def get_urls(self, sot):
     sf = service_filter.ServiceFilter(service_type='compute')
     exp = [
     self.assertEqual(exp, sot.get_urls(sf))
     sf = service_filter.ServiceFilter(service_type='image')
     self.assertEqual(["http://image.region1.public/v2"], sot.get_urls(sf))
     sf = service_filter.ServiceFilter(service_type='identity')
     sf = service_filter.ServiceFilter(service_type='object-store')
     sf = service_filter.ServiceFilter(service_type='object-store',
     sf = service_filter.ServiceFilter(service_type='object-store')
     osf = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
     sf = sf.join(osf)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param list plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._preferences = {}
        self._services = {}

        if plugins:
            for plugin in plugins:
        self.service_names = sorted(self._services.keys())
class BulkDelete(resource.Resource):
    base_path = "/?bulk-delete"
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()

    allow_delete = True

    #: The number of items that weren't found
    not_found = resource.prop("Number Not Found")
    #: The response code returned by the bulk delete operation
    response_code = resource.prop("Response Status")
    #: A list of errors that occurred
    errors = resource.prop("Errors")
    #: The number of objects deleted
    deleted = resource.prop("Number Deleted")
    #: Any additional response body
    response_body = resource.prop("Response Body")

    def delete(cls, session, body):
        """Issue a delete call on the session

        :param str body: The body of the bulk delete request.
            The API works on a text/plain list of lines in the
            format /container_name (to delete empty containers)
            or /container_name/object_name (to delete objects
            in a container)

        resp = session.delete(cls.base_path, service=cls.service,
        return cls.existing(**resp)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._services = {}


        self.service_keys = sorted(self._services.keys())
Пример #5
class BaseResource(resource.Resource):
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()

    commit_method = 'POST'
    create_method = 'PUT'

    #: Metadata stored for this resource. *Type: dict*
    metadata = dict()

    _custom_metadata_prefix = None
    _system_metadata = dict()

    def _calculate_headers(self, metadata):
        headers = {}
        for key in metadata:
            if key in self._system_metadata.keys():
                header = self._system_metadata[key]
            elif key in self._system_metadata.values():
                header = key
                if key.startswith(self._custom_metadata_prefix):
                    header = key
                    header = self._custom_metadata_prefix + key
            headers[header] = metadata[key]
        return headers

    def set_metadata(self, session, metadata):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        response =,
        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        response = session.head(request.url)
        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self

    def delete_metadata(self, session, keys):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        headers = {key: '' for key in keys}
        response =,
            response, error_message="Error deleting metadata keys")
        return self

    def _set_metadata(self, headers):
        self.metadata = dict()

        for header in headers:
            if header.startswith(self._custom_metadata_prefix):
                key = header[len(self._custom_metadata_prefix):].lower()
                self.metadata[key] = headers[header]

    def _translate_response(self, response, has_body=None, error_message=None):
 def test_service(self):
     sot = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
     self.assertEqual('object-store', sot.service_type)
     self.assertEqual('public', sot.interface)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(sot.valid_versions))
     self.assertEqual('v1', sot.valid_versions[0].module)
     self.assertEqual('v1', sot.valid_versions[0].path)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self):
        """Preferences for each service.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._preferences = {}
        self._services = {}
        NOTE(thowe): We should probably do something more clever here rather
        than brute force create all the services.  Maybe use entry points
        or something, but I'd like to leave that work for another commit.
        serv = cluster_service.ClusterService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = compute_service.ComputeService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = database_service.DatabaseService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = identity_service.IdentityService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = image_service.ImageService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = metric_service.MetricService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = network_service.NetworkService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = orchestration_service.OrchestrationService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = keystore_service.KeystoreService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = telemetry_service.TelemetryService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = block_store_service.BlockStoreService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv
        serv = message_service.MessageService()
        self._services[serv.service_type] = serv

        self.service_names = sorted(self._services.keys())
 def test_get_versions(self):
     sot = catalog.ServiceCatalog(common.TEST_SERVICE_CATALOG_V3)
     service = compute_service.ComputeService()
     self.assertEqual(['v1.1', 'v1', 'v2.0'], sot.get_versions(service))
     service = identity_service.IdentityService()
     self.assertEqual(['v1.1'], sot.get_versions(service))
     service = image_service.ImageService()
     self.assertEqual(['v2'], sot.get_versions(service))
     service = network_service.NetworkService()
     self.assertEqual(None, sot.get_versions(service))
     service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
     self.assertEqual([], sot.get_versions(service))
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, plugins=None):
        """User preference for each service.

        :param plugins: List of entry point namespaces to load.

