def process_page(self): chamber = "upper" if self.input.identifier.startswith("S") else "lower" short_title = self.get_column_div("Summary").text long_title = CSS("#title").match_one(self.root).text if "*" in self.input.identifier: stars ="\*+", self.input.identifier).group() if ( self.input.session in CARRYOVERS and stars in CARRYOVERS[self.input.session] ): self.input.identifier = re.sub( r"\*+", "-" + CARRYOVERS[self.input.session][stars], self.input.identifier, ) else: self.logger.error( f"Unidentified carryover bill {self.input.identifier}. Update CARRYOVERS dict in" ) return bill = Bill( identifier=self.input.identifier, legislative_session=self.input.session, title=short_title, chamber=chamber, ) bill.subject = self.input.subjects # use the pretty source URL bill.add_source(self.input.source_url) bill.add_title(long_title) try: sponsors = self.get_column_div("Primary Sponsor") self.add_sponsors(bill, CSS("a").match(sponsors), primary=True) except SelectorError: pass try: cosponsors = self.get_column_div("Co-Sponsor") self.add_sponsors(bill, CSS("a").match(cosponsors), primary=False) except SelectorError: pass # TODO: figure out cosponsor div name, can't find any as of Feb 2021 self.add_actions(bill, chamber) bdr = extract_bdr(short_title) if bdr: bill.extras["BDR"] = bdr text_url = self.source.url.replace("Overview", "Text") yield BillTabText(bill, source=text_url)
def _parse_house_bill(self, url, session): # using the print page makes the page simpler, and also *drastically* smaller # (8k rather than 100k) url = re.sub("billsummary", "billsummaryprn", url) url = "%s/%s" % (self._house_base_url, url) # the URL is an iframed version now, so swap in for the actual bill page url = url.replace("Bill.aspx", "BillContent.aspx") url = url.replace("&code=R", "&code=R&style=new") # # bill_page = self.get(url).text bill_page = lxml.html.fromstring(bill_page) bill_page.make_links_absolute(url) bill_id = bill_page.xpath('//*[@class="entry-title"]/div') if len(bill_id) == 0:"WARNING: bill summary page is blank! (%s)" % url) self._bad_urls.append(url) return bill_id = bill_id[0].text_content() bill_id = clean_text(bill_id) bill_desc = bill_page.xpath( '//*[@class="BillDescription"]')[0].text_content() bill_desc = clean_text(bill_desc) table_rows = bill_page.xpath("//table/tr") # if there is a cosponsor all the rows are pushed down one for the extra row # for the cosponsor: cosponsorOffset = 0 if table_rows[2][0].text_content().strip() == "Co-Sponsor:": cosponsorOffset = 1 lr_label_tag = table_rows[3 + cosponsorOffset] assert lr_label_tag[0].text_content().strip() == "LR Number:" # bill_lr = lr_label_tag[1].text_content() lastActionOffset = 0 if (table_rows[4 + cosponsorOffset][0].text_content().strip() == "Governor Action:"): lastActionOffset = 1 official_title_tag = table_rows[5 + cosponsorOffset + lastActionOffset] assert official_title_tag[0].text_content().strip() == "Bill String:" official_title = official_title_tag[1].text_content() # could substitute the description for the name, # but keeping it separate for now. bill_type = "bill" triplet = bill_id[:3] if triplet in bill_types: bill_type = bill_types[triplet] bill_number = int(bill_id[3:].strip()) else: bill_number = int(bill_id[3:]) subs = [] bid = bill_id.replace(" ", "") if bid in self._subjects: subs = self._subjects[bid]"With subjects for this bill") if bill_desc == "": if bill_number <= 20: # blank bill titles early in session are approp. bills bill_desc = "Appropriations Bill" else: self.error("Blank title. Skipping. {} / {} / {}".format( bill_id, bill_desc, official_title)) return bill = Bill( bill_id, chamber="lower", title=bill_desc, legislative_session=self._session_id, classification=bill_type, ) bill.subject = subs bill.add_title(official_title, note="official") bill.add_source(url) bill_sponsor = clean_text(table_rows[0][1].text_content()) # try: # bill_sponsor_link = table_rows[0][1][0].attrib['href'] # except IndexError: # return bill.add_sponsorship(bill_sponsor, entity_type="person", classification="primary", primary=True) # check for cosponsors (sponsors_url, ) = bill_page.xpath("//a[contains(@href, 'CoSponsors.aspx')]/@href") self._parse_cosponsors_from_bill(bill, sponsors_url) # actions_link_tag = bill_page.xpath('//div[@class="Sections"]/a')[0] # actions_link = '%s/%s' % (self._house_base_url,actions_link_tag.attrib['href']) # actions_link = re.sub("content", "print", actions_link) (actions_link, ) = bill_page.xpath("//a[contains(@href, 'BillActions.aspx')]/@href") yield from self._parse_house_actions(bill, actions_link) # get bill versions doc_tags = bill_page.xpath('//div[@class="BillDocuments"][1]/span') for doc_tag in reversed(doc_tags): doc = clean_text(doc_tag.text_content()) text_url = "%s%s" % (self._house_base_url, doc_tag[0].attrib["href"]) bill.add_document_link(doc, text_url, media_type="text/html") # get bill versions version_tags = bill_page.xpath('//div[@class="BillDocuments"][2]/span') for version_tag in reversed(version_tags): version = clean_text(version_tag.text_content()) for vurl in version_tag.xpath(".//a"): if vurl.text == "PDF": mimetype = "application/pdf" else: mimetype = "text/html" bill.add_version_link( version, vurl.attrib["href"], media_type=mimetype, on_duplicate="ignore", ) # house bill versions # everything between the row containing "Bill Text" in an h2 and the next div.DocHeaderRow version_rows = bill_page.xpath( '//div[h2[contains(text(),"Bill Text")]]/' 'following-sibling::div[contains(@class,"DocRow") ' 'and count(preceding-sibling::div[contains(@class,"DocHeaderRow")])=1]' ) for row in version_rows: # some rows are just broken links, not real versions if row.xpath('.//div[contains(@class,"textType")]/a/@href'): version = row.xpath( './/div[contains(@class,"textType")]/a/text()')[0].strip() path = row.xpath( './/div[contains(@class,"textType")]/a/@href')[0].strip() if ".pdf" in path: mimetype = "application/pdf" else: mimetype = "text/html" bill.add_version_link(version, path, media_type=mimetype, on_duplicate="ignore") # house bill summaries # everything between the row containing "Bill Summary" in an h2 # and the next div.DocHeaderRow summary_rows = bill_page.xpath( '//div[h2[contains(text(),"Bill Summary")]]/' 'following-sibling::div[contains(@class,"DocRow") ' 'and count(following-sibling::div[contains(@class,"DocHeaderRow")])=1]' ) # if there are no amedments, we need a different xpath for summaries if not summary_rows: summary_rows = bill_page.xpath( '//div[h2[contains(text(),"Bill Summary")]]/' 'following-sibling::div[contains(@class,"DocRow")]') for row in reversed(summary_rows): version = row.xpath( './/div[contains(@class,"textType")]/a/text()')[0].strip() if version: path = row.xpath( './/div[contains(@class,"textType")]/a/@href')[0].strip() summary_name = "Bill Summary ({})".format(version) if ".pdf" in path: mimetype = "application/pdf" else: mimetype = "text/html" bill.add_document_link(summary_name, path, media_type=mimetype, on_duplicate="ignore") # house bill amendments amendment_rows = bill_page.xpath( '//div[h2[contains(text(),"Amendment")]]/' 'following-sibling::div[contains(@class,"DocRow")]') for row in reversed(amendment_rows): version = row.xpath( './/div[contains(@class,"DocInfoCell")]/a[1]/text()')[0].strip( ) path = row.xpath( './/div[contains(@class,"DocInfoCell")]/a[1]/@href')[0].strip( ) summary_name = "Amendment {}".format(version) defeated_icon = row.xpath('.