Пример #1
def find_predictor(user, restaurants, feature_fn):
    """Return a rating predictor (a function from restaurants to ratings),
    for USER by performing least-squares linear regression using FEATURE_FN
    on the items in RESTAURANTS. Also, return the R^2 value of this model.

    user -- A user
    restaurants -- A sequence of restaurants
    feature_fn -- A function that takes a restaurant and returns a number
    reviews_by_user = {review_restaurant_name(review): review_rating(review)
                       for review in user_reviews(user).values()}

    xs = [feature_fn(r) for r in restaurants]
    ys = [reviews_by_user[restaurant_name(r)] for r in restaurants]
    mean_xs = mean(xs)
    mean_ys = mean(ys)

    s_xx = sum([pow(x - mean_xs, 2) for x in xs])
    s_yy = sum([pow(y - mean_ys, 2) for y in ys])
    s_xy = sum([mul(z[0], z[1]) for z in zip([x - mean_xs for x in xs], [y - mean_ys for y in ys])])

    b = s_xy / s_xx
    a = mean_ys - b * mean_xs
    r_squared = pow(s_xy, 2) / mul(s_xx, s_yy)

    def predictor(restaurant):
        return b * feature_fn(restaurant) + a

    return predictor, r_squared
Пример #2
    def generate_message(cj, cij, incoming):
        ''' Generate a normalized message. '''

        # Compute max over xj for the message to xi.
        if cj.names[0] == cij.names[0]:
            edge = lambda xi, xj: (xj, xi)
            xi_nstates = cij.table.shape[1]
            edge = lambda xi, xj: (xi, xj)
            xi_nstates = cij.table.shape[0]

        # Compute the total response for the states of xi.

        incoming_tab = np.array([
            mul(cj((xj,)), reduce(mul, (m(xj) for m in incoming), 1.))
            for xj in range(cj.nstates[0])])

        message = lambda xi: max(mul(cij(edge(xi, xj)), incoming_tab[xj])
                for xj in range(cj.nstates[0]))

        # Combine into a single table over states of xi.

        table = np.fromiter((message((xi,))
                for xi in xrange(xi_nstates)), dtype=float)
        np.divide(table, np.sum(table), table)

        return lambda xi: table[xi]
Пример #3
    def buy_calc_amts(self, sec, amt, allo, val):
        print 'buy... '
        print 'price of ' + sec + 'is ', self.get_price(sec)
        print 'currently have ', self.get_current_amt(sec), ' share of ', sec
        print 'portfolio value is ', self.portfolio_value
        print 'DESIRED ALLOCATION IS ', allo
        price = self.get_price(sec)
        current = self.get_current_amt(sec)
        current_amt = current*price
        shares = 0
        allocation = 0
        #amount = 0
        #value = 0

        if allo > 0.0:
            print 'GOT HERE YOU STUPID BITCH'
            amt_desired = operator.mul(allo,self.portfolio_value)

            # have enough and don't have the stock --> buy all desired
            if amt_desired < float(self.free_cash) and current == 0:
                shares = int(amt_desired/price)

            # have enough and do have the stock --> buy remaining amount to reach desired allocation
            elif current != 0 and (amt_desired - current_amt) < float(self.free_cash):
                shares = int((amt_desired - current_amt)/price)
            # don't have enough and don't have the stock --> use all remaining cash
            elif amt_desired > self.free_cash and current == 0:
                shares = int(self.free_cash/price)

            # don't have enough and have the stock --> use all remaining cash
            elif current != 0 and (amt_desired - current_amt) > float(self.free_cash):
                shares = int(self.free_cash/price)

            #not 100% sure if this  will ever be triggered
                return 0, 0, price

            print "time to buy ", shares
            print "buying them for ", price
            amt_to_purchase = operator.mul(shares,int(price))
            allocation = amt_to_purchase/float(self.portfolio_value)
            print "allocation is ", allocation

        elif amt > 0.0:
            if current == 0 and amt*price < self.free_cash:
                shares = amt
            elif current < amt and (amt - current)*price < self.free_cash:
                shares = amt - current
        # elif val > 0:
        #     if val < self.free_cash and current == 0:
        #         shares = int(val/price)
        #     elif val > self.free_cash and current != 0:
        #         shares = int(self.free_cash/price)
        #     value = shares*price
        return shares, 100*allocation, price
Пример #4
    def train_epoch(self, inputs, targets, optimizer, criterion,
                    epoch_no=0, batch_size=64, max_step=50, max_norm=5, eval_step=10):
        hidden = self.model.init_hidden(batch_size)

        counter = 0
        x_generator = get_batch(inputs, batch_size, max_step)
        y_generator = get_batch(targets, batch_size, max_step)
        for x, y in zip(x_generator, y_generator):
            x = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.array(x, dtype=np.float32))).long()
            y = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32))).long()

            if CUDA_AVAILABLE:
                x = x.cuda()
                y = y.cuda()

            if isinstance(hidden, tuple):
                hidden = tuple([Variable(each.data) for each in hidden])
                hidden = Variable(hidden.data)

            self.model.zero_grad()  # 重置梯度
            output, hidden = self.model.forward(x, hidden)

