Пример #1
class PoolMember(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'member'
    resources_key = 'members'
    base_path = '/lbaas/pools/%(pool_id)s/members'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The IP address of the pool member.
    address = resource.prop('address')
    #: The administrative state of the pool member, which is up ``True`` or
    #: down ``False``. *Type: bool*
    admin_state_up = resource.prop('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    #: The project this pool member is associated with.
    project_id = resource.prop('tenant_id')
    #: The port on which the application is hosted.
    protocol_port = resource.prop('protocol_port', type=int)
    #: The status of the member. Indicates whether the member is operational.
    status = resource.prop('status')
    #: Subnet in which to access this pool member.
    subnet_id = resource.prop('subnet_id')
    #: A positive integer value that indicates the relative portion of traffic
    #: that this member should receive from the pool. For example, a member
    #: with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member
    #: with weight of 2.
    weight = resource.prop('weight', type=int)
Пример #2
class RBACPolicy(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'rbac_policy'
    resources_key = 'rbac_policies'
    base_path = '/rbac-policies'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(
        'action', 'object_id', 'object_type', 'project_id',

    # Properties
    #: ID of the object that this RBAC policy affects.
    object_id = resource.Body('object_id')
    #: The ID of the project this RBAC will be enforced.
    target_project_id = resource.Body('target_tenant')
    #: The owner project ID.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: Type of the object that this RBAC policy affects.
    object_type = resource.Body('object_type')
    #: Action for the RBAC policy.
    action = resource.Body('action')
Пример #3
class Host(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'host'
    resources_key = 'hosts'
    base_path = '/hosts'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # ignores the id field on creating the resource; send a POST instead
    # of a PUT and do not append the ID to the end of the URL
    # the id field is required by the neutron command
    ignore_id_on_create = True

    # Properties
    subnets = resource.Body('subnets', type=int)
    name = resource.Body('name')
    routers = resource.Body('routers', type=int)
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    availability = resource.Body('availability')
    id = resource.Body('id')
    ports = resource.Body('ports', type=int)
    agents = resource.Body('agents', type=list)
Пример #4
class ServiceProfile(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'service_profile'
    resources_key = 'service_profiles'
    base_path = '/service_profiles'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('description',
    # Properties
    #: Description of the service flavor profile.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: Provider driver for the service flavor profile
    driver = resource.Body('driver')
    #: Sets enabled flag
    is_enabled = resource.Body('enabled', type=bool)
    #: Metainformation of the service flavor profile
    meta_info = resource.Body('metainfo')
    #: The owner project ID
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
Пример #5
class MeteringLabel(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'metering_label'
    resources_key = 'metering_labels'
    base_path = '/metering/metering-labels'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('description',

    # Properties
    #: Description of the metering label.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: Name of the metering label.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the project this metering label is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: Indicates whether this label is shared across all tenants.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_shared = resource.Body('shared', type=bool)
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._services = {}


        self.service_keys = sorted(self._services.keys())
class ProvidernetConnectivityTest(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'providernet_connectivity_test'
    resources_key = 'providernet_connectivity_tests'
    base_path = '/wrs-provider/providernet-connectivity-tests'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(
        'audit_uuid', 'providernet_id', 'host_id', 'segmentation_id'

    # Properties
    status = resource.Body('status')
    segmentation_id = resource.Body('segmentation_id')
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
    host_name = resource.Body('host_name')
    providernet_id = resource.Body('providernet_id')
    host_id = resource.Body('host_id')
    providernet_name = resource.Body('providernet_name')
    audit_uuid = resource.Body('audit_uuid')
    type = resource.Body('type')
    message = resource.Body('message')
Пример #8
class Segment(resource.Resource):
    """.. caution:: This API is a work in progress and is subject to change."""
    resource_key = 'segment'
    resources_key = 'segments'
    base_path = '/segments'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = False
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = False
    allow_delete = False
    allow_list = True

