Пример #1
class Experiment_struct:

    def __init__(self, nn, sample_size=5, budget=20, positive_num=2, r_p=0.99, uncertain_bit=3, add_num=20000):
        self.nn = nn
        self.spl = Sampler_struct(nn)
        self.opt = Optimizer(self.spl.get_dim(), self.spl.get_parametets_subscript())
        # sample_size = 5  # the instance number of sampling in an iteration
        # budget = 20  # budget in online style
        # positive_num = 2  # the set size of PosPop
        # r_p = 0.99  # the probability of sample in model
        # uncertain_bit = 3  # the dimension size that is sampled randomly
        # set hyper-parameter for optimization, budget is useless for single step optimization
        self.opt.set_parameters(ss=sample_size, bud=budget, pn=positive_num, rp=r_p, ub=uncertain_bit)
        # clear optimization model
        self.budget = budget
        pros = self.opt.sample()
        self.eva = Evaluater()
        self.opt_p_log = []

        for i in range(self.budget):
            spl_list = self.spl.sample()
            # score = np.random.random()
            # time_tmp = time.time()
            # score = self.eva.evaluate(self.nn, i, time_tmp)
            score = self.eva.evaluate(self.nn)
            # Updating optimization based on the obtained scores
            # Upadting pros in spl
            self.opt.update_model(pros, -score)
            pros = self.opt.sample()

        self.res_fea = self.opt.get_optimal().get_features()
        self.res_fit = self.opt.get_optimal().get_fitness()
        print('features', self.res_fea)  # pros
        print('fitness', self.res_fit)  # scores
Пример #2
class NetworkUnit:
    pre_block = []

    def __init__(self, graph_part=[[]], cell_list=[]):
        self.graph_part = graph_part
        self.graph_full_list = [
        ]  # to store the structure ever used including skipping layers
        self.cell_list = cell_list
        self.score_list = []
        self.spl = None
        self.opt = None
        self.table = []

    def init_sample(self, pattern="Global", block_num=0):
        from optimizer import Optimizer
        if pattern == "Block":
            from sampler_block import Sampler
            self.spl = Sampler(self.graph_part, len(self.graph_part),
            from sampler_global import Sampler
            self.spl = Sampler(self.graph_part, len(self.graph_part))
        self.opt = Optimizer(self.spl.get_dim(),
        self.table = []  # to store the encoding derived from opt for sampling
        sample_size = 3  # the instance number of sampling in an iteration
        budget = 20000  # budget in online style
        positive_num = 2  # the set size of PosPop
        rand_probability = 0.99  # the probability of sample in model
        uncertain_bit = 3  # the dimension size that is sampled randomly
        # set hyper-parameter for optimization, budget is useless for single step optimization
        # clear optimization model
Пример #3
class Sampler:

    def __init__(self, graph_part, block_id):
            Generate adjacency of network topology.
            Sampling network operation based on sampled value(table).
            The sampling value is updated by the optimization module
            based on the output given by the evaluation module.
                graph_part: a Network Topology(Adjacency table).
                block_id: The stage of neural network search.
                Other important operation information and parameters of optimization module
                are given by folder 'parameters'.
        self._p_table = []  # initializing the table value in Sampler.
        self._graph_part = graph_part
        self._node_number = len(self._graph_part)
        self._pattern = NAS_CONFIG['nas_main']['pattern']  #  Parameter setting based on search method
        self._crosslayer_dis = NAS_CONFIG['spl']['skip_max_dist'] + 1  # dis control
        self._cross_node_number = NAS_CONFIG['spl']['skip_max_num']
        self._graph_part_invisible_node = self._graph_part_add_invisible_node()
        self._tmp_flag = 0
        self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag = [0 for i in range(len(self._graph_part_invisible_node))]
        # print(self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag)
        self._crosslayer = self._get_crosslayer()
        # Read parameter table to get operation dictionary in stage(block_id)
        self._setting = self._init_setting(block_id)
        self._dic_index = self._init_dict()  # check
        # Set parameters of optimization module based on the above results
        self.__region, self.__type = self._opt_parameters()
        self.__dim = Dimension()
        self.__dim.set_dimension_size(len(self.__region))    # 10%
        self.__dim.set_regions(self.__region, self.__type)
        self.__parameters_subscript = []
        self.opt = Optimizer(self.__dim, self.__parameters_subscript)
        opt_para = copy.deepcopy(NAS_CONFIG["opt"])
        __sample_size = opt_para["sample_size"]  # the instance number of sampling in an iteration
        __budget = opt_para["budget"]  # budget in online style
        __positive_num = opt_para["positive_num"]  # the set size of PosPop
        __rand_probability = opt_para["rand_probability"]  # the probability of sample in model
        __uncertain_bit = opt_para["uncertain_bit"]  # the dimension size that is sampled randomly
        self.opt.set_parameters(ss=__sample_size, bud=__budget,
                                pn=__positive_num, rp=__rand_probability, ub=__uncertain_bit)
        self.opt.clear()  # clear optimization model

