def test_parametric_sim_twoproc(): "Test the example input script with two proc in `docs/source/example_input`" temporary_dir = './tests/tmp_test_dir' # Create a temporary directory for the simulation # and copy the example script into this directory if os.path.exists( temporary_dir ): shutil.rmtree( temporary_dir ) os.mkdir( temporary_dir ) shutil.copy( './docs/source/example_input/', temporary_dir ) # Enter the temporary directory os.chdir( temporary_dir ) # Read the script and check that the targeted lines are present with open('') as f: script = # Check that the targeted lines are present if script.find('save_checkpoints = False') == -1 \ or script.find('use_restart = False') == -1: raise RuntimeError( 'Did not find expected lines in') # Modify the script so as to enable checkpoints script = script.replace('save_checkpoints = False', 'save_checkpoints = True') with open('', 'w') as f: f.write(script) # Launch the modified script from the OS, with 2 proc response = os.system( 'mpirun -np 2 python' ) assert response==0 # Modify the script so as to enable restarts script = script.replace('use_restart = False', 'use_restart = True') script = script.replace('save_checkpoints = True', 'save_checkpoints = False') with open('', 'w') as f: f.write(script) # Launch the modified script from the OS, with 2 proc response = os.system( 'mpirun -np 2 python' ) assert response==0 # Check that the simulation produced two output directories # and that these directories correspond to different values of # a0 (this is done by checking the a0 of the laser, with openPMD-viewer) for a0 in [ 2.0, 4.0 ]: # Open the diagnotics diag_folder = 'diags_a0_%.1f/hdf5' %a0 ts = LpaDiagnostics( diag_folder ) # Check that the value of a0 in the diagnostics is the # expected one. a0_in_diag = ts.get_a0( iteration=80, pol='x' ) assert abs( (a0 - a0_in_diag)/a0 ) < 1.e-2 # Exit the temporary directory and suppress it os.chdir('../../') shutil.rmtree( temporary_dir )
def test_parametric_sim_twoproc(): "Test the example input script with two proc in `docs/source/example_input`" temporary_dir = './tests/tmp_test_dir' # Create a temporary directory for the simulation # and copy the example script into this directory if os.path.exists(temporary_dir): shutil.rmtree(temporary_dir) os.mkdir(temporary_dir) shutil.copy('./docs/source/example_input/', temporary_dir) # Shortcut for the script file, which is repeatedly changed script_filename = os.path.join(temporary_dir, '') # Read the script with open(script_filename) as f: script = # Modify the script so as to enable checkpoints script = replace_string(script, 'save_checkpoints = False', 'save_checkpoints = True') with open(script_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(script) # Launch the modified script from the OS, with 2 proc response = os.system('cd %s; mpirun -np 2 python' % temporary_dir) assert response == 0 # Modify the script so as to enable restarts script = replace_string(script, 'use_restart = False', 'use_restart = True') script = replace_string(script, 'save_checkpoints = True', 'save_checkpoints = False') with open(script_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(script) # Launch the modified script from the OS, with 2 proc response = os.system('cd %s; mpirun -np 2 python' % temporary_dir) assert response == 0 # Check that the simulation produced two output directories # and that these directories correspond to different values of # a0 (this is done by checking the a0 of the laser, with openPMD-viewer) for a0 in [2.0, 4.0]: # Open the diagnotics diag_folder = os.path.join(temporary_dir, 'diags_a0_%.2f/hdf5' % a0) ts = LpaDiagnostics(diag_folder) # Check that the value of a0 in the diagnostics is the # expected one. a0_in_diag = ts.get_a0(iteration=80, pol='x') assert abs((a0 - a0_in_diag) / a0) < 1.e-2 # Suppress the temporary directory shutil.rmtree(temporary_dir)
tdeb = MPI.Wtime() em.step(N_step) tend = MPI.Wtime() if (me == 0): print("Final runtime (s): " + str(tend - tdeb)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Diagnostics # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print("=== Test waist, ctau and a0 ===") # Load the diags OpenPMD ts = LpaDiagnostics('./diags/hdf5/') # Values of waist, ctau and a0 set in the script laser_waist_simu = ts.get_laser_waist(iteration=ts.iterations[0], pol='x') ctau_simu = ts.get_ctau(iteration=ts.iterations[0], pol='x') a0_simu = ts.get_a0(iteration=ts.iterations[0], pol='x') # Compare the values and crash the code if not equal assert np.isclose(laser_waist, laser_waist_simu, 5.e-2), "waist error. " print("waist checked. ") assert np.isclose(ctau, ctau_simu, 5.e-2), "ctau error. " print("ctau checked. ") assert np.isclose(a0, a0_simu, 5.e-2), "a0 error. " print("a0 checked. ")