        Create a new :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
        object with no preferences defined, but knowledge of the services.
        Services are identified by their service type, e.g.: 'identity',
        'compute', etc.
        self._services = {}

        # QianBiao.NG HuaWei Services
        ass = auto_scaling_service.AutoScalingService(version="v1")
        vbs_v2 = volume_backup_service.VolumeBackupService(version="v2")

        if plugins:
            for plugin in plugins:
        self.service_keys = sorted(self._services.keys())
Пример #10
class BaseResource(resource.Resource):
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()

    def update_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, attrs, path_args=None):
        """Update a Resource with the given attributes.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
        :param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
                            the request. The default is ``None``.
        :param dict attrs: The attributes to be sent in the body
                           of the request.
        :param dict path_args: This parameter is sent by the base
                               class but is ignored for this method.

        :return: A ``dict`` representing the response headers.
        url = cls._get_url(None, resource_id)
        headers = attrs.get(resource.HEADERS, dict())
        headers['Accept'] = ''
        return, endpoint_filter=cls.service,
Пример #11
class BaseResource(resource.Resource):
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()

    #: Metadata stored for this resource. *Type: dict*
    metadata = dict()

    _custom_metadata_prefix = None
    _system_metadata = dict()

    def _calculate_headers(self, metadata):
        headers = dict()
        for key in metadata:
            if key in self._system_metadata:
                header = self._system_metadata[key]
                header = self._custom_metadata_prefix + key
            headers[header] = metadata[key]
        return headers

    def set_metadata(self, session, metadata):
        url = self._get_url(self,,

    def delete_metadata(self, session, keys):
        url = self._get_url(self,
        headers = {key: '' for key in keys},

    def _set_metadata(self):
        self.metadata = dict()
        headers = self.get_headers()

        for header in headers:
            if header.startswith(self._custom_metadata_prefix):
                key = header[len(self._custom_metadata_prefix):].lower()
                self.metadata[key] = headers[header]

    def get(self, session, include_headers=False, args=None):
        super(BaseResource, self).get(session, include_headers, args)
        return self

    def head(self, session):
        super(BaseResource, self).head(session)
        return self

    def update_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, attrs, path_args=None):
        """Update a Resource with the given attributes.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
        :param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
                            the request. The default is ``None``.
        :param dict attrs: The attributes to be sent in the body
                           of the request.
        :param dict path_args: This parameter is sent by the base
                               class but is ignored for this method.

        :return: A ``dict`` representing the response headers.
        url = cls._get_url(None, resource_id)
        headers = attrs.get(resource.HEADERS, dict())
        headers['Accept'] = ''
        return, endpoint_filter=cls.service,
Пример #12
class Object(_base.BaseResource):
    _custom_metadata_prefix = "X-Object-Meta-"
    _system_metadata = {
        "content_disposition": "content-disposition",
        "content_encoding": "content-encoding",
        "content_type": "content-type",
        "delete_after": "x-delete-after",
        "delete_at": "x-delete-at",
        "is_content_type_detected": "x-detect-content-type",

    base_path = "/%(container)s"
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
    id_attribute = "name"

    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    # Data to be passed during a POST call to create an object on the server.
    data = None

    # URL parameters
    #: The unique name for the container.
    container = resource.prop("container")
    #: The unique name for the object.
    name = resource.prop("name")

    # Object details
    hash = resource.prop("hash")
    bytes = resource.prop("bytes")

    # Headers for HEAD and GET requests
    #: If set to True, Object Storage queries all replicas to return
    #: the most recent one. If you omit this header, Object Storage
    #: responds faster after it finds one valid replica. Because
    #: setting this header to True is more expensive for the back end,
    #: use it only when it is absolutely needed. *Type: bool*
    is_newest = resource.header("x-newest", type=bool)
    #: TODO(briancurtin) there's a lot of content here...
    range = resource.header("range", type=dict)
    #: See
    if_match = resource.header("if-match", type=dict)
    #: In combination with Expect: 100-Continue, specify an
    #: "If-None-Match: \*" header to query whether the server already
    #: has a copy of the object before any data is sent.
    if_none_match = resource.header("if-none-match", type=dict)
    #: See
    if_modified_since = resource.header("if-modified-since", type=dict)
    #: See
    if_unmodified_since = resource.header("if-unmodified-since", type=dict)

    # Query parameters
    #: Used with temporary URLs to sign the request. For more
    #: information about temporary URLs, see OpenStack Object Storage
    #: API v1 Reference.
    signature = resource.header("signature")
    #: Used with temporary URLs to specify the expiry time of the
    #: signature. For more information about temporary URLs, see
    #: OpenStack Object Storage API v1 Reference.
    expires_at = resource.header("expires")
    #: If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and
    #: the object is a large object, the object contents are not
    #: returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the
    #: X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects
    #: or in the response body for static large objects.
    multipart_manifest = resource.header("multipart-manifest")