            # 将 output 的维度进行转换:
            #   [batch_size, step_size, vocab_size] -> [batch_size * step_size, vocab_size]
            # y 是 1D 的就好
            step_size = x.size(1)  # batch 里序列的长度有可能不足 max_step
            cross_entropy_loss = criterion(
                output.view(batch_size * step_size, -1),
                y.view(batch_size * step_size).long()
            focal_loss = FocalLoss(gamma=2)(
                output.view(batch_size * step_size, -1),
                y.view(batch_size * step_size).long()
            ploss = pullaway_loss(output.view(batch_size * step_size, -1))
            loss = cross_entropy_loss + focal_loss + 0.1 * ploss

            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.model.parameters(), max_norm)

            counter += 1
            if (counter % eval_step) == 0:
                print("Epoch: {}; Step: {}; Loss: {:.4f}".format(
                    epoch_no + 1, counter, loss.data[0]

                # 从 x 中随机挑选内容
                pos = np.random.randint(0, mul(*x.size()) - 2)
                length = np.random.randint(1, min(5, mul(*x.size()) - pos - 1))
                start_tokens = x.view(-1)[pos:pos + length].data.numpy()
                start_text = ''.join(self.vectorizer.inverse_transform([start_tokens])[0]).strip()
                if start_text:
                    result = self.generate(start_text, max_len=100)
                    print("[%s]: %r" % (start_text, result))
Пример #5
def twenty_fourteen():
    """Come up with the most creative expression that evaluates to 2014, 
    using only numbers and the functions add(. . .) and mul(. . .).

    >>> twenty_fourteen()
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return add(mul(20, mul(10,10)), add(mul(5,2), 4))
Пример #6
def main():
    most = 0
    best = (0, 0)
    for a, b in product(range(-999, 1000), range(-999, 1000)):
        formula = lambda n: n ** 2 + a * n + b
        num = numPrimes(formula)
        if num > most:
            most = num
            best = (a, b)
    print mul(*best)
def power(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return 1
    elif b == 1:
        return a
    elif b == 2:
        return operator.mul(a, a)
    elif b % 2 == 0:
        return power(power(a, b / 2), 2) 
        return operator.mul(power(a, b - 1), a)
Пример #8
def fast_gpow(x, n, mul, mul_identity):
    """Raise generalized numeric x to integer power n."""
    m = mul_identity
    while n > 0:
        if n & 1:
            m = mul(m, x)
            n -= 1
            x = mul(x, x)
            n >>= 1
    return m
Пример #9
 def test_multiplication_with_autoconvert(self, input_tuple, expected):
     self.ureg.autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit = True
     qin1, qin2 = input_tuple
     q1, q2 = self.Q_(*qin1), self.Q_(*qin2)
     input_tuple = q1, q2
     if expected == 'error':
         self.assertRaises(OffsetUnitCalculusError, op.mul, q1, q2)
         expected = self.Q_(*expected)
         self.assertEqual(op.mul(q1, q2).units, expected.units)
         self.assertQuantityAlmostEqual(op.mul(q1, q2), expected,
Пример #10
def pout(gen, indi) :
    cols("",add(5,mul(4,gen)),d(add(gen,1))+"-- ")
    next = add(1,gen)
    (fam,sp,num,iter) = families(indi)
    while fam :
        cols("",add(5,mul(4,gen))," sp-")
        if lt(next,15) :
            for (no0,child) in children(fam) :
        (fam,sp,num) = families(iter)
Пример #11
def all_values_on_form(form, value):
    Returns all lattice points (not necessarily coprime)
    that produce the desired value on the form

    Given the recurrence for the form, these values
    can serve to determine *all* solutions for
    the given value due to the repeating nature
    of the infinite river
    factor_list = factors(value)
    valid_factors = [factor for factor in factor_list
                     if is_power(value/factor, 2)]

    roots = all_positive_roots(form)
    found = set()
    for root in roots:
        candidates = seek_up_to_val(root, value)
        to_add = [candidate for candidate in candidates
                  if candidate[1] in valid_factors] + \
                 [candidate for candidate in root
                  if candidate[1] in valid_factors]
    found = list(found)

    # We may get some duplicates from since when we include
    # values from the river, we don't check that they come from
    # a different iteration of the river
    x_mult, y_mult, _ = get_recurrence(form)
    checked = found[:]
    for candidate in found:
        coords, val = candidate
        next_x = sum([operator.mul(*pair) for pair in zip(coords, x_mult)])
        next_y = sum([operator.mul(*pair) for pair in zip(coords, y_mult)])
        if ((next_x, next_y), val) in found:
            checked.remove(((next_x, next_y), val))