    def sample(self):
        Get table based on the optimization module sampling,
        update table in Sampler,
        and sample the operation configuration.
        No Args.
            1. cell (1d Cell list)
            2. graph_full (2d int list, as NetworkItem.graph_full)
            3. table (1d int list, depending on dimension)
        table = self.opt.sample()
        cell, graph = self.convert(table)
        return cell, graph, table

    def update_opt_model(self, table, score):
        Optimization of sampling space based on Evaluation and optimization method.
            1. table (1d int list, depending on dimension)
            2. score(float, 0 ~ 1.0)
        No returns.
        self.opt.update_model(table, score)  # here "-" represent that we minimize the loss

    def _init_setting(self, block_id):
        _setting_tmp = collections.OrderedDict()
        _setting_tmp = copy.deepcopy(NAS_CONFIG['spl']['space'])

        if NAS_CONFIG['spl']['pool_switch'] == 0 and 'pooling' in _setting_tmp:
            del _setting_tmp['pooling']

        for key in _setting_tmp:
            for op in _setting_tmp[key]:
                if type(_setting_tmp[key][op][0]) is list:
                    _setting_tmp[key][op] = _setting_tmp[key][op][block_id]

        return _setting_tmp

    def _graph_part_add_invisible_node(self):
        graph_part_tmp = []
        for i in self._graph_part:
            if not i:
        return graph_part_tmp

    def _find_main_chain(self, graph):
        q = Queue()
        q.put([0, 0])
        ma = 0
        while q.empty() is False:
            f = q.get()
            ma = max(f[1], ma)
            for i in self._graph_part_invisible_node[f[0]]:
                q.put([i, f[1]+1])

        self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[0] = 1
        self._dfs(0, 0, ma)


    def _dfs(self, node_id, cnt, ma):
        if cnt == ma:
            self._tmp_flag = 1
        if self._tmp_flag == 1:
        for i in self._graph_part_invisible_node[node_id]:
            if self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[i] == 0 and self._tmp_flag == 0:
                self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[i] = 1
                self._dfs(i, cnt+1, ma)
                if self._tmp_flag == 0:
                    self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[i] = 0

    def _get_crosslayer(self):
        utilizing breadth-first search to set the possible cross layer
        connection for each node of the network topology.
        cl = []
        for i in range(self._node_number):
            if self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[i] == 1:
        return cl

    def _bfs(self, node_id):
        res_list = []
        q = Queue()
        q.put([node_id, 0])
        v = []
        for i in range(self._node_number + 1):
        v[node_id] = 1

        while q.empty() is False:
            f = q.get()
            if f[1] >= 2:
                if f[1] <= self._crosslayer_dis:
            # for j in self._graph_part[f[0]]:
            for j in self._graph_part_invisible_node[f[0]]:
                if self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[j] == 1:
                    if v[j] == 0:
                        q.put([j, f[1] + 1])
                        v[j] = 1

        return res_list
    def _region_cross_type(self, __region_tmp, __type_tmp, i):
        region_tmp = copy.copy(__region_tmp)
        type_tmp = copy.copy(__type_tmp)

        for j in range(self._cross_node_number):
            if self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[i] == 1:
                region_tmp.append([0, len(self._crosslayer[i])])

        return region_tmp, type_tmp

    def _opt_parameters(self):
        """Get the parameters of optimization module based on parameter document."""
        __type_tmp = []
        __region_tmp = []
        for i in range(len(self._dic_index)):
            __region_tmp.append([0, 0])
        # __region_tmp = [[0, 0] for _ in range(len(self._dic_index))]
        for key in self._dic_index:
            tmp = int(self._dic_index[key][1] - self._dic_index[key][0])
            __region_tmp[self._dic_index[key][-1]] = [0, tmp]

        __region = []
        __type = []
        for i in range(self._node_number):
            __region_cross, __type_cross = \
                self._region_cross_type(__region_tmp, __type_tmp, i)