//img[contains(@title,"Defeated")]') if defeated_icon: summary_name = "{} (Defeated)".format(summary_name) adopted_icon = row.xpath('.//img[contains(@title,"Adopted")]') if adopted_icon: summary_name = "{} (Adopted)".format(summary_name) distributed_icon = row.xpath( './/img[contains(@title,"Distributed")]') if distributed_icon: summary_name = "{} (Distributed)".format(summary_name) if ".pdf" in path: mimetype = "application/pdf" else: mimetype = "text/html" bill.add_version_link(summary_name, path, media_type=mimetype, on_duplicate="ignore") yield bill
def _parse_senate_billpage(self, bill_url, year): bill_page = self.lxmlize(bill_url) # get all the info needed to record the bill # TODO probably still needs to be fixed bill_id = bill_page.xpath('//*[@id="lblBillNum"]')[0].text_content() bill_title = bill_page.xpath( '//*[@id="lblBillTitle"]')[0].text_content() bill_desc = bill_page.xpath( '//*[@id="lblBriefDesc"]')[0].text_content() # bill_lr = bill_page.xpath('//*[@id="lblLRNum"]')[0].text_content() bill_type = "bill" triplet = bill_id[:3] if triplet in bill_types: bill_type = bill_types[triplet] subs = [] bid = bill_id.replace(" ", "") if bid in self._subjects: subs = self._subjects[bid]"With subjects for this bill") if bid == "XXXXXX":"Skipping Junk Bill") return bill = Bill( bill_id, title=bill_desc, chamber="upper", legislative_session=self._session_id, classification=bill_type, ) bill.subject = subs bill.add_abstract(bill_desc, note="abstract") bill.add_source(bill_url) if bill_title: bill.add_title(bill_title) # Get the primary sponsor try: sponsor = bill_page.xpath('//a[@id="hlSponsor"]')[0] except IndexError: sponsor = bill_page.xpath('//span[@id="lSponsor"]')[0] bill_sponsor = sponsor.text_content() # bill_sponsor_link = sponsor.attrib.get('href') bill.add_sponsorship(bill_sponsor, entity_type="person", classification="primary", primary=True) # cosponsors show up on their own page, if they exist cosponsor_tag = bill_page.xpath('//a[@id="hlCoSponsors"]') if len(cosponsor_tag) > 0 and cosponsor_tag[0].attrib.get("href"): self._parse_senate_cosponsors(bill, cosponsor_tag[0].attrib["href"]) # get the actions action_url = bill_page.xpath('//a[@id="hlAllActions"]') if len(action_url) > 0: action_url = action_url[0].attrib["href"] self._parse_senate_actions(bill, action_url) # stored on a separate page versions_url = bill_page.xpath('//a[@id="hlFullBillText"]') if len(versions_url) > 0 and versions_url[0].attrib.get("href"): self._parse_senate_bill_versions(bill, versions_url[0].attrib["href"]) amendment_links = bill_page.xpath( '//a[contains(@href,"ShowAmendment.asp")]') for link in amendment_links: link_text = link.xpath("string(.)").strip() if "adopted" in link_text.lower(): link_url = link.xpath("@href")[0] bill.add_version_link( link_text, link_url, media_type="application/pdf", on_duplicate="ignore", ) yield bill
def scrape_bill(self, row, session): bill_id = row["LegislationDisplayCode"] amendment = None substitute = None if bill_id.count(" ") > 1: if " w/ " in bill_id:"Found amended bill `{}`".format(bill_id)) bill_id, amendment = bill_id.split(" w/ ") if " -" in bill_id:"Found amended bill `{}`".format(bill_id)) bill_id, amendment = bill_id.split(" -") # A bill can _both_ be amended and be substituted if " for " in bill_id: "Found substitute to use instead: `{}`".format(bill_id)) substitute, bill_id = bill_id.split(" for ") if amendment is None and substitute is None: raise ValueError("unknown bill_id format: " + bill_id) bill_type = self.classify_bill(bill_id) chamber = "upper" if bill_id.startswith("S") else "lower" bill = Bill( identifier=bill_id, legislative_session=session, chamber=chamber, title=row["LongTitle"], classification=bill_type, ) if row["Synopsis"]: bill.add_abstract(row["Synopsis"], "synopsis") if row["ShortTitle"]: bill.add_title(row["ShortTitle"], "short title") if row["SponsorPersonId"]: self.add_sponsor_by_legislator_id(bill, row["SponsorPersonId"], "primary") if substitute: bill.extras["substitute"] = substitute if amendment: bill.extras["amendment"] = amendment # TODO: Is there a way get additional sponsors and cosponsors, and versions/fns via API? html_url = "{}".format( row["LegislationId"]) bill.add_source(html_url, note="text/html") html = self.lxmlize(html_url) additional_sponsors = html.xpath( '//label[text()="Additional Sponsor(s):"]' "/following-sibling::div/a/@href") for sponsor_url in additional_sponsors: sponsor_id = sponsor_url.replace( "" "personId=", "") self.add_sponsor_by_legislator_id(bill, sponsor_id, "primary") cosponsors = html.xpath('//label[text()="Co-Sponsor(s):"]/' "following-sibling::div/a/@href") for sponsor_url in cosponsors: sponsor_id = sponsor_url.replace( "" "personId=", "") self.add_sponsor_by_legislator_id(bill, sponsor_id, "cosponsor") versions = html.xpath( '//label[text()="Original Text:"]/following-sibling::div/a/@href') for version_url in versions: media_type = self.mime_from_link(version_url) version_name = "Bill Text" bill.add_version_link(version_name, version_url, media_type=media_type) fiscals = html.xpath('//div[contains(@class,"fiscalNote")]/a/@href') for fiscal in fiscals: self.scrape_fiscal_note(bill, fiscal) self.scrape_actions(bill, row["LegislationId"]) if row["HasAmendments"] is True: self.scrape_amendments(bill, row["LegislationId"]) yield from self.scrape_votes(bill, row["LegislationId"], session) yield bill