    # TODO(rtheis): Add description and name properties when support
    # is available.

    # Properties
    #: The ID of the network associated with this segment.
    network_id = resource.prop('network_id')
    #: The type of network associated with this segment, such as
    #: ``flat``, ``gre``, ``vlan`` or ``vxlan``.
    network_type = resource.prop('network_type')
    #: The name of the physical network associated with this segment.
    physical_network = resource.prop('physical_network')
    #: The segmentation ID for this segment. The network type
    #: defines the segmentation model, VLAN ID for ``vlan`` network type
    #: and tunnel ID for ``gre`` and ``vxlan`` network types. *Type: int*
    segmentation_id = resource.prop('segmentation_id', type=int)
Пример #9
class QoSPolicy(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'policy'
    resources_key = 'policies'
    base_path = '/qos/policies'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: QoS policy name.
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The ID of the project who owns the network. Only administrative
    #: users can specify a project ID other than their own.
    project_id = resource.prop('tenant_id')
    #: The QoS policy description.
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: Indicates whether this QoS policy is shared across all projects.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_shared = resource.prop('shared', type=bool)
    #: List of QoS rules applied to this QoS policy.
    rules = resource.prop('rules')
class QoSMinimumBandwidthRule(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'minimum_bandwidth_rule'
    resources_key = 'minimum_bandwidth_rules'
    base_path = '/qos/policies/%(qos_policy_id)s/minimum_bandwidth_rules'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: QoS minimum bandwidth rule id.
    id = resource.prop('id')
    #: The ID of the QoS policy who owns rule.
    qos_policy_id = resource.prop('qos_policy_id')
    #: Minimum bandwidth in kbps.
    min_kbps = resource.prop('min_kbps')
    #: Traffic direction from the tenant point of view. Valid values: 'egress'
    direction = resource.prop('direction')

    def _get_create_body(cls, attrs):
        # Exclude qos_policy_id from attrs since it is not expected by QoS API.
        if 'qos_policy_id' in attrs:

        return {cls.resource_key: attrs}
Пример #11
class Port(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'port'
    resources_key = 'ports'
    base_path = '/v2.0/ports'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    admin_state_up = resource.prop('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    allowed_address_pairs = resource.prop('allowed_address_pairs', type=dict)
    binding_host_id = resource.prop('binding:host_id')
    binding_profile = resource.prop('binding:profile')
    binding_vif_details = resource.prop('binding:vif_details', type=dict)
    binding_vif_type = resource.prop('binding:vif_type')
    binding_vnic_type = resource.prop('binding:vnic_type')
    device_id = resource.prop('device_id')
    device_owner = resource.prop('device_owner')
    extra_dhcp_opts = resource.prop('extra_dhcp_opts', type=dict)
    fixed_ips = resource.prop('fixed_ips', type=dict)
    mac_address = resource.prop('mac_address')
    name = resource.prop('name')
    network_id = resource.prop('network_id')
    project_id = resource.prop('tenant_id')
    security_groups = resource.prop('security_groups')
    status = resource.prop('status')
class LoadBalancer(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'loadbalancer'
    resources_key = 'loadbalancers'
    base_path = '/lbaas/loadbalancers'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The administrative state of the load_balancer, which is up
    #: ``True`` or down ``False``. *Type: bool*
    admin_state_up = resource.prop('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    #: Description for the load_balancer.
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: List of IDs of listeners associated with this load_balancer.
    #: *Type: list*
    listeners = resource.prop('listeners')
    #: Name of the load_balancer
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: Status of load_balancer operating, e.g. ONLINE, OFFLINE.
    operating_status = resource.prop('operating_status')
    #: The project this load_balancer is associated with.
    project_id = resource.prop('tenant_id')
    #: Status of load_balancer provisioning, e.g. ACTIVE, INACTIVE.
    provisioning_status = resource.prop('provisioning_status')
    #: The IP address of the VIP.
    vip_address = resource.prop('vip_address')
    #: The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the VIP address.
    vip_subnet_id = resource.prop('vip_subnet_id')
Пример #13
class MeteringLabelRule(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'metering_label_rule'
    resources_key = 'metering_label_rules'
    base_path = '/metering/metering-label-rules'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    #: ingress or egress: The direction in which metering label rule is
    #: applied. Default: ``"ingress"``
    direction = resource.Body('direction')
    #: Specify whether the ``remote_ip_prefix`` will be excluded or not
    #: from traffic counters of the metering label, ie: to not count the
    #: traffic of a specific IP address of a range. Default: ``False``,
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_excluded = resource.Body('excluded', type=bool)
    #: The metering label ID to associate with this metering label rule.
    metering_label_id = resource.Body('metering_label_id')
    #: The ID of the project this metering label rule is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: The remote IP prefix to be associated with this metering label rule.
    remote_ip_prefix = resource.Body('remote_ip_prefix')
Пример #14
class Network(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'network'
    resources_key = 'networks'
    base_path = '/v2.0/networks'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    admin_state_up = resource.prop('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    name = resource.prop('name')
    project_id = resource.prop('tenant_id')
    provider_network_type = resource.prop('provider:network_type')
    provider_physical_network = resource.prop('provider:physical_network')
    provider_segmentation_id = resource.prop('provider:segmentation_id')
    router_external = resource.prop('router:external')
    segments = resource.prop('segments')
    shared = resource.prop('shared', type=bool)
    status = resource.prop('status')
    subnets = resource.prop('subnets')
Пример #15
class Segment(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'segment'
    resources_key = 'segments'
    base_path = '/segments'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The segment description.
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: The segment name.
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The ID of the network associated with this segment.
    network_id = resource.prop('network_id')
    #: The type of network associated with this segment, such as
    #: ``flat``, ``geneve``, ``gre``, ``local``, ``vlan`` or ``vxlan``.
    network_type = resource.prop('network_type')
    #: The name of the physical network associated with this segment.
    physical_network = resource.prop('physical_network')
    #: The segmentation ID for this segment. The network type
    #: defines the segmentation model, VLAN ID for ``vlan`` network type
    #: and tunnel ID for ``geneve``, ``gre`` and ``vxlan`` network types.
    #: *Type: int*
    segmentation_id = resource.prop('segmentation_id', type=int)
Пример #16
class NetworkIPAvailability(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'network_ip_availability'
    resources_key = 'network_ip_availabilities'
    base_path = '/network-ip-availabilities'
    name_attribute = 'network_name'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = False
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = False
    allow_delete = False
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('network_id',

