Пример #1
def test_partial_shape_equals():
    ps1 = PartialShape.dynamic()
    ps2 = PartialShape.dynamic()
    assert ps1 == ps2

    ps1 = PartialShape([1, 2, 3])
    ps2 = PartialShape([1, 2, 3])
    assert ps1 == ps2

    shape = Shape([1, 2, 3])
    ps = PartialShape([1, 2, 3])
    assert shape == ps
    assert shape == ps.to_shape()
Пример #2
def get_image_tensors(image_paths, info, batch_sizes):
    processed_frames = 0
    widthes = info.widthes if info.is_dynamic else [info.width]
    heights = info.heights if info.is_dynamic else [info.height]
    tensors = []
    process_with_original_shapes = False
    num_shapes = len(info.shapes)
    if num_shapes == 0:
        process_with_original_shapes = True
    num_images = len(image_paths)
    niter = max(num_shapes, num_images)
    for i in range(niter):
        shape = list(info.shapes[i % num_shapes]) if num_shapes else []
        dtype = get_dtype(info.element_type.get_type_name())[0]
        images = np.ndarray(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
        image_index = processed_frames
        current_batch_size = 1 if process_with_original_shapes else batch_sizes[
            i % num_shapes]
        for b in range(current_batch_size):
            image_index %= num_images
            image_filename = image_paths[image_index]
            logger.info(f'Prepare image {image_filename}')
            image = cv2.imread(image_filename)
            if process_with_original_shapes:
                    f'Image will be processed with original shape - {image.shape[:-1]}'
            elif info.layout.has_name('H') and info.layout.has_name('W'):
                new_im_size = (widthes[i % num_shapes],
                               heights[i % num_shapes])
                if image.shape[:-1] != new_im_size:
                        f"Image is resized from ({image.shape[:-1]}) to ({new_im_size})"
                    image = cv2.resize(image, new_im_size)

            if info.scale.size or info.mean.size:
                blue, green, red = cv2.split(image)
                if info.mean.size:
                    blue = np.subtract(blue, info.mean[0])
                    green = np.subtract(green, info.mean[1])
                    red = np.subtract(red, info.mean[2])
                if info.scale.size:
                    blue = np.divide(blue, info.scale[0])
                    green = np.divide(green, info.scale[1])
                    red = np.divide(red, info.scale[2])
                image = cv2.merge([blue, green, red])

            if str(info.layout) in ['[N,C,H,W]', '[C,H,W]']:
                image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1))

            if process_with_original_shapes:
                if len(info.partial_shape) == 4:
                    image = np.expand_dims(image, 0)
                p_shape = PartialShape(image.shape)
                if info.partial_shape.compatible(p_shape):
                    raise Exception(
                        f"Data shape '{str(p_shape)}' provided for input '{info.name}' "
                        f"is not compatible with partial shape '{str(info.partial_shape)}' for this input."
                    images[b] = image
                except ValueError:
                    #raise Exception(f"Image shape {image.shape} is not compatible with input shape {shape}. "
                    #f"Try to provide layout for input '{info.name}'.")
                    # backward compatibility
                    # will be removed
                        f"Image shape {image.shape} is not compatible with input shape {shape}. "
                        f"Input '{info.name}' will be filled with random values!"
                    return fill_tensors_with_random(info)

            image_index += 1
        processed_frames += current_batch_size
        if not process_with_original_shapes:
    return tensors
Пример #3
def test_partial_shape():
    ps = PartialShape([1, 2, 3, 4])
    assert ps.is_static
    assert not ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.rank == 4
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {1,2,3,4}>"
    assert ps.get_dimension(0) == Dimension(1)
    assert ps.get_dimension(1) == Dimension(2)
    assert ps.get_dimension(2) == Dimension(3)
    assert ps.get_dimension(3) == Dimension(4)

    shape = Shape([1, 2, 3])
    ps = PartialShape(shape)
    assert ps.is_static
    assert not ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.all_non_negative
    assert ps.rank == 3
    assert list(ps.get_shape()) == [1, 2, 3]
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape()) == [1, 2, 3]
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == [1, 2, 3]
    assert list(ps.to_shape()) == [1, 2, 3]
    assert repr(shape) == "<Shape: {1, 2, 3}>"
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {1,2,3}>"

