Пример #1
def probe_instrument(instrument, robot, tip_length=None) -> Point:
    tp = robot.config.tip_probe
    if tip_length is None:
        tip_length = robot.config.tip_length[instrument.model]

    # probe_center is the point at the center of the switch pcb
    center = Point(*tp.center)

    hot_spots = robot_configs.calculate_tip_probe_hotspots(tip_length, tp)

    # The saved axis positions from limit switch response
    axis_pos = []

    safe_height = _calculate_safeheight(robot, tp.z_clearance.crossover)

    log.info("Moving to safe z: {}".format(safe_height))
    robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, z=safe_height)

    for hs in hot_spots:
        x0 = tp.center[0] + hs.x_start_offs
        y0 = tp.center[1] + hs.y_start_offs
        z0 = hs.z_start_abs

        log.info("Moving to {}".format((x0, y0, z0)))
        robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, x=x0, y=y0)
        robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, z=z0)

        axis_index = 'xyz'.index(hs.axis)
        robot.poses = instrument._probe(robot.poses, hs.axis,

        # Tip position is stored in accumulator and averaged for each axis
        # to be used for more accurate positioning for the next axis
        value = absolute(robot.poses, instrument)[axis_index]

        # after probing two points along the same axis
        # average them out, update center and clear accumulator
        # except Z, we're only probing that once
        if hs.axis == 'z':
            center = center._replace(**{hs.axis: axis_pos[0]})
        elif len(axis_pos) == 2:
            center = center._replace(
                **{hs.axis: (axis_pos[0] + axis_pos[1]) / 2.0})


        log.debug("Current axis positions for {}: {}".format(
            hs.axis, axis_pos))

        # Bounce back to release end stop
        sgn = hs.probe_distance / abs(hs.probe_distance)
        bounce = value + (tp.bounce_distance * -sgn)

        robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, **{hs.axis: bounce})
        robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, z=safe_height)

        log.debug("Updated center point tip probe {}".format(center))


    return center
Пример #2
def probe_instrument(instrument, robot, tip_length=None) -> Point:

    if tip_length is None:
        tip_length = robot.config.tip_length[instrument.name]

    # probe_center is the point at the center of the switch pcb
    center = Point(*robot.config.probe_center)

    hot_spots = _calculate_hotspots(robot, tip_length, SWITCH_CLEARANCE,
                                    X_SWITCH_OFFSET_MM, Y_SWITCH_OFFSET_MM,
                                    Z_SWITCH_OFFSET_MM, Z_DECK_CLEARANCE,
                                    Z_PROBE_CLEARANCE, Z_PROBE_START_CLEARANCE)

    # The saved axis positions from limit switch response
    axis_pos = []

    safe_height = _calculate_safeheight(robot, Z_CROSSOVER_CLEARANCE)

    log.info("Moving to safe z: {}".format(safe_height))
    robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, z=safe_height)

    for axis, x, y, z, distance in hot_spots:
        if axis == 'z':

            x = x + center.x
            y = y + center.y
            z = z + center.z
            x = x + center.x
            y = y + center.y

        log.info("Moving to {}".format((x, y, z)))
        robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, x=x, y=y)
        robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, z=z)

        axis_index = 'xyz'.index(axis)
        robot.poses = instrument._probe(robot.poses, axis, distance)

        # Tip position is stored in accumulator and averaged for each axis
        # to be used for more accurate positioning for the next axis
        value = absolute(robot.poses, instrument)[axis_index]

        # after probing two points along the same axis
        # average them out, update center and clear accumulator
        # except Z, we're only probing that once
        if axis == 'z':
            center = center._replace(**{axis: axis_pos[0]})
        elif len(axis_pos) == 2:
            center = center._replace(
                **{axis: (axis_pos[0] + axis_pos[1]) / 2.0})


        log.debug("Current axis positions for {}: {}".format(axis, axis_pos))

        # Bounce back to release end stop
        bounce = value + (BOUNCE_DISTANCE_MM * (-distance / abs(distance)))

        robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, **{axis: bounce})
        robot.poses = instrument._move(robot.poses, z=safe_height)

        log.debug("Updated center point tip probe {}".format(center))


    return center