    # Properties
    #: Network ID to use when listing network IP availability.
    network_id = resource.Body('network_id')
    #: Network Name for the particular network IP availability.
    network_name = resource.Body('network_name')
    #: The Subnet IP Availability of all subnets of a network.
    #: *Type: list*
    subnet_ip_availability = resource.Body('subnet_ip_availability', type=list)
    #: The ID of the project this network IP availability is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: The total ips of a network.
    #: *Type: int*
    total_ips = resource.Body('total_ips', type=int)
    #: The used or consumed ip of a network
    #: *Type: int*
    used_ips = resource.Body('used_ips', type=int)
Пример #17
class QoSDSCPMarkingRule(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'dscp_marking_rule'
    resources_key = 'dscp_marking_rules'
    base_path = '/qos/policies/%(qos_policy_id)s/dscp_marking_rules'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: QoS DSCP marking rule id.
    id = resource.prop('id')
    #: The ID of the QoS policy who owns rule.
    qos_policy_id = resource.prop('qos_policy_id')
    #: DSCP mark field.
    dscp_mark = resource.prop('dscp_mark')

    def _get_create_body(cls, attrs):
        # Exclude qos_policy_id from attrs since it is not expected by QoS API.
        if 'qos_policy_id' in attrs:

        return {cls.resource_key: attrs}
Пример #18
class AvailabilityZone(_resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'availability_zone'
    resources_key = 'availability_zones'
    base_path = '/availability_zones'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = False
    allow_get = False
    allow_update = False
    allow_delete = False
    allow_list = True

    # NOTE: We don't support query by state yet because there is a mapping
    #       at neutron side difficult to map.
    _query_mapping = _resource.QueryParameters(name='availability_zone',