    ps = PartialShape(
    assert not ps.is_static
    assert ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.all_non_negative
    assert ps.rank == 4
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == [1, 2, 3, 0]
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape())[3] > 1000000000
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {1,2,3,?}>"
    assert ps.get_dimension(0) == Dimension(1)
    assert ps.get_dimension(1) == Dimension(2)
    assert ps.get_dimension(2) == Dimension(3)
    assert ps.get_dimension(3) == Dimension.dynamic()

    ps = PartialShape([1, 2, 3, -1])
    assert not ps.is_static
    assert ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.all_non_negative
    assert ps.rank == 4
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == [1, 2, 3, 0]
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape())[3] > 1000000000
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {1,2,3,?}>"

    ps = PartialShape.dynamic()
    assert not ps.is_static
    assert ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.rank == Dimension.dynamic()
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == []
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape()) == []
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: ...>"

    ps = PartialShape.dynamic(rank=Dimension(2))
    assert not ps.is_static
    assert ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.rank == 2
    assert 2 == ps.rank
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == [0, 0]
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape())[0] > 1000000000
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {?,?}>"
Пример #4
def test_partial_shape():
    ps = PartialShape([1, 2, 3, 4])
    assert ps.is_static
    assert not ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.rank == 4
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {1,2,3,4}>"
    assert ps.get_dimension(0) == Dimension(1)
    assert ps.get_dimension(1) == Dimension(2)
    assert ps.get_dimension(2) == Dimension(3)
    assert ps.get_dimension(3) == Dimension(4)

    shape = Shape([1, 2, 3])
    ps = PartialShape(shape)
    assert ps.is_static
    assert not ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.all_non_negative
    assert ps.rank == 3
    assert list(ps.get_shape()) == [1, 2, 3]
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape()) == [1, 2, 3]
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == [1, 2, 3]
    assert list(ps.to_shape()) == [1, 2, 3]
    assert repr(shape) == "<Shape: {1, 2, 3}>"
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {1,2,3}>"

    ps = PartialShape(
    assert not ps.is_static
    assert ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.all_non_negative
    assert ps.rank == 4
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == [1, 2, 3, 0]
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape())[3] > 1000000000
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {1,2,3,?}>"
    assert ps.get_dimension(0) == Dimension(1)
    assert ps.get_dimension(1) == Dimension(2)
    assert ps.get_dimension(2) == Dimension(3)
    assert ps.get_dimension(3) == Dimension.dynamic()

    ps = PartialShape([1, 2, 3, -1])
    assert not ps.is_static
    assert ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.all_non_negative
    assert ps.rank == 4
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == [1, 2, 3, 0]
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape())[3] > 1000000000
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {1,2,3,?}>"

    ps = PartialShape.dynamic()
    assert not ps.is_static
    assert ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.rank == Dimension.dynamic()
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == []
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape()) == []
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: ...>"

    ps = PartialShape.dynamic(rank=Dimension(2))
    assert not ps.is_static
    assert ps.is_dynamic
    assert ps.rank == 2
    assert 2 == ps.rank
    assert list(ps.get_min_shape()) == [0, 0]
    assert list(ps.get_max_shape())[0] > 1000000000
    assert repr(ps) == "<PartialShape: {?,?}>"

    shape_list = [(1, 10), [2, 5], 4, Dimension(2), "..10"]
    ref_ps = PartialShape([
        Dimension(1, 10),
        Dimension(2, 5),
        Dimension(-1, 10)
    assert PartialShape(shape_list) == ref_ps
    assert PartialShape(tuple(shape_list)) == ref_ps

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
        PartialShape([(1, 2, 3)])
    assert "Two elements are expected in tuple(lower, upper) " \
           "for dynamic dimension, but 3 elements were given." in str(e.value)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
        PartialShape([("?", "?")])
    assert "Incorrect pair of types (<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>) " \
           "for dynamic dimension, ints are expected." in str(e.value)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
    assert "Incorrect type <class 'range'> for dimension. Expected types are: " \
           "int, str, openvino.runtime.Dimension, list/tuple with lower " \
           "and upper values for dynamic dimension." in str(e.value)

    ps = PartialShape("...")
    assert ps == PartialShape.dynamic()

    ps = PartialShape("?, 3, ..224, 28..224")
    assert ps == PartialShape(
         Dimension(-1, 224),
         Dimension(28, 224)])

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
        ps = PartialShape("?,,3")
    assert 'Cannot get vector of dimensions! "?,,3" is incorrect' in str(

    shape = Shape()
    assert len(shape) == 0