Пример #1
 def operator_irshift(size):
     a = Array(size, 'int32')
     b = Array(size, 'int32')
     for i in range(size):
         a[i] = nb_types.int32(i)
         b[i] = nb_types.int32(size-i-1)
     operator.irshift(a, b)
     return a
Пример #2
 def test_inplace(self):
     #operator = self.module
     class C(object):
         def __iadd__     (self, other): return "iadd"
         def __iand__     (self, other): return "iand"
         def __ifloordiv__(self, other): return "ifloordiv"
         def __ilshift__  (self, other): return "ilshift"
         def __imod__     (self, other): return "imod"
         def __imul__     (self, other): return "imul"
         def __ior__      (self, other): return "ior"
         def __ipow__     (self, other): return "ipow"
         def __irshift__  (self, other): return "irshift"
         def __isub__     (self, other): return "isub"
         def __itruediv__ (self, other): return "itruediv"
         def __ixor__     (self, other): return "ixor"
         def __getitem__(self, other): return 5  # so that C is a sequence
     c = C()
     self.assertEqual(operator.iadd     (c, 5), "iadd")
     self.assertEqual(operator.iand     (c, 5), "iand")
     self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
     self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift  (c, 5), "ilshift")
     self.assertEqual(operator.imod     (c, 5), "imod")
     self.assertEqual(operator.imul     (c, 5), "imul")
     self.assertEqual(operator.ior      (c, 5), "ior")
     self.assertEqual(operator.ipow     (c, 5), "ipow")
     self.assertEqual(operator.irshift  (c, 5), "irshift")
     self.assertEqual(operator.isub     (c, 5), "isub")
     self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv (c, 5), "itruediv")
     self.assertEqual(operator.ixor     (c, 5), "ixor")
     self.assertEqual(operator.iconcat  (c, c), "iadd")
Пример #3
    def __mul__(self, other):
        # m a -> m b -> m (a,b)
        self >>= lambda _, a:\
                irshift(other, lambda cls, b: cls.returnM((a,b)))
        #other ** lambda cls, b: cls.returnM((a,b))
        #other >>= lambda cls, b: cls.returnM((a,b))

        return self
Пример #4
    def test_irshift_trace(self):
        trace = self.sdk.current_trace
        other_trace = self.sdk.current_trace
        span = Span.new(other_trace, Span.new_span_id())

        result = operator.irshift(span, trace)
        self.assertIn(span, trace.spans)
        self.assertIn(span.span_id, trace.span_ids)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, Span)
Пример #5
    def test_inplace(self):
        #operator = self.module
        class C(object):
            def __iadd__(self, other):
                return "iadd"

            def __iand__(self, other):
                return "iand"

            def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
                return "ifloordiv"

            def __ilshift__(self, other):
                return "ilshift"

            def __imod__(self, other):
                return "imod"

            def __imul__(self, other):
                return "imul"

            def __ior__(self, other):
                return "ior"

            def __ipow__(self, other):
                return "ipow"

            def __irshift__(self, other):
                return "irshift"

            def __isub__(self, other):
                return "isub"

            def __itruediv__(self, other):
                return "itruediv"

            def __ixor__(self, other):
                return "ixor"

            def __getitem__(self, other):
                return 5  # so that C is a sequence

        c = C()
        self.assertEqual(operator.iadd(c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iand(c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift(c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imod(c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imul(c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ior(c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ipow(c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irshift(c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.isub(c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv(c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ixor(c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iconcat(c, c), "iadd")
Пример #6
    def test_irshift_span(self):
        span_id = Span.new_span_id()
        span_a = Span.new(self.trace, span_id)

        new_span_id = Span.new_span_id()
        span_b = Span.new(self.trace, new_span_id)

        result = operator.irshift(span_a, span_b)
        self.assertIs(span_a.parent_span_id, span_b.span_id)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, Span)
    def test_class_binary_inplace_operators(self):
        class WithLotsOfOperators(Class):
            def __iadd__(self, other):
                return (self, "iadd", other)

            def __isub__(self, other):
                return (self, "isub", other)

            def __imul__(self, other):
                return (self, "imul", other)

            def __imod__(self, other):
                return (self, "imod", other)

            def __itruediv__(self, other):
                return (self, "itruediv", other)

            def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
                return (self, "ifloordiv", other)

            def __ilshift__(self, other):
                return (self, "ilshift", other)

            def __irshift__(self, other):
                return (self, "irshift", other)

            def __ior__(self, other):
                return (self, "ior", other)

            def __iand__(self, other):
                return (self, "iand", other)

            def __ixor__(self, other):
                return (self, "ixor", other)

            def __imatmul__(self, other):
                return (self, "imatmul", other)

        c = WithLotsOfOperators()

        self.assertEqual(operator.iadd(c, 0), (c, "iadd", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.isub(c, 0), (c, "isub", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.imul(c, 0), (c, "imul", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.imod(c, 0), (c, "imod", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv(c, 0), (c, "itruediv", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 0), (c, "ifloordiv", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift(c, 0), (c, "ilshift", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.irshift(c, 0), (c, "irshift", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.ior(c, 0), (c, "ior", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.iand(c, 0), (c, "iand", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.ixor(c, 0), (c, "ixor", 0))
        self.assertEqual(operator.imatmul(c, 0), (c, "imatmul", 0))
Пример #8
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, operator.irshift(self.input(0), self.input(1)))
Пример #9
 def bitshift_iright_usecase(x, y):
     return operator.irshift(x, y)
Пример #10
a = 3
b = 2
print(operator.ipow(a, b))