def scrape_bill(self, chamber, session, bill_id, short_title=None): """ Scrapes documents, actions, vote counts and votes for bills from the 2009 session and above. """ url = BILL_URL % (session, bill_id.replace(" ", "")) bill_page = self.get(url).text html = lxml.html.fromstring(bill_page) html.make_links_absolute( "" % session) bill_tables = html.xpath('//table[contains(@class, "bill-table")]') title = bill_tables[1].text_content().strip() bill_type = get_bill_type(bill_id) bill = Bill( legislative_session=session, chamber=chamber, identifier=bill_id, title=title, classification=bill_type, ) bill.add_source(url) for subject in self._subjects[bill_id.replace(" ", "")]: bill.add_subject(subject) if short_title and title.lower() != short_title.lower(): bill.add_title(short_title, "short title") # documents doc_links = html.xpath('//div[contains(@class,"insert-page")]//a') for link in doc_links: name = link.text_content().strip() href = link.get("href") if "Engrossment" in name or "Bill Text" in name or "Amendment" in name: bill.add_version_link(note=name, url=href, media_type="application/pdf") else: bill.add_document_link(note=name, url=href, media_type="application/pdf") def _split(string): return re.split(r"\w+[,|AND]\s+", string) # sponsors range from a committee to one legislator to a group of legs sponsor_lists = bill_tables[0].text_content().split("by") if len(sponsor_lists) > 1: for sponsors in sponsor_lists[1:]: if "COMMITTEE" in sponsors.upper(): bill.add_sponsorship( name=sponsors.strip(), entity_type="organization", primary=True, classification="primary", ) else: for person in _split(sponsors): person = person.strip() if person != "": bill.add_sponsorship( classification="primary", name=person, entity_type="person", primary=True, ) actor = chamber last_date = None # if a bill has passed a chamber or been 'received from' # then the next committee passage is in the opposite chamber has_moved_chambers = False for row in bill_tables[2]: # lots of empty rows if len(row) == 1: continue _, date, action, _ = [x.text_content().strip() for x in row] if date: last_date = date else: date = last_date date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date + "/" + session[0:4], "%m/%d/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if action.startswith("House"): actor = "lower" elif action.startswith("Senate"): actor = "upper" # votes if "AYES" in action or "NAYS" in action: yield from self.parse_vote(actor, date, row[2], session, bill_id, chamber, url) # bill.add_vote_event(vote) # some td's text is seperated by br elements if len(row[2]): action = "".join(row[2].itertext()) action = action.replace("\xa0", " ").strip() atype = get_action(actor, action) if atype and "passage" in atype: has_moved_chambers = True if atype and "committee-passage" in atype and has_moved_chambers: actor = _OTHER_CHAMBERS[actor] bill.add_action(action, date, chamber=actor, classification=atype) # after voice vote/roll call and some actions the bill is sent # 'to House' or 'to Senate' if "to House" in action: actor = "lower" elif "to Senate" in action: actor = "upper" yield bill
def scrape_bill_type( self, chamber, session, bill_type, type_abbr, committee_abbr_regex=get_committee_name_regex(), ): bills = (self.session.query(CABill).filter_by( session_year=session).filter_by(measure_type=type_abbr)) archive_year = int(session[0:4]) not_archive_year = archive_year >= 2009 for bill in bills: bill_session = session if bill.session_num != "0": bill_session += " Special Session %s" % bill.session_num bill_id = bill.short_bill_id if bill_id.strip() == "SB77" and session == "20052006": continue fsbill = Bill(bill_id, bill_session, title="", chamber=chamber) if (bill_id.startswith("S") and chamber == "lower") or (bill_id.startswith("A") and chamber == "upper"): print("!!!! BAD ID/CHAMBER PAIR !!!!", bill) continue # Construct a fake source url source_url = ("" "billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=%s") % bill.bill_id fsbill.add_source(source_url) fsbill.add_version_link(bill_id, source_url, media_type="text/html") title = "" type_ = ["bill"] subject = "" all_titles = set() summary = "" # Get digest test (aka "summary") from latest version. if bill.versions and not_archive_year: version = bill.versions[-1] nsmap = version.xml.nsmap xpath = "//caml:DigestText/xhtml:p" els = version.xml.xpath(xpath, namespaces=nsmap) chunks = [] for el in els: t = etree_text_content(el) t = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", t) t = re.sub(r"\)(\S)", lambda m: ") %s" %, t) chunks.append(t) summary = "\n\n".join(chunks) for version in bill.versions: if not version.bill_xml: continue version_date = self._tz.localize( version.bill_version_action_date) # create a version name to match the state's format # 02/06/17 - Enrolled version_date_human = version_date.strftime("%m/%d/%y") version_name = "{} - {}".format(version_date_human, version.bill_version_action) version_base = "" version_url_pdf = "{}/billPdf.xhtml?bill_id={}&version={}".format( version_base, version.bill_id, version.bill_version_id) fsbill.add_version_link( version_name, version_url_pdf, media_type="application/pdf",, ) # CA is inconsistent in that some bills have a short title # that is longer, more descriptive than title. if bill.measure_type in ("AB", "SB"): impact_clause = clean_title(version.title) title = clean_title(version.short_title) else: impact_clause = None if len(version.title) < len( version.short_title) and not version.title.lower( ).startswith("an act"): title = clean_title(version.short_title) else: title = clean_title(version.title) if title: all_titles.add(title) type_ = [bill_type] if version.appropriation == "Yes": type_.append("appropriation") tags = [] if version.fiscal_committee == "Yes": tags.append("fiscal committee") if version.local_program == "Yes": tags.append("local program") if version.urgency == "Yes": tags.append("urgency") if version.taxlevy == "Yes": tags.append("tax levy") if version.subject: subject = clean_title(version.subject) if not title: self.warning("Couldn't find title for %s, skipping" % bill_id) continue fsbill.title = title if summary: fsbill.add_abstract(summary, note="summary") fsbill.classification = type_ fsbill.subject = [subject] if subject else [] fsbill.extras["impact_clause"] = impact_clause fsbill.extras["tags"] = tags # We don't want the current title in alternate_titles all_titles.remove(title) for title in all_titles: fsbill.add_title(title) for author in version.authors: fsbill.add_sponsorship(, classification=SPONSOR_TYPES[author.contribution], primary=author.primary_author_flg == "Y", entity_type="person", ) # fsbill.sponsorships[-1]['extras'] = {'official_type': author.contribution} seen_actions = set() for action in bill.actions: if not action.action: # NULL action text seems to be an error on CA's part, # unless it has some meaning I'm missing continue actor = or chamber actor = actor.strip() match = re.match(r"(Assembly|Senate)($| \(Floor)", actor) if match: actor = { "Assembly": "lower", "Senate": "upper" }[] elif actor.startswith("Governor"): actor = "executive" else: def