    # Response headers from HEAD and GET
    #: HEAD operations do not return content. However, in this
    #: operation the value in the Content-Length header is not the
    #: size of the response body. Instead it contains the size of
    #: the object, in bytes.
    content_length = resource.header("content-length")
    #: The MIME type of the object.
    content_type = resource.header("content-type")
    #: The type of ranges that the object accepts.
    accept_ranges = resource.header("accept-ranges")
    #: For objects smaller than 5 GB, this value is the MD5 checksum
    #: of the object content. The value is not quoted.
    #: For manifest objects, this value is the MD5 checksum of the
    #: concatenated string of MD5 checksums and ETags for each of
    #: the segments in the manifest, and not the MD5 checksum of
    #: the content that was downloaded. Also the value is enclosed
    #: in double-quote characters.
    #: You are strongly recommended to compute the MD5 checksum of
    #: the response body as it is received and compare this value
    #: with the one in the ETag header. If they differ, the content
    #: was corrupted, so retry the operation.
    etag = resource.header("etag")
    #: Set to True if this object is a static large object manifest object.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_static_large_object = resource.header("x-static-large-object",
    #: If set, the value of the Content-Encoding metadata.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_encoding = resource.header("content-encoding")
    #: If set, specifies the override behavior for the browser.
    #: For example, this header might specify that the browser use
    #: a download program to save this file rather than show the file,
    #: which is the default.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_disposition = resource.header("content-disposition")
    #: Specifies the number of seconds after which the object is
    #: removed. Internally, the Object Storage system stores this
    #: value in the X-Delete-At metadata item.
    delete_after = resource.header("x-delete-after", type=int)
    #: If set, the time when the object will be deleted by the system
    #: in the format of a UNIX Epoch timestamp.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    delete_at = resource.header("x-delete-at")
    #: If set, to this is a dynamic large object manifest object.
    #: The value is the container and object name prefix of the
    #: segment objects in the form container/prefix.
    object_manifest = resource.header("x-object-manifest")
    #: The timestamp of the transaction.
    timestamp = resource.header("x-timestamp")
    #: The date and time that the object was created or the last
    #: time that the metadata was changed.
    last_modified_at = resource.header("last_modified", alias="last-modified")

    # Headers for PUT and POST requests
    #: Set to chunked to enable chunked transfer encoding. If used,
    #: do not set the Content-Length header to a non-zero value.
    transfer_encoding = resource.header("transfer-encoding")
    #: If set to true, Object Storage guesses the content type based
    #: on the file extension and ignores the value sent in the
    #: Content-Type header, if present. *Type: bool*
    is_content_type_detected = resource.header("x-detect-content-type",
    #: If set, this is the name of an object used to create the new
    #: object by copying the X-Copy-From object. The value is in form
    #: {container}/{object}. You must UTF-8-encode and then URL-encode
    #: the names of the container and object before you include them
    #: in the header.
    #: Using PUT with X-Copy-From has the same effect as using the
    #: COPY operation to copy an object.
    copy_from = resource.header("x-copy-from")

    # The Object Store treats the metadata for its resources inconsistently so
    # Object.set_metadata must override the BaseResource.set_metadata to
    # account for it.
    def set_metadata(self, session, metadata):
        # Filter out items with empty values so the create metadata behaviour
        # is the same as account and container
        filtered_metadata = \
            {key: value for key, value in metadata.items() if value}

        # Get a copy of the original metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        # and update it with the new metadata values.
        obj = self.head(session)
        metadata2 = copy.deepcopy(obj.metadata)

        # Include any original system metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        for key in self._system_metadata:
            value = getattr(obj, key)
            if value and key not in metadata2:
                metadata2[key] = value

        super(Object, self).set_metadata(session, metadata2)

    # The Object Store treats the metadata for its resources inconsistently so
    # Object.delete_metadata must override the BaseResource.delete_metadata to
    # account for it.
    def delete_metadata(self, session, keys):
        # Get a copy of the original metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        # and update it with the new metadata values.
        obj = self.head(session)
        metadata = copy.deepcopy(obj.metadata)

        # Include any original system metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        for key in self._system_metadata:
            value = getattr(obj, key)
            if value:
                metadata[key] = value

        # Remove the metadata
        for key in keys:
            if key == 'delete_after':
                del (metadata['delete_at'])
                del (metadata[key])

        url = self._get_url(self,, headers=self._calculate_headers(metadata))

    def get(self,
        url = self._get_url(self,
        headers = {'Accept': 'bytes'}
        resp = session.get(url, headers=headers, error_message=error_message)
        resp = resp.content
        return resp

    def create(self, session):
        url = self._get_url(self,

        headers = self.get_headers()
        headers['Accept'] = ''
        if is not None:
            resp = session.put(url,, headers=headers).headers
            resp =, data=None, headers=headers).headers
        return self
Пример #13
 def test_service(self):
     sot = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
     self.assertEqual('object-store', sot.service_type)
     self.assertEqual('public', sot.visibility)
Пример #14
class Object(resource.Resource):
    base_path = "/%(container)s"
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
    id_attribute = "name"

    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    # Data to be passed during a POST call to create an object on the server.
    data = None

    # URL parameters
    #: The unique name for the container.
    container = resource.prop("container")
    #: The unique name for the object.
    name = resource.prop("name")