"""9.iand() :- This function is used to assign and bitwise and the current value. This operation does “a &= b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of
immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples"""

a = 1
b = 1
print(operator.iand(a, b))

"""10.ior()-  This function is used to assign and bitwise or the current value. This operation does “a |=b ” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of
immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples."""
a = 5
b = 1
print(operator.ior(a, b))

"""11.ilshift()-This function is used to assign and bitwise leftshift the current value by second argument. This operation does “a <<=b ” operation. Assigning is not
performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples."""

a = 3
b = 2
print(operator.ilshift(a, b))

"""12.irshift()- This function is used to assign and bitwise rightshift the current value by second argument. This operation does “a >>=b ” operation. Assigning is not
performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples."""

a = 4
b = 1
print(operator.irshift(a, b))
Пример #11
 def __irshift__(self, other):
     return operator.irshift(self._wrapped(), other)
Пример #12
print("the string after concatenation is : ", end="")

x = operator.isub(2, 3)
print("the value after subtracting and assiging : ", end="")

x = operator.imul(2, 3)
print("the value after multiplying and assiging : ", end="")

x = operator.itruediv(2, 3)
print("the value after dividing and assign : ", end="")

x = operator.ixor(10, 5)
print("the value after xoring and assigning : ", end="")

x = operator.ipow(5, 4)
print("the value after exponentiating and assigning : ", end="")

x = operator.ilshift(8, 2)
print("the value after bitwise left shift and assigning : ", end="")

x = operator.irshift(8, 2)
print("the value after bitwise right shift and assigning : ", end="")
Пример #13
 def bitshift_iright_usecase(x, y):
     return operator.irshift(x, y)
Пример #14
#将与自身相除取整的值赋给自身 同 /=
a = 9
b = operator.idiv(a, 4)
print a
print b

#将与自身相除取整的值赋给自身 同 //=
a = 9.04
b = operator.ifloordiv(a, 4)
print a
print b

#将与自身相移位的值赋给自身 同 <<=
a = 3
b = operator.ilshift(3, 2)
print a
print b

#将与自身相移位的值赋给自身 同 >>=
a = 3
b = operator.irshift(3, 2)
print a
print b

#同 +a
operator.delitem(li, slice(1, 4))
print(operator.getitem(li, slice(0, 2)))
s1 = "testing "
s2 = "operator"
print(operator.concat(s1, s2))
if (operator.contains(s1, s2)):
    print("It doesn't")
a = 1
b = 0
print(operator.and_(a, b))
print(operator.or_(a, b))

x = 10
y = 5
print(operator.iadd(x, y))
print(operator.isub(x, y))
print(operator.iconcat(s1, s2))
print(operator.imul(x, y))
print(operator.itruediv(x, y))
print(operator.imod(x, y))
print(operator.ixor(x, y))
print(operator.ipow(x, y))
print(operator.iand(x, y))
print(operator.ior(x, y))
print(operator.ilshift(x, y))
print(operator.irshift(x, y))
Пример #16
x = 10
y = 5
x = operator.ior(x, y)
print("The value after bitwise or, and assigning : ", end="")

x = 5
y = 4
x = operator.iand(x, y)
print("The value after bitwise and, and assigning : ", end="")

''' ilshift() :- This function is used to assign and bitwise 
    leftshift the current value by second argument.'''

import operator

# using ilshift() to bitwise left shift and assign value
x = 8
y = 2
x = operator.ilshift(x, y)
print("The value after bitwise left shift and assigning : ", end="")

x = 8
y = 2
x = operator.irshift(x, y)
print("The value after bitwise right shift and assigning : ", end="")
Пример #17
#将与自身相除取整的值赋给自身 同 /=
a = 9
b = operator.idiv(a,4)
print a
print b

#将与自身相除取整的值赋给自身 同 //=
a = 9.04
b = operator.ifloordiv(a,4)
print a
print b

#将与自身相移位的值赋给自身 同 <<=
a = 3
b = operator.ilshift(3,2)
print a
print b

#将与自身相移位的值赋给自身 同 >>=
a = 3
b = operator.irshift(3,2)
print a
print b

#同 +a
Пример #18
 def __pow__(self, cls_a2other):
     return irshift(cls_a2other)