replacer(matchobj): if matchobj: return { "Assembly": "lower", "Senate": "upper" }[] else: return actor = re.sub(r"^(Assembly|Senate)", replacer, actor) type_ = [] act_str = action.action act_str = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", act_str) attrs = self.categorizer.categorize(act_str) # Add in the committee strings of the related committees, if any. kwargs = attrs matched_abbrs = committee_abbr_regex.findall(action.action) if"Com[s]?. on", action.action) and not matched_abbrs: msg = "Failed to extract committee abbr from %r." self.logger.warning(msg % action.action) if matched_abbrs: committees = [] for abbr in matched_abbrs: try: name = self.committee_abbr_to_name(chamber, abbr) committees.append(name) except KeyError: msg = ("Mapping contains no committee name for " "abbreviation %r. Action text was %r.") args = (abbr, action.action) self.warning(msg % args) committees = filter(None, committees) kwargs["committees"] = committees code ="C[SXZ]\d+", actor) if code is not None: code = kwargs["actor_info"] = {"committee_code": code} if not_archive_year: assert len(list(committees)) == len(matched_abbrs) for committee, abbr in zip(committees, matched_abbrs): act_str = act_str.replace("Coms. on ", "") act_str = act_str.replace("Com. on " + abbr, committee) act_str = act_str.replace(abbr, committee) if not act_str.endswith("."): act_str = act_str + "." # Determine which chamber the action originated from. changed = False for committee_chamber in ["upper", "lower", "legislature"]: if actor.startswith(committee_chamber): actor = committee_chamber changed = True break if not changed: actor = "legislature" if actor != actor_info = kwargs.get("actor_info", {}) actor_info["details"] = kwargs["actor_info"] = actor_info # Add strings for related legislators, if any. rgx = r"(?:senator|assembly[mwp][^ .,:;]+)\s+[^ .,:;]+" legislators = re.findall(rgx, action.action, re.I) if legislators: kwargs["legislators"] = legislators date = action.action_date date = self._tz.localize(date) date = if (actor, act_str, date) in seen_actions: continue kwargs.update(self.categorizer.categorize(act_str)) action = fsbill.add_action( act_str, date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), chamber=actor, classification=kwargs["classification"], ) for committee in kwargs.get("committees", []): action.add_related_entity(committee, entity_type="organization") seen_actions.add((actor, act_str, date)) source_url = ( "" ) source_url += f"bill_id={session}{bill.session_num}{fsbill.identifier}" # Votes for non archived years if archive_year > 2009: for vote_num, vote in enumerate(bill.votes): if vote.vote_result == "(PASS)": result = True else: result = False if not vote.location: continue full_loc = vote.location.description first_part = full_loc.split(" ")[0].lower() if first_part in ["asm", "assembly"]: vote_chamber = "lower" # vote_location = ' '.join(full_loc.split(' ')[1:]) elif first_part.startswith("sen"): vote_chamber = "upper" # vote_location = ' '.join(full_loc.split(' ')[1:]) else: # raise ScrapeError("Bad location: %s" % full_loc) # To uncomment continue if vote.motion: motion = vote.motion.motion_text or "" else: motion = "" if "Third Reading" in motion or "3rd Reading" in motion: vtype = "passage" elif "Do Pass" in motion: vtype = "passage" else: vtype = "other" motion = motion.strip() motion = re.compile(r"(\w+)( Extraordinary)? Session$", re.IGNORECASE).sub("", motion) motion = re.compile(r"^(Senate|Assembly) ", re.IGNORECASE).sub("", motion) motion = re.sub(r"^(SCR|SJR|SB|AB|AJR|ACR)\s?\d+ \w+\.? ", "", motion) motion = re.sub(r" \(\w+\)$", "", motion) motion = re.sub(r"(SCR|SB|AB|AJR|ACR)\s?\d+ \w+\.?$", "", motion) motion = re.sub( r"(SCR|SJR|SB|AB|AJR|ACR)\s?\d+ \w+\.? " r"Urgency Clause$", "(Urgency Clause)", motion, ) motion = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", motion) if not motion: self.warning("Got blank motion on vote for %s" % bill_id) continue # XXX this is responsible for all the CA 'committee' votes, not # sure if that's a feature or bug, so I'm leaving it as is... # vote_classification = chamber if (vote_location == 'Floor') else 'committee' # org = { # 'name': vote_location, # 'classification': vote_classification # } fsvote = VoteEvent( motion_text=motion, start_date=self._tz.localize(vote.vote_date_time), result="pass" if result else "fail", classification=vtype, # organization=org, chamber=vote_chamber, bill=fsbill, ) fsvote.extras = {"threshold": vote.threshold} fsvote.add_source(source_url) fsvote.pupa_id = source_url + "#" + str(vote_num) rc = {"yes": [], "no": [], "other": []} for record in vote.votes: if record.vote_code == "AYE": rc["yes"].append(record.legislator_name) elif record.vote_code.startswith("NO"): rc["no"].append(record.legislator_name) else: rc["other"].append(record.legislator_name) # Handle duplicate votes for key in rc.keys(): rc[key] = list(set(rc[key])) for key, voters in rc.items(): for voter in voters:, voter) # Set counts by summed votes for accuracy fsvote.set_count(key, len(voters)) yield fsvote if len(bill.votes) > 0 and archive_year <= 2009: vote_page_url = ( "" ) vote_page_url += ( f"bill_id={session}{bill.session_num}{fsbill.identifier}") # parse the bill data page, finding the latest html text data = self.get(vote_page_url).content doc = html.fromstring(data) doc.make_links_absolute(vote_page_url) num_of_votes = len(doc.xpath("//div[@class='status']")) for vote_section in range(1, num_of_votes + 1): lines = doc.xpath( f"//div[@class='status'][{vote_section}]//div[@class='statusRow']" ) date, result, motion, vtype, location = "", "", "", "", "" votes = {} for line in lines: line = line.text_content().split() if line[0] == "Date": date = line[1] date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%m/%d/%y") date = self._tz.localize(date) elif line[0] == "Result": result = "pass" if "PASS" in line[1] else "fail" elif line[0] == "Motion": motion = " ".join(line[1:]) elif line[0] == "Location": location = " ".join(line[1:]) elif len(line) > 1: if line[0] == "Ayes" and line[1] != "Count": votes["yes"] = line[1:] elif line[0] == "Noes" and line[1] != "Count": votes["no"] = line[1:] elif line[0] == "NVR" and line[1] != "Count": votes["not voting"] = line[1:] # Determine chamber based on location first_part = location.split(" ")[0].lower() vote_chamber = "" if first_part in ["asm", "assembly"]: vote_chamber = "lower" elif first_part.startswith("sen"): vote_chamber = "upper" if "Third Reading" in motion or "3rd Reading" in motion: vtype = "passage" elif "Do Pass" in motion: vtype = "passage" else: vtype = "other" if len(motion) > 0: fsvote = VoteEvent( motion_text=motion, start_date=date, result=result, classification=vtype, chamber=vote_chamber, bill=fsbill, ) fsvote.add_source(vote_page_url) fsvote.pupa_id = vote_page_url + "#" + str( vote_section) for how_voted, voters in votes.items(): for voter in voters: voter = voter.replace(",", ""), voter) yield fsvote yield fsbill self.session.expire_all()