    # Object details
    hash = resource.prop("hash")
    bytes = resource.prop("bytes")

    # Headers for HEAD and GET requests
    #: If set to True, Object Storage queries all replicas to return
    #: the most recent one. If you omit this header, Object Storage
    #: responds faster after it finds one valid replica. Because
    #: setting this header to True is more expensive for the back end,
    #: use it only when it is absolutely needed.
    newest = resource.header("x-newest", type=bool)
    #: TODO(briancurtin) there's a lot of content here...
    range = resource.header("range", type=dict)
    #: See
    if_match = resource.header("if-match", type=dict)
    #: In combination with Expect: 100-Continue, specify an
    #: "If-None-Match: \*" header to query whether the server already
    #: has a copy of the object before any data is sent.
    if_none_match = resource.header("if-none-match", type=dict)
    #: See
    if_modified_since = resource.header("if-modified-since", type=dict)
    #: See
    if_unmodified_since = resource.header("if-unmodified-since", type=dict)

    # Query parameters
    #: Used with temporary URLs to sign the request. For more
    #: information about temporary URLs, see OpenStack Object Storage
    #: API v1 Reference.
    signature = resource.header("signature")
    #: Used with temporary URLs to specify the expiry time of the
    #: signature. For more information about temporary URLs, see
    #: OpenStack Object Storage API v1 Reference.
    expires = resource.header("expires")
    #: If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and
    #: the object is a large object, the object contents are not
    #: returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the
    #: X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects
    #: or in the response body for static large objects.
    multipart_manifest = resource.header("multipart-manifest")

    # Response headers from HEAD and GET
    #: HEAD operations do not return content. However, in this
    #: operation the value in the Content-Length header is not the
    #: size of the response body. Instead it contains the size of
    #: the object, in bytes.
    content_length = resource.header("content-length")
    #: The MIME type of the object.
    content_type = resource.header("content_type", alias="content-type")
    #: The type of ranges that the object accepts.
    accept_ranges = resource.header("accept-ranges")
    #: The date and time that the object was created or the last
    #: time that the metadata was changed.
    last_modified = resource.header("last_modified", alias="last-modified")
    #: For objects smaller than 5 GB, this value is the MD5 checksum
    #: of the object content. The value is not quoted.
    #: For manifest objects, this value is the MD5 checksum of the
    #: concatenated string of MD5 checksums and ETags for each of
    #: the segments in the manifest, and not the MD5 checksum of
    #: the content that was downloaded. Also the value is enclosed
    #: in double-quote characters.
    #: You are strongly recommended to compute the MD5 checksum of
    #: the response body as it is received and compare this value
    #: with the one in the ETag header. If they differ, the content
    #: was corrupted, so retry the operation.
    etag = resource.header("etag")
    #: Set to True if this object is a static large object manifest object.
    is_static_large_object = resource.header("x-static-large-object")
    #: The transaction date and time.
    date = resource.header("date")
    #: If set, the value of the Content-Encoding metadata.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_encoding = resource.header("content-encoding")
    #: If set, specifies the override behavior for the browser.
    #: For example, this header might specify that the browser use
    #: a download program to save this file rather than show the file,
    #: which is the default.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_disposition = resource.header("content-disposition")
    #: If set, the time when the object will be deleted by the system
    #: in the format of a UNIX Epoch timestamp.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    delete_at = resource.header("x-delete-at", type=int)
    #: If set, to this is a dynamic large object manifest object.
    #: The value is the container and object name prefix of the
    #: segment objects in the form container/prefix.
    object_manifest = resource.header("x-object-manifest")
    #: The UNIX timestamp of the transaction.
    timestamp = resource.header("x-timestamp")

    # Headers for PUT and POST requests
    #: Set to chunked to enable chunked transfer encoding. If used,
    #: do not set the Content-Length header to a non-zero value.
    transfer_encoding = resource.header("transfer-encoding")
    #: If set to true, Object Storage guesses the content type based
    #: on the file extension and ignores the value sent in the
    #: Content-Type header, if present.
    detect_content_type = resource.header("x-detect-content-type", type=bool)
    #: If set, this is the name of an object used to create the new
    #: object by copying the X-Copy-From object. The value is in form
    #: {container}/{object}. You must UTF-8-encode and then URL-encode
    #: the names of the container and object before you include them
    #: in the header.
    #: Using PUT with X-Copy-From has the same effect as using the
    #: COPY operation to copy an object.
    copy_from = resource.header("x-copy-from")
    #: Specifies the number of seconds after which the object is
    #: removed. Internally, the Object Storage system stores this
    #: value in the X-Delete-At metadata item.
    delete_after = resource.header("x-delete-after", type=int)

    def get(self, session):
        url = self._get_url(self,
        # TODO(thowe): Add filter header support bug #1488269
        resp = session.get(url, service=self.service, accept="bytes").content
        return resp

    def create(self, session):
        """Create a remote resource from this instance."""
        url = self._get_url(self,

        headers = self.get_headers()
        if is not None:
            resp = session.put(url, service=self.service,,
                               accept="bytes", headers=headers).headers
            resp =, service=self.service, data=None,
                                accept=None, headers=headers).headers
        return self
Пример #15
class Object(resource.Resource):
    base_path = "/%(container)s"
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
    id_attribute = "name"