    # Properties
    #: Name of the availability zone.
    name = _resource.Body('name')
    #: Type of resource for the availability zone, such as ``network``.
    resource = _resource.Body('resource')
    #: State of the availability zone, either ``available`` or
    #: ``unavailable``.
    state = _resource.Body('state')
class Listener(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'listener'
    resources_key = 'listeners'
    base_path = '/lbaas/listeners'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: The administrative state of the listener, which is up
    #: ``True`` or down ``False``. *Type: bool*
    admin_state_up = resource.prop('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    #: The maximum number of connections permitted for this load balancer.
    #: Default is infinite.
    connection_limit = resource.prop('connection_limit')
    #: ID of default pool. Must have compatible protocol with listener.
    default_pool_id = resource.prop('default_pool_id')
    #: Description for the listener.
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: List of IDs of load_balancers associate with this listener.
    #: *Type: list*
    loadbalancers = resource.prop('loadbalancers')
    #: Name of the listener
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: The project this listener is associated with.
    project_id = resource.prop('tenant_id')
    #: The protocol of the listener, which is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
    protocol = resource.prop('protocol')
    #: Port the listener will listen to, e.g. 80.
    protocol_port = resource.prop('protocol_port')
Пример #20
class SecurityGroup(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'security_group'
    resources_key = 'security_groups'
    base_path = '/v2.0/security-groups'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    description = resource.prop('description')
    name = resource.prop('name')
    project_id = resource.prop('tenant_id')
    security_group_rules = resource.prop('security_group_rules')

    def __init__(self, attrs=None, loaded=False):
        super(SecurityGroup, self).__init__(attrs=attrs, loaded=loaded)
            rules = []
            for rule in self.security_group_rules:
            self.security_group_rules = rules
        except AttributeError:
Пример #21
class SecurityGroup(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'security_group'
    resources_key = 'security_groups'
    base_path = '/security-groups'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(
        'description', 'name',

    # Properties
    #: Timestamp when the security group was created.
    created_at = resource.Body('created_at')
    #: The security group description.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: The security group name.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the project this security group is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: Revision number of the security group. *Type: int*
    revision_number = resource.Body('revision_number', type=int)
    #: A list of
    #: :class:`~openstack.network.v2.security_group_rule.SecurityGroupRule`
    #: objects. *Type: list*
    security_group_rules = resource.Body('security_group_rules', type=list)
    #: Timestamp when the security group was last updated.
    updated_at = resource.Body('updated_at')
Пример #22
class Portforwarding(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'portforwarding'
    resources_key = 'portforwardings'
    base_path = '/portforwardings'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    router_id = resource.Body('router_id')
    inside_addr = resource.Body('inside_addr')
    protocol = resource.Body('protocol')
    outside_port = resource.Body('outside_port', type=int)
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    description = resource.Body('description')
    id = resource.Body('id')
    inside_port = resource.Body('inside_port', type=int)
Пример #23
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param list plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._preferences = {}
        self._services = {}

        if plugins:
            for plugin in plugins:
        self.service_names = sorted(self._services.keys())
Пример #24
class ProvidernetRange(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'providernet_range'
    resources_key = 'providernet_ranges'
    base_path = '/wrs-provider/providernet-ranges'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    minimum = resource.Body('minimum', type=int)
    name = resource.Body('name')
    providernet_id = resource.Body('providernet_id')
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    shared = resource.Body('shared', type=bool)
    providernet_name = resource.Body('providernet_name')
    providernet_type = resource.Body('providernet_type')
    id = resource.Body('id')
    maximum = resource.Body('maximum', type=int)
    description = resource.Body('description')
    ttl = resource.Body('ttl', type=int)
    port = resource.Body('port', type=int)
    group = resource.Body('group')
    mode = resource.Body('mode')
Пример #25
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._services = {}

        # QianBiao.NG HuaWei Services
        ass = auto_scaling_service.AutoScalingService(version="v1")
        vbs_v2 = volume_backup_service.VolumeBackupService(version="v2")
        # not support below service
        # self._add_service(message_service.MessageService(version="v1"))
        # self._add_service(cluster_service.ClusterService(version="v1"))
        # self._add_service(database_service.DatabaseService(version="v1"))
        # self._add_service(alarm_service.AlarmService(version="v2"))
        # self._add_service(bare_metal_service.BareMetalService(version="v1"))
        # self._add_service(key_manager_service.KeyManagerService(version="v1"))
        # self._add_service(
        # object_store_service.ObjectStoreService(version="v1"))


