Пример #1
def ctc_greedy_decoder_seq_len(
    data: NodeInput,
    sequence_length: NodeInput,
    blank_index: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    merge_repeated: bool = True,
    classes_index_type: str = "i32",
    sequence_length_type: str = "i32",
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLen.

    :param data:            The input 3D tensor. Shape: [batch_size, seq_length, num_classes]
    :param sequence_length: Input 1D tensor with sequence length. Shape: [batch_size]
    :param blank_index:     Scalar or 1D tensor with specifies the class index to use for the blank class.
                            Optional parameter. Default value is num_classes-1.
    :return:                The new node which performs CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLen.
    if blank_index is not None:
        inputs = as_nodes(data, sequence_length, blank_index)
        inputs = as_nodes(data, sequence_length)

    attributes = {
        "merge_repeated": merge_repeated,
        "classes_index_type": classes_index_type,
        "sequence_length_type": sequence_length_type

    return _get_node_factory_opset6().create("CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLen", inputs,
Пример #2
def eye(
    num_rows: NodeInput,
    num_columns: NodeInput,
    diagonal_index: NodeInput,
    output_type: str,
    batch_shape: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs eye operation.

    :param num_rows: The node providing row number tensor.
    :param num_columns: The node providing column number tensor.
    :param diagonal_index: The node providing the index of the diagonal to be populated.
    :param output_type: Specifies the output tensor type, supports any numeric types.
    :param batch_shape: The node providing the leading batch dimensions of output shape. Optionally.
    :param name: The optional new name for output node.
    :return: New node performing deformable convolution operation.
    if batch_shape is not None:
        inputs = as_nodes(num_rows, num_columns, diagonal_index, batch_shape)
        inputs = as_nodes(num_rows, num_columns, diagonal_index)

    return _get_node_factory_opset9().create("Eye", inputs,
                                             {"output_type": output_type})
Пример #3
def ctc_loss(
    logits: NodeInput,
    logit_length: NodeInput,
    labels: NodeInput,
    label_length: NodeInput,
    blank_index: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    preprocess_collapse_repeated: bool = False,
    ctc_merge_repeated: bool = True,
    unique: bool = False,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs CTCLoss.

    @param logits:                        3-D tensor of logits.
    @param logit_length:                  1-D tensor of lengths for each object from a batch.
    @param labels:                        2-D tensor of labels for which likelihood is estimated using logits.
    @param label_length:                  1-D tensor of length for each label sequence.
    @param blank_index:                   Scalar used to mark a blank index.
    @param preprocess_collapse_repeated:  Flag for preprocessing labels before loss calculation.
    @param ctc_merge_repeated:            Flag for merging repeated characters in a potential alignment.
    @param unique:                        Flag to find unique elements in a target.
    @return The new node which performs CTCLoss
    if blank_index is not None:
        inputs = as_nodes(logits, logit_length, labels, label_length, blank_index)
        inputs = as_nodes(logits, logit_length, labels, label_length)

    attributes = {
        "preprocess_collapse_repeated": preprocess_collapse_repeated,
        "ctc_merge_repeated": ctc_merge_repeated,
        "unique": unique,

    return _get_node_factory_opset4().create("CTCLoss", inputs, attributes)
Пример #4
def deformable_convolution(
    data: NodeInput,
    offsets: NodeInput,
    filters: NodeInput,
    strides: List[int],
    pads_begin: List[int],
    pads_end: List[int],
    dilations: List[int],
    mask: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    auto_pad: str = "EXPLICIT",
    group: int = 1,
    deformable_group: int = 1,
    bilinear_interpolation_pad: bool = False,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs deformable convolution operation.

    @param data: The node providing data batch tensor.
    @param offsets: The node providing offset tensor.
    @param filters: The node providing filters tensor.
    @param strides: The distance (in pixels) to slide the filter on the feature map over the axes.
    @param pads_begin: The number of pixels to add to the beginning along each axis.
    @param pads_end: The number of pixels to add to the end along each axis.
    @param dilations: The distance in width and height between elements (weights) in the filter.
    @param mask: The node providing modulation scalar (mask) tensor.
    @param auto_pad: The type of padding. Range of values: explicit, same_upper, same_lower, valid.
    @param group: The number of groups which both output and input should be split into.
    @param deformable_group: The number of groups which deformable values and output should be split
                             into along the channel axis.
    @param bilinear_interpolation_pad: The flag that determines the mode of bilinear interpolation
    @param name: The optional new name for output node.
    @return New node performing deformable convolution operation.
    if mask is None:
        inputs = as_nodes(data, offsets, filters)
        inputs = as_nodes(data, offsets, filters, mask)

