Пример #1
    def _build(self, img, sentinel=None, coords=None, logits=None):
        """Assume that `transform_param` has the shape of (..., n_params) where n_params = n_scales + n_shifts
            scale = transform_params[..., :n_scales]
            shift = transform_params[..., n_scales:n_scales+n_shifts]

        if sentinel is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Either coords or logits must be given by kwargs!')

        if coords is not None and logits is not None:
            raise ValueError('Please give eithe coords or logits, not both!')

        if coords is None and logits is None:
            raise ValueError('Please give coords or logits!')

        if coords is None:
            coords = self.to_coords(logits)

        axis = coords.shape.ndims - 1
        sx, sy, tx, ty = tf.split(coords, 4, axis=axis)
        sx, sy = (clip_preserve(s, 1e-4, s) for s in (sx, sy))

        transform_params = tf.concat([sx, tx, sy, ty], -1)

        if len(img.get_shape()) == 3:
            img = img[..., tf.newaxis]

        if len(transform_params.get_shape()) == 2:
            return self._sample_image(img, transform_params)
            transform_params = tf.unstack(transform_params, axis=1)
            samples = [self._sample_image(img, tp) for tp in transform_params]
            return tf.stack(samples, axis=1)
Пример #2
    def _build(self, img, sentinel=None, coords=None, logits=None):
        """Applies the transformation.

        Either coords or logits must be given, but not both. They have to be passed as kwarg. Assume that
        they have the shape of (..., n_params) where n_params = n_scales + n_shifts
            scale = transform_params[..., :n_scales]
            shift = transform_params[..., n_scales:n_scales+n_shifts]

        :param img: Tensor of images of shape `[B, H, W, C]`.
        :param sentinel: Unused; it is to guard `coords` or `logits` from being passed as positional arguments.
        :param coords: Tensor of coordinates in Spatial Transformer space.
        :param logits: Tensor of logits; they are converted to ST space.
        :return: Tensor of transformed images.

        if sentinel is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Either coords or logits must be given by kwargs!')

        if coords is not None and logits is not None:
            raise ValueError('Please give eithe coords or logits, not both!')

        if coords is None and logits is None:
            raise ValueError('Please give coords or logits!')

        if coords is None:
            coords = self.to_coords(logits)

        axis = coords.shape.ndims - 1
        sx, sy, tx, ty = tf.split(coords, 4, axis=axis)
        sx, sy = (ops.clip_preserve(s, 1e-4, s) for s in (sx, sy))

        transform_params = tf.concat([sx, tx, sy, ty], -1)

        if len(img.get_shape()) == 3:
            img = img[..., tf.newaxis]

        if len(transform_params.get_shape()) == 2:
            return self._sample_image(img, transform_params)
            transform_params = tf.unstack(transform_params, axis=1)
            samples = [self._sample_image(img, tp) for tp in transform_params]
            return tf.stack(samples, axis=1)
Пример #3
def tabular_kl(p, q, zero_prob_value=0., logarg_clip=None):
    """Computes KL-divergence KL(p||q) for two probability mass functions (pmf) given in a tabular form.

    :param p: iterable
    :param q: iterable
    :param zero_prob_value: float; values below this threshold are treated as zero
    :param logarg_clip: float or None, clips the argument to the log to lie in [-logarg_clip, logarg_clip] if not None
    :return: iterable of brodcasted shape of (p * q), per-coordinate value of KL(p||q)
    p, q = (tf.cast(i, tf.float64) for i in (p, q))
    non_zero = tf.greater(p, zero_prob_value)
    logarg = p / q

    if logarg_clip is not None:
        logarg = clip_preserve(logarg, 1. / logarg_clip, logarg_clip)

    log = masked_apply(logarg, tf.log, non_zero)
    kl = p * log

    return tf.cast(kl, tf.float32)
Пример #4
    def log_prob(self, samples):
        prob = self.prob(samples)

        prob = clip_preserve(prob, 1e-16, 1.)
        return tf.log(prob)