Пример #1
class Watchman:
    cbid = None
    retries = 3

    def __init__(self, door_state, voltage_read, voltage_write):
        self.door_state = EpicsSignalRO(door_state)
        self.mesh_voltage = EpicsSignal(voltage_read, write_pv=voltage_write)
        print('Using door pv {}'.format(door_state))

    def start(self):
        """Sets up self.callback to be run when door state changes"""
        # Make sure we don't start 2 processes
        print('Starting door watcher')

    def callback(self, old_value=None, value=None, **kwargs):
        """To be run every time the door state changes"""
        print('Door PV changed from {} to {}'.format(old_value, value))
        if old_value == 1 and value == 0:
            print('Zeroing the mesh voltage because door was opened')
            # Let's retry a few times in case of a network error
            for i in range(self.retries):
                except Exception:

    def stop(self):
        """Shutdown the watcher"""
        if self.cbid is not None:
            print('Stopping door watcher')
            self.cbid = None
Пример #2
        Will become current actual position array, gets filled by EpicsSignalRO
    timestamp : float
        Will become current timestamp for actual position array,
        i.e ``timestamp`` of ``value``
    # Get Current array and associated timestamp
    # Assuming timestamp corresponds to last point in array, is this an OK
    # assumption?
    # Only taking new arrays, check for update
    comparison = value == old_value
    if not comparison.all():
        timestamps.append(timestamp)  # System time may be better, why?

cbid = sig.subscribe(cb)  # callback id
print('Acquiring Data From PV %s ...' % enc_pv)
print('Please wait %s s' % acq_time)
time.sleep(acq_time - (EPICS_SAMPLE_TIME / 2))  # wait time found by experiment
# cb seems to always finish its cycle before exiting, waiting exact acq_time
# seems to always give an extra array
# sig.unsubscribe not working in script, causes seg fault
sig.destroy()  # This has desired behavior
print('Data Acquired, generated file %s' % outfile_name)

# Inspecting with datetime.fromtimestamp(current_timestamp), this appears
# to be correct
# Should have list [arr_1, arr_2, ... , arr_(acq_time/EPICS_SAMPLE_TIME)]
# Need to covert to arrays of tvals that match up with enc_vals
for i in range(len(enc_vals)):
    curr_time_array = np.zeros(enc_vals[i].size)