def scrape(self, session=None, chambers=None): # Bills endpoint can sometimes take a very long time to load self.timeout = 300 if not session: session = self.latest_session()"no session, using %s", session) if int(session) < 128: raise AssertionError("No data for period {}".format(session)) elif int(session) < 131: # they changed their data format starting in 131st and added # an undocumented API yield from self.old_scrape(session) else: chamber_dict = { "Senate": "upper", "House": "lower", "House of Representatives": "lower", "house": "lower", "senate": "upper", } # so presumably not everything passes, but we haven't # seen anything not pass yet, so we'll need to wait # till it fails and get the right language in here vote_results = { "approved": True, "passed": True, "adopted": True, "true": True, "false": False, "failed": False, True: True, False: False, } action_dict = { "ref_ctte_100": "referral-committee", "intro_100": "introduction", "intro_101": "introduction", "pass_300": "passage", "intro_110": "reading-1", "refer_210": "referral-committee", "crpt_301": None, "crpt_317": None, "concur_606": "passage", "pass_301": "passage", "refer_220": "referral-committee", "intro_102": ["introduction", "passage"], "intro_105": ["introduction", "passage"], "intro_ref_ctte_100": "referral-committee", "refer_209": None, "intro_108": ["introduction", "passage"], "intro_103": ["introduction", "passage"], "msg_reso_503": "passage", "intro_107": ["introduction", "passage"], "imm_consid_360": "passage", "refer_213": None, "adopt_reso_100": "passage", "adopt_reso_110": "passage", "msg_507": "amendment-passage", "confer_713": None, "concur_603": None, "confer_712": None, "msg_506": "amendment-failure", "receive_message_100": "passage", "motion_920": None, "concur_611": None, "confer_735": None, "third_429": None, "final_501": None, "concur_608": None, "infpass_217": "passage", } base_url = "" first_page = base_url first_page += "/solarapi/v1/general_assembly_{session}/".format( session=session) legislators = self.get_legislator_ids(first_page) all_amendments = self.get_other_data_source( first_page, base_url, "amendments") all_fiscals = self.get_other_data_source(first_page, base_url, "fiscals") all_synopsis = self.get_other_data_source(first_page, base_url, "synopsiss") all_analysis = self.get_other_data_source(first_page, base_url, "analysiss") for row in self.get_bill_rows(session): ( spacer, number_link, _ga, title, primary_sponsor, status, spacer, ) = row.xpath("td") # S.R.No.1 -> SR1 bill_id = number_link.text_content().replace("No.", "") bill_id = bill_id.replace(".", "").replace(" ", "") # put one space back in between type and number bill_id = re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)", r"\1 \2", bill_id) title = title.text_content().strip() title = re.sub(r"^Title", "", title) chamber = "lower" if "H" in bill_id else "upper" classification = "bill" if "B" in bill_id else "resolution" if not title and session == "134" and bill_id == "HR 35": # Exception for HR 35 which is a real bill title = "No title provided" elif not title: self.warning(f"no title for {bill_id}, skipping") continue bill = Bill( bill_id, legislative_session=session, chamber=chamber, title=title, classification=classification, ) bill.add_source(number_link.xpath("a/@href")[0]) if (session, bill_id) in BAD_BILLS: self.logger.warning( f"Skipping details for known bad bill {bill_id}") yield bill continue # get bill from API bill_api_url = ( "" "general_assembly_{}/{}/{}/".format( session, "bills" if "B" in bill_id else "resolutions", bill_id.lower().replace(" ", ""), )) data = self.get(bill_api_url, verify=False).json() if len(data["items"]) == 0: self.logger.warning( "Data for bill {bill_id} has empty 'items' array," " cannot process related information".format( bill_id=bill_id.lower().replace(" ", ""))) yield bill continue # add title if no short title if not bill.title: bill.title = data["items"][0]["longtitle"] bill.add_title(data["items"][0]["longtitle"], "long title") # this stuff is version-specific for version in data["items"]: version_name = version["version"] version_link = base_url + version["pdfDownloadLink"] bill.add_version_link(version_name, version_link, media_type="application/pdf") # we'll use latest bill_version for everything else bill_version = data["items"][0] bill.add_source(bill_api_url) # subjects for subj in bill_version["subjectindexes"]: try: bill.add_subject(subj["primary"]) except KeyError: pass try: secondary_subj = subj["secondary"] except KeyError: secondary_subj = "" if secondary_subj: bill.add_subject(secondary_subj) # sponsors sponsors = bill_version["sponsors"] for sponsor in sponsors: sponsor_name = self.get_sponsor_name(sponsor) bill.add_sponsorship( sponsor_name, classification="primary", entity_type="person", primary=True, ) cosponsors = bill_version["cosponsors"] for sponsor in cosponsors: sponsor_name = self.get_sponsor_name(sponsor) bill.add_sponsorship( sponsor_name, classification="cosponsor", entity_type="person", primary=False, ) try: action_doc = self.get(base_url + bill_version["action"][0]["link"]) except scrapelib.HTTPError: pass else: actions = action_doc.json() for action in reversed(actions["items"]): actor = chamber_dict[action["chamber"]] action_desc = action["description"] try: action_type = action_dict[action["actioncode"]] except KeyError: self.warning( "Unknown action {desc} with code {code}." " Add it to the action_dict" ".".format(desc=action_desc, code=action["actioncode"])) action_type = None date = self._tz.localize( datetime.datetime.strptime(action["datetime"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) date = "{:%Y-%m-%d}".format(date) bill.add_action(action_desc, date, chamber=actor, classification=action_type) # attach documents gathered earlier self.add_document(all_amendments, bill_id, "amendment", bill, base_url) self.add_document(all_fiscals, bill_id, "fiscal", bill, base_url) self.add_document(all_synopsis, bill_id, "synopsis", bill, base_url) self.add_document(all_analysis, bill_id, "analysis", bill, base_url) # votes vote_url = base_url + bill_version["votes"][0]["link"] try: vote_doc = self.get(vote_url) except scrapelib.HTTPError: self.warning( "Vote page not loading; skipping: {}".format(vote_url)) yield bill continue votes = vote_doc.json() yield