    # Finally we must scale up factors to account for
    # the reduction by a square multiple
    result = []
    for cell in checked:
        (x, y), val = cell
        if val < value:
            ratio = int(sqrt(value/val))
            x *= ratio
            y *= ratio

    return result
Пример #12
 def test_multiplication_with_scalar(self, input_tuple, expected):
     self.ureg.default_as_delta = False
     in1, in2 = input_tuple
     if type(in1) is tuple:
         in1, in2 = self.Q_(*in1), in2
         in1, in2 = in1, self.Q_(*in2)
     input_tuple = in1, in2  # update input_tuple for better tracebacks
     if expected == 'error':
         self.assertRaises(OffsetUnitCalculusError, op.mul, in1, in2)
         expected = self.Q_(*expected)
         self.assertEqual(op.mul(in1, in2).units, expected.units)
         self.assertQuantityAlmostEqual(op.mul(in1, in2), expected,
Пример #13
def predeal_atom2(range_rule):
    atom_rule = [0] * len(range_rule)
    shadows = list()
    segnum = list()
    base = list()

    for dim in range(SF_DIM_NUM):
        shadows.append(pc.shadow_rules(range_rule, dim))
        segnum.append(range(len(shadows[dim]) >> 1))
    print segnum

    for dim in range(SF_DIM_NUM - 1):
        # reduce(mul, (d[1] - d[0] + 1 for d in self.dims))
        base.append(reduce(mul, (len(segnum[d]) for d in range(dim, SF_DIM_NUM))))

    for atom_index in product(*segnum):
        atom_rect = list()
        atom = 0
        for dim in range(SF_DIM_NUM):
            atom_rect.append([shadows[dim][atom_index[dim] << 1], shadows[dim][(atom_index[dim] << 1) + 1]])
            atom += mul(atom_index[dim], base[dim])
        for i in range(len(range_rule)):
            if rule_le(atom_rect, range_rule[i]):
                atom_rule[i] += atom
        # print atom_index
    return atom_rule
Пример #14
def calculate_paper(dimensions):
    if not dimensions:
        return 0
    dimensions = get_clean_dimensions(dimensions)
    l, w, h = dimensions
    extra = mul(*sorted(dimensions)[:2])
    return (2*l*w) + (2*w*h) + (2*h*l) + extra
Пример #15
    def p_expression_binop(self, p):
        """expression : expression PLUS expression
                      | expression MINUS expression
                      | expression TIMES expression
                      | expression DIVIDE expression
                      | expression MODULUS expression
                      | expression EXPONENT expression"""

        op = p[2]
        left = self._sumDiceRolls(p[1])
        right = self._sumDiceRolls(p[3])

        if op == '+':
            p[0] = operator.add(left, right)
        elif op == '-':
            p[0] = operator.sub(left, right)
        elif op == '*':
            p[0] = operator.mul(left, right)
        elif op == '/':
            p[0] = operator.floordiv(left, right)
        elif op == '%':
            p[0] = operator.mod(left, right)
        elif op == '^':
            if -self._MAX_EXPONENT <= left <= self._MAX_EXPONENT and -self._MAX_EXPONENT <= right <= self._MAX_EXPONENT:
                p[0] = operator.pow(left, right)
                raise InvalidOperandsException(u'operand or exponent is larger than the maximum {}'
Пример #16
def doprob():
	op = choice('+-*/')
	nums = [randint(1,10) for i in range(2)]
	if op != '/':
		ans = ops[op](*nums)
		pr = '%d %s %d =' % (nums[0],op,nums[1])
		ans = div(nums[0],nums[1])
		if div (nums[0] * 10,nums[1]) ==ans * 10:
			pr = '%d %s %d = ' %(nums[0],op,nums[1])
			ans = mul(num[0],nums[1])
			pr = '%d %s %d =' (nums[0], ' *',nums[1])
	opps =0
	while True:
			if int(raw_input(pr)) == ans:
				print 'correct'
			if opps == MAXTRIES:
				print 'answer\n %s%d'%(pr,ans)
				print 'incorrect ...try again'
				opps +=1
		except (KeyboardInterrupt, \
			print 'invalid input...try again'
Пример #17
def exp_sqr(x, n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    if n % 2 == 1:
        return mul(x, exp_sqr(x, n-1))
    a = exp_sqr(x, n/2)
    return pow(a, 2)
Пример #18
def index_view(request):
        if request.POST:
            first_number_input = float(request.POST['first_number_input'])
            second_number_input = float(request.POST['second_number_input'])
            operation = request.POST["operator"]