    return _get_node_factory_opset8().create(
            "strides": strides,
            "pads_begin": pads_begin,
            "pads_end": pads_end,
            "dilations": dilations,
            "auto_pad": auto_pad,
            "group": group,
            "deformable_group": deformable_group,
            "bilinear_interpolation_pad": bilinear_interpolation_pad
Пример #5
def non_max_suppression(
    boxes: NodeInput,
    scores: NodeInput,
    max_output_boxes_per_class: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    iou_threshold: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    score_threshold: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    soft_nms_sigma: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    box_encoding: str = "corner",
    sort_result_descending: bool = True,
    output_type: str = "i64",
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs NonMaxSuppression.

    @param boxes: Tensor with box coordinates.
    @param scores: Tensor with box scores.
    @param max_output_boxes_per_class: Tensor Specifying maximum number of boxes
                                        to be selected per class.
    @param iou_threshold: Tensor specifying intersection over union threshold
    @param score_threshold: Tensor specifying minimum score to consider box for the processing.
    @param soft_nms_sigma: Tensor specifying the sigma parameter for Soft-NMS.
    @param box_encoding: Format of boxes data encoding.
    @param sort_result_descending: Flag that specifies whenever it is necessary to sort selected
                                   boxes across batches or not.
    @param output_type: Output element type.
    @return: The new node which performs NonMaxSuppression
    if max_output_boxes_per_class is None:
        max_output_boxes_per_class = make_constant_node(0, np.int64)
    if iou_threshold is None:
        iou_threshold = make_constant_node(0, np.float32)
    if score_threshold is None:
        score_threshold = make_constant_node(0, np.float32)
    if soft_nms_sigma is None:
        inputs = as_nodes(
            boxes, scores, max_output_boxes_per_class, iou_threshold, score_threshold
        inputs = as_nodes(
            boxes, scores, max_output_boxes_per_class, iou_threshold, score_threshold, soft_nms_sigma

    attributes = {
        "box_encoding": box_encoding,
        "sort_result_descending": sort_result_descending,
        "output_type": output_type,

    return _get_node_factory_opset5().create("NonMaxSuppression", inputs, attributes)
Пример #6
def if_op(
        condition: NodeInput,
        inputs: List[Node],
        bodies: Tuple[GraphBody, GraphBody],
        input_desc: Tuple[List[TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc], List[TensorIteratorInvariantInputDesc]],
        output_desc: Tuple[List[TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc], List[TensorIteratorBodyOutputDesc]],
        name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Execute one of the bodies depending on condtion value.

    @param      condition:             A scalar or 1D tensor with 1 element specifying body will be executed.
                                       If condition is True, then body will be executed, False - else_body.
    @param      inputs:                The provided inputs to If operation.
    @param      bodies:                Two graphs (then_body, else_body) which will be executed depending on
                                       condition value.
    @param      input_desc             Two lists (for then_body and else_body) which contain rules how If
                                       inputs are connected with body parameters.
    @param      output_desc:           Two lists (for then_body and else_body) which contain rules how If
                                       outputs are connected with body results.
    @param      name:                  The optional name for the created output node.

    @return: The new node which performs If operation.
    attributes = {
        "then_body": bodies[0].serialize(),
        "else_body": bodies[1].serialize(),
        "then_inputs": {"invariant_input_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in input_desc[0]]},
        "else_inputs": {"invariant_input_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in input_desc[1]]},
        "then_outputs": {"body_output_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in output_desc[0]]},
        "else_outputs": {"body_output_desc": [desc.serialize() for desc in output_desc[1]]}
    return _get_node_factory_opset8().create("If", as_nodes(condition, *inputs),
Пример #7
def roi_pooling(
    input: NodeInput,
    coords: NodeInput,
    output_size: TensorShape,
    spatial_scale: NumericData,
    method: str,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which produces an ROIPooling operation.