from self.process_vote( votes, vote_url, base_url, bill, legislators, chamber_dict, vote_results, ) vote_url = base_url vote_url += bill_version["cmtevotes"][0]["link"] try: vote_doc = self.get(vote_url) except scrapelib.HTTPError: self.warning( "Vote page not loading; skipping: {}".format(vote_url)) yield bill continue votes = vote_doc.json() yield from self.process_vote( votes, vote_url, base_url, bill, legislators, chamber_dict, vote_results, ) if data["items"][0]["effective_date"]: effective_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( data["items"][0]["effective_date"], "%Y-%m-%d") effective_date = self._tz.localize(effective_date) # the OH website adds an action that isn't in the action list JSON. # It looks like: # Effective 7/6/18 effective_date_oh = "{:%-m/%-d/%y}".format(effective_date) effective_action = "Effective {}".format(effective_date_oh) bill.add_action( effective_action, effective_date, chamber="executive", classification=["became-law"], ) # we have never seen a veto or a disapprove, but they seem important. # so we'll check and throw an error if we find one # life is fragile. so are our scrapers. if "veto" in bill_version: veto_url = base_url + bill_version["veto"][0]["link"] veto_json = self.get(veto_url).json() if len(veto_json["items"]) > 0: raise AssertionError("Whoa, a veto! We've never" " gotten one before." " Go write some code to deal" " with it: {}".format(veto_url)) if "disapprove" in bill_version: disapprove_url = base_url + bill_version["disapprove"][0][ "link"] disapprove_json = self.get(disapprove_url).json() if len(disapprove_json["items"]) > 0: raise AssertionError( "Whoa, a disapprove! We've never" " gotten one before." " Go write some code to deal " "with it: {}".format(disapprove_url)) yield bill
def scrape_chamber(self, chamber, session): # Pull the session metadata so we can get the # slug for the API Request meta = next(each for each in self.jurisdiction.legislative_sessions if each["identifier"] == session) if meta["classification"] == "special": list_slug = self.special_slugs[session] else: list_slug = 'li' list_url = "{}" \ "/api/v11/rev-1/bill_status" list_url = list_url.format(list_slug) chamber_name = "Senate" if chamber == "upper" else "House" chamber_letter = chamber_name[0] # perhaps we should save this data so we can make one request for both? bill_request = self.get(list_url).text bill_request_json = json.loads(bill_request) bills = bill_request_json["content"] # there are duplicates seen_ids = set() for bill_data in bills: bill_id = bill_data["BILLNO"] # filter other chambers if not bill_id.startswith(chamber_letter): continue # filter duplicates if bill_id in seen_ids: continue seen_ids.add(bill_id) if "CR" in bill_id: btype = "concurrent resolution" elif "R" in bill_id: btype = "resolution" elif "B" in bill_id: btype = "bill" title = bill_data["SHORTTITLE"] or bill_data["LONGTITLE"] # main bill = Bill(bill_id, session, title, chamber=chamber, classification=btype) bill.extras = {"status": bill_data["STATUS"]} bill.add_source(ksapi.url + "bill_status/" + bill_id.lower()) if bill_data["LONGTITLE"] and bill_data["LONGTITLE"] != bill.title: bill.add_title(bill_data["LONGTITLE"]) # An "original sponsor" is the API's expression of "primary sponsor" for primary_sponsor in bill_data["ORIGINAL_SPONSOR"]: primary_sponsor = self.clean_sponsor_name(primary_sponsor) bill.add_sponsorship( name=primary_sponsor, entity_type="organization" if "committee" in primary_sponsor.lower() else "person", primary=True, classification="original sponsor", ) for sponsor in bill_data["SPONSOR_NAMES"]: if sponsor in bill_data["ORIGINAL_SPONSOR"]: continue sponsor = self.clean_sponsor_name(sponsor) bill.add_sponsorship( name=sponsor, entity_type="organization" if "committee" in sponsor.lower() else "person", primary=False, classification="cosponsor", ) # history is backwards for event in reversed(bill_data["HISTORY"]): actor = "upper" if event["chamber"] == "Senate" else "lower" date = event["session_date"] # append committee names if present if "committee_names" in event: action = (event["status"] + " " + " and ".join(event["committee_names"])) else: action = event["status"] if event["action_code"] not in ksapi.action_codes: self.warning( "unknown action code on %s: %s %s" % (bill_id, event["action_code"], event["status"])) atype = None else: atype = ksapi.action_codes[event["action_code"]] bill.add_action(action, date, chamber=actor, classification=atype) # Versions are exposed in `bill_data['versions'], # but lack any descriptive text or identifiers; # continue to scrape these from the HTML yield from self.scrape_html(bill, session) yield bill
def test_full_bill(): create_jurisdiction() person = Person.objects.create(name="Adam Smith") lower = Organization.objects.create(jurisdiction_id="jid", name="House", classification="lower") Membership.objects.create(, Organization.objects.create( jurisdiction_id="jid", name="Arbitrary Committee", classification="committee", parent=lower, ) oldbill = ScrapeBill( "HB 99", "1899", "Axe & Tack Tax Act", classification="tax bill", chamber="lower", ) bill = ScrapeBill("HB 1", "1900", "Axe & Tack Tax Act", classification="tax bill", chamber="lower") bill.subject = ["taxes", "axes"] bill.add_identifier("SB 9") bill.add_title("Tack & Axe Tax Act") bill.add_action("introduced in house", "1900-04-01", chamber="lower") act = bill.add_action("sent to arbitrary committee", "1900-04-04", chamber="lower") act.add_related_entity( "arbitrary committee", "organization", _make_pseudo_id(name="Arbitrary Committee"), ) bill.add_related_bill("HB 99", legislative_session="1899", relation_type="prior-session") bill.add_sponsorship( "Adam Smith", classification="extra sponsor", entity_type="person", primary=False, entity_id=_make_pseudo_id(name="Adam Smith"), ) bill.add_sponsorship("Jane Smith", classification="lead sponsor", entity_type="person", primary=True) bill.add_abstract( "This is an act about axes and taxes and tacks.", note="official", date="1969-10-20", ) bill.add_document_link("Fiscal Note", "", media_type="application/pdf") bill.add_document_link("Fiscal Note", "", media_type="text/html") bill.add_version_link("Fiscal Note", "", media_type="text/html") bill.add_source("") # import bill BillImporter("jid").import_data([oldbill.as_dict(), bill.as_dict()]) # get bill from db and assert it imported correctly b = Bill.objects.get(identifier="HB 1") assert b.from_organization.classification == "lower" assert b.identifier == bill.identifier assert b.title == bill.title assert b.classification == bill.classification assert b.subject == ["taxes", "axes"] assert b.abstracts.get().note == "official" assert b.abstracts.get().date == "1969-10-20" # other_title, other_identifier added assert b.other_titles.get().title == "Tack & Axe Tax Act" assert b.other_identifiers.get().identifier == "SB 9" # actions actions = list(b.actions.all()) assert len(actions) == 2 # ensure order was preserved (if this breaks it'll be intermittent) assert actions[0].organization == Organization.objects.get( classification="lower") assert actions[0].description == "introduced in house" assert actions[1].description == "sent to arbitrary committee" assert actions[1].related_entities.get( ).organization == Organization.objects.get(classification="committee") # action computed fields assert b.first_action_date == "1900-04-01" assert b.latest_action_date == "1900-04-04" assert b.latest_action_description == "sent to arbitrary committee" # related_bills were added rb = b.related_bills.get() assert rb.identifier == "HB 99" # and bill got resolved assert rb.related_bill.identifier == "HB 99" # sponsors added, linked & unlinked sponsorships = b.sponsorships.all() assert len(sponsorships) == 2 person = Person.objects.get(name="Adam Smith") for ss in sponsorships: if ss.primary: assert ss.person is None assert ss.organization is None else: assert ss.person == person # versions & documents with their links versions = b.versions.all() assert len(versions) == 1 assert versions[0].links.count() == 1 documents = b.documents.all() assert len(documents) == 1 assert documents[0].links.count() == 2 # sources assert b.sources.count() == 1
def scrape(self, session=None): if not session: session = self.latest_session()"no session specified, using %s", session) # get member id matching for vote parsing member_ids = self.get_member_ids()[session] per_page = 10 # seems like it gives 10 no matter what. start_record = 0 params = { "request": { "sEcho": 2, "iColumns": 4, "sColumns": "", "iDisplayStart": 0, "iDisplayLength": per_page, "mDataProp_0": "ShortTitle", "mDataProp_1": "Title", "mDataProp_2": "LegislationCategories", "mDataProp_3": "Modified", "iSortCol_0": 0, "sSortDir_0": "asc", "iSortingCols": 0, "bSortable_0": "true", "bSortable_1": "true", "bSortable_2": "true", "bSortable_3": "true", }, "criteria": { "Keyword": "", "Category": "", "SubCategoryId": "", "RequestOf": "", "CouncilPeriod": str(session), "Introducer": "", "CoSponsor": "", "CommitteeReferral": "", "CommitteeReferralComments": "", "StartDate": "", "EndDate": "", "QueryLimit": 100, "FilterType": "", "Phases": "", "LegislationStatus": "0", "IncludeDocumentSearch": "false", }, } param_json = json.dumps(params) response = api_request("/GetPublicAdvancedSearch", data=param_json) # the response is a terrible string-of-nested-json-strings. Yuck. response = response["d"] data = response["aaData"] while len(data) > 0: for bill in data: # sometimes they're in there more than once, so we'll keep track bill_id = bill["Title"] if bill_id.startswith("AG"): # actually an agenda, skip continue bill_params = {"legislationId": bill_id} bill_info = api_request("/GetPublicData", data=json.dumps(bill_params)) bill_info = bill_info["d"]["data"] bill_source_url = "" + bill_id legislation_info = bill_info["Legislation"][0] title = legislation_info["ShortTitle"] if bill_id.startswith("R") or bill_id.startswith("CER"): bill_type = "resolution" else: bill_type = "bill" bill = Bill( bill_id, legislative_session=session, title=title, classification=bill_type, ) # sponsors and cosponsors if "Introducer" in legislation_info: introducers = legislation_info["Introducer"] else: # sometimes there are introducers, sometimes not. # Set Introducers to empty array to avoid downstream breakage, # but log bills without introducers self.logger.warning("No Introducer: {0}".format( bill.identifier)) introducers = [] try: # sometimes there are cosponsors, sometimes not. cosponsors = legislation_info["CoSponsor"] except KeyError: cosponsors = [] for i in introducers: name = i["Name"] # they messed up Phil Mendelson's name if name == "Phil Pmendelson": name = "Phil Mendelson" bill.add_sponsorship( name, classification="primary", entity_type="person", primary=True, ) for s in cosponsors: name = s["Name"] if name == "Phil Pmendelson": name = "Phil Mendelson" bill.add_sponsorship( name=name, classification="cosponsor", entity_type="person", primary=False, ) # if it's become law, add the law number as an alternate title if "LawNumber" in legislation_info: law_num = legislation_info["LawNumber"] if law_num: bill.add_title(law_num) # also sometimes it's got an act number if "ActNumber" in legislation_info: act_num = legislation_info["ActNumber"] if act_num: bill.add_title(act_num) # sometimes AdditionalInformation has a previous bill name if "AdditionalInformation" in legislation_info: add_info = legislation_info["AdditionalInformation"] if "previously" in add_info.lower(): prev_title = (add_info.lower().replace( "previously", "").strip().replace(" ", "")) bill.add_title(prev_title.upper()) elif add_info: bill.extras["additional_information"] = add_info if "WithDrawnDate" in legislation_info: withdrawn_date = self.date_format( legislation_info["WithDrawnDate"]) withdrawn_by = legislation_info["WithdrawnBy"][0][ "Name"].strip() if withdrawn_by == "the Mayor": bill.add_action( "withdrawn", withdrawn_date, chamber="executive", classification="withdrawal", ) elif "committee" in withdrawn_by.lower(): a = bill.add_action("withdrawn", withdrawn_date, classification="withdrawal") a.add_related_entity(withdrawn_by, entity_type="organization") else: a = bill.add_action("withdrawn", withdrawn_date, classification="withdrawal") a.add_related_entity(withdrawn_by, entity_type="person") for action in bill_info["LegislationBillHistory"]: action_name = action["Description"] action_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( action["ActionDate"], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") action_date = self._TZ.localize(action_date) action_class = self.classify_action(action_name) if "mayor" in action_name.lower(): actor = "executive" else: actor = "legislature" a = bill.add_action( action_name, action_date, classification=action_class, chamber=actor, ) if (action_class is not None and "referral-committee" in action_class): if "CommitteeReferral" in legislation_info: committees = [] for committee in legislation_info[ "CommitteeReferral"]: if (committee["Name"].lower() == "retained by the council"): committees = [] break else: committees.append(committee["Name"]) if committees != []: for com in committees: a.add_related_entity( com, entity_type="organization") if "CommitteeReferralComments" in legislation_info: for committee in