            if operation == "+ (add)":
                answer = operator.add(first_number_input, second_number_input)
                operation = "+"
            elif operation == "- (subtract)":
                answer = operator.sub(first_number_input, second_number_input)
                operation = "-"
            elif operation == "x (multiply)":
                answer = operator.mul(first_number_input, second_number_input)
                operation = "x"
                    answer = operator.truediv(first_number_input, second_number_input)
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    answer = "Answer is Undefined (You can't divide by zero)"
                operation = "/"
            return render(request, 'index.html', {'answer': answer,
                                                  'operation': operation,
                                                  'first_number': first_number_input,
                                                  'second_number': second_number_input})
            return render(request,'index.html',{})
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        answer = "INVALID ENTRY"
        return render(request, "index.html",{'answer':answer})
Пример #19
def make_anonymous_factorial():
    """Return the value of an expression that computes factorial.

    >>> make_anonymous_factorial()(5)
    return (lambda f: lambda k: f(f, k))(lambda f, k: k if k == 1 else mul(k, f(f, sub(k, 1))))
Пример #20
def panlindrom(lo, hi):
    global maxi
    for p in product(range(lo, hi), repeat=2):
        prod = str(mul(*p))
        if prod == prod[::-1] and int(prod) > maxi:
            maxi = int(prod)
    print maxi
Пример #21
def make_anonymous_factorial():
    """Return the value of an expression that computes factorial.

    >>> make_anonymous_factorial()(5)
    return lambda n: (lambda f, n: f(f, n))(lambda f, n: 1 if n == 1 else mul(n, f(f, sub(n, 1))), n)
Пример #22
def make_anonymous_factorial():
    """Return the value of an expression that computes factorial.

    >>> make_anonymous_factorial()(5)
    return lambda val : (lambda f, v : f(f, v)) (lambda f, v : 1 if v == 0 else mul(v, f(f, sub(v, 1))), val) 
Пример #23
    def evaluate(self):
        result = None
        left = self.left.evaluate()
        right = self.right.evaluate()

        if self.operation == '+':
            result = operator.add(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '-':
            result = operator.sub(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '*':
            result = operator.mul(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '/':
            result = operator.div(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '^':
            result = operator.pow(left, right)
        elif self.operation == 'and':
            result = left and right
        elif self.operation == 'or':
            result = left or right
        elif self.operation == '<':
            result = operator.lt(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '<=':
            result = operator.le(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '==':
            result = operator.eq(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '!=':
            result = operator.ne(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '>':
            result = operator.gt(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '>=':
            result = operator.ge(left, right)
        elif self.operation == 'in':
            result = (left in right)
        return result
Пример #24
    def _call(self, arguments, delta_time, computing_context):
            result = OperatorComputingResult(mul(*arguments), NoneComputingContext())
            result = NoneComputingResult()

        return result
Пример #25
    def train(self, images, statuses):
        numStatuses = len(self.possibleStatuses)
        ds = self.datasetMethod(mul(*self.imageSize), 1, numStatuses)
        [ds.addSample(self._loadToArray(i), e.value) for i, e in izip(images, statuses)]

        #convert to one output per class. Apparently this is a better format?
        # http://pybrain.org/docs/tutorial/fnn.html

        trainer = self.trainMethod(self.net, dataset=ds)

        start = time.clock()
        trainErrors, validationErrors = trainer.trainUntilConvergence(convergence_threshold=4)

        trainTime = time.clock() - start

        iterations = len(trainErrors) + len(validationErrors)
        print "Training took {} iterations".format(iterations)
        if trainErrors:
            print "Errors: {}, {}".format(trainErrors[-1], validationErrors[-1])
            print "Training unsuccesfull. Trainerrors is empty."

        self.trainTime = float(trainTime) / iterations
        self.error = validationErrors[-1]
        return trainErrors, validationErrors
Пример #26
    def _loadToArray(self, imagePath):
        Creates input array. Applies scale factor to each image.
            image = PIL.Image.open(imagePath)
        except IOError as e:
            #print("Trying to open by converting to png")
            png = os.path.splitext(imagePath)[0] + '.png'
            image = PIL.Image.open(png)

        scaleFactor = np.divide(self.imageSize, image.size)
        newSize = tuple(round(x * s) for x, s in zip(image.size, scaleFactor))

        image = image.convert('L')

        # neurolab seems to expect 1d input, so rescale the images in the
        # input array as linear (the network does't know about shape anyway)
        imageArray = np.array(image)
        newSize = mul(*imageArray.shape)
        return imageArray.reshape(newSize)
Пример #27
def make_anonymous_factorial():
    """Return the value of an expression that computes factorial.