    @param input:          Input feature map {N, C, ...}
    @param coords:         Coordinates of bounding boxes
    @param output_size:    Height/Width of ROI output features (shape)
    @param spatial_scale:  Ratio of input feature map over input image size (float)
    @param method:         Method of pooling - string: "max" or "bilinear"
    @return               ROIPooling node
    method = method.lower()
    return _get_node_factory_opset2().create(
        as_nodes(input, coords),
            "output_size": Shape(output_size),
            "spatial_scale": spatial_scale,
            "method": method
Пример #8
def softplus(data: NodeInput, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Node:
    """Apply SoftPlus operation on each element of input tensor.

    @param data: The tensor providing input data.
    @return The new node with SoftPlus operation applied on each element.
    return _get_node_factory_opset4().create("SoftPlus", as_nodes(data), {})
Пример #9
def hswish(data: NodeInput, name: Optional[str] = None,) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs HSwish (hard version of Swish).

    @param data: Tensor with input data floating point type.
    @return The new node which performs HSwish
    return _get_node_factory_opset4().create("HSwish", as_nodes(data), {})
Пример #10
def hsigmoid(data: NodeInput, name: Optional[str] = None,) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs HSigmoid.

    @param data: Tensor with input data floating point type.
    @return: The new node which performs HSigmoid
    return _get_node_factory_opset5().create("HSigmoid", as_nodes(data), {})
Пример #11
def scatter_elements_update(
    data: NodeInput,
    indices: NodeInput,
    updates: NodeInput,
    axis: NodeInput,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which produces a ScatterElementsUpdate operation.

    :param data:    The input tensor to be updated.
    :param indices: The tensor with indexes which will be updated.
    :param updates: The tensor with update values.
    :param axis:    The axis for scatter.
    returns ScatterElementsUpdate node

    ScatterElementsUpdate creates a copy of the first input tensor with updated elements
    specified with second and third input tensors.

    For each entry in `updates`, the target index in `data` is obtained by combining
    the corresponding entry in `indices` with the index of the entry itself: the
    index-value for dimension equal to `axis` is obtained from the value of the
    corresponding entry in `indices` and the index-value for dimension not equal
    to `axis` is obtained from the index of the entry itself.

    return _get_node_factory_opset3().create(
        "ScatterElementsUpdate", as_nodes(data, indices, updates, axis)
Пример #12
def topk(
    data: NodeInput,
    k: NodeInput,
    axis: int,
    mode: str,
    sort: str,
    index_element_type: str = "i32",
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs TopK.

    @param data: Input data.
    @param k: K.
    @param axis: TopK Axis.
    @param mode: Compute TopK largest ('max') or smallest ('min')
    @param sort: Order of output elements (sort by: 'none', 'index' or 'value')
    @param index_element_type: Type of output tensor with indices.
    @return The new node which performs TopK (both indices and values)
    return _get_node_factory_opset3().create(
        as_nodes(data, k),
            "axis": axis,
            "mode": mode,
            "sort": sort,
            "index_element_type": index_element_type
Пример #13
def roi_align(
    data: NodeInput,
    rois: NodeInput,
    batch_indices: NodeInput,
    pooled_h: int,
    pooled_w: int,
    sampling_ratio: int,
    spatial_scale: float,
    mode: str,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs ROIAlign.

    :param data: Input data.
    :param rois: RoIs (Regions of Interest) to pool over.
    :param batch_indices: Tensor with each element denoting the index of
                          the corresponding image in the batch.
    :param pooled_h: Height of the ROI output feature map.
    :param pooled_w: Width of the ROI output feature map.
    :param sampling_ratio: Number of bins over height and width to use to calculate
                           each output feature map element.
    :param spatial_scale: Multiplicative spatial scale factor to translate ROI coordinates.
    :param mode: Method to perform pooling to produce output feature map elements.

    returns The new node which performs ROIAlign
    inputs = as_nodes(data, rois, batch_indices)
    attributes = {
        "pooled_h": pooled_h,
        "pooled_w": pooled_w,
        "sampling_ratio": sampling_ratio,
        "spatial_scale": spatial_scale,
        "mode": mode,
    return _get_node_factory_opset3().create("ROIAlign", inputs, attributes)
Пример #14
def mvn(
    data: Node,
    axes: Node,
    normalize_variance: bool,
    eps: float,
    eps_mode: str,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs MeanVarianceNormalization (MVN).