    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    # URL parameters
    container = resource.prop("container")
    name = resource.prop("name")

    # Object details
    hash = resource.prop("hash")
    bytes = resource.prop("bytes")

    # Headers for HEAD and GET requests
    auth_token = resource.prop("x-auth-token")
    newest = resource.prop("x-newest", type=bool)
    range = resource.prop("range", type=dict)
    if_match = resource.prop("if-match", type=dict)
    if_none_match = resource.prop("if-none-match", type=dict)
    if_modified_since = resource.prop("if-modified-since", type=dict)
    if_unmodified_since = resource.prop("if-unmodified-since", type=dict)

    # Query parameters
    signature = resource.prop("signature")
    expires = resource.prop("expires")
    multipart_manifest = resource.prop("multipart-manifest")

    # Response headers from HEAD and GET
    content_length = resource.prop("content-length")
    content_type = resource.prop("content-type")
    accept_ranges = resource.prop("accept-ranges")
    last_modified = resource.prop("last-modified")
    etag = resource.prop("etag")
    is_static_large_object = resource.prop("x-static-large-object")
    date = resource.prop("date")
    content_encoding = resource.prop("content-encoding")
    content_disposition = resource.prop("content-disposition")
    delete_at = resource.prop("x-delete-at", type=int)
    object_manifest = resource.prop("x-object-manifest")
    timestamp = resource.prop("x-timestamp")

    # Headers for PUT and POST requests
    transfer_encoding = resource.prop("transfer-encoding")
    detect_content_type = resource.prop("x-detect-content-type", type=bool)
    copy_from = resource.prop("x-copy-from")
    delete_after = resource.prop("x-delete-after", type=int)

    def get(self, session):
        if not self.allow_retrieve:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported('retrieve')

        # When joining the base_path part and the id part, base_path's
        # leading slash gets dropped off here. Putting an empty leading value
        # in front of it causes it to get joined and replaced.
        url = utils.urljoin("", self.base_path % self,

        # Only send actual headers, not potentially set body values and
        # query parameters.
        headers = self._attrs.copy()
        for val in ("container", "name", "hash", "bytes", "signature",
                    "expires", "multipart_manifest"):
            headers.pop(val, None)

        resp = session.get(url,

        return resp
Пример #16
class ServicesMixin(object):

    identity = identity_service.IdentityService(service_type='identity')

    compute = compute_service.ComputeService(service_type='compute')

    image = image_service.ImageService(service_type='image')

    load_balancer = load_balancer_service.LoadBalancerService(

    object_store = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService(

    clustering = clustering_service.ClusteringService(
    resource_cluster = clustering
    cluster = clustering

    data_processing = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    baremetal = baremetal_service.BaremetalService(service_type='baremetal')
    bare_metal = baremetal

    baremetal_introspection = baremetal_introspection_service.BaremetalIntrospectionService(

    key_manager = key_manager_service.KeyManagerService(

    resource_optimization = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    infra_optim = resource_optimization

    message = message_service.MessageService(service_type='message')
    messaging = message

    application_catalog = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    container_infrastructure_management = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    container_infrastructure = container_infrastructure_management
    container_infra = container_infrastructure_management

    search = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='search')

    dns = dns_service.DnsService(service_type='dns')

    workflow = workflow_service.WorkflowService(service_type='workflow')

    rating = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='rating')

    operator_policy = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    policy = operator_policy

    shared_file_system = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    share = shared_file_system

    data_protection_orchestration = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    orchestration = orchestration_service.OrchestrationService(

    block_storage = block_storage_service.BlockStorageService(
    block_store = block_storage
    volume = block_storage

    alarm = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='alarm')
    alarming = alarm

    meter = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='meter')
    metering = meter
    telemetry = meter

    event = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='event')
    events = event

    application_deployment = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    application_deployment = application_deployment

    multi_region_network_automation = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    tricircle = multi_region_network_automation

    database = database_service.DatabaseService(service_type='database')

    application_container = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    container = application_container

    root_cause_analysis = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    rca = root_cause_analysis

    nfv_orchestration = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    network = network_service.NetworkService(service_type='network')

    backup = service_description.ServiceDescription(service_type='backup')

    monitoring_logging = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    monitoring_log_api = monitoring_logging

    monitoring = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    monitoring_events = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    placement = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    instance_ha = instance_ha_service.InstanceHaService(
    ha = instance_ha

    reservation = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    function_engine = service_description.ServiceDescription(

    accelerator = accelerator_service.AcceleratorService(

    admin_logic = service_description.ServiceDescription(
    registration = admin_logic
Пример #17
class Container(resource.Resource):
    base_path = "/"
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
    id_attribute = "name"

