Пример #1
elif opt.dataset_mode == 'CelebA':
    opt.dataroot = './data/celeba/CelebA_test'
    opt.load_size = 80
    opt.crop_size = 64
    opt.size = 64
    dataset = create_dataset(
        opt)  # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options
    dataset_size = len(dataset)
    print('#training images = %d' % dataset_size)
    raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

# Set up the training procedure
opt.C_channel = 12
opt.SNR = 20

opt.is_feedback = False
opt.feedforward = 'EXPLICIT-RES'

opt.N_pilot = 2  # Number of pilots for chanenl estimation
opt.CE = 'MMSE'  # Channel Estimation Method
opt.EQ = 'MMSE'  # Equalization Method
opt.pilot = 'ZadoffChu'  # QPSK or ZadoffChu

opt.is_clip = False
opt.CR = 0 if not opt.is_clip else 1
opt.is_regu_PAPR = False
opt.is_regu_sigma = False

Пример #2
    opt.dataroot = './data/celeba/CelebA_test'
    opt.load_size = 80
    opt.crop_size = 64
    opt.size = 64
    dataset = create_dataset(
        opt)  # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options
    dataset_size = len(dataset)
    print('#training images = %d' % dataset_size)
    raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

opt.iter_temp = 5000
# Set up the training procedure
opt.C_channel = 12
opt.SNR = 0

opt.is_feedback = False
opt.feedforward = 'EXPLICIT-CE-EQ'

opt.N_pilot = 2  # Number of pilots for chanenl estimation
opt.CE = 'MMSE'  # Channel Estimation Method
opt.EQ = 'MMSE'  # Equalization Method
opt.pilot = 'ZadoffChu'  # QPSK or ZadoffChu

opt.is_clip = False
opt.CR = 0 if not opt.is_clip else 1
opt.is_regu_PAPR = False
opt.lam_PAPR = 0.3
Пример #3
    print('#training images = %d' % dataset_size)
    raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

# Choose the channel 
opt.channel = 'bsc'          # Available channels: 'awgn', 'ofdm', 'bsc'

if opt.channel == 'bsc':
    opt.ber = 0.05             # Set the bit flip rate for bsc channel
    opt.enc_type = 'prob'
    opt.sample_type = 'gumbel_softmax_hard'
    opt.temp = 0.5
    channel_name = '_BER'+str(opt.ber)+'_'+opt.enc_type+'_'+opt.sample_type
elif opt.channel == 'awgn':
    opt.SNR = 5               # Set the SNR for awgn channel
    channel_name = '_SNR'+str(opt.SNR)
elif opt.channel == 'ofdm':
    raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

# Display setting
opt.checkpoints_dir = './Checkpoints/'+ opt.dataset_mode + '_' + opt.channel
opt.name = opt.gan_mode + '_C' + str(opt.C_channel) + channel_name

output_path = './Images/' +  opt.dataset_mode + '_' + opt.channel + '/' + opt.name

# Choose the neural network model
Пример #4
        opt.load_size = 80
        opt.crop_size = 64
        opt.size = 64
        opt.serial_batches = True
        dataset = create_dataset(
            opt)  # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options
        dataset_size = len(dataset)
        print('#training images = %d' % dataset_size)
        raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

    opt.iter_temp = 5000
    # Set up the training procedure
    opt.C_channel = 12
    opt.SNR = 15

    opt.is_feedback = False
    opt.feedforward = forward_list[se]

    opt.N_pilot = 1  # Number of pilots for chanenl estimation
    opt.CE = 'MMSE'  # Channel Estimation Method
    opt.EQ = 'MMSE'  # Equalization Method
    opt.pilot = 'ZadoffChu'  # QPSK or ZadoffChu

    opt.lam_h = 0.5
    opt.is_hloss = True

    opt.is_clip = False
    opt.CR = 0 if not opt.is_clip else 1.2
    opt.is_regu_PAPR = False
Пример #5
        opt.dataroot = './data/celeba/CelebA_test'
        opt.load_size = 80
        opt.crop_size = 64
        opt.size = 64
        dataset = create_dataset(
            opt)  # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options
        dataset_size = len(dataset)
        print('#training images = %d' % dataset_size)
        raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

    opt.iter_temp = 5000
    # Set up the training procedure
    opt.C_channel = 12
    opt.SNR = 5

    opt.is_feedback = False
    opt.feedforward = forward_list[se]

    opt.N_pilot = 1  # Number of pilots for chanenl estimation
    opt.CE = 'MMSE'  # Channel Estimation Method
    opt.EQ = 'MMSE'  # Equalization Method
    opt.pilot = 'ZadoffChu'  # QPSK or ZadoffChu

    opt.lam_h = 0.5
    opt.is_hloss = True

    opt.is_clip = False
    opt.CR = 0 if not opt.is_clip else 1.2
    opt.is_regu_PAPR = False
Пример #6
elif opt.dataset_mode == 'CelebA':
    opt.dataroot = './data/celeba/CelebA_test'
    opt.load_size = 80
    opt.crop_size = 64
    opt.size = 64
    dataset = create_dataset(
        opt)  # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options
    dataset_size = len(dataset)
    print('#training images = %d' % dataset_size)
    raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

opt.L = 8
opt.decay = 4
opt.SNR = 10

# Display setting
opt.checkpoints_dir = './Checkpoints/' + opt.dataset_mode + '_PLAIN'
opt.name = opt.gan_mode + '_C' + str(opt.C_channel) + '_SNR_' + str(opt.SNR)

output_path = './Images/' + opt.dataset_mode + '/' + opt.name

# Choose the neural network model
opt.model = 'PLAIN'

opt.num_test = 10000
opt.how_many_channel = 5
opt.N = opt.how_many_channel
model = create_model(opt)  # create a model given opt.model and other options
model.setup(opt)  # regular setup: load and print networks; create schedulers