        # self._add_service(rds_os_service.RDSService(version="v1"))
        # self._add_service(telemetry_service.TelemetryService(version="v2"))
        # self._add_service(workflow_service.WorkflowService(version="v2"))
        if plugins:
            for plugin in plugins:
        self.service_keys = sorted(self._services.keys())
Пример #26
class VPNService(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'vpnservice'
    resources_key = 'vpnservices'
    base_path = '/vpn/vpnservices'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: Human-readable description for the vpnservice.
    description = resource.Body('description')
    #: The external IPv4 address that is used for the VPN service.
    external_v4_ip = resource.Body('external_v4_ip')
    #: The external IPv6 address that is used for the VPN service.
    external_v6_ip = resource.Body('external_v6_ip')
    #: The administrative state of the vpnservice, which is up ``True`` or
    #: down ``False``. *Type: bool*
    is_admin_state_up = resource.Body('admin_state_up', type=bool)
    #: The vpnservice name.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: ID of the router into which the VPN service is inserted.
    router_id = resource.Body('router_id')
    #: The ID of the project this vpnservice is associated with.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: The vpnservice status.
    status = resource.Body('status')
    #: The ID of the subnet on which the tenant wants the vpnservice.
    subnet_id = resource.Body('subnet_id')
class MeteringLabelRule(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'metering_label_rule'
    resources_key = 'metering_label_rules'
    base_path = '/metering-label-rules'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: ingress or egress: The direction in which metering rule is
    #: applied. Default: ``"ingress"``
    direction = resource.prop('direction')
    #: Specify whether the ``remote_ip_prefix`` will be excluded or not
    #: from traffic counters of the metering label, ie: to not count the
    #: traffic of a specific IP address of a range. Default: ``False``,
    #: *Type: bool*
    excluded = resource.prop('excluded', type=bool)
    #: The meteting label ID to associate with this metering rule.
    metering_label_id = resource.prop('metering_label_id')
    #: The remote IP prefix to be associated with this metering rule.
    remote_ip_prefix = resource.prop('remote_ip_prefix')
Пример #28
class Extension(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = 'extension'
    resources_key = 'extensions'
    base_path = '/extensions'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()
    id_attribute = "alias"

    # capabilities
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_list = True

    # Properties
    #: An alias the extension is known under.
    alias = resource.prop('alias')
    #: Text describing what the extension does.
    description = resource.prop('description')
    #: Links pertaining to this extension.
    links = resource.prop('links')
    #: The name of this extension.
    name = resource.prop('name')
    #: A URL pointing to the namespace for this extension.
    namespace = resource.prop('namespace')
    #: Timestamp when the extension was last updated.
    #: *Type: datetime object parsed from ISO 8601 formatted string*
    updated_at = resource.prop('updated', type=format.ISO8601)
Пример #29
class AddressScope(resource.Resource):
    """Address scope extension."""
    resource_key = 'address_scope'
    resources_key = 'address_scopes'
    base_path = '/address-scopes'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(

    # Properties
    #: The address scope name.
    name = resource.Body('name')
    #: The ID of the project that owns the address scope.
    project_id = resource.Body('tenant_id')
    #: The IP address family of the address scope.
    #: *Type: int*
    ip_version = resource.Body('ip_version', type=int)
    #: Indicates whether this address scope is shared across all projects.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_shared = resource.Body('shared', type=bool)
Пример #30
class Policy(resource2.Resource):
    resource_key = 'l7policy'
    resources_key = 'l7policies'
    base_path = '/lbaas/l7policies'
    service = network_service.NetworkService()

    _query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters("id",

    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True

    id = resource2.Body("id")
    tenant_id = resource2.Body("tenant_id")
    name = resource2.Body("name")
    admin_state_up = resource2.Body("admin_state_up", type=bool, default=True)
    description = resource2.Body("description")
    listener_id = resource2.Body("listener_id")
    action = resource2.Body("action")
    redirect_pool_id = resource2.Body("redirect_pool_id")
    redirect_url = resource2.URI("redirect_url")
    rules = resource2.Body("rules", type=list)
    position = resource2.Body("position", type=int)