    :param data: The node with data tensor.
    :param axes: The node with axes to reduce on.
    :param normalize_variance: Denotes whether to perform variance normalization.
    :param eps: The number added to the variance to avoid division by zero
               when normalizing the value. Scalar value.
    :param eps_mode: how eps is applied (`inside_sqrt` or `outside_sqrt`)
    :param name: Optional output node name.
    :return: The new node performing a MVN operation on input tensor.
    inputs = as_nodes(data, axes)

    attributes = {
        "normalize_variance": normalize_variance,
        "eps": eps,
        "eps_mode": eps_mode

    return _get_node_factory_opset6().create("MVN", inputs, attributes)
Пример #15
def random_uniform(output_shape: NodeInput,
                   min_val: NodeInput,
                   max_val: NodeInput,
                   output_type: str,
                   global_seed: int = 0,
                   op_seed: int = 0) -> Node:
    """Return a node which generates sequence of random values from uniform distribution.

    @param output_shape: Tensor with shape of the output tensor.
    @param min_val: Tensor with the lower bound on the range of random values to generate.
    @param max_val: Tensor with the upper bound on the range of random values to generate.
    @param output_type: Specifies the output tensor type, possible values:
    'i64', 'i32', 'f64', 'f32', 'f16', 'bf16'.
    @param global_seed: Specifies global seed value. Required to be a positive integer or 0.
    @param op_seed: Specifies operational seed value. Required to be a positive integer or 0.
    @return The new node which performs generation of random values from uniform distribution.
    inputs = as_nodes(output_shape, min_val, max_val)

    if global_seed < 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "global_seed should be positive or 0. Got: {}".format(global_seed))

    if op_seed < 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "op_seed should be positive or 0. Got: {}".format(op_seed))

    attributes = {
        "output_type": output_type,
        "global_seed": global_seed,
        "op_seed": op_seed,
    return _get_node_factory_opset8().create("RandomUniform", inputs,
Пример #16
def matrix_nms(
        boxes: NodeInput,
        scores: NodeInput,
        sort_result_type: str = "none",
        sort_result_across_batch: bool = False,
        output_type: str = "i64",
        score_threshold: float = 0.0,
        nms_top_k: int = -1,
        keep_top_k: int = -1,
        background_class: int = -1,
        decay_function: str = "linear",
        gaussian_sigma: float = 2.0,
        post_threshold: float = 0.0,
        normalized: bool = True
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs MatrixNms.

    @param boxes: Tensor with box coordinates.
    @param scores: Tensor with box scores.
    @param sort_result_type: Specifies order of output elements, possible values:
                             'class': sort selected boxes by class id (ascending)
                             'score': sort selected boxes by score (descending)
                             'none': do not guarantee the order.
    @param sort_result_across_batch: Specifies whenever it is necessary to sort selected boxes
                                     across batches or not
    @param output_type: Specifies the output tensor type, possible values:
                        'i64', 'i32'
    @param score_threshold: Specifies minimum score to consider box for the processing
    @param nms_top_k: Specifies maximum number of boxes to be selected per class, -1 meaning
                      to keep all boxes
    @param keep_top_k: Specifies maximum number of boxes to be selected per batch element, -1
                       meaning to keep all boxes
    @param background_class: Specifies the background class id, -1 meaning to keep all classes
    @param decay_function: Specifies decay function used to decay scores, possible values:
                           'gaussian', 'linear'
    @param gaussian_sigma: Specifies gaussian_sigma parameter for gaussian decay_function
    @param post_threshold: Specifies threshold to filter out boxes with low confidence score
                           after decaying
    @param normalized: Specifies whether boxes are normalized or not
    @return: The new node which performs MatrixNms
    inputs = as_nodes(boxes, scores)

    attributes = {
        "sort_result_type": sort_result_type,
        "sort_result_across_batch": sort_result_across_batch,
        "output_type": output_type,
        "score_threshold": score_threshold,
        "nms_top_k": nms_top_k,
        "keep_top_k": keep_top_k,
        "background_class": background_class,
        "decay_function": decay_function,
        "gaussian_sigma": gaussian_sigma,
        "post_threshold": post_threshold,
        "normalized": normalized

    return _get_node_factory_opset8().create("MatrixNms", inputs, attributes)
Пример #17
def rnn_sequence(
        X: NodeInput,
        initial_hidden_state: NodeInput,
        sequence_lengths: NodeInput,
        W: NodeInput,
        R: NodeInput,
        B: NodeInput,
        hidden_size: int,
        direction: str,
        activations: List[str] = None,
        activations_alpha: List[float] = None,
        activations_beta: List[float] = None,
        clip: float = 0.0,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs RNNSequence operation.