import os.path import numpy as np from os.path import basename import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from opmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries from opmd_viewer.addons import LpaDiagnostics from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter from scipy import fftpack from scipy.signal import savgol_filter from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d from matplotlib import animation from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm ts_laser = LpaDiagnostics('./diags/hdf5/', check_all_files=False) ts_particles = OpenPMDTimeSeries('./diags/hdf5/', check_all_files=False) fields = {'cmap': 'coolwarm'} particles = {'cmap': 'jet'} SimulationName = 'TrailingPulse_PulseTrain' #Make directories for plots Path = 'Plots_' + SimulationName if not os.path.exists(Path): os.makedirs(Path) if not os.path.exists(Path + '/EzLineout'): os.makedirs(Path + '/EzLineout') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/ExLineout'): os.makedirs(Path + '/ExLineout')
import os import math import os.path import numpy as np from os.path import basename import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from opmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries from opmd_viewer.addons import LpaDiagnostics from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter ts_laser = LpaDiagnostics('./diags/hdf5/', check_all_files=False) ts_particles = OpenPMDTimeSeries('./diags/hdf5/', check_all_files=False) fields = {'cmap': 'coolwarm'} particles = {'cmap': 'jet'} SimulationName = 'BeamLoading_PulseTrain' #Make directories for plots Path = 'Plots_' + SimulationName if not os.path.exists(Path): os.makedirs(Path) if not os.path.exists(Path + '/EzLineout'): os.makedirs(Path + '/EzLineout') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/LaserEnvelope'): os.makedirs(Path + '/LaserEnvelope') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/LaserEnvelope/Lineout'): os.makedirs(Path + '/LaserEnvelope/Lineout') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/rho'): os.makedirs(Path + '/rho') if not os.path.exists('TextFiles'):
import os import math import os.path import numpy as np from os.path import basename import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from opmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries from opmd_viewer.addons import LpaDiagnostics from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter ts_laser = LpaDiagnostics('./diags/hdf5/', check_all_files=False) ts_particles = OpenPMDTimeSeries('./diags/hdf5/', check_all_files=False) fields = {'cmap': 'coolwarm'} particles = {'cmap': 'jet'} SimulationName = 'PulseTrainSimulation' #Make directories for plots Path = 'Plots' + SimulationName if not os.path.exists(Path): os.makedirs(Path) if not os.path.exists(Path + '/EzLineout'): os.makedirs(Path + '/EzLineout') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/LaserEnvelope'): os.makedirs(Path + '/LaserEnvelope') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/LaserEnvelope/Lineout'): os.makedirs(Path + '/LaserEnvelope/Lineout') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/rho'): os.makedirs(Path + '/rho')
def __init__(self, filename, species, slice_size, filterselection): self.filename = filename self.species = species self.slice_size = slice_size self.ts_2d = LpaDiagnostics(filename + 'h5/')
import os import math import os.path import numpy as np from os.path import basename import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from opmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries from opmd_viewer.addons import LpaDiagnostics from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter from scipy import fftpack from scipy.signal import savgol_filter ts_laser = LpaDiagnostics('./diags/hdf5/', check_all_files=False) ts_particles = OpenPMDTimeSeries('./diags/hdf5/', check_all_files=False) fields = {'cmap': 'coolwarm'} particles = {'cmap': 'jet'} SimulationName = 'TrailingPulse_PulseTrain' #Make directories for plots Path = 'Plots_' + SimulationName if not os.path.exists(Path): os.makedirs(Path) if not os.path.exists(Path + '/EzLineout'): os.makedirs(Path + '/EzLineout') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/ExLineout'): os.makedirs(Path + '/ExLineout') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/ExLineoutTrailingPulse'): os.makedirs(Path + '/ExLineoutTrailingPulse') if not os.path.exists(Path + '/LaserEnvelope'):
#tslider=widgets.HBox([timestep,out]) display(tslider) filterCheckbox = Darstellungen.createCheckbox(filterselection, '<b>Filter:</b>') display(button1) # In[6]: filename = "/media/bigdata_runs/initial/simOutput/" #filename="/bigdata/hplsim/external/bercea20/runs/initial/simOutput/" species = 'e' #slice_size = 1024**2 slice_size = 1024 ts_2d = LpaDiagnostics(filename + 'h5/') class timestep: __slots__ = 'value' timestep = timestep() timestep.value = 5000 #FilterDictValues FDV = { 'gamma': (0, 250), # coords in meters 'x': [-5 * 1e-6, 5 * 1e-6], 'y': [-5 * 1e-6, 5 * 1e-6],