    >>> make_anonymous_factorial()(5)
    return lambda x: 1 if x <= 1 else mul(x, make_anonymous_factorial()(sub(x, 1)))
Пример #28
    def parse_dealer(self, img, coords):
        """Parses to see who is the dealer
        Template will be image with button
        Low MSE is true"""
        # load template
        tpl = self.img['dealer']
        tpl_data = np.array(tpl)
        self.logger.debug('loaded dealer template {}'.format(tpl))
        tpl.save(os.path.join(self.DEBUG_PATH, 'dealer_tpl.png'))

        dealers = {}
        for seat, bb in coords['dealers'].items():
            self.logger.debug('parsing seat {} for dealer within {}'.format(seat, bb))

            # crop out box
            box = img.crop(bb[0:4])
            box_data = np.array(box)
            self.logger.debug('dealer box {} from {}'.format(box, bb[:4]))
            box.save(os.path.join(self.DEBUG_PATH, 'dealer_{}.png'.format(seat)))

            # MSE
            mse = np.sum((box_data.astype(np.float) - tpl_data.astype(np.float)) ** 2)
            mse /= mul(*box.size)
            is_dealer = mse <= bb[-1]
            self.logger.info('{}: {} calculated from MSE = {} (threshold {})'.format(
                seat, is_dealer, int(mse), bb[-1]))
            dealers[seat] = is_dealer
        self.logger.info('dealers {}'.format(dealers))
        return dealers
Пример #29
def euler_27(max_a, max_b):
    a = range(-max_a, max_a + 1)
    #n = 0 means that the equation simplifies to b, so b must be prime.
    b = filter(lambda x: lib.is_prime(abs(x)), range(-max_b, max_b + 1))

    vars = filter(a_filter, itertools.product(a, b))
    solution = max((consec_primes_for_eq(*var), var) for var in vars)[1]
    return operator.mul(*solution)
Пример #30
def ch_to_op(c, x, y):

    if c == '+':
        return operator.add(x, y)
    elif c == '-':
        return operator.sub(x, y)
    elif c == 'x':
        return operator.mul(x, y)
Пример #31
def make_anonymous_factorial():
    """Return the value of an expression that computes factorial.

    >>> make_anonymous_factorial()(5)
    >>> from construct_check import check
    >>> # ban any assignments or recursion
    >>> check(HW_SOURCE_FILE, 'make_anonymous_factorial', ['Assign', 'AugAssign', 'FunctionDef', 'Recursion'])
    return (lambda f: lambda n: f(f, n))(lambda f, n: 1 if not n else mul(n, f(f, sub(n, 1)))) #普通递归, 匿名函数的递归
    return (lambda f: lambda n: f(f, n))(lambda f, n, y=1: y if not n else f(f, sub(n, 1), mul(n, y))) #尾递归优化
Пример #32
Файл: d10.py Проект: smehan/AOC
def solve1(input, n=256):
    return mul(*hash_round([int(l)
                            for l in input.split(',')], list(range(n)))[0][:2])
Пример #33
def create_transformer_class(row, transformer_mapping):
    Creates a transformer class from the provided mapping overrides.

    :param row: The row to transform
    :param transformer_mapping: The overrides for the transform functions

    :return: The new transformer class
    transformer_mapping = {
        "lookup": lambda r, name: r[name],
        "add": lambda r, lhs, rhs: add(lhs, rhs),
        "subtract": lambda r, lhs, rhs: sub(lhs, rhs),
        "multiply": lambda r, lhs, rhs: mul(lhs, rhs),
        "divide": lambda r, lhs, rhs: div(lhs, rhs),
        "eq": lambda r, lhs, rhs: lhs == rhs,
        "not_eq": lambda r, lhs, rhs: lhs != rhs,
        "is_in": default_in_transformer,
        "not_in": default_not_in_transformer,
        "gt": lambda r, lhs, rhs: lhs > rhs,
        "gte": lambda r, lhs, rhs: lhs >= rhs,
        "lt": lambda r, lhs, rhs: lhs < rhs,
        "lte": lambda r, lhs, rhs: lhs <= rhs,
        "logical_or": lambda r, lhs, rhs: lhs or rhs,
        "logical_and": lambda r, lhs, rhs: lhs and rhs,
        "logical_not": lambda r, v: not v,
        "any": lambda r, v: AnyWrapper(v),
        "all": lambda r, v: AllWrapper(v),
        "str_join": default_join,
        "str_replace": default_replace,
        "str_match": default_match,
        "str_search": default_search,
        **(transformer_mapping or {}),

    def mapped_function(name, *args, **kwargs):
        return transformer_mapping[name](row, *args, **kwargs)