            __region = __region + __region_cross

        return __region, __type

    def convert(self, table_tmp):
        """Search corresponding operation configuration based on table."""
        self._p_table = copy.deepcopy(table_tmp)
        res = []
        l = 0
        r = 0
        graph_part_sample = copy.deepcopy(self._graph_part)
        for num in range(self._node_number):
            l = r
            r = l + len(self._dic_index)
            if self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[num] == 1:
                r = r + self._cross_node_number

            p_node = self._p_table[l:r]  # Take the search space of a node
            # print(p_node)
            node_cross_tmp = list(set(copy.deepcopy(p_node[len(self._dic_index):])))
            for i in node_cross_tmp:
                if i != 0:
                    graph_part_sample[num].append(self._crosslayer[num][i - 1])
            if not graph_part_sample[num]:

            for cnt, key_type in enumerate(self._setting):
                if p_node[self._dic_index['type'][-1]] == cnt:
                    tmp = (key_type,)

                    item_list = Cell.get_format(key_type)

                    for key_item in item_list:
                        tmp = tmp + (self._setting[key_type][key_item]
                                     [p_node[self._dic_index[key_type + ' ' + key_item][-1]]],)
            # print(tmp)
            tmp = Cell(tmp)

        return res, graph_part_sample

    def _init_dict(self):
        """Operation space dictionary based on parameter file."""

        dic = {}
        dic['type'] = (0, len(self._setting)-1, 0)
        cnt = 1
        num = 1
        for key in self._setting:

            for k in self._setting[key]:
                tmp = len(self._setting[key][k]) - 1
                dic[key + ' ' + k] = (cnt, cnt + tmp, num)
                num += 1
                cnt += tmp

        return dic

    # log
    def _get_cell_log(self, POOL, PATH, date):
        for i, j in enumerate(POOL):
            s = 'nn_param_' + str(i) + '_' + str(date)
            fp = open(PATH + s, "wb")
            # print(s)
            pickle.dump(j.cell_list, fp)

    def ops2table(self, ops, table_tmp):
        set the table under the output in predictor
        the output in predictor looks like:
        [['64', '7'], ['pooling'], ['64', '3'], ['256', '3'], ['1024', '1'],
        ['1024', '1'], ['1024', '3'], ['1024', '3'], ['1024', '3'], ['512', '1'],
        ['128', '5'], ['64', '3'], ['1024', '1'], ['1024', '1'], ['256', '3']]
        self._p_table = copy.deepcopy(table_tmp)
        table = []
        l = 0
        r = 0
        conv_cnt = 0
        pooling_cnt = 1
        for i, j in enumerate(self._setting):
            if j == 'conv':
                conv_cnt = i
            if j == 'pooling':
                pooling_cnt = i
        for num in range(self._node_number):  # Take the search space of a node
            l = r
            r = l + len(self._dic_index)
            if self._graph_part_invisible_node_flag[num] == 1:
                r = r + self._cross_node_number
            p_node = self._p_table[l:r]  # Sample value of the current node

            if len(ops[num]) != 1:
                p_node = self._p_table[l:r]  # Sample value of the current node
                p_node[self._dic_index['type'][-1]] = conv_cnt
                for j, i in enumerate(self._setting['conv']['filter_size']):
                    if str(i) == ops[num][0]:
                        p_node[self._dic_index['conv filter_size'][-1]] = j
                for j, i in enumerate(self._setting['conv']['kernel_size']):
                    if str(i) == ops[num][1]:
                        p_node[self._dic_index['conv kernel_size'][-1]] = j
                for j, i in enumerate(self._setting['conv']['activation']):
                    if i == 'relu':
                        p_node[self._dic_index['conv activation'][-1]] = j
                table = table + p_node
                if self._pattern == "Global":
                    p_node[self._dic_index['type'][-1]] = pooling_cnt
                table = table + p_node
        return table
Пример #4
        spl = Sampler(graph_part, 50)

        dic_index = spl.dic_index
        cl = spl.crosslayer

        opt = Optimizer(spl.get_dim(), spl.get_parametets_subscript())
        sample_size = 5  # the instance number of sampling in an iteration
        budget = 20000  # budget in online style
        positive_num = 2  # the set size of PosPop
        rand_probability = 0.99  # the probability of sample in model
        uncertain_bit = 10  # the dimension size that is sampled randomly
        opt.set_parameters(ss=sample_size, bud=budget, pn=positive_num, rp=rand_probability, ub=uncertain_bit)

        table = opt.sample()

        __cell, graph_part_sample = spl.sample()

        # graph_part加入跨层连接的结构

        # init 为初始化的返回,调用init_p 基于操作配置初始化进行更新
        table = spl.init_p(init)

        __cell, graph_part_sample = spl.sample()