legislation_info[ "CommitteeReferralComments"]: a.add_related_entity( committee["Name"], entity_type="organization") # deal with actions involving the mayor mayor = bill_info["MayorReview"] if mayor != []: mayor = mayor[0] if "TransmittedDate" in mayor: transmitted_date = self.date_format( mayor["TransmittedDate"]) # if returned but not signed, it was vetoed elif "ReturnedDate" in mayor: veto_date = self.date_format(mayor["ReturnedDate"]) bill.add_action( "vetoed", veto_date, chamber="executive", classification="executive-veto", ) # if it was returned and enacted but not signed, there was a veto override if "EnactedDate" in mayor: override_date = self.date_format( mayor["EnactedDate"]) bill.add_action( "veto override", override_date, classification="veto-override-passage", ) if "AttachmentPath" in mayor: # documents relating to the mayor's review self.add_documents(mayor["AttachmentPath"], bill) congress = bill_info["CongressReview"] if len(congress) > 0: congress = congress[0] if "TransmittedDate" in congress: transmitted_date = self.date_format( congress["TransmittedDate"]) bill.add_action("Transmitted to Congress for review", transmitted_date) # deal with committee actions if "DateRead" in legislation_info: date = legislation_info["DateRead"] elif "IntroductionDate" in legislation_info: date = legislation_info["IntroductionDate"] else: self.logger.warning( "we can't find anything that looks like an " "action date. Skipping") continue date = self.date_format(date) # deal with random docs floating around docs = bill_info["OtherDocuments"] for d in docs: if "AttachmentPath" in d: self.add_documents(d["AttachmentPath"], bill) else: self.logger.warning( "Document path missing from 'Other Documents'") if "MemoLink" in legislation_info: self.add_documents(legislation_info["MemoLink"], bill) if "AttachmentPath" in legislation_info: self.add_documents(legislation_info["AttachmentPath"], bill) # full council votes votes = bill_info["VotingSummary"] for vote in votes: v = self.process_vote(vote, bill, member_ids) if v: v.add_source(bill_source_url) yield v # deal with committee votes if "CommitteeMarkup" in bill_info: committee_info = bill_info["CommitteeMarkup"] if len(committee_info) > 0: for committee_action in committee_info: v = self.process_committee_vote( committee_action, bill) if v: v.add_source(bill_source_url) yield v if "AttachmentPath" in committee_info: self.add_documents(vote["AttachmentPath"], bill) bill.add_source(bill_source_url) yield bill # get next page start_record += per_page params["request"]["iDisplayStart"] = start_record param_json = json.dumps(params) response = api_request("/GetPublicAdvancedSearch", data=param_json) response = response["d"] data = response["aaData"]
def scrape_bill(self, bill_num, session): chamber_map = {"House": "lower", "Senate": "upper", "LSO": "executive"} # Sample with all keys: bill_json_url = ( "{}/" "{}?calendarDate=".format(session, bill_num) ) if self.is_special: bill_json_url = ( "{}/" "{}?specialSessionValue=1&calendarDate=".format(session[0:4], bill_num) ) try: response = self.get(bill_json_url) bill_json = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8")) except scrapelib.HTTPError: return None chamber = "lower" if bill_json["bill"][0] else "upper" bill = Bill( identifier=bill_json["bill"], legislative_session=session, title=bill_json["catchTitle"], chamber=chamber, classification="bill", ) bill.add_title(bill_json["billTitle"]) source_url = "{}/{}".format( session, bill_json["bill"] ) if self.is_special: source_url = "{}/{}?specialSessionValue=1".format( session[0:4], bill_json["bill"] ) bill.add_source(source_url) for action_json in bill_json["billActions"]: utc_action_date = self.parse_local_date(action_json["statusDate"]) actor = None if action_json["location"] and action_json["location"] in chamber_map: actor = chamber_map[action_json["location"]] action = bill.add_action( chamber=actor, description=action_json["statusMessage"], date=utc_action_date, classification=categorize_action(action_json["statusMessage"]), ) action.extras = {"billInformationID": action_json["billInformationID"]} if bill_json["introduced"]: url = "{}".format(bill_json["introduced"]) bill.add_version_link( note="Introduced", url=url, media_type="application/pdf", # optional but useful! ) if bill_json["enrolledAct"]: url = "{}".format(bill_json["enrolledAct"]) bill.add_version_link( note="Enrolled", url=url, media_type="application/pdf", # optional but useful! ) if bill_json["fiscalNote"]: url = "{}".format(bill_json["fiscalNote"]) bill.add_document_link( note="Fiscal Note", url=url, media_type="application/pdf", # optional but useful! ) if bill_json["digest"]: url = "{}".format(bill_json["digest"]) bill.add_document_link( note="Bill Digest", url=url, media_type="application/pdf", # optional but useful! ) if bill_json["vetoes"]: for veto in bill_json["vetoes"]: url = "{}".format(veto["vetoLinkPath"]) bill.add_version_link( note=veto["vetoLinkText"], url=url, media_type="application/pdf", # optional but useful! ) for amendment in bill_json["amendments"]: # # TODO: There are no special session amendments yet, # but check this url format for specials url = "{}/Amends/{}.pdf".format( session[0:4], amendment["amendmentNumber"] ) if amendment["sponsor"] and amendment["status"]: title = "Amendment {} ({}) - {} ({})".format( amendment["amendmentNumber"], amendment["order"], amendment["sponsor"], amendment["status"], ) else: title = "Amendment {} ({})".format( amendment["amendmentNumber"], amendment["order"] ) # add versions of the bill text version = bill.add_version_link( note=title, url=url, media_type="application/pdf" ) version["extras"] = { "amendmentNumber": amendment["amendmentNumber"], "sponsor": amendment["sponsor"], } for sponsor in bill_json["sponsors"]: status = "primary" if sponsor["primarySponsor"] else "cosponsor" sponsor_type = "person" if sponsor["sponsorTitle"] else "organization" bill.add_sponsorship( name=sponsor["name"], classification=status, entity_type=sponsor_type, primary=sponsor["primarySponsor"], ) if bill_json["summary"]: bill.add_abstract(note="summary", abstract=bill_json["summary"]) if bill_json["enrolledNumber"]: bill.extras["wy_enrolled_number"] = bill_json["enrolledNumber"] if bill_json["chapter"]: bill.extras["chapter"] = bill_json["chapter"] if bill_json["effectiveDate"]: eff = datetime.datetime.strptime(bill_json["effectiveDate"], "%m/%d/%Y") bill.extras["effective_date"] = eff.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") bill.extras["wy_bill_id"] = bill_json["id"] for vote_json in bill_json["rollCalls"]: yield from self.scrape_vote(bill, vote_json, session) yield bill