    class TreeTransformer(BaseTreeTransformer):
        lookup = partial(mapped_function, "lookup")
        add = partial(mapped_function, "add")
        subtract = partial(mapped_function, "subtract")
        multiply = partial(mapped_function, "multiply")
        divide = partial(mapped_function, "divide")
        eq = partial(mapped_function, "eq")
        not_eq = partial(mapped_function, "not_eq")
        is_in = partial(mapped_function, "is_in")
        not_in = partial(mapped_function, "not_in")
        gt = partial(mapped_function, "gt")
        gte = partial(mapped_function, "gte")
        lt = partial(mapped_function, "lt")
        lte = partial(mapped_function, "lte")
        logical_not = partial(mapped_function, "logical_not")
        logical_or = partial(mapped_function, "logical_or")
        logical_and = partial(mapped_function, "logical_and")
        any = partial(mapped_function, "any")
        all = partial(mapped_function, "all")
        str_join = partial(mapped_function, "str_join")
        str_replace = partial(mapped_function, "str_replace")
        str_match = partial(mapped_function, "str_match")
        str_search = partial(mapped_function, "str_search")

    return TreeTransformer
Пример #34
def square(x):
    return mul(x, x)
Пример #35
[2, 0, 'one', 'seven']

# Operators

2000 + 17
2001 + 4**2
4034 // 2
-1 + 0 + 1 * 2**3 * 4 // 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 // 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 * 14 - 1
'Hello ' + 'world!'
[2, 0] + ['one', 'seven']

# Call expressions

from operator import add, mul
add(2000, 17)
mul(1009, 2)
pow(2, 100)

from math import sqrt

from math import sin, pi

# Nested call expressions

add(add(6, mul(4, 6)), mul(3, 5))

# Shakespeare demo
# Note: Download from http://composingprograms.com/shakespeare.txt
Пример #36
 def vector_count(self):
     return mul(map(Range.value_count, self))
Пример #37
def multiply(t):
    return mul(*t)
Пример #38
def mul(*args):
    ans = 1
    for arg in args:
        ans = op.mul(ans, arg)
    return ans
Пример #39
from operator import mul
import random
total = 0
incs = []
mistakes = False
qs = int(input("Number of questions:"))
for num in range(0, qs):
    x = random.randint(6, 8)
    y = random.randint(13, 20)
    print("What is " + str(x) + " x " + str(y) + "?")
    answer = int(input("Your Answer:"))
    if answer == (mul(x, y)):
        total = total + 1
    elif answer == (000):
        print("Wrong, the answer is " + str(x * y))
        mistakes = True
        incs.append("You said " + str(x) + " times " + str(y) + " = " +
                    str(answer) + " but the answer is actually " +
                    str(mul(x, y)))
print("You got " + str(total) + " out of " + str(qs) + " questions correct!")
if mistakes == True:
    print("Here are your mistakes:")
    z = 0
    for num in range(0, len(incs)):
        z += 1
Пример #40
def square(square):
    return mul(square, square)
Пример #41
def solver():
    with open('input.txt', 'r') as f:
        data = f.read().strip()
        print('Part 1:', play_game(data, 100))  # 34952786
        print('Part 2:', mul(*play_game2(data)))  # 505334281774
Пример #42
adict = {'a': 1, 'b': 5, 'c': 1}
dict((i, dict(v)) for i, v in groupby(adict.items(), itemgetter(1)))
# Output: {1: {'a': 1, 'c': 1}, 5: {'b': 5}}

#which is equivalent (but faster) to a lambda function like this:

dict((i, dict(v)) for i, v in groupby(adict.items(), lambda x: x[1]))

#Or sorting a list of tuples by the second element first the first element as secondary
alist_of_tuples = [(5, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2)]
sorted(alist_of_tuples, key=itemgetter(1, 0))

#Section 48.2: Operators as alternative to an infix operator
    "-----Section 48.2: Operators as alternative to an infix operator---------"
print(add(1, 1))
print(mul('a', 10))
print(mul([3], 3))

#Section 48.3: Methodcaller
print("-------Section 48.3: Methodcaller---------")
alist = ['wolf', 'sheep', 'duck']
list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('d'),
            alist))  # Keep only elements that start with 'd'
# Output: ['duck']

# or

list(filter(methodcaller('startswith', 'd'),
            alist))  # Does the same but is faster
Пример #43
 def __mul__(self, other):
     return operator.mul(*self._get_operands(other))
Пример #44
 def imp(consequence_crisp):
     return operator.mul(antecedent_out,
Пример #45
 def multiply(self, a: int, b: int) -> int:
     return mul(a, b)
Пример #46
  def test_reformer2_one_step(self):
    d_model = 1024
    vocab_size = 14041
    max_len = 16384
    pos_axial = (128, 128)  # should multiply to max_len
    pos_d_axial_embs = (512, 512)  # sum to d model

    assert operator.mul(*pos_axial) == max_len
    assert sum(pos_d_axial_embs) == d_model

    d_ff = 4096
    n_heads = 8
    d_attn = d_model // n_heads

    n_buckets = 128
    encoder_chunk_len = (2 * max_len) // n_buckets  # 256
    decoder_chunk_len = 2 * encoder_chunk_len       # 512
    encoder_n_chunks_after = 1                      # since its not causal.