    @param X: The input tensor. Shape: [batch_size, seq_length, input_size].
    @param initial_hidden_state:    The hidden state tensor.
                                    Shape: [batch_size, num_directions, hidden_size].
    @param sequence_lengths:        Specifies real sequence lengths for each batch element.
                                    Shape: [batch_size]. Integer type.
    @param W: Tensor with weights for matrix multiplication operation with input portion of data.
              Shape: [num_directions, hidden_size, input_size].
    @param R: The tensor with weights for matrix multiplication operation with hidden state.
              Shape: [num_directions, hidden_size, hidden_size].
    @param B: The sum of biases (weight and recurrence).
              Shape: [num_directions, hidden_size].
    @param hidden_size: Specifies hidden state size.
    @param direction: Specifies if the RNN is forward, reverse, or bidirectional.
    @param activations: The list of three activation functions for gates.
    @param activations_alpha: The list of alpha parameters for activation functions.
    @param activations_beta: The list of beta parameters for activation functions.
    @param clip: Specifies bound values [-C, C] for tensor clipping performed before activations.
    @param name: An optional name of the output node.

    @return: The new node represents RNNSequence. Node outputs count: 2.
    if activations is None:
        activations = ["tanh"]
    if activations_alpha is None:
        activations_alpha = []
    if activations_beta is None:
        activations_beta = []

    inputs = as_nodes(X, initial_hidden_state, sequence_lengths, W, R, B)

    attributes = {
        "hidden_size": hidden_size,
        "direction": direction.lower(),
        "activations": activations,
        "activations_alpha": activations_alpha,
        "activations_beta": activations_beta,
        "clip": clip,

    return _get_node_factory_opset5().create("RNNSequence", inputs, attributes)
Пример #18
def nv12_to_rgb(
    arg: NodeInput,
    arg_uv: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs NV12toRGB operation.

    @param  arg: The node providing single or Y plane data.
    @param  arg_uv: The node providing UV plane data. Required for separate planes.
    @param  name: The optional name for the created output node.
    @return The new node performing NV12toRGB operation.
    if arg_uv is None:
        inputs = as_nodes(arg)
        inputs = as_nodes(arg, arg_uv)

    return _get_node_factory_opset8().create("NV12toRGB", inputs)
Пример #19
def adaptive_avg_pool(data: NodeInput, output_shape: NodeInput) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs AdaptiveAvgPool operation.

    @param data: The list of input nodes
    @param output_shape: the shape of spatial dimentions after operation
    @return: The new node performing AdaptiveAvgPool operation on the data
    inputs = as_nodes(data, output_shape)
    return _get_node_factory_opset8().create("AdaptiveAvgPool", inputs)
Пример #20
def idft(
    data: NodeInput,
    axes: NodeInput,
    signal_size: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs IDFT operation.

    @param data: Tensor with transformed data.
    @param axes: Tensor with axes to transform.
    @param signal_size: Tensor specifying signal size with respect to axes from the input 'axes'.
    @return: The new node which performs IDFT operation on the input data tensor.
    if signal_size is None:
        inputs = as_nodes(data, axes)
        inputs = as_nodes(data, axes, signal_size)

    return _get_node_factory_opset7().create("IDFT", inputs)
Пример #21
def rnn_cell(
    X: NodeInput,
    initial_hidden_state: NodeInput,
    W: NodeInput,
    R: NodeInput,
    B: NodeInput,
    hidden_size: int,
    activations: List[str],
    activations_alpha: List[float],
    activations_beta: List[float],
    clip: float = 0.0,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Perform RNNCell operation on tensor from input node.

    It follows notation and equations defined as in ONNX standard:

    Note this class represents only single *cell* and not whole RNN *layer*.