    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    # Account data (when id=None)
    #: The total number of bytes that are stored in Object Storage for
    #: the account.
    account_bytes_used = resource.header("x-account-bytes-used", type=int)
    #: The number of containers.
    account_container_count = resource.header("x-account-container-count",
    #: The number of objects in the account.
    account_object_count = resource.header("x-account-object-count", type=int)
    #: The secret key value for temporary URLs. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    meta_temp_url_key = resource.header("x-account-meta-temp-url-key")
    #: A second secret key value for temporary URLs. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    meta_temp_url_key_2 = resource.header("x-account-meta-temp-url-key-2")

    # Container body data (when id=None)
    #: The name of the container.
    name = resource.prop("name")
    #: The number of objects in the container.
    count = resource.prop("count")
    #: The total number of bytes that are stored in Object Storage
    #: for the container.
    bytes = resource.prop("bytes")

    # Container metadata (when id=name)
    #: The number of objects.
    object_count = resource.header("x-container-object-count", type=int)
    #: The count of bytes used in total.
    bytes_used = resource.header("x-container-bytes-used", type=int)

    # Request headers (when id=None)
    #: If set to True, Object Storage queries all replicas to return the
    #: most recent one. If you omit this header, Object Storage responds
    #: faster after it finds one valid replica. Because setting this
    #: header to True is more expensive for the back end, use it only
    #: when it is absolutely needed.
    newest = resource.header("x-newest", type=bool)

    # Request headers (when id=name)
    #: The ACL that grants read access. If not set, this header is not
    #: returned by this operation.
    read_ACL = resource.header("x-container-read")
    #: The ACL that grants write access. If not set, this header is not
    #: returned by this operation.
    write_ACL = resource.header("x-container-write")
    #: The destination for container synchronization. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    sync_to = resource.header("x-container-sync-to")
    #: The secret key for container synchronization. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    sync_key = resource.header("x-container-sync-key")
    #: Enables versioning on this container. The value is the name
    #: of another container. You must UTF-8-encode and then URL-encode
    #: the name before you include it in the header. To disable
    #: versioning, set the header to an empty string.
    versions_location = resource.header("x-versions-location")
    #: Set to any value to disable versioning.
    remove_versions_location = resource.header("x-remove-versions-location")
    #: Changes the MIME type for the object.
    content_type = resource.header("content-type")
    #: If set to true, Object Storage guesses the content type based
    #: on the file extension and ignores the value sent in the
    #: Content-Type header, if present.
    detect_content_type = resource.header("x-detect-content-type", type=bool)
    #: In combination with Expect: 100-Continue, specify an
    #: "If-None-Match: \*" header to query whether the server already
    #: has a copy of the object before any data is sent.
    if_none_match = resource.header("if-none-match")

    def update_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, attrs, path_args=None):
        """Update a Container with the given attributes.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
        :param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
                            the request. The default is ``None``.
        :param dict attrs: The attributes to be sent in the body
                           of the request.
        :param dict path_args: This parameter is sent by the base
                               class but is ignored for this method.

        :return: A ``dict`` representing the response headers.
        url = cls._get_url(None, resource_id)
        headers = attrs.get(resource.HEADERS, dict())

    def create_by_id(cls, session, attrs, resource_id=None):
        """Create a Container from its attributes.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
        :param dict attrs: The attributes to be sent in the body
                           of the request.
        :param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
                            the request. The default is ``None``.

        :return: A ``dict`` representing the response headers.
        url = cls._get_url(None, resource_id)
        headers = attrs.get(resource.HEADERS, dict())
        return session.put(url,

    def create(self, session):
        """Create a Container from this instance.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`

        :return: This :class:`~openstack.object_store.v1.container.Container`
        resp = self.create_by_id(session, self._attrs,
        return self
Пример #18
class Object(_base.BaseResource):
    _custom_metadata_prefix = "X-Object-Meta-"
    _system_metadata = {
        "content_disposition": "content-disposition",
        "content_encoding": "content-encoding",
        "content_type": "content-type",
        "delete_after": "x-delete-after",
        "delete_at": "x-delete-at",
        "is_content_type_detected": "x-detect-content-type",

    base_path = "/%(container)s"
    pagination_key = 'X-Container-Object-Count'
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()

    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    # Data to be passed during a POST call to create an object on the server.
    # TODO(mordred) Make a base class BaseDataResource that can be used here
    # and with glance images that has standard overrides for dealing with
    # binary data.
    data = None

    # URL parameters
    #: The unique name for the container.
    container = resource.URI("container")
    #: The unique name for the object.
    name = resource.Body("name", alternate_id=True)