    lsh_self_attention = functools.partial(self._lsh_self_attention_fn(),

    encoder_lsh_self_attention = functools.partial(
        lsh_self_attention, n_chunks_after=encoder_n_chunks_after,

    decoder_lsh_self_attention = functools.partial(
        lsh_self_attention, n_chunks_after=0,

    model = reformer.Reformer2(

    def random_sentence():
      return np.random.randint(low=1, high=vocab_size - 1, size=(1, max_len),

    x = [random_sentence(), random_sentence()]
    weights, state = model.init(shapes.signature(x))

    def mock_training_step(x, weights, state, rng):
      def compute_mock_loss(weights):
        logits_and_dec_toks, new_state = model.pure_fn(x, weights, state, rng)
        # This returns [logits, decoder tokens]
        logits = logits_and_dec_toks[0]
        loss = fastmath.numpy.mean(logits[..., 0])
        return loss, (new_state, logits)
      gradients, (new_state, logits) = fastmath.grad(
          compute_mock_loss, has_aux=True)(weights)
      new_weights = fastmath.nested_map_multiarg(
          lambda w, g: w - 1e-4 * g, weights, gradients)
      return new_weights, new_state, logits

    weights, state, logits = mock_training_step(
        x, weights, state, fastmath.random.get_prng(0))

    self.assertEqual(logits.shape, (1, max_len, vocab_size))
Пример #47
 def __hash__(self):
     return mul(map(hash, [self._min, self._max]))
Пример #48
# ext_srcs = filter(lambda block: block not in text, page)
sample_list = [
    [1, 2],
    3, 4, 5,
    [6, 7, 8],
    [9, 10]

def compose(*funcs):
    return reduce(lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)),  funcs, lambda x: x)

add = curry(add)
mul = curry(mul)
add_and_mul = compose(neg, mul(2), add(2))

def calc(li):
    return reduce(lambda acc, i: acc + add_and_mul(i), li)

def odd(li):
    return filter(lambda i: i % 2 == 1, li)

def i_range(stop):
    i = 0
    while(i < stop):
Пример #49
Файл: 01.py Проект: yishuai/py
# Numeric expressions
2000 + 19
0 + 1 // 2 + 3 + 4 * ((5 // 6) + 7 * 8 * 9)

# Call expressions
max(3, 4.5)
pow(100, 2)
pow(2, 100)
max(1, -2, 3, -4)
max(pow(10, 2), pow(2, 10), 1010)

# Importing and arithmetic with call expressions
from operator import add, mul
add(1, 2)
mul(4, 6)
mul(add(4, mul(4, 6)), add(3, 5))
add(3, mul(9, mul(add(4, mul(4, 6)), add(3, 5))))

### DEMO 2: "Functions, Values, Objects, Interpreters, and Data"

# Objects
# Note: Download from http://composingprograms.com/shakespeare.txt
# downloaded

shakes = open('01/shakespeare.txt')
text = shakes.read().split()
Пример #50
 def test_next_bus(self):
     next = pkg.next_bus(*pkg.load_bus_info('test_input/day13_t1.txt'))
     self.assertEqual(mul(*next), 295)
Пример #51
# Callable : 호출 연산자 -> 메소드 형태로 호출 가능한지 확인
# 호출 가능 확인
print(callable(str), callable(list), callable(var_func), callable(3.14))

from inspect import signature

sg = signature(var_func)



# partial 사용법 : 인수 고정 -> 콜백 함수에 사용
from operator import mul
from functools import partial

print(mul(10, 10))

# 인수 고정
five = partial(mul, 5)

# 고정 추가
six = partial(five, 6)

print([five(i) for i in range(1, 11)])
print(list(map(five, range(1, 11))))
Пример #52
def op(a, b):
    return int64(mul(a, b))
Пример #53
 def init_leftmost_tick(self):
     if self.leftmost_tick is None:
         self.leftmost_tick = op.mul(
             self.tick_frequency, np.ceil(self.x_min / self.tick_frequency)
Пример #54
# Operator: realizando operações em variaveis
import operator

def soma(x):
    return operator.add(x, 2)


# Python code to demonstrate working of
# add(), sub(), mul()
a = 4

b = 3

# using add() to add two numbers
print("The addition of numbers is :", end="")
print(operator.add(a, b))

# using sub() to subtract two numbers
print("The difference of numbers is :", end="")
print(operator.sub(a, b))

# using mul() to multiply two numbers
print("The product of numbers is :", end="")
print(operator.mul(a, b))
Пример #55
def dot(wi, x):
    from functools import reduce
    from operator import mul, add
    return reduce(add, map(lambda i: mul(wi[i], x[i]), x))
Пример #56
    def kinetic_energy_jacobi(self, x,  **kwargs):
        r"""Compute the value of the kinetic enery using the Jacobi Formula.