    @param X:                       The input tensor with shape: [batch_size, input_size].
    @param initial_hidden_state:    The hidden state tensor at current time step with shape:
                                    [batch_size, hidden_size].
    @param W:                       The weight tensor with shape: [hidden_size, input_size].
    @param R:                       The recurrence weight tensor with shape: [hidden_size,
    @param B:                       The sum of biases (weight and recurrence) with shape: [hidden_size].
    @param hidden_size:             The number of hidden units for recurrent cell.
                                    Specifies hidden state size.
    @param activations:             The vector of activation functions used inside recurrent cell.
    @param activation_alpha:        The vector of alpha parameters for activation functions in
                                    order respective to activation list.
    @param activation_beta:         The vector of beta parameters for activation functions in order
                                    respective to activation list.
    @param clip:                    The value defining clipping range [-clip, clip] on input of
                                    activation functions.
    @param name:                    Optional output node name.
    @return   The new node performing a RNNCell operation on tensor from input node.
    if activations is None:
        activations = ["tanh"]
    if activations_alpha is None:
        activations_alpha = []
    if activations_beta is None:
        activations_beta = []

    input_nodes = as_nodes(X, initial_hidden_state, W, R, B)
    attributes = {
        "hidden_size": hidden_size,
        "activations": activations,
        "activations_alpha": activations_alpha,
        "activations_beta": activations_beta,
        "clip": clip,
    return _get_node_factory_opset3().create("RNNCell", input_nodes,
Пример #22
def mish(
    data: NodeInput,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs Mish.

    :param data: Tensor with input data floating point type.
    :return: The new node which performs Mish
    return _get_node_factory_opset4().create("Mish", as_nodes(data), {})
Пример #23
def round(data: NodeInput, mode: str = "half_to_even", name: Optional[str] = None) -> Node:
    """Apply Round operation on each element of input tensor.

    @param data: The tensor providing input data.
    @param mode: Rule to round halfway cases. If set to 'half_to_even' then halfs round to the nearest even
        integer or rounding in such a way that the result heads away from zero if `mode` attribute is
    @param name: An optional name of the output node.
    @return: The new node with Round operation applied on each element.
    return _get_node_factory_opset5().create("Round", as_nodes(data), {"mode": mode.upper()})
Пример #24
def einsum(inputs: List[Node], equation: str) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs Einsum operation.

    @param inputs: The list of input nodes
    @param equation: Einsum equation
    @return: The new node performing Einsum operation on the inputs
    attributes = {"equation": equation}

    return _get_node_factory_opset7().create("Einsum", as_nodes(*inputs),
Пример #25
def multiclass_nms(
        boxes: NodeInput,
        scores: NodeInput,
        sort_result_type: str = "none",
        sort_result_across_batch: bool = False,
        output_type: str = "i64",
        iou_threshold: float = 0.0,
        score_threshold: float = 0.0,
        nms_top_k: int = -1,
        keep_top_k: int = -1,
        background_class: int = -1,
        nms_eta: float = 1.0,
        normalized: bool = True
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs MulticlassNms.

    @param boxes: Tensor with box coordinates.
    @param scores: Tensor with box scores.
    @param sort_result_type: Specifies order of output elements, possible values:
                             'class': sort selected boxes by class id (ascending)
                             'score': sort selected boxes by score (descending)
                             'none': do not guarantee the order.
    @param sort_result_across_batch: Specifies whenever it is necessary to sort selected boxes
                                     across batches or not
    @param output_type: Specifies the output tensor type, possible values:
                        'i64', 'i32'
    @param iou_threshold: Specifies intersection over union threshold
    @param score_threshold: Specifies minimum score to consider box for the processing
    @param nms_top_k: Specifies maximum number of boxes to be selected per class, -1 meaning
                      to keep all boxes
    @param keep_top_k: Specifies maximum number of boxes to be selected per batch element, -1
                       meaning to keep all boxes
    @param background_class: Specifies the background class id, -1 meaning to keep all classes
    @param nms_eta: Specifies eta parameter for adpative NMS, in close range [0, 1.0]
    @param normalized: Specifies whether boxes are normalized or not
    @return: The new node which performs MuticlassNms
    inputs = as_nodes(boxes, scores)

    attributes = {
        "sort_result_type": sort_result_type,
        "sort_result_across_batch": sort_result_across_batch,
        "output_type": output_type,
        "iou_threshold": iou_threshold,
        "score_threshold": score_threshold,
        "nms_top_k": nms_top_k,
        "keep_top_k": keep_top_k,
        "background_class": background_class,
        "nms_eta": nms_eta,
        "normalized": normalized

    return _get_node_factory_opset8().create("MulticlassNms", inputs, attributes)
Пример #26
def swish(
    data: NodeInput,
    beta: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performing Swish activation function Swish(x, beta=1.0) = x * sigmoid(x * beta)).