    # Object details
    # Make these private because they should only matter in the case where
    # we have a Body with no headers (like if someone programmatically is
    # creating an Object)
    _hash = resource.Body("hash")
    _bytes = resource.Body("bytes", type=int)
    _last_modified = resource.Body("last_modified")
    _content_type = resource.Body("content_type")

    # Headers for HEAD and GET requests
    #: If set to True, Object Storage queries all replicas to return
    #: the most recent one. If you omit this header, Object Storage
    #: responds faster after it finds one valid replica. Because
    #: setting this header to True is more expensive for the back end,
    #: use it only when it is absolutely needed. *Type: bool*
    is_newest = resource.Header("x-newest", type=bool)
    #: TODO(briancurtin) there's a lot of content here...
    range = resource.Header("range", type=dict)
    #: See
    if_match = resource.Header("if-match", type=list)
    #: In combination with Expect: 100-Continue, specify an
    #: "If-None-Match: \*" header to query whether the server already
    #: has a copy of the object before any data is sent.
    if_none_match = resource.Header("if-none-match", type=list)
    #: See
    if_modified_since = resource.Header("if-modified-since", type=str)
    #: See
    if_unmodified_since = resource.Header("if-unmodified-since", type=str)

    # Query parameters
    #: Used with temporary URLs to sign the request. For more
    #: information about temporary URLs, see OpenStack Object Storage
    #: API v1 Reference.
    signature = resource.Header("signature")
    #: Used with temporary URLs to specify the expiry time of the
    #: signature. For more information about temporary URLs, see
    #: OpenStack Object Storage API v1 Reference.
    expires_at = resource.Header("expires")
    #: If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and
    #: the object is a large object, the object contents are not
    #: returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the
    #: X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects
    #: or in the response body for static large objects.
    multipart_manifest = resource.Header("multipart-manifest")

    # Response headers from HEAD and GET
    #: HEAD operations do not return content. However, in this
    #: operation the value in the Content-Length header is not the
    #: size of the response body. Instead it contains the size of
    #: the object, in bytes.
    content_length = resource.Header(
        "content-length", type=int, alias='_bytes')
    #: The MIME type of the object.
    content_type = resource.Header("content-type", alias="_content_type")
    #: The type of ranges that the object accepts.
    accept_ranges = resource.Header("accept-ranges")
    #: For objects smaller than 5 GB, this value is the MD5 checksum
    #: of the object content. The value is not quoted.
    #: For manifest objects, this value is the MD5 checksum of the
    #: concatenated string of MD5 checksums and ETags for each of
    #: the segments in the manifest, and not the MD5 checksum of
    #: the content that was downloaded. Also the value is enclosed
    #: in double-quote characters.
    #: You are strongly recommended to compute the MD5 checksum of
    #: the response body as it is received and compare this value
    #: with the one in the ETag header. If they differ, the content
    #: was corrupted, so retry the operation.
    etag = resource.Header("etag", alias='_hash')
    #: Set to True if this object is a static large object manifest object.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_static_large_object = resource.Header("x-static-large-object",
    #: If set, the value of the Content-Encoding metadata.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_encoding = resource.Header("content-encoding")
    #: If set, specifies the override behavior for the browser.
    #: For example, this header might specify that the browser use
    #: a download program to save this file rather than show the file,
    #: which is the default.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_disposition = resource.Header("content-disposition")
    #: Specifies the number of seconds after which the object is
    #: removed. Internally, the Object Storage system stores this
    #: value in the X-Delete-At metadata item.
    delete_after = resource.Header("x-delete-after", type=int)
    #: If set, the time when the object will be deleted by the system
    #: in the format of a UNIX Epoch timestamp.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    delete_at = resource.Header("x-delete-at")
    #: If set, to this is a dynamic large object manifest object.
    #: The value is the container and object name prefix of the
    #: segment objects in the form container/prefix.
    object_manifest = resource.Header("x-object-manifest")
    #: The timestamp of the transaction.
    timestamp = resource.Header("x-timestamp")
    #: The date and time that the object was created or the last
    #: time that the metadata was changed.
    last_modified_at = resource.Header("last-modified", alias='_last_modified')

    # Headers for PUT and POST requests
    #: Set to chunked to enable chunked transfer encoding. If used,
    #: do not set the Content-Length header to a non-zero value.
    transfer_encoding = resource.Header("transfer-encoding")
    #: If set to true, Object Storage guesses the content type based
    #: on the file extension and ignores the value sent in the
    #: Content-Type header, if present. *Type: bool*
    is_content_type_detected = resource.Header("x-detect-content-type",
    #: If set, this is the name of an object used to create the new
    #: object by copying the X-Copy-From object. The value is in form
    #: {container}/{object}. You must UTF-8-encode and then URL-encode
    #: the names of the container and object before you include them
    #: in the header.
    #: Using PUT with X-Copy-From has the same effect as using the
    #: COPY operation to copy an object.
    copy_from = resource.Header("x-copy-from")

    has_body = False

    def __init__(self, data=None, **attrs):
        super(_base.BaseResource, self).__init__(**attrs) = data

