row[2] and
             row0[3] == row[3])
     print table
     # Append another row to the table.
     row[0] *= 2
     row[1] *= 2
     row[2] *= 2
     row[3] *= 2
     table.appendRow(0.2, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 2
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row1 = table.getRow(0.2)
     assert (row1[0] == row[0] and
             row1[1] == row[1] and
             row1[2] == row[2] and
             row1[3] == row[3])
     print table
     # Append another row to the table.
     row[0] *= 2
     row[1] *= 2
     row[2] *= 2
     row[3] *= 2
     table.appendRow(0.3, row)
     assert table.getNumRows() == 3
     assert table.getNumColumns() == 4
     row2 = table.getRow(0.3)
     assert (row2[0] == row[0] and
             row2[1] == row[1] and
             row2[2] == row[2] and
             row2[3] == row[3])
     print table
     # Retrieve independent column.
     assert table.getIndependentColumn() == (0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
     # Retrieve dependent columns.
     col1 = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(1)
     assert (col1[0] == 2 and
             col1[1] == 4 and
             col1[2] == 8)
     col3 = table.getDependentColumn('3')
     assert (col3[0] == 4 and
             col3[1] == 8 and
             col3[2] == 16)
     assert table.hasColumn(0)
     assert table.hasColumn(2)
     # Edit rows of the table.
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     row0[0] = 10
     row0[1] = 10
     row0[2] = 10
     row0[3] = 10
     row0 = table.getRowAtIndex(0)
     assert (row0[0] == 10 and
             row0[1] == 10 and
             row0[2] == 10 and
             row0[3] == 10)
     row2 = table.getRow(0.3)
     row2[0] = 20
     row2[1] = 20
     row2[2] = 20
     row2[3] = 20
     row2 = table.getRow(0.3)
     assert (row2[0] == 20 and
             row2[1] == 20 and
             row2[2] == 20 and
             row2[3] == 20)
     print table
     # Edit columns of the table.
     col1 = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(1)
     col1[0] = 30
     col1[1] = 30
     col1[2] = 30
     col1 = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(1)
     assert (col1[0] == 30 and
             col1[1] == 30 and
             col1[2] == 30)
     col3 = table.getDependentColumn('3')
     col3[0] = 40
     col3[1] = 40
     col3[2] = 40
     col3 = table.getDependentColumn('3')
     assert (col3[0] == 40 and
             col3[1] == 40 and
             col3[2] == 40)
     print table
     # Access eleemnt with index out of bounds. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = row0[5]
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
         shouldThrow = col1[5]
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Access row with index out of bounds. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = table.getRowAtIndex(5)
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Access row with timestamp that does not exist. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = table.getRow(5.5)
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Access column with index out of bounds. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = table.getDependentColumnAtIndex(5)
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
     # Access column with label that does not exist. Exception expected.
         shouldThrow = table.getDependentColumn('not-found')
         assert false
     except RuntimeError:
Пример #12
# %%
import os
import opensim as osim
from utils import read_from_storage

subject_dir = os.path.abspath('../')
output_dir = os.path.join(subject_dir, 'experimental_data')
trc_file = os.path.join(subject_dir, 'experimental_data/task.trc')


# load and resample markers at 0.01
df = read_from_storage(trc_file)

# create timeseries table
table = osim.TimeSeriesTable()
table.addTableMetaDataString('DataRate', '100')
table.addTableMetaDataString('Units', 'mm')

# append data to table
for i in range(df.shape[0]):
    table.appendRow(df.time.values[i], osim.RowVector(df.iloc[i, 1:].values))

# write table to file
                          os.path.join(output_dir, 'task_resampled.trc'))