    @param data: Tensor with input data floating point type.
    @return The new node which performs Swish
    if beta is None:
        beta = make_constant_node(1.0, np.float32)
    return _get_node_factory_opset4().create("Swish", as_nodes(data, beta), {})
Пример #27
def reduce_l2(
    node: NodeInput, reduction_axes: NodeInput, keep_dims: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Node:
    """L2-reduction operation on input tensor, eliminating the specified reduction axes.

    @param node:           The tensor we want to mean-reduce.
    @param reduction_axes: The axes to eliminate through mean operation.
    @param keep_dims:      If set to True it holds axes that are used for reduction
    @param name:           Optional name for output node.
    @return The new node performing mean-reduction operation.
    return _get_node_factory_opset4().create(
        "ReduceL2", as_nodes(node, reduction_axes), {"keep_dims": keep_dims}
Пример #28
def lstm_cell(
    X: NodeInput,
    initial_hidden_state: NodeInput,
    initial_cell_state: NodeInput,
    W: NodeInput,
    R: NodeInput,
    B: NodeInput,
    hidden_size: int,
    activations: List[str] = None,
    activations_alpha: List[float] = None,
    activations_beta: List[float] = None,
    clip: float = 0.0,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs LSTMCell operation.

    @param X: The input tensor with shape: [batch_size, input_size].
    @param initial_hidden_state: The hidden state tensor with shape: [batch_size, hidden_size].
    @param initial_cell_state: The cell state tensor with shape: [batch_size, hidden_size].
    @param W: The weight tensor with shape: [4*hidden_size, input_size].
    @param R: The recurrence weight tensor with shape: [4*hidden_size, hidden_size].
    @param B: The bias tensor for gates with shape: [4*hidden_size].
    @param hidden_size: Specifies hidden state size.
    @param activations: The list of three activation functions for gates.
    @param activations_alpha: The list of alpha parameters for activation functions.
    @param activations_beta: The list of beta parameters for activation functions.
    @param clip: Specifies bound values [-C, C] for tensor clipping performed before activations.
    @param name: An optional name of the output node.

    @return The new node represents LSTMCell. Node outputs count: 2.
    if activations is None:
        activations = ["sigmoid", "tanh", "tanh"]
    if activations_alpha is None:
        activations_alpha = []
    if activations_beta is None:
        activations_beta = []

    node_inputs = as_nodes(X, initial_hidden_state, initial_cell_state, W, R,

    attributes = {
        "hidden_size": hidden_size,
        "activations": activations,
        "activations_alpha": activations_alpha,
        "activations_beta": activations_beta,
        "clip": clip,
    return _get_node_factory_opset4().create("LSTMCell", node_inputs,
Пример #29
def roll(
    data: NodeInput,
    shift: NodeInput,
    axes: NodeInput,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs Roll operation.

    @param data: The node with data tensor.
    @param shift: The node with the tensor with numbers of places by which elements are shifted.
    @param axes: The node with the tensor with axes along which elements are shifted.
    @return The new node performing a Roll operation on the input tensor.
    inputs = as_nodes(data, shift, axes)

    return _get_node_factory_opset7().create("Roll", inputs)
Пример #30
def i420_to_rgb(
    arg: NodeInput,
    arg_u: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    arg_v: Optional[NodeInput] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Node:
    """Return a node which performs I420toRGB operation.

    @param  arg: The node providing single or Y plane data.
    @param  arg_u: The node providing U plane data. Required for separate planes.
    @param  arg_v: The node providing V plane data. Required for separate planes.
    @param  name: The optional name for the created output node.
    @return The new node performing I420toRGB operation.
    if arg_u is None and arg_v is None:
        inputs = as_nodes(arg)
    elif arg_u is not None and arg_v is not None:
        inputs = as_nodes(arg, arg_u, arg_v)
        raise UserInputError(
            "Operation I420toRGB must have one (single plane) or three (separate planes) inputs provided."

    return _get_node_factory_opset8().create("I420toRGB", inputs)