    # The Object Store treats the metadata for its resources inconsistently so
    # Object.set_metadata must override the BaseResource.set_metadata to
    # account for it.
    def set_metadata(self, session, metadata):
        # Filter out items with empty values so the create metadata behaviour
        # is the same as account and container
        filtered_metadata = \
            {key: value for key, value in metadata.items() if value}

        # Update from remote if we only have locally created information
        if not self.last_modified_at:

        # Get a copy of the original metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        # and update it with the new metadata values.
        metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.metadata)

        # Include any original system metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        for key in self._system_metadata:
            value = getattr(self, key)
            if value and key not in metadata:
                metadata[key] = value

        request = self._prepare_request()
        headers = self._calculate_headers(metadata)
        response =, headers=headers)
        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)

        return self

    # The Object Store treats the metadata for its resources inconsistently so
    # Object.delete_metadata must override the BaseResource.delete_metadata to
    # account for it.
    def delete_metadata(self, session, keys):
        if not keys:
        # If we have an empty object, update it from the remote side so that
        # we have a copy of the original metadata. Deleting metadata requires
        # POSTing and overwriting all of the metadata. If we already have
        # metadata locally, assume this is an existing object.
        if not self.metadata:

        metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.metadata)

        # Include any original system metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        for key in self._system_metadata:
            value = getattr(self, key)
            if value:
                metadata[key] = value

        # Remove the requested metadata keys
        # TODO(mordred) Why don't we just look at self._header_mapping()
        # instead of having system_metadata?
        deleted = False
        attr_keys_to_delete = set()
        for key in keys:
            if key == 'delete_after':
                if key in metadata:
                    # Delete the attribute from the local copy of the object.
                    # Metadata that doesn't have Component attributes is
                    # handled by self.metadata being reset when we run
                    # self.head
                    if hasattr(self, key):
                    deleted = True

        # Nothing to delete, skip the POST
        if not deleted:
            return self

        request = self._prepare_request()
        response =
            request.url, headers=self._calculate_headers(metadata))
            response, error_message="Error deleting metadata keys")

        # Only delete from local object if the remote delete was successful
        for key in attr_keys_to_delete:
            delattr(self, key)

        # Just update ourselves from remote again.
        return self.head(session)

    def _download(self, session, error_message=None, stream=False):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        request.headers['Accept'] = 'bytes'

        response = session.get(
            request.url, headers=request.headers, stream=stream)
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=error_message)
        return response

    def download(self, session, error_message=None):
        response = self._download(session, error_message=error_message)
        return response.content

    def stream(self, session, error_message=None, chunk_size=1024):
        response = self._download(
            session, error_message=error_message, stream=True)
        return response.iter_content(chunk_size, decode_unicode=False)

    def create(self, session):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        request.headers['Accept'] = ''

        response = session.put(
        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self
Пример #19
class Container(resource.Resource):
    base_path = "/"
    service = object_store_service.ObjectStoreService()
    id_attribute = "name"

    allow_create = True
    allow_retrieve = True
    allow_update = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    # Account data (when id=None)
    timestamp = resource.prop("x-timestamp")
    account_bytes_used = resource.prop("x-account-bytes-used")
    account_container_count = resource.prop("x-account-container-count")
    account_object_count = resource.prop("x-account-object-count")
    meta_temp_url_key = resource.prop("x-account-meta-temp-url-key")
    meta_temp_url_key_2 = resource.prop("x-account-meta-temp-url-key-2")

    # Container body data (when id=None)
    name = resource.prop("name")
    count = resource.prop("count")
    bytes = resource.prop("bytes")

    # Container metadata (when id=name)
    object_count = resource.prop("x-container-object-count")
    bytes_used = resource.prop("x-container-bytes-used")

    # Request headers (when id=None)
    newest = resource.prop("x-newest", type=bool)

    # Request headers (when id=name)
    read_ACL = resource.prop("x-container-read")
    write_ACL = resource.prop("x-container-write")
    sync_to = resource.prop("x-container-sync-to")
    sync_key = resource.prop("x-container-sync-key")
    versions_location = resource.prop("x-versions-location")
    remove_versions_location = resource.prop("x-remove-versions-location")
    content_type = resource.prop("content-type")
    detect_content_type = resource.prop("x-detect-content-type", type=bool)
    if_none_match = resource.prop("if-none-match")

    def _do_create_update(self, session, method):
        url = utils.urljoin(self.base_path,

        # Only send actual headers, not potentially set body values.
        headers = self._attrs.copy()
        for val in ("name", "count", "bytes"):
            headers.pop(val, None)

        data = method(url, service=self.service, accept=None,
        return data

    def create(self, session):
        if not self.allow_create:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported('create')

        return self._do_create_update(session, session.put)

    def update(self, session):
        if not self.allow_update:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported('update')

        return self._do_create_update(session,