        .. math::
             \\frac{\Delta (J(R) \Psi(R))}{ J(R) \Psi(R)} = \\frac{\\Delta J(R)}{J(R}
                                                          + 2 \\frac{\\nabla J(R)}{J(R)} \\frac{\\nabla \\Psi(R)}{\\Psi(R)}
                                                          + \\frac{\\Delta \\Psi(R)}{\\Psi(R)}

        The lapacian of the determinental part is computed via

        .. math::
            \\Delta_i \\Psi(R) \\sum_n c_n ( \\frac{\\Delta_i D_n^{u}}{D_n^{u}} +
                                           \\frac{\\Delta_i D_n^{d}}{D_n^{d}} +
                                           2 \\frac{\\nabla_i D_n^{u}}{D_n^{u}} \\frac{\\nabla_i D_n^{d}}{D_n^{d}} )
                                           D_n^{u} D_n^{d}

        Since the backflow orbitals are multi-electronic the laplacian of the determinants
        are obtained

        .. math::
            \\frac{\\Delta det(A)}{det(A)} = Tr(A^{-1} \\Delta A) +
                                             Tr(A^{-1} \\nabla A) Tr(A^{-1} \\nabla A) +
                                             Tr( (A^{-1} \\nabla A) (A^{-1} \\nabla A ))

            x (torch.tensor): sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec)

            torch.tensor: values of the kinetic energy at each sampling points

        # get ao values
        ao, dao, d2ao = self.ao(
            x, derivative=[0, 1, 2], sum_grad=False)

        # get the mo values
        mo = self.ao2mo(ao)
        dmo = self.ao2mo(dao)
        d2mo = self.ao2mo(d2ao)

        # compute the value of the slater det
        slater_dets = self.pool(mo)
        sum_slater_dets = self.fc(slater_dets)

        # compute ( tr(A_u^-1\Delta A_u) + tr(A_d^-1\Delta A_d) )
        hess = self.pool.operator(mo, d2mo)

        # compute (tr(A_u^-1\nabla A_u) and tr(A_d^-1\nabla A_d))
        grad = self.pool.operator(mo, dmo, op=None)

        # compute (tr((A_u^-1\nabla A_u)^2) + tr((A_d^-1\nabla A_d))^2)
        grad2 = self.pool.operator(mo, dmo, op_squared=True)

        # assemble the total second derivative term
        hess = (hess.sum(0)
                + operator.add(*[(g**2).sum(0) for g in grad])
                - grad2.sum(0)
                + 2 * operator.mul(*grad).sum(0))

        hess = self.fc(hess * slater_dets) / sum_slater_dets

        if self.use_jastrow is False:
            return -0.5 * hess

        # compute the Jastrow terms
        jast, djast, d2jast = self.jastrow(x,
                                           derivative=[0, 1, 2],

        # prepare the second derivative term d2Jast/Jast
        # Nbatch x Nelec
        d2jast = d2jast / jast

        # prepare the first derivative term
        djast = djast / jast.unsqueeze(-1)

        # -> Nelec x Ndim x Nbatch
        djast = djast.permute(2, 1, 0)

        # -> [Nelec*Ndim] x Nbatch
        djast = djast.reshape(-1, djast.shape[-1])

        # prepare the grad of the dets
        # [Nelec*Ndim] x Nbatch x 1
        grad_val = self.fc(operator.add(*grad) *
                           slater_dets) / sum_slater_dets

        # [Nelec*Ndim] x Nbatch
        grad_val = grad_val.squeeze()

        # assemble the derivaite terms
        out = d2jast.sum(-1) + 2*(grad_val * djast).sum(0) + \

        return -0.5 * out.unsqueeze(-1)
Пример #57
def pi_term(k):
    return 8 / mul(k * 4 - 3, k * 4 - 1)
Пример #58
import operator as op

a = 5
b = 3

print('add : ',op.add(a,b))
print('sub : ',op.sub(a, b))
print('mul : ',op.mul(a, b))
print('true div : ',op.truediv(a,b))   # a/b
print('floor div : ',op.floordiv(a,b)) # a//b
print('pow : ',op.pow(a,b))  # a**b
print('MOD : ',op.mod(a,b))

#lt () : less than
# using lt() to check if a is less than b
    print (str(a)+" is less than "+str(b))
else :
    print (str(a)+" is not less than "+str(b))

#le () : less than or equal
# using le() to check if a is less than or equal b
    print (str(a)+" is less than or equal to "+str(b))
else :
    print (str(a)+" is not less than or equal to "+str(b))

#eq () : equal
#using eq() to check if a is equal to b
if (op.eq(a,b)):
Пример #59
def square(x):   # x is formal parameter
    return mul(x, x)   # returns x * x using built in func mul
Пример #60
def squared(squared):
    return mul(squared, squared)